16 research outputs found

    Techniques for augmenting the visualisation of dynamic raster surfaces

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    Despite their aesthetic appeal and condensed nature, dynamic raster surface representations such as a temporal series of a landform and an attribute series of a socio-economic attribute of an area, are often criticised for the lack of an effective information delivery and interactivity.In this work, we readdress some of the earlier raised reasons for these limitations -information-laden quality of surface datasets, lack of spatial and temporal continuity in the original data, and a limited scope for a real-time interactivity. We demonstrate with examples that the use of four techniques namely the re-expression of the surfaces as a framework of morphometric features, spatial generalisation, morphing, graphic lag and brushing can augment the visualisation of dynamic raster surfaces in temporal and attribute series

    3D Environment for Virtual Collections

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    This paper describes a framework for building virtual collections of several digital objects and presenting them in an interactive 3D environment, rendered in a web browser. Using that environment, the website visitor can examine a given collection from a first-person perspective by walking around and inspecting each object in detail by viewing it from any angle. The rendering and visualization of the models is done solely by the web browser with the use of HTML5 and the Three.js JavaScript library, without any additional requirements

    Royal coleção de mobiliário MAB (Móveis Alberto Dias Barbosa)

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    Trabalho de natureza profissional para atribuição do Título de Especialista do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, na área de Design, defendido a 23-10-2017O processo de criação e desenvolvimento da coleção de mobiliário Royal resulta de um lançamento de proposta informal vindo pela parte da direção da empresa MAB (Moveis Alberto Dias Barbosa), com o objetivo de reforçar e consolidar os produtos já comercializados no mercado Inglês de gama média-alta. Este “pitch” surge em contexto de gabinete design interno e sobre estas diretrizes foram desencadeados um conjunto de ferramentas e métodos com o objetivo de melhor compreender e adequar os produtos a serem propostos. O tipo de peças a serem desenvolvidas não foram identificadas, mas sendo a empresa reconhecida como criadores e produtores de produtos de mobiliário domestico com exceção de cozinhas e casas de banho, foram considerados a normal tipologia e funcionalidades inerentes á filosofia interna. Iniciou-se o processo com pesquisa com o objetivo de se formular um “moodboard” e encontrar as “key features” que sustentaram o desenvolvimento da colecção. Com a elaboração do “moodboard” pretendeu-se reunir a melhor perceção e definição do público-alvo em questão, apresentando assim imagens e pequenos recortes dos elementos que fazem parte do dia-a-dia, “lifestyle”, hábitos de consumo e até do tipo de produtos, materiais, cores e texturas que este tipo de consumidor se rodeiam e valoriza. A partir deste foram encontradas as “key features” que foram o ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento dos produtos.N/

    A learning approach to 3d object representation for classification

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe our 3D object signature for 3D object classification. The signature is based on a learning approach that finds salient points on a 3D object and represent these points in a 2D spatial map based on a longitude-latitude transformation. Experimental results show high classification rates on both pose-normalized and rotated objects and include a study on classification accuracy as a function of number of rotations in the training set

    Pintura y escultura digital 3d con ZBrush aplicada a la Arqueología

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    [ES] La tecnología 3D se está desarrollando cada día a pasos agigantados, programas como 3D Studio Max, Lightwave, Maya, ZBrush, etc. permiten modelar en 3D con constantes renovaciones en sus paletas de herramientas y en sus sistemas de renderizado y resolución. Aprovechando una tecnología que generalmente se aplica al ámbito de la infografía, los videojuegos, la publicidad o el cine, los arqueólogos reconstruimos gráficamente el pasado para hacerlo más cercano, más comprensible a todos los ciudadanos.[EN] The technology 3D is every day developing by leaps and bounds. Programs like 3D Studio Max, Lightwave, Maya, ZBrush … allow to model in 3D with constant innovations in its palettes of tools and its render systems and resolution. Using a technology which generally is applied for computer graphics, games, advertising or films, archaeologists reconstruct the past to do it graphically closer, more understandable to all citizens.Estalayo Moreno, MÁ. (2011). Pintura y escultura digital 3d con ZBrush aplicada a la Arqueología. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(3):161-164. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4673OJS16116423SPENCER, S. (2008): ZBrush Character Creation: Advanced Digital Sculpting. Wiley Publishing Inc, Indianapolis.SHELTON, T. y DRUS, J. (2009): ZBrush 3.5 Tutorials. Pixologic, Inc. [online] http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/downloadcenter/ [consulta 03- 05-2010].PIXOLOGIC TEAM (2009): Zbrush 3.5 What's New Documentation. Pixologic, Inc. [online] http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/downloadcenter/ [consulta 03-05-2010].PIXOLOGIC TEAM² (2009): Decimation Master. Pixologic, Inc. [online] http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/downloadcenter/zplugins/ [consulta 03-05-201

    Investigating the impact of pedagogical agent gender matching and learner choice on learning outcomes and perceptions

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    abstract: The similarity attraction hypothesis posits that humans are drawn toward others who behave and appear similar to themselves. Two experiments examined this hypothesis with middle-school students learning electrical circuit analysis in a computer-based environment with an Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA). Experiment 1 was designed to determine whether matching the gender of the APA to the student has a positive impact on learning outcomes or student perceptions. One hundred ninety-seven middle-school students learned with the computer-based environment using an APA that matched their gender or one which was opposite in gender. Female students reported higher program ratings when the APA matched their gender. Male students, on the other hand, reported higher program ratings than females when the APA did not match their gender. Experiment 2 systematically tested the impact of providing learners the choice among four APAs on learning outcomes and student perceptions. Three hundred thirty-four middle-school students received either a pre-assigned random APA or were free to choose from four APA options: young male agent, older male agent, young female agent, or older female agent. Learners had higher far transfer scores when provided a choice of animated agent, but student perceptions were not impacted by having the ability to make this choice. We suggest that offering students learner control positively impacts student motivation and learning by increasing student perceptions of autonomy, responsibility for the success of the instructional materials, and global satisfaction with the design of materials.NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in COMPUTERS & EDUCATION Volume 67, September 2013, Pages 36–50 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.02.00

    Implementation of computer visualisation in UK planning

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    PhD ThesisWithin the processes of public consultation and development management, planners are required to consider spatial information, appreciate spatial transformations and future scenarios. In the past, conventional media such as maps, plans, illustrations, sections, and physical models have been used. Those traditional visualisations are at a high degree of abstraction, sometimes difficult to understand for lay people and inflexible in terms of the range of scenarios which can be considered. Yet due to technical advances and falling costs, the potential for computer based visualisation has much improved and has been increasingly adopted within the planning process. Despite the growth in this field, insufficient consideration has been given to the possible weakness of computerised visualisations. Reflecting this lack of research, this study critically evaluates the use and potential of computerised visualisation within this process. The research is divided into two components: case study analysis and reflections of the author following his involvement within the design and use of visualisations in a series of planning applications; and in-depth interviews with experienced practitioners in the field. Based on a critical review of existing literature, this research explores in particular the issues of credibility, realism and costs of production. The research findings illustrate the importance of the credibility of visualisations, a topic given insufficient consideration within the academic literature. Whereas the realism of visualisations has been the focus of much previous research, the results of the case studies and interviews with practitioners undertaken in this research suggest a ‘photo’ realistic level of details may not be required as long as the observer considers the visualisations to be a credible reflection of the underlying reality. Although visualisations will always be a simplification of reality and their level of realism is subjective, there is still potential for developing guidelines or protocols for image production based on commonly agreed standards. In the absence of such guidelines there is a danger that scepticism in the credibility of computer visualisations will prevent the approach being used to its full potential. These findings suggest there needs to be a balance between scientific protocols and artistic licence in the production of computer visualisation. In order to be sufficiently credible for use in decision making within the planning processes, the production of computer visualisation needs to follow a clear methodology and scientific protocols set out in good practice guidance published by professional bodies and governmental organisations.Newcastle upon Tyne for awarding me an International Scholarship and Alumni Bursar

    Virtual Heritage Building : Darul Rid/uan Museum

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    This research paper describes a development of virtual museum project. The objectives of this project are to create virtual heritage building (focus on the exterior design) as well as to create walkthrough for the user to navigate through the virtual museum. The scope of this project is to ensure the realism of exterior design of the building. Three vital phases of development are conducted, which involved Research and Analysis phase (data collection of virtual heritage building concept and modeling techniques), Design and Development phase (develop 3D model and walkthrough), and Testing and Evaluation phase (evaluation on important aspects, i.e. realism, navigation, collision detection, application suitability, application usability and user acceptance). The result for user acceptance is the highest percentage which is 90%. This indicates that this application is highly accepted by users. In conclusion, this project has met the objective and it can be enhanced in orderto make the application more appealing to the eye of the user

    Dynamic Rigging Menggunakan Expression pada Maya 3D

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    Penelitian ini mencakup pembuatan dan penggunaan tool rigging otomatis pada aplikasi 3D Maya. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan tool dynamic rigging untuk membangun rig serta mengontrol gerakan dinamik pada animasi. Penggunaan dynamic rigging dapat menurunkan performa software, namun pada Maya terdapat expression yang dapat mengkalkulasi gerakan menggunakan bahasa MEL, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja software. Penelitian terbagi dalam tahapan merancang logika dynamic rig, script, dan antarmuka, implementasi pembuatan script, serta implementasi tool yang dihasilkan pada objek 3D. Script Phyton untuk menghasilkan UI tool dan komponen dynamic rig, sedangkan script MEL pada node expression untuk menghasilkan gerakan rambut. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan 3 objek yaitu tentakel, rantai, dan rambut. Gerakan dinamik dihasilkan dari proses kalkulasi rumus Fisika Dasar yaitu kecepatan dan percepatan yang dijadikan dalam bahasa MEL pada node expression. Uji coba pada 3 objek tersebut berhasil memperlihatkan gerakan dinamik yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan animasi

    There is no dome?

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    Title: FullDome Special Edition (2012): Digital Creativity, 23:1. Lambert, N., Phillips, M. Guest Editors, FullDome Special Edition (2012): Digital Creativity, 23:1. ISSN 1462-6268 (Print), 1744-3806 (Online) Output type: Guest editor for Journal and two papers/ Output venue/publication: Digital Creativity, 23:1 Date and year: 2012 In collaboration with Nick Lambert from Birkbeck, University of London, Mike Phillips guest edited the 23:1 issue and submitted a joint introduction paper (Lambert, N., Phillips, M. (2012): http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ndcr20/23/1 Introduction: Fulldome, Digital Creativity, 23:1, 1-4). DOI:10.1080/14626268.2012.666980 Phillips, M. (2012): There is no dome?, Digital Creativity, 23:1, 48-57. DOI:10.1080/14626268.2012.666252 Description: The 23:1 issue frames the international research initiative around the liberation of FullDome environments from the hegemony of the Planetarium. The research has been coordinated through a collaboration across four international FullDome festivals: Jena, Germany (http://www.fulldome-festival.de/), Domefest in Albuquerque, New Mexico (http://www.domefest.org/), the Immersive Film Festival in Espinho, Portugal (http://iff.multimeios.pt/), and FULLDOMEUK (http://www.fulldome.org.uk/), co-organised by Phillips. Now in its 3rd year the FullDomeUK brings together key international developers, commisioners and researchers around FullDome technologies and content. The FullDome issue consolidates the innovations in this domain and maps a future development path for real-time data visualisation and media content. With the advent of powerful single and multi-projector digital systems for new builds or planetarium conversions, the focus is shifting from the stars to a multitude of content. Along with the shift in the technologies of projection, production and playback there is a steady increase in the amount of ‘independent’ productions. Although still dominated by the ‘science’ productions for large planetariums, the cracks are forming in the production and licensing models. This particular paradigm shift is also opening up a new transdisciplinary dialogue between creative practitioners with the skills to handle the production tools and the plethora of disciplines eager to immerse new audience in their data.Fulldome is slowly emerging from its planetarium shaped incubator into a brave new world of digital projectors, real-time visualisation software, independent content producers and transdisciplinary collaborations. This article takes a slow zoom through the evolution of fulldome. It reflects on the technologies and institutions that have shaped the fulldome orthodoxy and the recent emergence of a digital framework where all the different kinds of technologies, disciplines and media forms fit together. The fulldome may no longer be full of stars, but the emptiness that lies beyond its domed surface offers new imaginings of a ‘future in space’