28 research outputs found

    Эмоциональная температура текстов для детей

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    Анализ произведений детской художественной литературы и устного народного творчества на предмет разной эмоциональной температуры с указанием категории текстов по эмоциональному состоянию, по температурному накал

    G. V. Ksenofontov as Collector of Russian Folklore: Fixations of 1923-1925

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    The role of G. V. Ksenofontov in collecting the Russian folklore in Yakutia is considered. The question is raised about the connection of recording of folklore texts, which were carried out by G. V. Ksenofontov. A. A. Savvin, S. I. Bolo, T. A. Shub. Collecting activities of Ksenofontov in the Western-Kangalassky ulus in the 1920-ies is described. The main attention is paid to the personality of Ksenofontov in the period of his formation as a researcher, the sources of his scientific interests are studied. His methods of recording and working with the material under study are characterized. The novelty of research is seen in the fact that for the first time the scientific approach of G. V. Ksenofontov to the collected material is studied taking into account the possible connection with the principles of research activity of A. A. Savvin and S. I. Bolo. The influence of his approaches and methods on the formation of the scientific tradition of fixating the Yakut and Russian materials of folklore and ethnographic sources is estimated. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that at the present stage it becomes important to determine the sequence of experience accumulation and the creation of programs for the folklore collecting, as well as to evaluate the contribution of G. V. Ksenofontov in this activity

    Рифмованные сложные образования экспрессивной речи

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    Статья посвящена описанию словообразовательных и грамматических особенностей сложных рифмованных образований экспрессивной речи. В центре внимания автора имена существительные – производные и непроизводные, литературные и окказиональные – имеющие усилительное и определительное значение. Исследование проводится на материале современного русского язык

    Use of Music-Computers Technologies in the Organization of Cultural and Mass Events Under the Additional Conditions Education

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    The article highlights the importance of introducing music-computer technologies in the process of organizing leisure activities for children in the conditions of supplementary education institutions, identifies the main directions and forms of using music-computer technologies.В статье обозначена важность внедрения музыкально-компьютерных технологий в процесс организации досуговых мероприятий детей в условиях учреждений дополнительного образования, определены основные направления и формы использования музыкально-компьютерных технологий

    Анималистические гротески в фольклоре и литературе славянских народов как художественный антидепрессант и релевантный элемент культурной грамотности

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    Songs with animalistic motifs are widely represented in the traditional culture of Slavic peoples. Songs with bird motifs clearly predominate, as most of them were originally connected with the archaic ritual of the bird wedding. In the course of their centuries of use, their erotic context has been reduced, and their social and didactic motifs have been strengthened. Embodied primarily in the form of grotesques (Czesław Hernas), these songs became an essential element of the cultural literacy (Eric Donald Hirsch) of the people and formed the basis of ethnopedagogy. The playful character and life-like plot collisions played a role of a peculiar psychotherapeutic means, which is confirmed by the reviews of ethnographers, as well as writers, who processed the folklore plots. In the culture of the Slavic peoples of the new time, the songs with bird motifs were most widespread, although the ritual of a bird wedding survived only among the Sorbs from Lusatia. Animalistic grotesques contributed to the socialization of a person, their awareness of themselves within various models of collective identity. This is why such poems and songs are especially relevant in the sphere of modern recreational culture, including in the field of preschool pedagogy.Songs with animalistic motifs are widely represented in the traditional culture of Slavic peoples. Songs with bird motifs clearly predominate, as most of them were originally connected with the archaic ritual of the bird wedding. In the course of their centuries of use, their erotic context has been reduced, and their social and didactic motifs have been strengthened. Embodied primarily in the form of grotesques (Czesław Hernas), these songs became an essential element of the cultural literacy (Eric Donald Hirsch) of the people and formed the basis of ethnopedagogy. The playful character and life-like plot collisions played a role of a peculiar psychotherapeutic means, which is confirmed by the reviews of ethnographers, as well as writers, who processed the folklore plots. In the culture of the Slavic peoples of the new time, the songs with bird motifs were most widespread, although the ritual of a bird wedding survived only among the Sorbs from Lusatia. Animalistic grotesques contributed to the socialization of a person, their awareness of themselves within various models of collective identity. This is why such poems and songs are especially relevant in the sphere of modern recreational culture, including in the field of preschool pedagogy.Songs with animalistic motifs are widely represented in the traditional culture of Slavic peoples. Songs with bird motifs clearly predominate, as most of them were originally connected with the archaic ritual of the bird wedding. In the course of their centuries of use, their erotic context has been reduced, and their social and didactic motifs have been strengthened. Embodied primarily in the form of grotesques (Czesław Hernas), these songs became an essential element of the cultural literacy (Eric Donald Hirsch) of the people and formed the basis of ethnopedagogy. The playful character and life-like plot collisions played a role of a peculiar psychotherapeutic means, which is confirmed by the reviews of ethnographers, as well as writers, who processed the folklore plots. In the culture of the Slavic peoples of the new time, the songs with bird motifs were most widespread, although the ritual of a bird wedding survived only among the Sorbs from Lusatia. Animalistic grotesques contributed to the socialization of a person, their awareness of themselves within various models of collective identity. This is why such poems and songs are especially relevant in the sphere of modern recreational culture, including in the field of preschool pedagogy.Songs with animalistic motifs are widely represented in the traditional culture of Slavic peoples. Songs with bird motifs clearly predominate, as most of them were originally connected with the archaic ritual of the bird wedding. In the course of their centuries of use, their erotic context has been reduced, and their social and didactic motifs have been strengthened. Embodied primarily in the form of grotesques (Czesław Hernas), these songs became an essential element of the cultural literacy (Eric Donald Hirsch) of the people and formed the basis of ethnopedagogy. The playful character and life-like plot collisions played a role of a peculiar psychotherapeutic means, which is confirmed by the reviews of ethnographers, as well as writers, who processed the folklore plots. In the culture of the Slavic peoples of the new time, the songs with bird motifs were most widespread, although the ritual of a bird wedding survived only among the Sorbs from Lusatia. Animalistic grotesques contributed to the socialization of a person, their awareness of themselves within various models of collective identity. This is why such poems and songs are especially relevant in the sphere of modern recreational culture, including in the field of preschool pedagogy

    Развитие навыков вокальной импровизации у обучающихся на занятиях эстрадным вокалом

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    В данной работе выявляется комплекс вокальных упражнений для развития навыков вокальной импровизации в младшем школьной возрасте на занятиях у обучающихся эстрадным вокалом, а также произведен итоговый этап опытно-поисковой работы и представлен результат развития навыков вокальной импровизации у обучающихся эстрадным вокалом


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    In V. Makanin’s novel Underground, or Hero of Our Time (1998), the motif of seeking a woman determines the repetition of situations with encounters and stories of the central character’s relationship with women, as well as a system of plotlines and characters connected with seeking women. Love stories of the novel are based on the principle of repetition, twoness. There are three phases in the development of the central character’s love story. The first phase portrays the character in everyday life, where the search for weak, defenseless women means following the “call of being” (M. Heidegger), and is implemented in the story of salvation of women, where “care” about the other is a means used by characters to justify their own existence. In the second phase, crime (two murders) gives rise to the need for a woman having a natural ability for compassion, empathy (the story of salvation of men by women). In the final phase of the novel, the main character is absorbed with the everyday existence, physicality, and physiological needs of men in women are shown as prevailing. Based on ethical requirements of classic Russian literature, the protagonist of the novel brings his own changes: not love, but regret, care about the Other, not sacrificing, because sacrifice and help will not save. In contrast to the traditional interpretation of love as manifestation / non-manifestation of a person’s individuality or animality, in the novel V. Makanin puts emphasis on the main character’s (Petrvovich) desire to build the “story” of the relationship as an experiment on reality and as a way of interpreting it. Thus, the article reveals the transformation of the semantics of the archaic motif of seeking women by a man, which shows changes in the concept of love in the consciousness of the modern hero. The anthropological interpretation of encounters with women reveals the dependence of men on physicality / vitality of life, however, the reduction of the spiritual basis of love is compensated in the novel with the existential interpretation of a person’s wandering in search for the Other, as a response to the “call of being” needs to be heard