15,853 research outputs found

    MF108 Norman Soucie Photo Collection

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    Norman Soucie photo collection, 1974, Allagash and St. John, Maine. Collection of 36 black and white photographs depicting woods work and woods life in the region of Allagash and Saint John, Maine, ca. 1900-1930. Images show men working in batteaux (boats) to free jammed logs and other aspects of river work; scenes of lumber operations along the river; woods scenes showing Lombard log hauler; pulpwood train; sleds; camp scenes; horses; sluiceways; log piles; log marks; sorting gap; river rapids; cribwork piers, etc. Photos: P00453 - P00487. NA 2586, p00452, 1900-1930: Three men in a bateau pulling logs away from shore. Probably in the St. John-Allagash region NA 2586, p00453, 1900-1930: Three men in a bateau pulling logs away from shore on the Allagash-St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00454, 1900-1930: Three men in a bateaux, one balancing on thwart, another man on log with pick pole, canoe in foreground. Probably St. John-Allagash region. NA 2586, p00455, 1900-1930: Two bateaux in river: three men in one, four men in the other, two men standing on logs. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00456, 1900-1930: Eight men working on a small jam of logs. Two men holding bateaux in current on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00457, 1900-1930: Two bateaux full of men, most with pick poles. Probably St. John-Allagash region. NA 2586, p00458, 1900-1930: Large mass of logs in river, two crib-work piers and boom logs. Probably St. John-Allagash region. NA 2586, p00459, 1900-1930: Logs on river banks being maneuvered with chains on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00460, 1900-1930: Men breaking up a landing of logs; logs hitting the water with a splash, most likely on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00461, 1900-1930: Long lumber stacking up in a river, two cribwork piers and opposite shore in background. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00462, 1900-1930: Long lumber stacking up in river. Four cribwork piers and opposite shore visible. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00463, 1900-1930: Looking down a river full of long lumber; many crib-work piers visible. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00464, 1900-1930: Looking down a river full of long lumber. Logs pushed up on shore, many crib-work piers visible. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00465, 1900-1930: Two logs being tossed into air in boiling rapids on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00466, 1900-1930: Long lumber piled high in a clearing with log marks visible. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00467, 1900-1930: Long lumber piled in a clearing, log marks visible; Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00468, 1900-1930: Logs, log booms, and piers in river; cleared banks with farm buildings in distance. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00469, 1900-1930: Long lumber in a river, two crib-work piers, houses and barns on bank in background. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00470, 1900-1930: About thirty men standing and sitting on a river bank eating. Three tents at top of bank. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00471, 1902: Very large hemlock, 3-1/2 feet in diameter, Long Lake, Fish River Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00472, 1890-1930: Three men, a pair of harnessed horses, and a dog on top of Mount Chase on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00473, 1890-1920: Man with suspenders standing beside a very large dead moose suspended from a pole. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00474, 1915-1935: Lombard log hauler with five men aboard; large fuel storage tanks to right. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00475, 1910-1940: Train of pulpwood sleds being hauled out of the woods. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00476, 1910-1940: Lombard hauler pulling train of pulpwood sleds out of the woods. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00477, 1910-1940: Lombard log hauler with five men and a dog. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00478, 1910-1940: Lombard log hauler pulling empty sled; large fuel storage tanks. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00479, 1910-1940: Side view of Lombard hauler with seven men on or near the vehicle. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, 00480, 1890-1920: Man standing on empty sled hooked to a single dark horse in front of a log cabin. Democrat wagon and dirt road in background. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00481, 1920-1930: Six men sitting on the ground, eating, in front of a log cabin with a very early \u27Smoky the Bear\u27 poster on wall; Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00482, 1900-1930: Long lumber piled high on a river bank beside a steam-driven mill on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00483, 1910-1940: Six men standing at the bottom of a sluiceway, prodding pulp wood with pick poles on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00484, 1900-1930: Dam with sluiceway, men standing on top with pick poles, forest behind largely deciduous or tamarack. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00485, 1900-1930: Three men standing on a pile of logs at the edge of a river with peaveys. Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00486, 1900-1930: Twenty-one men with pick poles sorting logs at a sorting gap on the Allagash/St. John Rivers. NA 2586, p00487, 1910-1930: Woman in field clothes and boots standing on river bank below rapids. Allagash/St. John Rivers.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/ne_findingaids/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Принцип наслідування у професійних комунікаційних процесах у документно-інформаційній сфері

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    У статті викладено деякі результати дослідження професійної комунікації у вітчизняній документно-інформаційній сфері двох періодів: першої третини ХХ ст. (1900–1930) та періоду з 1990-х років і до сьогодні.В статье представлены некоторые результаты изучения профессиональной коммуникации в отечественной документно-информационной сфере двух периодов: первой трети ХХ в. (1900–1930) и периода с 1990-х гг. и до настоящего времени.The article presents some results of professional communication research in the national documentary and information sphere during two periods: the first third of the XX century (1900–1930) and the period since 1990s to the present

    Художнє життя Чернігівщини першої третини ХХ століття

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    У статті розглядаються основні напрямки художнього життя Чернігівщини 1900 – 1930-х років, декотрі форми роботи митців, події, що вплинули на загальний розвиток художнього процесу в регіоні. В науковий обіг уведено невідомі раніше імена митців. Саме у цей проміжок часу створено фундамент, на якому почали формуватися післявоєнні мистецькі традиції Чернігівського краю.В статье рассматриваются основные направления художественной жизни Черниговщины 1900 – 1930-х годов, некоторые формы работы художников, события, повлиявшие на развитие художественного процесса в регионе. В научный обиход введены неизвестные ранее имена деятелей искусства. Именно в это время был создан фундамент, на котором начали формироваться послевоенные художественные традиции Чениговского края.Basic directions of the artistic life of Chernihiv region during 1900 –1930, some forms of artists’ activity, ivents, that had an influence on development of art process in the same place, are considered in the article. Unknown before artists’ names are proposed for scientific referring and usage. Exactly during this period of time the basis of post – war art traditions of the region began formed

    Review of: Labors Appropriate To Their Sex: Gender, Labor, And Politics In Urban Chile, 1900-1930 by Elizabeth Quay Hutchison

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    This article reviews the book Labors Appropriate to Their Sex: Gender, Labor, and Politics in Urban Chile, 1900-1930 by Elizabeth Quay Hutchison

    British fiction 1900-1930

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    This chapter has eight sections: 1. General; 2. Pre-1945 Fiction; 3. British Fiction, 1945–2000; 4. Pre-1950 Drama; 5. Post-1950 Drama; 6. Poetry; 7. British Poetry Post-1950; 8. Modern Irish Poetry. Section 1 is by Matthew Levay; section 2(a) is by Andrew Radford; section 2(b) is by Sophie Vlacos; Section 2(c) is by Maria-Daniella Dick; section 2(d) is by Andrew Keese; section 2(e) is by Clara Jones; section 3 is by Hannah Tweed; section 4 is by Rebecca D'Monte; section 5 is by Graham Saunders; 6(a) is by Neil Miles; section 6(b) is by Matthew Creasy; section 7 is by Matthew Sperling; section 8 is by Adam Hann

    A Century of Progress in Swine Feeding

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    The feeding trial reported here was conducted to demonstrate the improvement in performance of pigs fed diets similar to those fed in 1900, 1930 and 1975

    The Untruthful Source: Writings, official and reform documentation 1900 - 1930

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    Ash’s article, ‘The untruthful source: Prisoner’s writings, official and reform documentation, 1900–1930’, published following her 2009 book on prison dress, questions how myths arose about the history of prisoners’ clothing in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. Ash shows that, although there was little critical writing about prisoners’ clothing in this period, the inmates’ own writing and archival documentation provide us with the means to achieve a new understanding of the political encounters played out in courtrooms. Ash’s research material included interwar Home Office circulars that announced the abolition of ‘broad arrow’ prison uniforms in 1920 and responses of prison governors that reveal their continuance after this date. Other key reform documents consulted by the author included those of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Fenner Brockway’s 1922 Prison System Enquiry Committee Report, later published as English Prisons Under Local Government, which proposed radical prison reforms including the abolition of prison dress as criminal stigmatisation, and inmate testimonials of the continuance of the broad arrow uniform. The article demonstrates the difficulty for design historians investigating prison dress in establishing the truth about specific penal reform dates and practices on the basis of official government documents alone. Ash argues that the publications of penal reformers and the prison writings of inmates at the time also need to be read, in order to establish the clothing prisoners actually wore in confinement. Ash first presented this research as a paper to the 2009 Design History Society annual conference hosted by the theorising Visual Art and Design (tVAD) Research Group, School of Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire. It was then selected to be peer reviewed and published in the University of Hertfordshire Working Papers on Design web-based journal

    When Harry left Sally: A New Estimate of Marital Disruption in the U.S., 1860 - 1948

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    Divorce rate is a poor indicator of marital instability because many marital disruptions never become divorces. This paper provides the first estimate of the rate of marital disruption in the U.S. in 1860 - 1948. Marital disruption rate was similar to divorce rate after the Civil War but the two rates wildly diverged in the early 20th century. In 1900 - 1930, the disruption rate was as much as double the divorce rate, implying that perhaps half of all disruptions never reached the court. In the long run, the cohort rate of marital disruption increased from about 10% in the mid-1860s to about 30% in the 1940s.divorce, marital disruption, separation

    Accommodations at the Edge of Wilderness: the Story of Hunt Farm and Lunksoos on the Penobscot River\u27s East Branch

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    Contents: Prelude, Setting the Stage -- The Pioneers Arrive 1830-1845 -- Hunt Farm, The Way to Katahdin 1845–1880 -- The Ascendancy of the Dacey Clearing 1880–1900 -- Lunksoos in Times of Change 1900 – 1930 -- The Pasts Recedes, A Bright Future Unfolds 1930 to the Presen