20 research outputs found

    Тема репресій проти родин «ворогів народу» в мемуарах представників української діаспори (The Topic of Repressions against Families of «Enemies of the People» Depicted in Memoirs of the Ukrainian Diaspora)

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    У статті проаналізовані окремі мемуарно-публіцистичні праці представників української еміграції, які були безпосередніми свідками сталінського терору або самі зазнали репресій, утисків та переслідувань. Наведений найбільш яскравий фактологічний матеріал, який ілюструє найганебнішу складову того невмотивованого широкомасштабного насильства – репресії проти жінок та дітей, винних лише в тому, що були членами родин «ворогів народу» (The author of the article analyses some memoirs and publicistic articles of the Ukrainian Emigrants who witnessed Stalin’s regime or who fell victims to terror, discrimination and oppression. Moreover, the article provides facts to illustrate the widespread unlawful violence and to expose repressions against women and children from the families of «enemies of the people». Therefore, the author underlines that several generations of Ukrainians had to live under the totalitarian regime in the atmosphere of constant fear

    “Moscow Surrealism” by Mikhail Dashevsky

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    In the article, the researcher analyzed the photographic heritage of the Moscow photographer M.A. Dashevsky presented in the book Native Retro. 1962–2002. Photo Saga (2020) through the prism of surrealist aesthetics, and draws parallels between his works and the works of foreign photographers connected with this art movement. Despite the fact that in Russia, surrealism as a separate trend was not fully represented, it is possible to reveal the elements close to its conceptual program in various types of Russian art of the 20th century. In his photographs, M.A. Dashevsky offered the author’s version of “surrealism” or, more precisely, a particular “Moscow surrealism”. It was formed in the context of both the photographer’s own poetics and the specifics of the development of Russian photography in general. Like many works by surrealist photographers, Dashevsky’s photographs can be read both as an authentic story about his era and as its subjective interpretation. The researcher reveals parallels between historical photographic surrealism and the works of Dashevsky at the levels of the choice of motives, conceptions and artistic techniques. Their common motives and themes include interest in monuments, mannequins, shop windows, cafes, antique shops, flea markets, images of picturesque destruction, and absurd situations. Among their general strategies it is important to mention the search for “paradoxical juxtapositions” generated by reality itself, the choice of an unusual angle of shooting, the work with inscriptions in the urban space, and the involvement of the viewer’s associative thinking. Dialectics of the real and the phantom, internal and external, public and private, which is close to surrealist aesthetics, endows the works of M.A. Dashevsky with semantic versatility. The photographer also actively uses the strategy of one reality penetrating into another, generating surreality, which is developed in his photographs of “glass life” and “overlays”. An integral part of the works by M.A. Dashevsky is the author’s humor — kind and lyrical or close to surrealistic black humor

    Виправно-трудові табори та колонії на території УРСР в умовах голоду 1946–1947 рр.

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    Голод 1946–1947 рр. належить до числа досить детально досліджених подій в історії України. Водночас те, як ті обставини відбилися на виправно-трудовій системі, як вплинули на становище в’язнів, досі не розглядалося ані в українській, ані в російській історіографії. Представлена нижче стаття є першою спробою висвітлення цієї невідомої сторінки історії.Famine of 1946–1947 is one of the very detailed studies of events in the history of Ukraine. However, as the famine affected the existing at the time a forced labor system, how it affected the situation of the prisoners have not seen either in Ukrainian or in Russian historiography. This article is the first attempt to reveal this page of the history

    Сталінська ґендерна політика у добу «Великого терору» (1937–1938 рр.)

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    Based on the unknown documents of Politburo of Central Committee of All-Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks as well as of former Soviet security services, the author investigated the repressions against women, children and old men in 1937–1938

    Общественные науки в Узбекистане

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    Тагильский рабочий. 2013. № 244

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    Тагильский рабочий. 2014. № 168

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    Тагильский рабочий. 2014. № 173

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    Тагильский рабочий. 2013. № 186

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