3,664 research outputs found

    Alternative Marriage Practices of Wartime Urban China in Discourse and Practice (1937-1949)

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    A 2017-2018 William Prize for best essay in East Asian Studies was awarded to Charlotte Cotter (Grace Hopper College \u2718) for her essay submitted to the East Asian Studies Program, Alternative Marriage Practices of Wartime Urban China in Discourse and Practice (1937-1949)” (Peter C. Perdue, Professor of History, advisor). Charlotte Cotter’s thesis, “Alternative Marriage Practices of Wartime Urban China in Discourse and Practice (1937-1949)” is an excellent study of how women in Shanghai during wartime explored different modes of intimate life, including alternate forms of marriage, when the upheaval of war tore apart families and disrupted personal relations. Throughout her essay, Cotter uses original Chinese sources of a variety of genres to provide glimpses of personal lives, an especially challenging task. In doing so, she makes a real contribution to our knowledge of family relations in Shanghai. In the end, Cotter has succeeded in crafting a well-conceived and well-documented study

    United States Relations with Chiang Kai-Shek, 1937-1949

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    Chinese-American diplomatic relations for the period 1937-1949 developed into a very controversial subject. In considering this fact the questions arose as to what the American policy toward Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist government was and how that policy was implemented. Through a study of available material it has been determined that the consistent American policy was to fully support Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist government. Chiang was the leader of the most stable faction within China and consequently gave promise of being able to serve American interests. For this reason he was selected as the agent with whom the United States would treat with in China. During the years 1937-1949 the United States furnished Chiang Kai-shek\u27s government a considerable amount of material and financial aid. Financial assistance was the dominant form of aid furnished because American neutrality laws precluded most other forms of assistance. In furnishing financial aid to China during this period President Franklin D. Roosevelt was forced to find ways to maneuver around the neutrality laws. After 1941, the United States was unable to furnish any large amounts of material assistance to China for the war in Europe consumed the larger portion of American production and during the war years, 1942-1945, aid given China was small compared to that sent to other Allied nations. Because of the comparatively small quantity of aid the United States could send to China, President Roosevelt developed the policy of bestowing great power” status upon China despite British and Russian objections. In following the policy of supporting Chiang Kai-shek, President Roosevelt made concessions to Chiang in order to placate the Chinese leader, promote more cordial relations, and keep China in the war. Opposition developed, during the l ate war years, among American officials to unqualified support of Chiang Kai-shek. Some American officials thought that Chiang was merely taking all of the American aid he could get, then conserving his forces for a future struggle with the Chinese Communists f or control of China. There is evidence to support this viewpoint. Going into the postwar years, 1945-1949, American policy was still inclined to support Chiang Kai-shek in his position of leadership. During this period American policy changed as the United States government came to favor a unified coalition Chinese government although retention of Chiang Kai-shek as head of that government was still favored despite the fact that some American officials advocated dropping Chiang. In an attempt to bring order into the chaotic internal conditions of China due to the civil war, the mission to China of General George C. Marshall was arranged. The Marshall Mission ultimately failed to bring about an agreement between the Nationalists and the Communists and the civil war continued. A final effort on the part of the United States to find some effective means of supporting Chiang Kai-shek and keeping him in power came in July, 1947 when the fact finding mission to China of General Albert C. Wedemeyer was arranged. His mission also failed to bring about any concrete results in regard to assisting Chiang Kai-shek. Recommendations in Wedemeyer\u27s report, if followed, would have required a commitment of American troops far larger than the United States was willing to make. The American government was caught in a dilemma: a decision was necessary but the American people would not support sending large numbers of troops, Chiang would not follow American suggestions and Russia was a constant threat. Once again, America was too late with too little and the mainland was lost to Chiang and Chiang\u27s value as America’s agent in China was destroyed

    A Turn to Realism and Humanism from Propaganda: Chinese Photojournalism Practices between 1976 and 1988

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    China’s photojournalistic field undertook great transformations in the 1980s. While the conservatives continued to cling to the propagandistic doctrine, a more progressive trend was emerging. The tension between these two forces had its historical roots and would go on to shape the way Chinese photojournalism developed. Based on archival research and in-depth interviews, this paper revisits the history of Chinese photojournalism practices between 1937 and 1988 and identifies the key features of these three periods: the wartime propaganda of 1937—1949, the intensification of propaganda of 1949 —1976, and the transformation to realism and humanism in 1976—1988

    Proyecciones de memoria del largo 1917

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    L’articolo propone un’analisi sulle differenti modalità di ricordo del 1917 e della rivoluzione sovietica, addentrandosi nelle strategie memorialistiche adottate rispettivamente dal Partido Comunista de España (PCE) e dal Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI). Il saggio si sofferma su quattro differenti congiunture storiche (1937, 1949, 1956 e 1988), che permettono di inquadrare i fenomeni di modulazione, inflessione e aggiornamento sulla memoria del “lungo 1917”. Aspetti come il capitale simbolico, la memoria cosmopolita o il fenomeno della nazionalizzazione servono inoltre come linee guida per collocare le politiche della memoria comunista all’interno di questo lungo arco cronologico.The article analyzes several types of memory on 1917 and the Soviet revolution, focusing on some memory’s strategies of the Communist Party of Spain and the Italian Communist Party. It briefly attends four different historical junctures (1937, 1949, 1956 and 1988) which allow to observe the phenomena of modulation, inflection and upgrade of the memory about the “long 1917”. And in turn, several aspects – like symbolic capital, cosmopolitan memory or nationalization – serve as axes where to inscribe the policies of communist memory in this long temporal development.El artículo analiza varias modalidades de recuerdo sobre 1917 y la revolución soviética, centrándose en algunas estrategias de memoria del Partido Comunista de España (PCE) y el Partido Comunista italiano (PCI). Se atiende brevemente a cuatro coyunturas históricas diferenciadas (1937, 1949, 1956 y 1988), pero que permiten advertir los fenómenos de modulación, inflexión y actualización del recuerdo sobre el “largo 1917”. Varios aspectos – capital simbólico, memoria cosmopolita o nacionalización – sirven, a su vez, de ejes donde inscribir las políticas de memoria comunista en ese dilatado devenir temporal

    Representation of ideological conflict in the j. r. r. tolkien’s trilogy the lord of the rings novel (1937 – 1949)

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    There are a lot of ideologies in the J. R. R. Tolkiens Trilogy The Lord of The Rings novel. From those ideologies there are shared ideology and conflict ideology. In the writing this research paper, the writer focuses on the ideological conflict. The theories are used in this research paper are ideology, conflict theory and representation. Sociological approaches and context oriented approach are support theories to analyze the representation of ideological conflict. The main objective of this research is to analyze the ideological conflict reflected in The Lord Of The Rings novel (1937 – 1949). The question to be discussed are how is the ideological conflict are reflected in the the J. R. R. Tolkiens Trilogy The Lord of The Rings novel (1937 – 1949) The research is used is the qualitative research. The object of this research is the The Lord Of The Rings novel. This novel is written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien at 1937 – 1949. The subject of this study is the representation of ideological conflict. The procedure in the collecting data is taking note from primary sources (The Lord of The Rings) and the secondary sources (journal, books and article). In the checking of data validation, the writer used the triangulation technique. The procedures of analysis are reading the novel, elaborate the elements of ideologies, and elaborate the ideological conflict. The general finding is the beliefs from the ideology and the form of domination by the government in the society are influencing the ideological conflict. The specific findings are the shared and conflict ideology, the cause and effect of ideological conflict, the representation of ideology and ideological conflict. In the discussing of finding, the writer used the context oriented approach especially in the discussing the representation of ideology and ideological conflict. The context is the condition of society at the time when the novel is written. So that, the writer used the sociological approach to investigate the condition of society in the writing of novel

    Pour un roman français à l’américaine : Jean-Paul Sartre critique littéraire

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    Au cours de la période de douze ans durant laquelle il a publié ses nouvelles et ses romans (1937-1949), Jean-Paul Sartre a aussi fait paraître une série de critiques littéraires et de manifestes pour l’engagement de la littérature. Dans ces critiques et ces manifestes, l’auteur des Situations accorde une place centrale au genre romanesque : cette partie de son oeuvre a été un espace où, en prenant position par rapport aux autres écrivains, Sartre a implicitement défini sa conception du genre romanesque, ainsi que les ambitions littéraires, philosophiques et politiques qu’il poursuivait par l’entremise de ses propres fictions narratives. L’ensemble des oeuvres auxquelles Sartre s’intéresse dans ses essais sur la littérature se caractérise par une stricte bipartition. D’un côté, des prédécesseurs et des contemporains français tels que Jean Giraudoux, François Mauriac, Paul Nizan, Albert Camus et Maurice Blanchot sont plus ou moins durement éreintés selon les cas. En contrepartie, des oeuvres écrites par ceux que Sartre appelle indifféremment « les Américains », c’est-à-dire, pour l’essentiel, William Faulkner, John Dos Passos, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck et Richard Wright, suscitent de l’enthousiasme, reçoivent des éloges et sont considérés comme des modèles dont l’écrivain français devrait idéalement parvenir à s’inspirer. Dans cet article, l’auteur dégage la signification de cette bipartition entre oeuvres américaines et françaises et circonscrit la fonction qu’elle remplit dans le système de la critique littéraire sartrienne.During the twelve years in which he published short stories and novels (1937-1949), Jean-Paul Sartre also wrote articles of literary criticism and manifestos defending commitment in literature. In these articles and manifestos, the author of Situations focused his reflection on the poetics of fiction. In this part of his work, Sartre situated himself among other writers. He also defined implicitly, with his own conception of the novel, the literary, philosophic and political ambitions he was pursuing at this time. The works of fiction analyzed by Sartre in his articles and manifestos are characterized by a strict bipartition. On the one hand, he subjected his French predecessors and contemporaries like Jean Giraudoux, François Mauriac, Paul Nizan, Albert Camus and Maurice Blanchot to pretty harsh scrutiny, while works by novelists that Sartre lumped together [generally referred to] as the “Americans” (William Faulkner, John Dos Passos, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck and Richard Wright) were enthusiastically praised and heralded as the models to inspire French writers. In this article, Sartre’s system of literary criticism is called forth in elucidating the meaning of this bipartition between American and French fiction

    ショミン ブンカ ノ セイジカ カホク コウニチ コンキョチ ニ オケル シュンセツ ノ ゴラク 1937-1949

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    大阪大學中國文化論壇 討論文件Discussion Papers in Contemporary China Studies, Osaka University Forum on China概要:中国語訳:滝本, 理