2,350 research outputs found

    Maestro of Science: Omond McKillop Solandt and Government Science in War and Hostile Peace, 1939-1956 (Book Review) by Jason Sean Ridler

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    Review of Maestro of Science: Omond McKillop Solandt and Government Science in War and Hostile Peace, 1939-1956 Jason Sean Ridle

    La fàbrica de Can Mulà en el record de la gent. Mollet del Vallès, 1913-1971

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    Aproximació a la realitat de la fàbrica tèxtil de Can Mulà de Mollet del Vallès, on parlem dels inicis, l’evolució (que dividim en quatre etapes: 1913- 1936, 1936-1939, 1939 1956 i 1956- 1971) i el capítol dedicat a la gent a partir de les vivències i els records de més de trenta persones entrevistades

    Джерела з історії ОУН та УПА радянського походження: схема класифікації, змістова сторона

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    Здійснено аналіз видового складу документів партійно-радянського походження, які розкривають перебіг та особливості боротьби правлячого у СРСР режиму з організованими формами українського національно-визвольного руху 1939– 1956 рр., насамперед з УПА та підпіллям ОУН. На підставі документальних свідчень робиться висновок про непримиренний характер, переважно репресивний зміст цієї боротьби, подано типологію відповідних джерел.Done analysis of specific composition of records party-soviet origins which expose movement and specifics of fight USSR’s regime with the organized forms of Ukrainian national liberation movement 1939–1956, above all things with Ukrainian Insurgent Army and underground of Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. On the basis of the mentioned documentary certificates drawn conclusion about irreconcilable character, mainly repressive forms of this fight, given typology of the proper sources

    Sotavankien paluu Neuvostoliittoon 1939-1956

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the various methods of word-formation in the English language, to ascertain which methods are active in the post-World War II of today, and decide, if possible, which methods are coming into increasing use and which methods are temporarily out of favor. For this study materials over a seventeen -year period 1939-1956 were consulted, and then the war words which seemed to find no permanent place in the language were discarded. Many of the war words were retained, however, if the seemed to fill a continuing need. Of course, any judgement concerning what is, or what is not, a useful word is a personal evaluation, although an attempt to justify this decision by application of linguistic principles has been made

    España, refugio para los aliados del Eje y destino de anticomunistas (1939-1956)

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    La historia social, la historia política y la historia de las relaciones internacionales confluyen, entre otros, en un ámbito, el de los movimientos migratorios de carácter político, los exiliados y sus destinos, aspectos que desempeñan un papel primordial entre las fuerzas que configuran la política exterior de los Estados. El fenómeno está articulado en torno a un conjunto de correspondencias que giran fundamentalmente sobre tres cuestiones: el influjo de las relaciones internacionales en la conformación de la migración internacional; la instrumentalización de las migraciones para los fines de las políticas exteriores nacionales, y, finalmente, la inevitable proyección de las políticas nacionales en la dimensión internacional de los Estados. Las páginas que siguen analizarán estos tres paradigmas aplicados en un tramo cronológico de nuestra historia reciente, 1939-1956, y en una de las columnas sustentadoras del Régimen, el anticomunismo. Nuestro propósito es, pues, el de examinar las causas y las consecuencias de la presencia en España de exiliados anticomunistas procedentes de la Europa Central y Oriental así como la manipulación de la misma para los objetivos de la dimensión exterior del Estado franquista.Social History, Political History and History of International Relations meet, in an area of political migratory movements, one of the exiles and their destinations. That plays a central role in the forces that shape state foreign policy. The phenomenon is based on a group of relationships determined by three fundamental issues: the influence of international relations in the development of international migration; the use of migration to satisfy aims of national foreign policy, and, finally, the inevitable projection of national policies into the international sphere of the countries. The following pages will study these three questions in a chronological sequence of our recent history, 1939-1956. Also, we will examine the anti-communism, one of the central pillars of the Regimen. Our aim, then, is to examine the origin and the consequences of the presence of anti-communists exiles in Spain, coming from the East and Centre Europe as well as the manipulation of this situation in order to achieve the external objectives of the State.Publicad

    Guide to the Charles W. Chesnutt Family Collection

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    The Charles Waddell Chesnutt Collection contains materials such as (1 box) of personal correspondence of Charles W. Chesnutt (1926-1938)). The box contains two (2) original letters of Charles W. Chesnutt to his sister Anne dated March 31, 1926 and July 20, 1929. It also contains mostly Xeroxed copies of letters (from Western Reserve Historical Society Library in Cleveland, Ohio and Fisk University (1890-1929); There are also (18 boxes) which includes personal correspondence of Annie C. Waddell (1939-1956) and Sara Chesnutt (1908-1969); Legal papers of Annie C. Waddell and Sara Chesnutt (1821-1969) such as: Deeds (1836-1940); Wills (1921-1938); Awards/Honors/Certificates (1907-1930); Retirement Papers (1941-1968); and Income Tax Records. The Charles W. Chesnutt Collection also includes pictures of family and friends (1869-1969); Newspaper and Magazine Clippings; and Scrapbooks with (cards of all occasions) and Post Cards. The majority of Charles W. Chesnutt\u27s Original Collection is located at Fisk University in Tennessee.https://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/archv_fa/1003/thumbnail.jp

    On the distribution of brightness on the disk of Mars and its stellar magnitude

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    Brightness distribution on disk of Mars and its stellar magnitud