12,040,933 research outputs found

    Type I/II interferon in HIV-1-infected patients: expression in gut mucosa and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and its modification upon probiotic supplementation

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    Expression of type I and II interferon (IFN) was evaluated in gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HIV-1-positive patients on long-term, suppressive, antiretroviral therapy before and after probiotic supplementation. IFNα subtypes and IFNβ were expressed at higher levels in GALT compared to PBMC, whereas an opposite trend of expression was recorded for IFNγ. An increase of IFNα6, IFNα10, IFNα14, IFNα17, and IFNα21 and a decrease of IFNγ were observed in both anatomical sites after probiotic supplementation

    Use of high performance networks and supercomputers for real-time flight simulation

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    In order to meet the stringent time-critical requirements for real-time man-in-the-loop flight simulation, computer processing operations must be consistent in processing time and be completed in as short a time as possible. These operations include simulation mathematical model computation and data input/output to the simulators. In 1986, in response to increased demands for flight simulation performance, NASA's Langley Research Center (LaRC), working with the contractor, developed extensions to the Computer Automated Measurement and Control (CAMAC) technology which resulted in a factor of ten increase in the effective bandwidth and reduced latency of modules necessary for simulator communication. This technology extension is being used by more than 80 leading technological developers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Included among the commercial applications are nuclear process control, power grid analysis, process monitoring, real-time simulation, and radar data acquisition. Personnel at LaRC are completing the development of the use of supercomputers for mathematical model computation to support real-time flight simulation. This includes the development of a real-time operating system and development of specialized software and hardware for the simulator network. This paper describes the data acquisition technology and the development of supercomputing for flight simulation

    Application of technology developed for flight simulation at NASA. Langley Research Center

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    In order to meet the stringent time-critical requirements for real-time man-in-the-loop flight simulation, computer processing operations including mathematical model computation and data input/output to the simulators must be deterministic and be completed in as short a time as possible. Personnel at NASA's Langley Research Center are currently developing the use of supercomputers for simulation mathematical model computation for real-time simulation. This, coupled with the use of an open systems software architecture, will advance the state-of-the-art in real-time flight simulation

    Nudging the FDA

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    [Excerpt] The FDA’s regulation of drugs is frequently the subject of policy debate, with arguments falling into two camps. On the one hand, a libertarian view of patients and the health care system holds high the value of consumer choice. Patients should get all the information and the drugs they want; the FDA should do what it can to enforce some basic standards but should otherwise get out of the way. On the other hand, a paternalist view values the FDA’s role as an expert agency standing between patients and a set of potentially dangerous drugs and potentially unscrupulous or at least insufficiently careful drug companies. We lay out here some of the ways the FDA regulates drugs, including some normally left out of the debate, and suggest a middle ground between libertarian and paternalistic approaches focused on correcting information asymmetry and aligning incentives.

    Protoype Restfull Web Service Guna Memonitoring dan Peringatan Dini Bencana Alam

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    Pembuatan web services dan web client untuk mengolah data yang diperoleh dari mikrokontroler sehingga dapat dijadikan suatu sistem monitoring bencana alam. Indonesia merupakan negara yang terletak pada pertemuan dua lempeng tektonik aktif, terdapat pegunungan vulkanik aktif, dan beriklim tropik. Sehingga dibeberapa wilayah di Indonesia sering terjadi bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, kebakaran hutan, dan banjir. Setiap kali terjadinya bencana pasti mengakibatkan kerusakan dan memakan korban jiwa. Oleh sebab itu, maka diperlukan adanya suatu sistem yang dapat memonitoring terjadinya bencana alam.sebuah sistem yang dapat mengolah data dari mikrokontroler dan sensor yang dapat mendeteksi terjadinya bencana alam. Sistem ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem Rational Unified Proccess (RUP)

    Analisis Digital Assistant Versi Cortana, Siri dan Google Now

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    Digital Assistant sebenarnya sudah tidak asing lagi yang sering kita jumpai dalam dunia informatika dan teknologi informasi, prinsipnya dibalik telepon anda mendengarkan lawan bicara akan tetapi lawan bicara kita adalah perangkat elektronik tersebut yaitu smartphone yang serba mutahir yang dimana kegunaanya untuk mempasilitasi manusia dalam melakukan kegiatan dengan menggunakan perintah suara langsung pada semartphone (speech Recognition

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pengetahuan Suami Tentang Tanda Bahaya pada Masa Kehamilan, Persalinan, Nifas dan Neonatus di Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat

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    The high number of maternal and Neonatal death rate in Indonesia frequently background by of three kind of delay (3T) one of which is delay in recognizing emergency signs and making decision where to refer to. This research aimed to recognize factors that related to husband\u27s knowledge about danger signs at pregnancy time, partum, postpartum and neonat period, at Garut sub-province West Java in 2007. The researt using secondary data from "Survey Basic Data of Neonatal Essential Health Services Improvement Model at Garut sub-province, West Java, 2007", which has been conducted by Center of Health Research University of Indonesia & Center of Health Promotion Study FKM-UI in cooperation with Save the Children, at July until October 2007, in 40 villages from 10 district at Garut sub­ province. The research design is cross sectional. Sample that used is the husband who having wife with baby or infant age 0-11 months. Total sample is 209 couples husband and wife. The data source from the module survey of husband and wife. The multivariate analysis result from regression of the last candidate model, multivariate model result that education variable is the dominant factor which related with husband knowledge about danger sign at pregnancy time, partus, postpartus, and neonates. Suggestion for Health Department of Republic Indonesia especially Health Promotion Section is to improve the cooperation in communication and information especially with national television institute for putting health information displaying event specially about danger sign at pregnancy time, partus, postpartus and neonates. sub-province Health Department shall; Advocate to the Garut sub-province local government for next affluent to Nasional Education Department to do education improvement for Garut sub-province people, suggested to health officer always to support the husband to develop their role in increasing knowledge of health maternal and neonatal, especially knowledge of danger sign in pregnancy time, partus, postpartus, and neonates, with event or agenda that interest the society

    Membangun SEO pada Web Sesuai Prinsip Dasarnya

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    Optimisasi mesin pencari ( Search Engine Optimization )SEO adalah serangkaian proses yang dilakukan secara sistematis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan visitor pengunjung, melalui mesin pencari menuju situs web tertentu dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme kerja atau algoritma mesin pencari tersebut. Tujuan dari SEO adalah menempatkan sebuah situs web pada posisi teratas, atau setidaknya halaman pertama hasil pencarian berdasarkan kata kunci tertentu yang ditargetkan. Secara logis, situs web yang menempati posisi teratas pada hasil pencarian memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk mendapatkan pengunjung

    Menggali Informasi Metadata Pada Citra Digital Yang Tersembunyi

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    Menggunakan gambar lebih cepat dalam menyampaikan informasi , ide, presepsi dan gaya opini.otak manusia jauh lebih cepat memahami dalam merespon gambar dari pada teks saja.foto digital secara otomatis telah memiliki metadata didalamnya dan bisa dibuktikan secara mudah.metadata dapat membantu mengungkap sebuah informasi yang tersembunyi pada satu gambar