127 research outputs found

    Signal Detection Theory Applied to Helicopter Transmission Diagnostic Thresholds

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    Helicopter Health Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) have potential for providing data to support increasing the service life of a dynamic mechanical component in the transmission of a helicopter. Data collected can demonstrate the HUMS condition indicator responds to a specific component fault with appropriate alert limits and minimal false alarms. Defining thresholds for specific faults requires a tradeoff between the sensitivity of the condition indicator (CI) limit to indicate damage and the number of false alarms. A method using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves to assess CI performance was demonstrated using CI data collected from accelerometers installed on several UH60 Black Hawk and AH64 Apache helicopters and an AH64 helicopter component test stand. Results of the analysis indicate ROC curves can be used to reliably assess the performance of commercial HUMS condition indicators to detect damaged gears and bearings in a helicopter transmission

    A General Framework for Motion Sensor Based Web Services

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    With the development of motion sensing technology, motion sensor based services have been put into a wide range of applications in recent years. Demand of consuming such service on mobile devices has already emerged. However, as most motion sensors are specifically designed for some heavyweight clients such as PCs or game consoles, there are several technical challenges prohibiting motion sensor from being used by lightweight clients such as mobile devices, for example: There is no direct approach to connect the motion sensor with mobile devices. Most mobile devices don't have enough computational power to consume the motion sensor outputs. To address these problems, I have designed and implemented a framework for publishing general motion sensor functionalities as a RESTful web service that is accessible to mobile devices via HTTP connections. In the framework, a pure HTML5 based interface is delivered to the clients to ensure good accessibility, a websocket based data transferring scheme is adopted to guarantee data transferring efficiency, a server side gesture pipeline is proposed to reduce the client side computational burden and a distributed architecture is designed to make the service scalable. Finally, I conducted three experiments to evaluate the framework's compatibility, scalability and data transferring performance

    Communications Biophysics

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    Contains research objectives, summary of six research projects and reports on three research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 2 P01 MH-04737-06)Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-835)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NsG-496)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 ROI NB-05462-03

    Communications Biophysics

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    COntains reports on six research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 2 P01 MH-04737-06)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 ROl NB-05462-02)Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-835)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NsG-496

    Dynamic selection of redundant web services

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    In the domain of Web Services, it is not uncommon to find redundant services that provide functionalities to the clients. Services with the same functionality can be clustered into a group of redundant services. Respectively, if a service offers different functionalities, it belongs to more than one group. Having various Web Services that are able to handle the client's request suggests the necessity of a mechanism that selects the most appropriate Web Service at a given moment of time. This thesis presents an approach, Virtual Web Services Layer, for dynamic service selection based on virtualization on the server side. It helps managing redundant services in a transparent manner as well as allows adding services to the system at run-time. In addition, the layer assures a level of security since the consumers do not have direct access to the Web Services. Several selection techniques are applied to increase the performance of the system in terms of load-balancing, dependability, or execution time. The results of the experiments show which selection techniques are appropriate when different QoS criteria of the services are known and how the correctness of this information influences on the decision-making process

    Rumination and psychological treatments for depression

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    The portfolio has three parts. Parts one and two are conceptually linked by their focus on rumination in the mechanisms of action of psychological treatments for depression.Part one is a systematic literature review. One proposed mechanism of action for mindfulness-based interventions is that they enable individuals to disengage from automatic and maladaptive ruminative responses to relatively small dips in mood, reducing the likelihood of depressive relapse and reducing depressive symptoms. The systematic literature review examines the clinical evidence for whether mindfulness-based interventions reduce rumination in depression.Part two is an empirical paper. Two proposed mechanisms of action for rumination-focused cognitive behaviour therapy are that it reduces depressive rumination and that it increases concreteness of thinking. However, these mechanisms need not be mutually exclusive. The empirical paper reports on an experiment that explored the relationship between depressive rumination and concreteness of thinking. It was hoped that the results would contribute to the ongoing discussion regarding the mechanisms of action of rumination-focused cognitive behaviour therapy.Part three comprises the appendices
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