793 research outputs found

    Research on the Real Effect of the Dishonest Civil Debtor List System

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    失信被执行人名单制度是我国民事执行程序中的一项重要制度,其本质是通过对失信的被执行人进行信用惩治,以达到执行效果的目的。该制度以债务人的信用为执行对象,以保障债权人利益为落脚点,同时也兼顾债权人与债务人之间的利益平衡。该制度在运行中需要制定一套执行规范,亦需要其他制度的配合施行。文章选取了两个基层法院关于失信被执行人名单制度的执行效果,从实证的角度分析了在我国失信被执行人名单制度的实施过程中,存在诸如执行法院自由裁量权过大、任意性强、财产报告制度和征信系统不完善等问题,这些问题暴露出我国失信被执行人名单制度在执行实效方面与应然效果相去甚远。故笔者提出从制度内和制度外两个方面的完善意见。文章分四...Dishonest civil debtor list system is an important system in our country’s civil enforcement procedure, its essence is to punish the dishonest civil debtor by depriving credit, and achieve the enforce purpose. This system is around the civil debtor instead of property, protecting the creditor’s right is the goal, and meanwhile balancing the interest of the creditor and the debtor. There must be a ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201312002

    Research on Renewable Energy Policies Texts of China under the Perspective of Policy Instrument

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    伴随着经济社会的发展和人口的迅速增长,我国能源需求量大幅增加而化石类能源资源日益减少,能源消耗所带来的生态环境恶化日益显现,加快开发和利用可再生能源已成为我国应对日益严峻的能源环境问题的必然选择,为此,政府为大力发展可再生能源出台了一系列的政策措施。因而,对这些可再生能源政策文本的内容进行分析具有非常重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文首先对我国可再生能源政策发展的历程进行整体回顾,总结出我国可再生能源政策具有政策层次不断丰富、政策重心逐步转移、政策手段日益多元等特点。然后,对政府颁布的可再生能源政策进行整理,对1986年至2015年期间49份有效可再生能源政策文本进行外部属性分析和内容分析。其...With the development of economic society and rapid growth of population, the energy demand of China has increased greatly, and the resources of fossil energy have reduced day by day. The ecological environment deterioration resulting from energy consumption has emerged increasingly. To speed up the development and utilization of renewable energy sources has become an inevitable choice for China to...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115031

    The Revolution and Perfect measures of Death-Penalty Executions in China: From the vision of history and global

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    考察我国以及世界其他国家死刑执行方式的发展演变史,可以发现其包含一定的规律性,而这一规律是由社会、政治、文化等一系列主客观因素引发的必然结果,由此推论死刑执行方式的未来发展趋势,并质疑我国现行死刑执行方式立法,进而提出合理的完善建议。 第一章介绍了我国古代死刑执行方式的概况及合理性,并详细梳理了我国死刑法定执行方式沿革历史,呈现出由隋唐以前的多元化等级执行方法→隋唐至清末的二元化等级执行方法→清末及民国以后死刑唯一→现行立法确定的二元化执行方法的发展演变趋势。 第二章详细梳理世界上其他国家死刑法定执行方式的沿革史,与同时期我国的情况进行对比和参照,推论各国死刑执行方式沿革的共同趋势和规律。...Investigated the history of the death penalty executing ways of our country and the rest of the world, we can found that it contains a certain regularity, which is made up of social, political, cultural, and a series of the subjective and objective factors, thus we can infer the future trend of the death penalty executing ways. So that we have to put question forward on our current legislation of ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律史学号:1362013115015

    Study on the Legal Construction of Ecological Environmental Protection in Tibetan Mining Area

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    环境与资源的议题,历来是人类社会长期关注的焦点。矿产资源的开发像支锋利的长矛,拉动经济效益的同时对生态环境造成了致命的污染和破坏。西藏作为我国的矿产资源大省和重要的生态安全屏障区,其生态环境的脆弱性决定了该地区矿区生态环境保护的迫切性与必要性。20世纪末开始,我国在探索生态环境保护的法律路径上取得了突破性的进展,陆续出台相关法律文件以遏制生态环境的持续恶化。但是由于立法笼统分散、执法僵化被动、司法停滞不前等各种原因,导致西藏矿区生态环境保护成效不明显且举步艰难。为进一步完善西藏矿区的生态环境保护法制建设,本文将通过分析西藏矿区生态环境保护法制现状的不足,借鉴美国、澳大利亚、加拿大等发达国家的矿...Environmental and resource issues are the common concern in world today. Exploitation of mineral resources is like double-edged sword. On the one hand, mineral resources could promote economic development, but on the other hand, it’ll destroy the local ecological environment. Tibet is rich in mineral resources and it is an vital ecological buffer area. The frangibility of its ecological environmen...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_环境与资源保护法学学号:1362014115021

    The Research of China’s Government Procurement Remedial Procedure in the Vision of GPA

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    政府采购救济程序是在政府采购活动中政府采购当事人为了维护自己的合法权益而进行救济的一系列程序。我国在加入世界贸易组织时就承诺加入《政府采购协议》(AgreementonGovernmentProcurement,以下简称GPA),但是我国对于政府采购救济程序的规定与GPA相比还有一定的差距,因此完善我国的政府采购救济程序,有利于实现我国政府采购救济程序与GPA的接轨,加快我国成为GPA参加方的步伐。 本文以GPA为视角,首先对于有关GPA以及我国加入GPA谈判进展的知识进行梳理,并在此基础上介绍了GPA有关政府采购救济程序的安排。其次,介绍了我国政府采购救济程序的立法现状,本文主要以《政府采...The remedial procedure of government procurement is a series of procedure of remedies in order to protect the parties of government procurement during government procurement activity. China committed to enter GPA when entering the WTO, however, there is still a gap between China’s legislation of remedial procedure of government procurement and GPA in some degree. Therefore, we must improve China’s...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302012115019

    Legitimate Mechanism to Solve None-Performing Loans and Improvement Suggestion --from AMC to see their way to dispose non-performing loans by law

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    内容摘要中国政府为了避免如97年东南亚发生的金融风暴给国家经济带来巨大的损失,以及加强我国金融机构在世界贸易组织(WTO)环境下与外资银行在金融市场的竞争力,为此党中央、国务院在1997年11月召开了全国金融工作会议,会议决定对国有商业银行进行改革,其中的一项重要内容就是剥离国有商业银行的不良资产,从而降低银行的不良贷款比率最后实现四大国有商业银行上市融资、改善资本结构的目的,完成四大国有银行的改革。为了达到上述目的,我国于1999年先后成立了信达、华融、长城、东方资产管理公司(AssetManagementCorporation,简称AMC)分别接收了四大国有银行剥离出来的巨额不良资产。四大...Legitimate Mechanism to Solve None-Performing Loans and Improvement Suggestion --from AMC to see their way to dispose non-performing loans by law ABSTRACT: To avoid the asian financial storm in 1997 which caused great loss to the state economy and strengthen the competitiveness of our native financial organizations in the market under the WTO environment to the forgein banks,Chinese government h...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:X20040818

    Research on the Tort Liability’s Exemption Reasons of Marine Oil Pollution

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    航运业和石油开发产业的发展,使得海上油污愈益严峻。海上油污侵权责任制度关系到海上石油作业者、受油污损害的个人以及拥有海洋生态利益的人类等多方利益。海上油污侵权责任免责事由的类别、限制宽严直接影响海上活动行为人的行为选择乃至整个行业的发展,也直接关系到油污受害人损害填补的实现利益和人类海洋活动的可持续发展。因此,研究海上油污侵权责任的免责事由对于平衡海上产业开发、受害人利益保护以及人类可持续发展三者之间的关系均具有重要意义。 论文第一章首先对海上油污侵权责任免责事由的法理基础进行分析,深入研究了海上油污侵权责任免责事由的内涵、法律价值,影响要素及特殊性。 第二章系统论述了海上油污侵权责任免责...With the development of the shipping industry and the marine petroleum exploration industry, oil pollution damage is worsening than ever. The tort liability system of marine oil pollution concerns offshore oil operators, the pollution suffers, human who have the marine ecological interests and all the multi-stakeholders. The exemption reasons of tort liability’ categories and restricts influence t...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362012115014

    Judicial Carding of Insurant’s Rights and Interests’ Protection --from Perspective of 100 Insurance Cases

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    被保险人在保险市场与保险合同中的弱者地位,以及被保险人权益所具有的社会公益性,决定了被保险人权益的保障应得到特别重视。本文力图从司法的视角探究被保险人权益保障这一命题。通过对选取的100个保险案件进行整理归纳与统计分析,总结出案件中的焦点问题。在此基础之上结合现有的保险理论与《保险法》为主的相关法律规定,对保险案件中的涉及的焦点问题展开分析研究,并提出完善保障被保险人权益的建议。 本文除引言和结语外,正文共分为三章: 第一章案件范本分析。本章描述所选取案件的基本情况包括案件构成、时间分布、案件审理法院所在地、被保险人胜诉率等,总结保险案件中的焦点问题,并分析保险人在焦点问题中的具体抗辩理由...The insurant’s weak position in insurance market and insurance contract, and the social public welfare of insurant’s rights and interests, have determined that the insurant’s rights and interests’ protection should receive special attention. This article tries to explore the proposition of insurant’s rights and interests’ protection from the judicial perspective. It is from the summarization and s...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1362008115083

    Research on the Injunctive Relief of Standard Essential Patents

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    摘要 技术标准化与相关知识产权保护,尤其是其中的标准必要专利(StandardEssentialPatents,SEPs)侵权纠纷,一直以来是知识产权法与竞争法的交集与热议话题。立基于标准必要专利权人与标准实施者双方的立场,目前最具争议的问题之一系该类纠纷中禁令救济的适用性或如何以F/RAND许可原则(Fair,ReasonableAndNon-Discriminatory)为基础的抗辩来排除禁令救济。 标准化组织(StandardSettingOrganization,SSO)在其知识产权政策中订定F/RAND许可原则,要求标准必要专利权人应该以公平、合理和无歧视的许可条件,向所有标准实...ABSTRACT Technology standardization and intellectual property protection has been an overlapping and controversial issue between Intellectual Property Laws and Competition Law, particularly, when it comes to infringement on F/RAND encumbered Standard Essential Patents, SEPs. From both standard essential patent holder and potential licensee’ perspectives, the most questionable issue is whether inj...学位:法学硕士院系专业:知识产权研究院_知识产权法学学号:3252013115362

    Research on theConsumer’s Right of Withdrawal

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    我国最新修订的《消费者权益保护法》于2014年3月15日开始正式实施,新法中第25条关于消费者撤回权的规定是一大亮点,在理论界和司法实践领域都引发了广泛的关注。消费者撤回权在我国尚处于初步确立发展的阶段,作为一项保护消费者权益的有力手段,其引入和确立对我国消费者保护力度的提升尤为重要。本文立足于我国的消费市场及其法制环境现状,通过比较法分析和实证分析等研究方法,试为我国消费者撤回权制度的完善提供建议。 本文除了引言和结语,正文分为以下三章: 第一章在明确消费者合同的法律定位的基础上,从消费者撤回权制度的概念、性质、特征的分析入手,阐述其制度的独特性,并对消费者撤回权的理论支撑进行探讨,以凸...The latest revision of Consumer Protection Law was formally implemented on March 15, 2014 in our country. The 25th law about the consumer’s rights of withdrawal is one of the highlights, and it aroused wide concerns in both theoretical fields and judicial practice fields. The consumer's right of withdrawal is still in the preliminary stage of development in our country. As a powerful tool for cons...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362014115018