3,322 research outputs found

    Інформація як об’єкт контролю в матеріалах діловодства та розпорядчій документації Головліту РФСРР

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    (uk) У статті досліджується цензурна політика в радянській Росії як система управління та контролю за інформаційними потоками протягом 1922 – 1929 рр.(ru) В статье рассматривается цензурная политика как системы управления и контроля над информационными потоками в советской России на протяжении 1917 – 1929 гг.(en) In this article is being the research of censorship policy in Soviet Russia as a system of state maintenance and control of distribution of information in 1922 – 1929

    Kepemimpinan Siti Bariyah dalam organisasi pergerakan Aisyiyah di Yogyakarta Tahun 1917-1929

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    Latar belakang penulis memilih judul ini karena ketertarikan penulis atas terpilihnya Siti Bariyah sebagai ketua Aisyiyah yang pertama. Karena itu penulis mencari tahu dan mengumpulkan jejak-jejak sejarah yang berkaitan dengan program-program Aisyiyah. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1). Perjalanan hidup Siti Bariyah. (2). Sejarah organisasi Aisyiyah tahun 1917-1929. (3). Program kerja Aisyiyah pada masa kepemimpinan Siti Bariyah. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai kepemimpinan Siti Bariyah di Aisyiyah tahun 1917-1929 yang dimulai pada awal kelahiran Aisyiyah yaitu tahun 1917-1920 dan krmbali memimpin pada tahun 1927-1929, adapun program-program yang dijalankan pada masa kepemimpinannya yaitu pada awal kelahirannya Aisyiyah bergerak menyertai Muhammadiyah, mengembangkan Siswa Praja Wanita, merintis berdirinya Frobelschool, mengembangkan usaha kerajinan sulam kerudung, mengembangkan majalah Suara Aisyiyah, mengadakan turnei pada cabang-cabang Aisyiyah, ikut barpartisifasi dalam kongres Muhammadiyah serta ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan pergerakan nasional dengan mengirimkan untusan Aiayiyah dalam kongres wanita Indonesia pertama. Dalam program-program yang dijalankan Aisyiyah dapat diketahui bahwa selama kepemimpinannya Siti Bariyah termasuk kedalam kelompok pemimpin yang memakai gaya kepemimpinan transformasional yaitu pemimpin yang mengidentifikasi, mengartikulasi, dan memantau orang lain dengan nilai-nilai bersama dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai kebaikan, serta menganut sistem dan memberikan motivasi kepada anggotanya

    Review Of Soviet Zion: The Quest For A Russian Jewish Homeland By A. L. Kagedan

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    Clonal Expansion of Lgr5-Positive Cells from Mammalian Cochlea and High-Purity Generation of Sensory Hair Cells

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    Death of cochlear hair cells, which do not regenerate, is a cause of hearing loss in a high percentage of the population. Currently, no approach exists to obtain large numbers of cochlear hair cells. Here, using a small-molecule approach, we show significant expansion (>2,000-fold) of cochlear supporting cells expressing and maintaining Lgr5, an epithelial stem cell marker, in response to stimulation of Wnt signaling by a GSK3β inhibitor and transcriptional activation by a histone deacetylase inhibitor. The Lgr5-expressing cells differentiate into hair cells in high yield. From a single mouse cochlea, we obtained over 11,500 hair cells, compared to less than 200 in the absence of induction. The newly generated hair cells have bundles and molecular machinery for transduction, synapse formation, and specialized hair cell activity. Targeting supporting cells capable of proliferation and cochlear hair cell replacement could lead to the discovery of hearing loss treatments.United States. National Institutes of Health (DE-013023)United States. National Institutes of Health (DC-007174)United States. National Institutes of Health (DC-013909)United States. National Institutes of Health (RR-00168

    “Pure” severe aortic stenosis without concomitant valvular heart diseases:echocardiographic and pathophysiological features

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    Purpose!#!In echocardiography the severity of aortic stenosis (AS) is defined by effective orifice area (EOA), mean pressure gradient (mPG!##!Methods and results!#!Patients (n = 306) with asymptomatic (n = 133) and symptomatic (n = 173) 'pure' severe AS (mean age 78 ± 9.5 years) defined by indexed EOA < 0.6 cm!##!Conclusion!#!In patients with 'pure' AS according to current guidelines the presence of combined LVH, DD and PAH as accepted pathophysiological sequelae of severe AS cannot be confirmed. Probably, the detection of these secondary cardiac alterations might improve the diagnostic algorithm to avoid overestimation of AS severity

    Guide to AC022 - The Transcript

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    The Transcript was first published in 1917 by the classes of Chicago-Kent College of Law. The first edition notes that the idea for “a year book and chronicle of the College” was conceived in the fall of 1916 by the senior class, upon which a committee of members from each class were appointed to undertake the project. Editions followed for each year except 1921 until 1929, when the final edition of The Transcript was published. Issues of The Transcript contain faculty photos and background information, photos of senior, junior, and freshman classes, lists of post-graduate class members, an Organizations section describing the activities and participants of the Law School’s several fraternities (including Phi Delta Phi, Delta Chi, Phi Alpha Delta, and Phi Kappa Phi) and the first legal sorority in the country, Kappa Beta Pi, as well as the activities of sports teams, the Burke Debating Society, the Book and Gavel Society, and others. Other sections include alumni news, illustrations, humor, poetry, prose, and articles by Chicago-Kent students, and advertisements. Of particular interest are “Military” sections included in the years 1918 and 1919 which includes photos and descriptions of life in World War I for drafted Chicago-Kent students. The 1918 edition includes baby and childhood photos of the senior class, as well as candid photos of students in and around the Chicago area. The 1917 edition includes a back-dated list of graduating classes of 1915 and 1916, including students who graduated before publication

    О градостроительной политике Советской России (1917–1929)

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    Russian Orthodox Church in the Structure of State Administration in the XIX- Beginning XX Centuries

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    The article outlines the key areas of the charitable and educational activities of the Orthodox Church, which are analyzed during religious reforms in the 19th and early 20th centuries. in Russia. It is shown that at that time the scale of charity aid and the responsibilities of charitable organizations increased; the control over the distribution of aid has improved, the role of the Church in the social protection of the population has increased. The conclusions made in the article allow us to look at a holistic picture of the Church's activities in providing the educational process in Russian church schools during the period under study. It turned out that the concrete activity of the clergy, which was impossible without the proper level of education, placed the clergy in the most literate category of the population. It is the priests, in the absence of a developed education system in Russia, began to introduce primary public education. This article helps to understand and systematize the position of the Church as a spiritual and moral institution that preserves Russia's cultural heritage. Of particular importance is the regional nature of the topic under study, which makes it possible to understand the general and specific relations between the Church and the state. For the international community, the article will be useful as an archival exhibition, which is a rare publication that reveals the relationship between the Orthodox Church and the state in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries