6 research outputs found

    Planning a Ring-Tree Network to provide Telecommunication Services at Centres of Rural Population

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    Nowadays certain centres of rural population are experimenting difficulties to access high-speed telecommunication networks. This phenomenon avoids the possibility of accessing to the digital revolution for such areas. The private companies are focusing their invest ment efforts in other more profitable areas. In such conditions, the governments have to promote alternatives to bridge the digital divide between rural and urban areas. We present how ring-tree topologies can be used as an adequate architecture to incorporate such less favoured areas in the Information Society. We present a case study for Andalucia (a wide region in the south of Spain) where a decision support system based on a genetic algorithm is implemented providing cost effective solutions. We make use of real life data from the telecommunication industry and present different solutions separated by coverage as well as a sensitivity analysis based on the main factors of the cost function.Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIC2003 -04784-C02-0

    Technique distribuée de gestion de la charge sur le réseau électrique et Ring-Tree : un nouveau système de communication P2P

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    Le réseau de distribution et de transport de l’électricité se modernise dans plusieurs pays dont le Canada. La nouvelle génération de ce réseau que l’on appelle smart grid, permet entre autre l’automatisation de la production, de la distribution et de la gestion de la charge chez les clients. D’un autre côté, des appareils domestiques intelligents munis d’une interface de communication pour des applications du smart grid commencent à apparaître sur le marché. Ces appareils intelligents pourraient créer une communauté virtuelle pour optimiser leurs consommations d’une façon distribuée. La gestion distribuée de ces charges intelligentes nécessite la communication entre un grand nombre d’équipements électriques. Ceci représente un défi important à relever surtout si on ne veut pas augmenter le coût de l’infrastructure et de la maintenance. Lors de cette thèse deux systèmes distincts ont été conçus : un système de communication peer-to-peer, appelé Ring-Tree, permettant la communication entre un nombre important de nœuds (jusqu’à de l’ordre de grandeur du million) tel que des appareils électriques communicants et une technique distribuée de gestion de la charge sur le réseau électrique. Le système de communication Ring-Tree inclut une nouvelle topologie réseau qui n’a jamais été définie ou exploitée auparavant. Il inclut également des algorithmes pour la création, l’exploitation et la maintenance de ce réseau. Il est suffisamment simple pour être mis en œuvre sur des contrôleurs associés aux dispositifs tels que des chauffe-eaux, chauffage à accumulation, bornes de recharges électriques, etc. Il n’utilise pas un serveur centralisé (ou très peu, seulement lorsqu’un nœud veut rejoindre le réseau). Il offr une solution distribuée qui peut être mise en œuvre sans déploiement d’une infrastructure autre que les contrôleurs sur les dispositifs visés. Finalement, un temps de réponse de quelques secondes pour atteindre l’ensemble du réseau peut être obtenu, ce qui est suffisant pour les besoins des applications visées. Les protocoles de communication s’appuient sur un protocole de transport qui peut être un de ceux utilisés sur l’Internet comme TCP ou UDP. Pour valider le fonctionnement de de la technique de contrôle distribuée et le système de communication Ring-Tree, un simulateur a été développé; un modèle de chauffe-eau, comme exemple de charge, a été intégré au simulateur. La simulation d’une communauté de chauffe-eaux intelligents a montré que la technique de gestion de la charge combinée avec du stockage d’énergie sous forme thermique permet d’obtenir, sans affecter le confort de l’utilisateur, des profils de consommation variés dont un profil de consommation uniforme qui représente un facteur de charge de 100%

    Data Communications and Network Technologies

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    This open access book is written according to the examination outline for Huawei HCIA-Routing Switching V2.5 certification, aiming to help readers master the basics of network communications and use Huawei network devices to set up enterprise LANs and WANs, wired networks, and wireless networks, ensure network security for enterprises, and grasp cutting-edge computer network technologies. The content of this book includes: network communication fundamentals, TCP/IP protocol, Huawei VRP operating system, IP addresses and subnetting, static and dynamic routing, Ethernet networking technology, ACL and AAA, network address translation, DHCP server, WLAN, IPv6, WAN PPP and PPPoE protocol, typical networking architecture and design cases of campus networks, SNMP protocol used by network management, operation and maintenance, network time protocol NTP, SND and NFV, programming, and automation. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud-computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Data Communications and Network Technologies

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    This open access book is written according to the examination outline for Huawei HCIA-Routing Switching V2.5 certification, aiming to help readers master the basics of network communications and use Huawei network devices to set up enterprise LANs and WANs, wired networks, and wireless networks, ensure network security for enterprises, and grasp cutting-edge computer network technologies. The content of this book includes: network communication fundamentals, TCP/IP protocol, Huawei VRP operating system, IP addresses and subnetting, static and dynamic routing, Ethernet networking technology, ACL and AAA, network address translation, DHCP server, WLAN, IPv6, WAN PPP and PPPoE protocol, typical networking architecture and design cases of campus networks, SNMP protocol used by network management, operation and maintenance, network time protocol NTP, SND and NFV, programming, and automation. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud-computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Optimization of emerging extended FTTH WDM/TDM PONs and financial overall assessment

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    Optical access technology has experienced a boost in the last years, thanks to the continuously migrating multimedia services that are offered over the internet. Though the technologies used for deploying Fiber-To-The-x (FTTx) and Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) are mostly based on either Active solutions or as far as Passsive Optical Networks (PONs) is concerned, in Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), an evolution towards Hybrid solutions such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing/Time Division Multiplexing (WDM/TDM) can be foreseen. What needs to be researched and finally established are the exact designs for this important step of integration, which should be optimized in terms of transmission performance and cost, to address all requirements of next-generation passive optical networks. As the most critical elements in optical access network, the design and its cost are the main topics of this discussion. The covered topics span over a wide range and include cost estimation of several optical network technologies - architectures and their comparison and furthermore, subjects of design optimization. In this last category, in-line remote amplification, use of an alternative and an extended frequency band, dispersion compensation and equalization techniques have been examined as well as a combination of the aforementioned means of network optimization. Next to the principal proof of the proposed techniques, the benefits are highlighted in different case studies, while the most representative designs are further discussed

    key management scheme of wireless sensor networks based on polynomial and ring-tree network topology

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    The article makes the improvement on the literature[1] which is based on the ID key management according to the wireless sensing network's characteristic. With the ring-tree topology structure's foundation and the LEAP agreement, the article can use the multinomial and the hashing function to make the wireless sensing network's connectivity achieve to 1, and has certain improvement in the security and the network dynamic, moreover also realize the authentication between the nodes which based on the threshold secret sharing mechanism and the Feldman-VSS protocol on a certain extent. © 2011 IEEE.Shanghai University; NSFCThe article makes the improvement on the literature[1] which is based on the ID key management according to the wireless sensing network's characteristic. With the ring-tree topology structure's foundation and the LEAP agreement, the article can use the multinomial and the hashing function to make the wireless sensing network's connectivity achieve to 1, and has certain improvement in the security and the network dynamic, moreover also realize the authentication between the nodes which based on the threshold secret sharing mechanism and the Feldman-VSS protocol on a certain extent. © 2011 IEEE