28,435 research outputs found

    "Historical rewriting": Hienadź Sahanovič and his terminology's semi-sphere in studying the history of the Thirteen years' war of 1654-1667

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    The article explores the intellectual capital of H. Sahanovič, developed during 1994-1995 in his interpretation of the history of the Thirteen Years' War of 1654-1667. The analysis of terminology and notional content in the works of the Belarusian historian is carried out at the intersection of historiography and semiotics.В статье исследуется интеллектуальный капитал Г. Н. Сагановича, наработанный за 1994-1995 гг. в его интерпретации истории Тринадцатилетней войны 1654-1667 гг. Проводится анализ терминологии и смыслового наполнения в работах белорусского историка, осуществленный на стыке историографии и семиотики

    ‘War finance’ and the Officer Corps of the ‘new order’ regiments in tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich’s war reform (1663)

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    The article was submitted on 24.05.2014.The article explores the problems underlying the formation of the Officer Corps in 17th-century Russia and how the process was influenced by the financial situation of the time, war reforms, and the Russo-Polish War of 1654–1667. The author focuses on the influence that the military and currency reforms of 1654 as well as the counter-monetary reform of 1663 had on the state and prospects for the development of the Europeanized Officer Corps of the ‘new order’ regiments. Additionally, the article studies the appearance of a record of military forces in 1663, an important source on the history of the 17th-century Russian army. Officers’ careers are analyzed by referring to Patrick Gordon’s biography at its initial stage. The author concludes that financial problems, affecting the officers’ salaries, contributed to creating a low social status for new-order officers in the eyes of the Russian elite for a long time (until the early 18th century), which, in turn, impeded the development of the National Officer Corps. It was only Peter the Great who managed to solve the problem.Исследуются проблемы формирования офицерского корпуса в России XVII в. и влияние на этот процесс финансовой ситуации, военных реформ и хода русско-польской войны 1654–1667 гг. Актуализируется изучение процесса воздействия военной реформы, денежной реформы 1654 г. и ликвидирующей ее «контрреформы» 1663 г. на состояние и перспективы развития европеизированного офицерского корпуса полков «нового строя». Также рассматриваются условия появления «сметы воинских сил 1663 г.» – одного из важнейших источников по истории русской армии XVII в. В качестве примера офицерской карьеры приводятся сведения о биографии Патрика Гордона на начальном этапе его карьеры. Делается вывод, что финансовые проблемы, повлиявшие на условия выплаты офицерского жалования, стали одним из важнейших факторов, которые закрепили низкий социальный статус офицерства «новой армии» в восприятии русской дворянской элиты и надолго (до начала XVIII в.) затормозили процесс формирования русского национального офицерского корпуса. Эту проблему удалось решить лишь Петру I

    Проблема дезертирства из олонецких полков "нового строя" в период войн с Речью Посполитой и Швецией в середине XVII века

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    Объект исследования: олонецкие полки «нового строя». Предмет исследования: феномен дезертирства солдат и драгун олонецких полков «нового строя» в период русско-польской (1654-1667 гг.) и русско-шведской (1656-1658 гг.) войн

    Газін В. В. Між Москвою та Варшавою. «Українське питання» у 1654–1667 рр.

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    Рецензія на книгу: Газін В. В. Між Москвою та Варшавою. «Українське питання» у 1654–1667 рр. / Наук. ред. проф. В. С. Степанков. Кам'янець-Подільський: ТОВ Друкарня «Рута», 2019. 372 с

    Blood Transfusion

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    The history of blood transfusion is probably longer than that of any other therapeutic procedure. In 1654 Francesco Folli of Florence reported the successful administration of blood transfusion to animals, and Denis of France in 1667 performed the first reported blood transfusion on a man, injecting the blood of a lamb. Owing to the serious reactions that followed blood transfusions, they were prohibited by law in France and in Britain in 1670. It was not until 1901 that the remarkable work of Landsteiner, proving the presence of isohemoagglutinins in human bloods, resulted in the grouping of bloods and thus the therapeutic value of blood transfusions became accepted

    The Bernoulli Family: Their Massive Contributions to Mathematics and Hostility Toward Each Other

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    Throughout the history of mathematics, there are several individuals with significant contributions. However, if we look at the contribution of a single family in this field, the Bernoulli probably outshines others in terms of both the number of mathematicians it produced and their influence on the development of mathematics. The most outstanding three Bernoulli mathematicians are Jacob I Bernoulli (1654-1705), Johann I Bernoulli (1667-1748), and Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), all three of whom were the most influential math experts in the academic community yet very hostile to each other. Their family structure and jealousy toward each other might have fueled their massive contributions to mathematics

    Канфесiйная палiтыка дзяржаунай улады Рэчi Паспалiтай на беларускiх землях у апошняй трэцi XVII стагоддзя

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    The Confessional Policy of Rech Pospolitaja Governmental Authorities on the Lands of Belarus in the Last Third of the XVII Century (1667 – 1701) / A. BartashevichАўтарам ацэньваюцца вынікі вайны 1654 – 1667 гадоў і іх уплыў на дзяржаўную палітыку Рэчы Паспалітай у адносінах асноўных хрысціянскіх канфесій: праваслаўе, каталіцтва, уніяцтва, пратэстантызма, палажэнне іўдзеяў. Робіцца вынік, што каталіцкая вера і прыхільнасць да каталіцтва становіцца палітычным прыярытэтам, у той час як праваслаўе, абмежаванае ў правах, паступова страчвае свой уплыў. Разглядаецца шырокае распаўсюджванне ўніяцтва, якое ў нейкай ступені сумела захаваць культурныя традыцыі ўсходняй царквы. У 1660 – 1680 гадах пратэстантызм губляе свой моцны палітычны і культурны патэнцыял. У гэты перыяд у беларускіх гарадах расце колькасць нехрысціянскага насельніцтва – іўдзеяў, якія ўсё часцей сутыкаюцца з праяўленнямі неталерантнасці ў поліканфесійным мяшчанскім грамадстве

    Una amplia nómina de los hombres del comercio sevillano del S. XVII

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    Este trabajo fue presentado al IX Congreso Internacional de Americanistas celebrado en Badajoz en Septiembre de 2000

    La Casa real durante la regencia de una reina: Mariana de Austria

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    Meningkatkan Daya Saing Pemasaran Kue Kering dengan Proses Penataan Produk serta Repacking di Distributor Aydin

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    Aydin’s distributor is business with the main product is pastries, that distribution with several resselers. Small business that have grown to the present, repacking cookies has not been implemented optimally, not efficient and unable to meet marketing targets significantly.This moment presented are more organized and able to create customer ways among other increase marketing competitiveness by products arrangement that support efficiency, controlling product, so that it can become a magnet in attracting customers. With this hope that performance will be easier and contribute to creating customer desires to come back again. The main operational section is product selling, repacking, delivery and  product collection among many stores. In addition, the selection of research is a business that was started personally and developed with many customers and orders, but there is still a lack of attention to product arrangement. So it is necessary training to improve marketing competitiveness and performance of reseller SMEs management is very importan