1,180 research outputs found

    Struktura etniczna i wyznaniowa Dworu Imperatorskiego w epoce panowania Imperatora Mikołaja II

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    The article is devoted to the national and religious structure of the Court of Emperor Nicholas II (1894–1917). Due to the peculiarities of the state system, the Institute of the Court was an integral part of the government apparatus, and its members were the most elite group of the society in the Russian Empire of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Summarizing of the personal data of 2,341 courtiers, which were identified in the course of the research in the funds of the structural parts of the Ministry of the Imperial court and other state institutions and departments, made it possible to create an ethnic and religious portrait of the ruling elite of the last Kingdom. The analysis of the processes of incorporation and ex-corporation of the members of the court staff demonstrates models of interaction between the Crown and local elites. Most of the archival materials used in the research are being put into scientific circulation for the first time.Artykuł jest poświęcony strukturze narodowo-wyznaniowej Dworu Imperatora Mikołaja II (1894–1917). Ze względu na specyfikę ustroju państwowego instytucja Dworu była integralną częścią aparatu władzy, a jego członkowie stanowili najbardziej elitarną grupę społeczną Imperium Rosyjskiego końca XIX – początku XX w. Uogólnienie danych osobowych 2341 dworzan, zidentyfikowanych podczas badania w zbiorach jednostek strukturalnych Ministerstwa Dworu Cesarskiego oraz innych instytucji i wydziałów państwowych, pozwoliło na stworzenie etniczno-wyznaniowego portretu elity rządzącej epoki panowania ostatniego Cara. Analiza procesów inkorporacji i wykluczania członków stanu dworskiego pokazuje modele interakcji tronu mikołajowskiego z lokalnymi elitami. Większość materiałów archiwalnych wykorzystanych w badaniu trafia do obiegu naukowego po raz pierwszy.Artykuł jest poświęcony strukturze narodowo-wyznaniowej Dworu Imperatora Mikołaja II (1894–1917). Ze względu na specyfikę ustroju państwowego instytucja Dworu była integralną częścią aparatu władzy, a jego członkowie stanowili najbardziej elitarną grupę społeczną Imperium Rosyjskiego końca XIX – początku XX w. Uogólnienie danych osobowych 2341 dworzan, zidentyfikowanych podczas badania w zbiorach jednostek strukturalnych Ministerstwa Dworu Cesarskiego oraz innych instytucji i wydziałów państwowych, pozwoliło na stworzenie etniczno-wyznaniowego portretu elity rządzącej epoki panowania ostatniego Cara. Analiza procesów inkorporacji i wykluczania członków stanu dworskiego pokazuje modele interakcji tronu mikołajowskiego z lokalnymi elitami. Większość materiałów archiwalnych wykorzystanych w badaniu trafia do obiegu naukowego po raz pierwszy

    Osnovni morfometrijski parametri rogova europskih srnjaka (Capreolus capreolus L.) odstrijeljenih tijekom carskog lova u stoljetnoj šumi Białowieża

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    Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) is adaptable to various habitat conditions and is widespread across Europe. The Białowieża Primeval Forest is an area in the moderate zone of lowland Europe and it is habitat for different game species. For the purposes of this study, the morphometric parameters of roe deer antlers shot in the Białowieża Primeval Forest by the Russian Czar Nicholas II during his reign (1894-1917) were analysed. Length of left and right beams, circumference of the left and right coronets, circumference of the left and right, length of the first and second tine end of the left and right beams, and inside span were measured and analysed. The results showed that during the imperial roe deer hunts in the period 1894 to 1917 in Białowieża Primeval Forest, individuals of similar morphometric trophy characteristics were hunted. The trophies were, on average, characterized by a slightly longer left beam, uniform beam circumference, coronet circumference, and very similar tine ends lengths.Europski srnjak (Capreolus capreolus L.) je prilagodljiv različitim uvjetima staništa i rasprostranjen je diljem Europe. Stoljetna šuma Białowieża područje je u umjerenoj zoni nizinske Europe te predstavlja stanište različitoj divljači. U svrhu ovog istraživanja, analizirani su morfometrijski parametri rogova europskih srnjaka odstrijeljenih u stoljetnoj šumi Białowieża od strane ruskog cara Nikole II. tijekom njegove vladavine (1894. – 1917.). Mjerene su i analizirane duljina lijevog roga, duljina desnog roga, opseg lijevog vijenca, opseg desnog vijenca, opseg lijevog roga, opseg desnog roga, duljina vrha prvog i drugog paroška lijevog roga, duljina vrha prvog i drugog paroška desnog roga, unutarnji raspon. Rezultati su pokazali da su se tijekom carskog lova na europske srnjake u razdoblju od 1894. do 1917. u stoljetnoj šumi Białowieża lovile jedinke sličnih morfometrijskih karakteristika trofeja. Trofeji su u prosjeku bili okarakterizirani malo duljim lijevim rogom, jednoličnim opsegom roga, opsegom vijenaca, kao i vrlo sličnim duljinama vrhova parožaka

    No Longer a Secret: Uncovering My Family’s Russian Jewish Heritage

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    Русская революция и Священный собор в 1917 году

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    В подробно раскрыты события, предшествующие созыву Поместного Собора 1917–1918 гг., а также взаимоотношения между Церковью, в лице участников собора, и государственной властью во время революции 1917 г. В качестве источников привлечены законодательные акты Временного правительства и большевиков, церковная периодическая печать соответствующего периода, личные дела членов Собора, а также его деяния. В ходе исследования автор приходит к выводу, что Февральская революция, ослабив влияние государства на Церковь, сделала возможным созыв Поместного собора. Однако принципиальная позиция Собора как голоса Церкви и, с другой стороны, в некоторых вопросах ярко выраженная ан-тицерковная политика власти привели к невозможности продолжения диалога. В итоге русская революция оказалась несовместимой с соборностью: вначале породив её, её же и погубила практически в зачатк

    4. Lenin

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    Marx\u27 theory of revolutionary tactics, moreover, could not easily be applied to Russian conditions. After the revolutions of 1848 he had abandoned reliance on small, secret societies aimed at the immediate seizure of power, holding that they could not be successful without popular understanding and support. The task, as he saw it, involved long-range preparations in which educating the working classes had to take precedence over organizing for violence. Consequently, Marx favored the creation of large political parties, functioning openly. Such an approach presupposed a relatively benign political environment, such as that of England. Where ideas could not be circulated freely, it could not be adopted. This was the situation in tsarist Russia. [excerpt

    Dan Sickles, William H. Tipton, and the Birth of Battlefield Preservation

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    Thirty years after the battle of Gettysburg, the small Pennsylvania town was once again besieged—only this time, the invaders were not rebels, but entrepreneurs with an unquenchable thirst for profit. The most visible sign of their voracious commercialism was an electric trolley line (“from which the shouts and songs of revelry may arise to drown the screams of the suffering”) belting the battlefield. The Gettysburg Electric Railway Company’s venture raised a host of new questions regarding the importance of battlefield preservation. Most significantly, it prompted Americans to ask if they had any obligation to set aside for posterity the land where it was saved. [excerpt

    Side by side – Hohfeld and Somló on rights and duties

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    Abstract 2017 was a double anniversary: 1917 was the year of Somló’s main work – [Juristische Grundlehre Foundations of Law] and the appearance of Hohfeld’s last study – Fundamental Legal Conceptions… II. However, there is a greater connection between the two authors. Their work is intertwined by the impact of John Austin and the aspiration to introduce results of analytical philosophy of law to the spiritual community of lawyers, mostly being averse from this branch of philosophy. The common topos of their works was the conceptual problem of right/duty and the far reaching impact of their handling of the problem. The exposition of the problem did not come from nowhere but arouse from the intellectual mold of the age – the turn of 20th century. In their elaborations, they have long lasting impact, initiating scholarly debates to current times. It is argued that though their conceptual world differed, it is better to conclude that their results complemented, rather than destroyed each other and it is possible to integrate them in one overall conception

    До витоків українсько-чеських культурних взаємин

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    У статті розглядаються проблеми українсько-чеських культурних взаємозв’язків

    Православное духовенство в преддверии революции 1917 г. (на примере Тамбовской губернии)

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    В статье анализируются революционные события начала XX в. и рассматривается степень участия в них православного духовенства. В результате нарастания кризисных показателей, принимавших системный характер в конце XIX – начале XX в., в России возникает духовно-мировоззренческий кризис и падение авторитета духовенства. Угнетённое моральное и материальное состояние не могло не сказаться на духовенстве. Тамбовскому духовенству приходилось работать в условиях жёстких охранительных мер, принимаемых правительством. Революционные события в полной мере позволили духовенству ознакомиться с набором политических средств радикализма, которые ярко проявились в Тамбовской семинарии. Роль ниспровергателей авторитета православного духовенства левые партии отводили сектантам. Духовенство вынуж-дено было реагировать и на уступки правительства либералам, приводящие к ущемлению позиции Церкв