559 research outputs found

    Berend Gemser, hoogleraar 1926-1955

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    Berend Gemser, professor 1926-1955Berend Gemser, who came to the University of Pretoria in 1926 to fill two chairs, those of Semitic Languages and Old Testament Studies, is acknowledged as the initiaterof the scientific study of these disciplines in South Africa. In this article special attention is given to his theology. It is shown that in his thought historical criticismwas fully integrated in a concept of Scripture, simultaneously wholly of a subserviant character and an organic unity, without denying the distance between the two Testaments. Attention is also drawn to Gemser’s dialogue with some exponents of Afrikaner thought, and to his growing concern about certain aspects of this thought

    'An editor regrets': R. G. Campbell's Australian Journal, 1926–1955

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    [Extract]: Despite having been published continuously from 1865–1961, the Australian Journal is mainly regarded by literary historians as a nineteenth-century periodical. By concentrating on nineteenth-century authors such as Marcus Clarke, Charles Harpur, Ada Cambridge and “Rolf ” Boldrewood, the brief entry in the Oxford Companion to Australian Literature mentions nothing beyond 1875. Vane Lindesay’s The Way We Were: Australian Popular Magazines 1856 to 1967 gives the magazine a few short pages, as do Frank Greenop’s passing references in his History of Magazine Publishing in Australia, pushing further into the twentieth century, but with little detail. R. G. Campbell’s The First Ninety Years: The Printing House of Massina Melbourne 1859 to 1949 provides the fullest account to date with an accomplished history of the printer and publisher of the Australian Journal, and more than passing references to the magazine that ran off its presses. But Campbell’s story ends before the final decade of the magazine’s production. To date, a comprehensive account of the twentieth-century Australian Journal has not been assembled

    Лексикографска мисао Александра Белића (1926-1955)

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    The time period between 1926. and 1955. is critical for the growth of Aleksandar Belić’s lexicographical thought. During this period Belić had established a model of contemporary language, structured the dictionary corpus, constructed the methodology of lexicographical definition, built the inner organization of lexical material, managed the work on the dictionary, etc. With all this in view, this paper analyzes the main components of Belić’s lexicograpxical thought and defines its position in the continuity of lexicographical programmes of the 19th and 20th centuries. Apart from o­ering an insight into important archive material on A. Belić, this paper’s significance lies also in presenting his lexicographical ideas as part of general trends in Serbian and European linguistic science in the twentieth centur

    Feminizing the university: the mobilities, careers, and contributions of early female academics in the University of Cambridge, 1926-1955

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    This article examines the role of early female academics at the University of Cambridge in the production and dissemination of knowledge between 1926 and 1955. A statistical comparison of women’s use of academic leave of absence with that of their male colleagues reveals that, across disciplines, women were less integrated into (inter)national knowledge networks and thus less visible in their epistemic communities than men because women focused their academic leaves more on research, rarely attended conferences, travelled overseas less often than men, and went more frequently to destinations within Europe than the United States as the new economic hegemon. Biographical case studies of these early female academics demonstrate the importance, variously, of their upper middle class background, academic excellence, and familial and non-familial patronage in developing their careers, overcoming multiple hurdles, and producing intellectual contributions of equal quality to that of their male peers. Conceptually, this article calls for the inclusion of academic travelers from other disciplines than geography into feminist histories of geographical knowledge and argues that rather than stereotyping gender differences, greater comparative research on the experiences of female and male academics is needed in order to understand the mechanisms of gender inequality within the university

    Variability of Persistent Temporal Correlation in Climate Data

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    This dissertation examines manifestations of persistent memory in climate data. Persistence is characterized by a slow power-law decay in the autocorrelations of a time series. Its existence implies that the influence of past values in a time series extend into the distant future. It has numerous theoretical implications, notably that it changes the asymptotic decay in the variance of sample means, which can substantially impact the uncertainty in climate mean states. Its intensity can vary over space, time, and other dimensions, e.g. tree species. Variation in its intensity can be used for practical applications such as discriminating between steady and intermittent rainfall and assessing the calibration period needed for paleoclimate proxy data. This work explores three major areas in which persistence can be leveraged to better understand the complexities of climate data. The first is in tree ring width data, which are among the best proxies for reconstructing paleoclimate records. The persistent correlations found in tree ring data suggest that the behavior of tree ring growth observed in a short calibration period may be similar to the general behavior of tree ring growth in a much longer period; therefore, the limited calibration period may be more useful than previously thought. The second area is in the quantification of uncertainty in the mean states of climate data. A framework for quantifying uncertainty in climate means is presented which can account for both classical short-range correlations and long-term persistent correlations. The final area is in the detection of subtle changes in tropical rainfall patterns. Persistence is used to illuminate recent changes in the temporal clustering patterns of rainfall in the tropical belt; the detected changes could have critical implications for the water resource management of the affected regions

    The Church as Polis

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    This paper aims to name a growing rift between belief and ethic in contemporary American society. It suggests the concept of liturgy as ‘primary theology’ and a liturgical anthropology as the solution to this rift. The paper picks up on voices from Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions to highlight an ecumenical approach in retrieving a Christian worshiping anthropology

    1926, 1955 y 1983: Tres Año Claves en la Novela Argentina Contemporánea

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    La emergencia y el desarrollo de la novela argentina desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta el dia de hoy van paralelos a los dilemas socio-politicos de un flamante pais que a partir de 1810 se embarc en la busqueda de su propia identidad nacional. La mayoria de las novelas argentinas, a la par que intentan establecer una tradicion novelistica nacional, deparan un testimonio critico de la inestable ya a veces violenta formacion de un pais bajo la tension constante entre el autoritarismo y la democracia.

    Using Historical Simulation to Compare the Accuracy of Nine Alternative Methods of Estimating the Present Value of Future Lost Earnings

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    To estimate the present value of future lost earnings, forensic economists must employ some method to determine the interest rate and the earnings growth rate, or the net discount rate derived from them, to use in that estimation. Historical simulation can be used to determine how accurate any such method would have been had it been used in the past. In this paper, historical simulation is used to compare the accuracy of nine different methods of choosing the net discount rate to estimate present value for numerous 30-, 20- and 10-year loss periods. These methods include historical averages, current rates, recent rates, total offset, and a number of methods that combine historical averages with current or recent rates. While no one method is obviously superior in all cases, the results do provide some support for blending historical averages with current or recent rates

    A revised list of fruit diseases recorded in Western Australia

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    THIS list of fruit diseases is a revision of part of the census published by Carne (1925) and supplemented by the same author in 1927. It also contains records of diseases identified in the period between these earlier publications and June 30, 1961