41,906 research outputs found

    La Cartografia municipal de Cardona entre 1852 i 1905

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    Cardona, com moltes altres ciutats de la península Ibèrica, va començar a recuperar- se demogràficament a partir del segle xviii. Com a conseqüència d'aquest fet, les ciutats van créixer de manera desordenada i, per aquest motiu, a principis del segle xix es van dictar un seguit de reials ordres per alinear els carrers i places de les ciutats. Sota aquestes circumstàncies, Cardona va traçar el plànol geomètric de la vila el 1852, els plànols d'alineacions de carrers el 1864-1865 i 1890, i un altre plànol geomètric 1905.Cardona, as many other cities of the Iberian Peninsula, began to recover demographically after the 18th century. As a consequence of this fact, cities grew in an unorganized manner and for this reason; a number of royal orders to align the streets and squares in the cities were dictated at the beginning of the 19th century. Under these circumstances, Cardona drew a geometric plan of the town in 1852, street alignment plans in 1864-1865 and 1890, and another geometric plan in 1905.Cardona, como muchas otras ciudades de la Península Ibérica, empezó a recuperarse demográficamente a partir del siglo xviii. Como consecuencia de este hecho, las ciudades crecieron de manera desordenada y, por este motivo, a principios del siglo xix se dictaron un conjunto de reales órdenes para alinear las calles y plazas de las ciudades. Bajo estas circunstancias, Cardona trazó el plan geométrico de la villa en 1852, los planos de alineaciones de calles en 1864-1865 y 1890, y otro plano geométrico en 1905


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    This paper presents national and regional time-series estimates of metalmaking production in post-Unification Italy. The former broadly confirm their immediate predecessors; the latter are altogether new. The regional series evidence the industry's geographic concentration: the significant producers were Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria, and Campania, but production per capita significantly exceeded the national average only in Liguria and, in the later years, in Umbria and Tuscany.

    Construction in Italy's regions, 1861-1913

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    This paper presents time-series estimates of construction activity in the regions of post-Unification Italy. Total construction followed very different time paths, reflecting the sharply local cycles in railway construction. Other public works were less idiosyncratic; the boom of the Giolitti years was widely diffused, but that of the 1880s was much more concentrated in Latium and Liguria. In the construction of buildings, the Giolittian boom was marked in the North and Center, but spotty in the South and major islands; earlier swings were comparatively minor, save of course for the 1880s bubble in Latium. Over the long term, railway construction was, per-capita, relatively evenly spread. Other social-overhead construction displays a similar pattern, but with exceptionally high levels in Latium and Liguria. Building construction seems instead to have declined somewhat from North to South; Liguria was again the overall leader, with Latium second.

    Ship building and repairing in Italy, 1861-1913: national and regional time series

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    This paper presents the first comprehensive national and regional time-series estimates for ship building and repairing in post-Unification Italy. The path of the national aggregate differs markedly from the extant series, which cover merchant new-construction alone. The regional estimates point to considerable concentration: Liguria accounted for more than half the product, and Campania for almost another quarter. In Liguria, too, this sector represented up to a quarter of total industrial production; elsewhere, and nationally, it was barely significant.Italy, ship building industry, national and regional value added, 1861-1913

    An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Honduras

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    A biodiversity inventory of the Lepidoptera of Pico Bonito National Park and vicinity, in the Department of Atlantida of northern Honduras, was initiated in 2009 to obtain baseline data. We present a revised checklist of Honduran butterfly species (updated from the initial 1967 lists), as well as the first comprehensive list of Honduran moths. Our updated list includes 550 species of Papilionoidea, 311 Hesperioidea, and 1,441 moth species

    An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Honduras

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    A biodiversity inventory of the Lepidoptera of Pico Bonito National Park and vicinity, in the Department of Atlantida of northern Honduras, was initiated in 2009 to obtain baseline data. We present a revised checklist of Honduran butterfly species (updated from the initial 1967 lists), as well as the first comprehensive list of Honduran moths. Our updated list includes 550 species of Papilionoidea, 311 Hesperioidea, and 1,441 moth species

    Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s Father: Biographical Aspects

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    The key scholarly issue of contemporary Ukrainian research is not only a return to existing problems and figures but also a search for new figures and the filling of historical and biographical gaps. The present article is dedicated to the biography of Kyiv Theological Academy graduate Serhii Hrushevskyi (1830–1901), a figure who has rarely appeared in research previously. He was a talented teacher and gained credibility and respect among his contemporaries. More attention should be paid to his publications in periodicals, the themes of which varied from pedagogy to linguistics. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of Hrushevskyi in the development of public education of the late 19th century. The education, hard work, and active social activity of Serhii Hrushevskyi had a positive impact on his son, renowned Ukrainian politician and statesman, historian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi (1866–1934), for whom his father was his first and major mentor. Love for “Ukrainians,” learning and writing, selfless work – is the legacy that Serhii Hrushevskyi passed on to Mykhailo, which was always at the core of his life and scholarly activity. The results of the article not only contain new biographical information about Hrushevskyi’s family, but also emphasize the significant role of the biographical component in modern scholarly research