15,526 research outputs found

    Проблемы демографического развития рекреационных районов АР Крым

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    В статье изложены результаты анализа демографической ситуации по данным переписей населения 1970, 1979, 1989 и 2001 гг. Проведена сравнительная балльная оценка рекреационных районов АР Крым в зависимости от особенностей демографических процессовУ статті викладені результати аналізу демографічної ситуації за даними перепису населення 1970, 1979, 1989 и 2001 рр. Проведена порівняльна бальна оцінка рекреаційних районів АР Крим залежно від особливостей демографічних процесів.In the article the results of analysis of demographic situation from data of censuses of population are expounded 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2001 Comparative mark estimation of the recreation regions of the AR Crimea depending on the features of demographic processes is conducte

    The War from Afghanistan (1979–1989) in the Memory of Participants from the Republic of Moldova. Official and Oral Speech

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    This article presents the consequences caused by the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989) upon the participants from Republic of Moldova. A number of evidence are offered through biographies, interviews etc.. They highlight the impact that this event had both economic, and social as well, upon the active participants in this warAfghanistan, memory, life history, autobiographies, military lexicon, Afghan syndrome

    Mortality in Vietnam, 1979-1989

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    Until not long ago, scanty information on the profile of the Vietnamese population and the poor quality of the available data have complicated efforts to present reliable estimates of mortality levels in Vietnam. Only recently, have official data on Vietnamese mortality become available through the 1979 and the 1989 population censuses. This paper makes use of such data to estimate Vietnam s mortality levels during the intercensal period

    Vision to reality: From Robert R. Wilson's frontier to Leon M. Lederman's Fermilab

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    This paper examines the roles of vision and leadership in creating and directing Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory from the late 1960s through the 1980s. The story divides into two administrations having different problems and accomplishments, that of Robert R. Wilson (1967-1978), which saw the transformation from cornfield to frontier physics facility, and that of Leon Max Lederman (1979-1989), in which the laboratory evolved into one of the world's major high-energy facilities. Lederman's pragmatic vision of a user-based experimental community helped him to convert the pioneering facility that Wilson had built frugally into a laboratory with a stable scientific, cultural, and funding environment

    Activitat immobiliària a Lleida (1979-1989)

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    L'article analitza el cicle immobiliari d'una ciutat mitjana catalana, Lleida (120.000 habitants), al llarg dels anys 80. Les característiques del cicle i l'impacte espacial de l'activitat es relacionen amb la política desenvolupada a diverses escales (de la local a l'estatal) i amb l'actuació del promotor immobiliari, que es presenta com un agent urbà decisiu. Les línies de planejament i d'inversió de capital públic en sòl urbà, inversió que es concentra sobretot en moments de crisi, defineixen les àrees de futura inversió del capital privat i les característiques generals del paisatge de nova creació. L'actuació del promotor immobiliari és, en principi, dirigida pel comportament de la demanda i les diverses polítiques urbanes. Ambdós factors influiran en el ritme del cicle immobiliari, la localització i el tipus d'actuació del promotor.El articulo analiza el ciclo inmobiliario de una ciudad media catalana, Lérida (120.000 habitantes), durante los años 80. Las características del ciclo y el impacto espacial de la actividad se relacionan con la política urbana desarrollada a diferentes escalas (de la local a la estatal) y con la actuación del promotor inmobiliario que se presenta como un agente urbano decisivo. Las lineas de planeamiento e inversión de capital público en suelo urbano, inversión que se concentra sobre todo en momentos de crisis, definen las áreas de futura inversión del capital privado y las caracteristicas generales del paisaje de nueva creación. La actuación del promotor inmobiliario viene en principio dirigida por el comportamiento de la demanda y las diversas políticas urbanas. Ambos factores influirán en el ritmo del ciclo inmobiliario, la localización y el tipo de actuación del promotor.L'article analyse le cycle immobilier de Lleida, ville catalane moyenne, de 120.000 habitants, pendant les années 80. Les caractéristiques du cycle et ses conséquences spatiales sont en étroites relations avec les politiques développées A différentes échelles (locale, régionale, nationale) et l'action des promoteurs immobiliers qui se présentent comme un acteur urbain décisif. Les directions de la planification urbaine et l'investissement de capital public en sol urbain, investissement qui se concentre surtout en moment de crise, définissent les zones d'investissement atur du capital privé ainsi que les caractéristiques générales des nouveaux paysages urbains. Les décisions des agents immobiliers dépendent en principe du comportement de la demande et des politiques urbaines. Ces deux facteurs ont une grande influence sur le rythme du cycle immobilier et sur la localisation et le type de promotion.The article analyses the property cycle in a medium-sized Catalan city: Lleida (120.000 inhabitants), during the eighties. The characteristics of the cycle and the spatial impact of the activity are related to urban politics at different levels (from local to national) and to the role of developers, who become highly influential urban agents. Planning measures and the investment of public capital in urban sites, which is more common at tirnes of crisis, also define the areas of future investment of private capital and the general characteristics of the newly created urban landscape. The interventions of estate agents respond basically to the behaviour of demand and urban policy. Both factors influence the rhythm of the property cycle, the location and type of intervention of the promotor

    Archie Harold Kennamer Papers, 1979-1989

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    Market Conditions and Retirement of Physical Capital: Evidence fron Oil Tankers

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    The endogeneity of capital retirements is studied for the particular case of oil tankers from 1979--1989. A model is estimated to examine the effect of changes in market conditions on the price and scrappage of tankers. Energy price rises had a major impact on the value of ships and on which ships were scrapped. A simple model is able to account for many features of the market. We use the information implicit in second-hand prices to ease the computational burden for the model that is estimated.

    Локальная война в зеркале российской военной прессы: концептосфера и прагматика двух дискурсов

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    Цель работы - анализ того, как военная пресса России изображает две войны - русско-японскую (1904-1905 гг.) и афганскую (1979-1989 гг.). Обе войны получают в прессе очень похожее отражение, что показано использованием методики описания словесно закрепленных в текстах концептосфер двух дискурсов

    Regional convergence of output per worker in China : a neoclassical interpretation.

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    Regional output per worker has converged across Chinese provinces in 1979- 1989. The estimated rate of convergence is 2.2 percent. This rate of convergence can be explained by neoclassical growth model conditional on assumptions about factor mobility and production elasticities. My empirical results show that capital mobility has been high across Chinese provinces and that the production elasticity of human capital is about twice as high as the production elasticity of physical capital. With less interprovincial capital flows as the result of an expected increase in fiscal decentralization, the rate of convergence of regional output per worker is likely to decline.Arbeitsproduktivität; Interregionale Kapitalmobilität; Humankapital; China;

    Afghanistan’s National Mine Action Strategic Plan (2016–2021)

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    Afghanistan suffers from severe landmine and explosive remnants of war (ERW) contamination, mostly as a result of the Soviet-Afghan War (1979–1989), internal conflict lasting from 1992 to 1996, and the United States-led coalition intervention in late 2001