7 research outputs found

    Понятие композиции художественного произведения в изобразительном искусстве: к вопросу изучения золотого сечения

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    The concept of composition of art from the standpoint of visual arts: on the question of the golden ratio studies. The article considers the composition of works of visual art from the standpoint of art. In article the author points out that this concept has been studied by researchers such as Aristotel, Mark Vitryviu, J.B.Alberty, B.Bahtin, M.Alpatov, N. Kozlov, S.Lewandowski, N.Goncharova, M.Laptev and more. In terms of the studies the main scientific works of such researchers as M.Volkov, F.Kovaliov, E.Kibrik have been analyzed. This article studies the importance of the phenomenon of the golden section and its role in the analysis of the composition art form of the twentieth century. The author points out that for a rather long period of time a clear understanding of the concept of composition in visual art has been developed from fiftenth century. The most appropriate to the twentieth century culture definition of visual composition was given by M.Volkov. His science work about composition to have law for making form of art and are organized by compositional logic. M.Volkov writes that the composition of art is always a construct for understanding the "base". The concept of "base" is almost always associated with the notion of source, the basis of the internal structure. That it involves the idea of becoming a real logic of composition construction. Composition of the painting is the structure of its meanings. The meaning specifies complex principles. Among the principles Volkov highlights on rhythm, symmetry, time and space. Painter E.Kibrik continues study issues of composition and he formulates the basic rules of composition of art. These laws are universal for the composition of all the works of art. The painter underlines such laws as the law of integrity, contrast, movement and imagery. Integrity of the author considers the fundamental law of composition. The integrity of all elements of composition relationship is not only logical but also emotional, aesthetic quality that creates harmony. The law of contrasts determines the energy, affecting the power, expressiveness composition. Art painting conveys a moment, and this moment should not be static- it is the law of movement. Another composition law pointed is the presence of imagery. It is an artistic image determines the composition and relation within the composition of artistic form. Thus, the idea of work of art is a fundamental concept in the structure of a composition. This interpretation of the composition is also due to the features of playwriting. The author F. Kovalov wrote "Golden Section in art". The book is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of the golden section in practical work of painter. The researcher makes attempts to distinguish between the law of composition and rules of composition. The author examines the laws of composition, such as the basis construction of the Universe. He calls the law of the all, law of the the proportion, the law of symmetry and the law of rhythm. These laws are associated primarily with proportionality, which is a manifestation of symmetry and asymmetry. Symmetry and asymmetry demonstrate the law of duality. The unity of symmetry and asymmetry is most clearly expressed in the principle of the golden section. This phenomenon manifests itself in many principles of composition basics and is associated with the expression of ideas and the formation of the basic integrity of the work. Its main feature is that it is manifested at the macro and micro levels of compositions and repeats the same value at different scale levels. The result of the study was concluded that the base of composition should possess such qualities as naturalness and organic. The role of symmetry and asymmetry has been considered, and the role of the golden section in the structure of a composition defined. Thus, the base of composition is a system of principles that lead to the creation of the whole thing. However, they do not dissolve completely, but in development they qualitatively complement each other. There is a process of inhomogeneous coexistence, embodied in a system where a single general principle should be. It is possible that this principle is the phenomenon of the golden section. Given the above, the concept of the golden section requires a more careful study of the formation of the concept of composition of works of art other arts.У статті розглянуто питання композиції художніх творів з позицій образотворчого мисте- цтва. В аспекті дослідження проаналізовано основні наукові праці таких дослідників, як М. Волков, Ф. Ковальов, Є. Kібрік. Подано характеристику поняття композиції, розглянуто закони та принци- пи композиції, охарактеризовані правила композиції. Визначена роль симетрії та асиметрії та про- аналізовано зв’язок із золотим перетином в побудові композиції художніх творів.статье рассматриваются вопросы композиционных художественных произведений с позиций изобрази- тельного искусства. В аспекте исследования проанализированы основные научные труды таких авторов, как Н.Волков, Ф.Ковалев, Е.Кибрик. Представлена характеристика понятия композиции, рассмотрены законы и принципы композиции, обозначены правила последней. Рассмотрена роль симметрии и асимметрии, определена роль золотого сечения в построении композиции

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Литературная среда Харькова 1920 годов в воспоминаниях Владимира Гжицкого

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    This article investigates the literary environment of Kharkiv in early totalitarian period on the basic of memoirs of a writer Volodymyr Hzhytskyi. The main literary associations and figures are shown.У статті досліджується літературне середовище Харкова періоду раннього тоталітаризму на основі спогадів письменника Володимира Гжицького. Показано основні літературні угруповання та постаті.В статье исследуется литературная среда Харькова периода раннего тоталитаризма на основе воспоминаний писателя Владимира Гжицкого. Показано основные литературные групы и деятели

    Наукові записки. Серія "Філологічна".

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    У збірнику містяться статті, присвячені проблемам корпусного та лексикографічного представлення мовного матеріалу, термінознавства, а також порівняльному літературознавству. Збірник рекомендовано науковцям, викладачам, студентам-філологам і всім, хто цікавиться філологічною наукою