230,127 research outputs found

    Richard Strauss: the Don Juan Recordings

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    RILM abstract: Considers the composer-conductor\u27s recordings of his tone poem Don Juan, and charts the genesis of the four commercially released recordings: 1917, 1922, 1929, and 1944. Techniques employed in the recordings are analyzed, and the practices and principles applied by Strauss are discussed in detail. George Szell\u27s involvement in the 1917 recording is considered. Strauss\u27s tempos in the 1922, 1929, and 1944 recordings are compared

    Preludes to Modernism in Brazil

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    This study focuses on certain significant events in the years immediately preceding the Modern Art Week, the landmark in Brazilian Modernism, in 1922.These events open up what may be described as the first Modernist period, from 1917 to 1929, which could even be extended up to the Exhibition of 1931.This study focuses on certain significant events in the years immediately preceding the Modern Art Week, the landmark in Brazilian Modernism, in 1922.These events open up what may be described as the first Modernist period, from 1917 to 1929, which could even be extended up to the Exhibition of 1931

    Інформація як об’єкт контролю в матеріалах діловодства та розпорядчій документації Головліту РФСРР

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    (uk) У статті досліджується цензурна політика в радянській Росії як система управління та контролю за інформаційними потоками протягом 1922 – 1929 рр.(ru) В статье рассматривается цензурная политика как системы управления и контроля над информационными потоками в советской России на протяжении 1917 – 1929 гг.(en) In this article is being the research of censorship policy in Soviet Russia as a system of state maintenance and control of distribution of information in 1922 – 1929

    Маркіян Шашкевич - ідейний натхненник Олеся Бабія

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    Показано традиції М. Шашкевича у творчості та публіцистиці українського поета, учасника Визвольних змагань 1917–1921 рр., керівника культурно-освітньої комісії І Конґресу українських націоналістів у Відні (1929) Олеся Бабія. Реопубліковано маловідомі статті О. Бабія про значення М. Шашкевича в історії та культурі українців.The article explicates the Markiyan Shashkevych’s traditions in the works and publicism of Oles’ Babiy. Babiy was a Ukrainian poet, participant of the Ukrainian national-liberation struggle of 1917–1921 and chair of the Cultural and Educational Committee of the First Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists in Vienna in 1929. The little-known articles by Babiy on the role of Shashkevych in the history and culture of Ukrainians are re-published in the article

    Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Julius Meier-Graefe : Briefwechsel

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    In einer kritischen Edition wurde hier der Briefwechsel zwischen Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Julius Meier-Graefe von 1917 bis 1929 in Herausgeberschaft von Ursula Renner abgedruckt, eingeleitet und kommentiert

    A study of the Great Basin Land Snail oreohelix strigosa depressa (Cockerell)

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    journal articleA survey of the previous mention of this snail provides a practical background for this essentially morphological study. The literature applicable to Oreolxdix strigosa depressa (Cockerell) in Utah may be summarized by reference to the following articles in the bibliography: directions for preparing and preserving, Chamberlin and Jones (1929); histological methods, Jones (1932); technique of sectioning the shell, Jones (1935, on tiger snail); locality records, Chamberlin and Jones (1929), Chamberlin and Berry (1929), Berry (1930), Berry (1931), Woodbury (1933), Jones (1935, on Weber Canyon mollusks), and Pilsbry (1939) ; comparative anatomy of genitalia with reference to taxonomy, Pilsbry (191(5) (1917) (1933) and (1939); comparative histology of the supramarginal ridge, Jones (1938); and physiology (burrowing reactions), Jones (1935, Nautilus)

    Taxonomic notes on Amblycerus Thunberg, 1815 (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

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    The following changes in nomenclature of some species of Amblyeems Thunberg, 1815, are proposed: A) Elevated to new taxonomic status- A. insuturatus (pic, 1902) from (Spennophagus subflavidus var.insuturatus); A. luteolineatus (pic, 1929) from (Spennophagus luteonotatus var .luteolineatus);A. paulonotatus (pic, 1906) from (Spennophagus luteonotatus var.paulonotatus). B) New synonymy-A. dispar(Sharp, 1885)(=Spermophagus longissimus Pic, 1902; =S. earyoborifonnis Pic, 1910; =S. guyanensis Pic, 1917; S.pieeosuturalis Pic, 1927; =S. earaeasensis Pic, 1954); A. gounellei (pic. 1902)(=S. eurtus Pic, 1911; =S. basipennis Pic, 1936); A. insuturatus (pic, 1902)(=A. woleotti Kingsolver, 1970;A.jatayensis (Pic, 1902)(=S.jatayensis var. bieolorieeps Pic, 1955; =S.jatayensis var. hahnelli Pic, 1955; A. IIwltimaculatus (pic, 1902)( =S. minasensis Pic, 1918); A. perfectus (Sharp, 1885)(=S. maeulatopygus Pic, 1927); A. reticulatus (Jekel, 1855)(=S. rufotestaeeus Pic, 1912);A.luteolineatus (pic, 1929)(=S. multisignatus Pic, 1954). C). Lectotype/s and paralectotype/s are designated for: S. luteonotatus Pic, 1902; S. multimaeulatus Pic, 1902; S. maeulatopygus Pic, 1927; S. subflavidus Pic, 1902; S. trisignatus Sharp, 1885; S.jatayensis Pic, 1902; S. longissimus Pic, 1902; S. earyoborifonnis Pic, 1910; S. dispar Sharp, 1885; S. subflavidusvar. insuturatus Pic, 1902. For all species listed in this paper, we provide a bibliography, label data on type material, sex of types and their repository

    Isabel Oyarzábal: periodismo feminista

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    Los artículos periodísticos de Isabel Oyarzábal Smith albergan el ideario del feminismo español de principios de siglo: el voto de las mujeres, la educación y la independencia económica, junto con la denuncia del atraso de las españolas con respecto a las europeas, la escasez de lecturas y la obsoleta moralidad española, entre otros temas. Una lucha feminista que había comenzado en 1907 en las páginas de La Dama y La Vida Ilustrada y que continuó posteriormente en la prensa madrileña: El Día (1916-1917), El Sol (1917-1921), para culminar en las columnas del Heraldo de Madrid (1927-1929).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Subject Index (Commission on Industrial Relations, cont. - dues and assessments), pp. 142-223

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944