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    This paper analysis the stability o f the mining blocks in Estonian oil shale mines, where the room-and-pillar mining system is used. The pillars are arranged in a singular grid. The processes in overburden rocks and pillars have caused the subsidence of the ground surface. Statistical analysis o f the pillars cross-sectional area evaluated the calculations. Normal distribution control allows determing the stability of a mining block. By normal distribution of the pillars cross-section area a potential collapse of a mining block can be expected. Theoretical and in situ investigations in Estonian oil shale mines showed that their results are close to the modeling ones. The surface subsidence parameters will be determined by conventional calculation schemes. Presented method suits well for mining block stability analysis and spontaneous failure prognosis

    8. Road to World War II (1931-1939)

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    In the history of international relations, the 1920\u27s are characterized by tidying up after the war to make the world safe for democracy; the 1930\u27s, by preparations for World War II. In general, the causes of the renewal of global war are the same as those listed earlier for World War I, with several major additions. [excerpt

    Cuestión religiosa y democracia republicana en España (1931-1939). [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: Javier Dronda Martínez – Emilio Majuelo Gil (eds.), Cuestión religiosa y democracia republicana en España (1931-1939), Universidad Pública de Navarra (Colección Historia, 24), Pamplona 2007, 364 pp

    El republicanismo catalán (1840-1931) : sociología y formas de movilización popular

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    PONENCIA presentada en las Jornades de Debat Interuniversitàries (Girona, Tarragona, Bellaterra i Barcelona) PER LA SEVA LLIBERTAT I LA NOSTRA 75è Aniversari de la Segona República (1931-1939)

    El recuerdo imaginario como peso del pasado : las transiciones políticas en España

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    Ponència presentada en les Jornades de Debat Interuniversitàries (Girona, Tarragona, Bellaterra i Barcelona) PER LA SEVA LLIBERTAT I LA NOSTRA 75é Aniversari de la Segona República (1931-1939), en Girona, 24 de Març de 2006, Universitat de Girona

    Escrits de conveniència : Com Francesc Cambó modificà la seva visió de l'adveniment de la República i la Guerra Civil

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    Ponència presentada en les Jornades de Debat Interuniversitàries (Girona, Tarragona, Bellaterra i Barcelona) PER LA SEVA LLIBERTAT I LA NOSTRA 75é Aniversari de la Segona República (1931-1939), en Girona, 24 de Març de 2006, Universitat de Girona

    De la biografía a la prosopografía: los parlamentarios de los distritos de Vasconia en la II República española (1931-1939)

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    Having carried out a micro-biographical analysis, using primary sources, of the 610 parliamentarians who represented the Basque districts between 1808 and 1939 in successive biographical dictionaries, we now undertake a prosopographical analysis of 44 parliamentarians who represented the districts of the Basque Country in the Spanish II Republic (1931-1939). Aspects covered include: geographical origin, age, life expectancy, educational and professional profile, cultural level and sociability, continuity in political activity between the Monarchy and the Republic. The work offers novel comparative conclusions.Realizado un análisis microbiográfico, con fuentes primarias, de los 610 parlamentarios que representaron a los distritos vascos entre 1808 y 1939 en sucesivos diccionarios biográficos, abordamos el análisis prosopográfico de los 44 parlamentarios que representaron a los distritos de Vasconia en la II República española (1931-1939): origen geográfico, edad, esperanza de vida, perfil educativo y profesional, nivel cultural y sociabilidad, continuidad en la actividad política entre la Monarquía y la República. El trabajo ofrece conclusiones comparativas novedosas

    Egea Bruno, Pedro María: "La enseñanza primaria en Cartagena durante la II República y la Guerra Civil (1931-1939)"

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    Es una reseña de la obra: Egea Bruno, Pedro María: "La enseñanza primaria en Cartagena durante la II República y la Guerra Civil (1931-1939)", Cartagena, Editorial Áglaya, 2006.It's a review of the work: Egea Bruno, Pedro María: "La enseñanza primaria en Cartagena durante la II República y la Guerra Civil (1931-1939)", Cartagena, Editorial Áglaya, 2006

    L'Escola Normal de Magisteri Primari de Tarragona durant la Segona República (1931-1936). Primera aproximació

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    Aquest article presenta alguns detalls de la tesi doctoral de Cristina Magriñà Salvat. Llicenciada en Història a la URV. Es basa en la investigació de l’Escola Normal de Tarragona (1931-1939), projecte defensat el novembre del 2001 davant el tribunal únic del programa de doctorat “Projecte Europeu” de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    The Catalan countries project (1931-1939)

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    In the evolution of Catalan nationalism, as much politician as cultural, the period of II Spanish Republic (1931-1939) was essential. The obtaining of the Statute of Autonomy (1931-1932) supposed the beginning of a stage of expansion in multiple aspects. One of them were the contacts with the Catalanists nuclei of the rest of the cultural space of Catalan language in which, at that time, it would begin to call Catalan Countries (Balearic Islands, Valencian Country, Andorra, Rosselló, to l'Alguer). On Those Collaborations between cultural organizations, political and particular parties Catalonia always will be the model to follow. The Increasing connections will be visualized on press, as well as on cultural celebrations, policy of parties and Constituent Courts. This evolution will be cut by the Franco victory in the Civil War in 1939