2,744 research outputs found

    Потребительские предпочтения читателей газеты «Минский курьер»

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    В статье рассмотрены потребительские предпочтения в результате исследования мнения читателей газеты «Минский курьер», так как правильно подобранный для клиентов контент способен принести достойные плоды, что и реализует печатное издание «Минский курьер»

    Медицинский курьер

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    Fondatori: Ministerul Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”It is a peer-reviewed and attested by National Council for Accreditation and Attestation (certificate of State registration N 1020394 from 12.03.1993), practical, scientific journal designed for specialists in the areas of medicine and pharmaceuticals. The journal was founded by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova in 1958. Since 2005, the Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has become the co-founder of this journal. The journal publishes official papers as well as independently submitted scientific articles, editorials, clinical studies and cases, lectures, methodological guides, reviews, brief reports and correspondences.Este o revistă ştiinţifico-practică acreditată de Consiliul Naţional de Acreditare şi Atestare (certificat de înregistrare de Stat nr. 1020394 din 12.03.1993), destinată specialiştilor din toate domeniile medicinei şi farmaceuticii. Revista a fost fondată de către Ministerul Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova în anul 1958. Din 2005, asociat al revistei devine Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Revista publică comunicări oficiale şi, totodată, sunt editate diverse publicaţii, inclusiv independente: articole ştiinţifice, editoriale, cercetări şi prezentări de cazuri clinice, prelegeri, îndrumări metodice, articole de sinteză, relatări scurte, corespondenţe şi recenzii la monografii, manuale, compendii.Это аккредитованное Национальным Советом по акредитации и аттестации (свидетельство о гос. регистрации № 1020394 от 12.03.1993) научно-практическое издание для специалистов всех медицинских профилей и фармацевтов. Журнал был основан Министерством здравоохранения Республики Молдова в 1958 году. С 2005 года соучредителем журнала становится Государственный Университет Медицины и Фармации им. Н. А. Тестемицану. В журнале печатаются официальные материалы, а также научные статьи (в том числе от независимых авторов), наблюдения из клинической практики, обобщающие статьи, краткие сообщения, методические указания, рецензии на новые монографии, учебники, корреспонденция и др

    Расійскія газеты 1915–1917 гадоў як крыніца па гісторыі вымушанай міграцыі насельніцтва з Беларусі

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    THE RUSSIAN NEWSPAPERS OF 1915–1918 YEARS AS SOURCES ON THE HISTORY OF FORCED MIGRATION FROM BELARUS V. KARNIALIUKАналізуецца такі корпус крыніц па гісторыі вымушанай міграцыі з Беларусі, як расійскія газеты 1915–1918 гг. Выкарыстоўваюцца матэрыялы перыядычных выданняў тых рэгіёнаў Расіі, у якіх шчыльна пражывалі ў бежанстве і эвакуацыі выхадцы з беларускіх губерняў. Робіцца выснова аб выключнай значнасці гэтых крыніц для цэлага спектру праблематыкі гісторыі вымушанай міграцыі ў гады Першай сусветнай вайны.= Such body of sources on the history of forced migration from Belarus as the Russian newspapers of 1915–1918 years. Materials of periodicals in those regions of Russia, which firmly resided in the refugees and the evacuation of natives of Belarusian provinces are used. A conclusion about the exceptional importance of these sources for the whole spectrum of issues of the history of forced migration during the First world war is made

    Подсистема формирования заданий массовой выгрузки документов клиентов промышленного предприятия

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    Доклад посвящен решению задачи реализации подсистемы формирования заданий массовой выгрузки документов клиентов промышленного предприятия.The report focuses on the task of implementation subsystems forming tasks mass discharge of industrial enterprise customer documents

    RUSS 412.01: 20th Century Russian Authors

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    Social Status and Cultural Characteristics of the Residents in Turkestan

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    This article describes the migration of the population from the Russian Empire to Turkestan in the XIX - early XX centuries and their socio-economic life on the basis of periodicals. Due to the resettlement policy of the Russian Empire, the population of the Turkestan region differed sharply from the local peoples in their language, religion, customs, daily life and economic traditions, and their social status was also unique. The scientific significance of this article is characterized by the study of the resettlement policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan on the basis of primary sources. explained by its unique role in development

    Educational Reform in Ukraine's Election Discourse

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    Реформа образования 2017 г. изменила образовательный процесс во многих аспектах; некоторые изменения до сих пор остаются спорными и неоднозначно воспринимаются населением Украины. В статье представлен дискурс-анализ, цель которого – характеристика предвыборного дискурса по представленной в нем оценке места и роли вопросов образования в современной Украине. Наибольший интерес для авторов представляет языковой вопрос в образовании в силу своей изначальной противоречивости и активного артикулирования в медийном дискурсе. Как следствие, предполагается, что в предвыборном дискурсе языковые аспекты реформы образования также будет выступать одной из основных тем. В результате анализа авторы приходят к выводу о том, что образовательный аспект в предвыборном дискурсе практически не упоминается, а языковая проблема образования – преднамеренно или непреднамеренно – умалчивается. Ukraine is in the process of reforming almost all major social institutions. The reform of education in 2017 turned out to be especially controversial and provoking international resonance, among other things. In this article we consider the aspects of the pre-election discourse related to the educational system to characterize the discourse based on the assessment of the place and role of educational problems in modern Ukraine. The biggest interest in this work is the problem of the language of instruction due to its debatability and large-scale representation in the media discourse, as well as due to the fact that it caused international resonance. Accordingly, we suggested that the problem of the language of instruction in the pre-election discourse will also be one of the main (and therefore informative for us) topics. To test the hypothesis in the framework of the ARDU project «Accommodation of regional diversity in Ukraine», the research group conducted a discourse analysis. The materials published during the period from June 24 to July 28, 2019 (the pre-election period) were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, we found that the educational aspect in the pre-election discourse is practically not mentioned - it is not on the agenda of the main political forces, as well as state political institutions. The problem of the language of instruction and language issues in the educational system as a whole is deliberately or unintentionally ignored in education

    Filosofov back in Warsaw. The second volume of Selected Works by Dmitry Filosofov

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