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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang psikologi eksistensialisme pada Botchan『坊っちゃん』dalam novel Botchan『坊っちゃん』karya Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石) dengan menitik beratkan pada psikologi khususnya psikologi eksistensialisme. Natsume Sooseki merupakan salah satu pengarang karya sastra yang banyak menampilkan konflik-konfik didalam ceritanya. Keistimewaan Natsume Sooseki sebagai penulis roman meliputi tiga macam roman yaitu realistik, impresionistik, dan ekspresionistik. Dalam tiga hal itu Natsume Sooseki mencapai hasil yang memuaskan.Adapun rumusan permasalahan yang peneliti ajukan yaitu sebagai berikut:1.Bagaimana kebersamaan, cinta, dan pertentangan yang dialami pada botchan dalam novelBotchan『坊っちゃん』karya Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石).2.Bagaimana kesepian dan keterasingan yang dialami pada botchan dalam novel Botchan『坊っちゃん』karya Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石)Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yaitu mendeskripsikan data-datayang ada, kemudian menganalisisnya sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah novel Botchan『坊っちゃん』karya Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石) data penelitian berjumlah 15 data, berupa penggalan kalimat mengenai (1) kebersamaan, cinta, dan pertentangan (2) kesepian dan keterasingan yang terdapat dalam novel Botchan『坊っちゃん』karya Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石).Kata Kunci : psikologi eksistensialisme, kebersamaan,cinta dan pertentangan, kesepian dan keterasinganThis study discusses the psychological analysis on the main character in the novel Botchan "坊っちゃん" by Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石) by focusing on the psychology of existential psychology in particular, to the existence of Botchan character seem real. With existentialism Similarly, ideology does not depart from human nature as a result of the sheer innate and environment as a major supporter, but fate itself or form of existence, and the responsibility for that choice and existence.The formulation of the problems that the researchers propose is as follows:How togetherness, love, and conflict experienced by the main character in the novel Botchan Botchan "坊っちゃん" by Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石).How loneliness and alienation experienced by the main character in the novel Botchan Botchan "坊っちゃん" by Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石)2This research uses descriptive method of analysis, which describes the existing data, and then analyze them according to the purpose of research. Sources of data in this study is novel Botchan "坊っちゃん" by Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石) totaling 18 data research data, in the form of fragments of sentences about (1) togetherness, love, and conflict (2) loneliness and alienation in the novel Botchan "坊っちゃん" by Natsume Sooseki (夏目漱石)..Keywords: psychology existentialism, togetherness, love and conflict, loneliness and alienation


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    夏藏對音殘片是研究西夏語音的重要材料,目前能確認的殘片有25份,其中20份殘片的內容此前已見整理刊布。本文整理最后5份新見的藏文注音西夏文殘片內容,其中有2份來自俄藏黑水城文獻,另外3份屬大英圖書館收藏。至此,所有能確認的藏文注音西夏文殘片均已作全文刊布。 Tangut fragments with Tibetan transcription are important materials for the study of Tangut pho-nology. Currently it is known to have 25 fragments of this kind, in which20 of them have been collated. Thispaper provides the collated edition of 5 newly seen Tangut fragments with Tibetan transcription, among them2 fragments come from the Russian collection, and the rest 3 fragments are now preserved in the British Li-brary. The collation of all identified Tangut fragments with Tibetan transcription is thus completed

    柔軟性を高めるリズム運動 こどもの体力(1)─からだの柔軟性について ─

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    Recently, the decline of children’s physical fitness has often been referred to in many fields of education. Above all, the decline of their body flexibility is a serious problem. As it is the base for delicately adjusting various physical exercise, decreasing flexibility possibly causes injuries in their daily movements.The purpose of this research was to confirm the hypothesis that body flexibility increases as body temperature rises, and also to demonstrate the increasing degree of flexibility through physical exercises. The subject of study was 67 children of 5 years old in a nursery school and a kindergarten. At the time of free activity in the morning, systemic rhythm exercise of about 20 minutes was conducted. Before and after the exercise the body temperature & flexibility were measured.As a result, the above hypothesis was proved. It also became clear that the group of the prominent increase of temperature showed more flexibility than the one of ordinary temperature. Furthermore, it was verified that both body temperature and flexibility increase in summer more than in winter.This paper concludes that it would be well advised to adopt the systemic rhythm exercise in contents of Early Childhood Education for developing their physical fitness


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    第1章 緒論 第2章 秋季の低温が夏枝の休眠と花芽分化に及ぼす影響 第3章 花芽分化期における夏枝内の炭水化物,α-アミラーゼ活性,インドール酢酸及びジベレリン様物質の変化 第4章 低温遭遇時間による夏枝の花芽数の推定 第5章 栽培条件が夏枝の発生と着花に及ぼす影響 第6章 植物生育調節剤が夏枝の発生と着花に及ぼす影響 第7章 総合考察 第8章 総合摘要Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-06T04:54:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 yahata1.pdf: 12028855 bytes, checksum: 4d9414d7a6ffb1a34333ef3590ac97b6 (MD5) yahata2.pdf: 12298004 bytes, checksum: 0c896c77d6a2aaa2dbbb22cd459986e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1996-12-04主1-参