8,217,433 research outputs found

    Coordination Contracts as Connectors in Component-Based Development

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    Several proposals for component-based development methods have started to appear. However, the emphasis is still very much on the development of components as opposed to the development with components. The main focus is on how to generate ideal reusable components not on how to plug existing components and specify their interactions and connections. The concept of a coordination contract (Andrade and Fiadeiro 1999; Andrade and Fiadeiro 2001; Andrade, Fiadeiro et al. 2001) has been proposed to specify a mechanism of interaction between objects based on the separation between structure, what is stable, and interaction, what is changeable. This separation supports better any change of requirements, as contracts can be replaced, added or removed dynamically, i.e. in run-time, without having to interfere with the components that they coordinate. A coordination contract corresponds to an expressive architectural connector that can be used to plug existing components. In this paper we integrate the concept of a coordination contract with component-based development and show how coordination contracts can be used to specify the connectors between components

    Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cardiac Care: The Weight of the Evidence

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    A substantial and growing body of research indicates that race/ethnicity -- independent of clinical and socioeconomic factors -- continues to matter in the U.S. health care system. Racial/ethnic background continues to affect access to health care and the quality of care obtained. While the evidence varies for specific conditions and racial/ethnic minority groups, the data are sufficiently compelling to begin undertaking actions to systematically and aggressively eliminate disparities in needed medical care. As major decision-makers in health care, physicians have a key role to play when it comes to addressing disparities in medical care. As a first step in what ultimately must be a multifaceted effort, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation are undertaking an initiative to raise physician awareness about disparities in medical care, beginning with cardiac care. This report, developed by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and the American College of Cardiology Foundation, assesses the weight of the evidence on racial/ethnic differences in cardiac care

    Computer Simulation of Chute Flows of Granular Materials

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    The purpose of the present paper is to present results from computer simulations of the flow of granular materials down inclined chutes or channels and to compare the results of these calculations with existing experimental measurements of velocity, solid fraction and mass flow rate profiles


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    PENERAPAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN AUDIO VISUAL BERBASIS MOVIE MAKER TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DI SM A ANGKASA LANUD HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA ( Studi Eksperimen mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X IIS dan kelas X ) . Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi yang didukung dengan masih rendahnya nilai rat - rata dibawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) di S MA ANGKASA LANUD HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk menegetahui a pakah ada perbedaan hasil pretes pada kelas kontrol dan eksperimen, 2) untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan hasil postes pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen, 3) untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen semu dan desain yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperimen Design, b entuk desain quasi eksperimen yang dipilih adalah nonequivalent control group design . Data hasil belajar siswa di peroleh dari hasil postest yang berbentuk pilihan ganda. Hasil penelitian dari hasil postes ini menunjukan perbe daan hasil belajar sebesar 56,63 untuk kelas eksperimen dan 52,00 untuk kelas kontrol. Dari perhitungan diatas didapatkan t hitung = 3 ,6 53 sedangkan t tabel = 2,055. Sehingga bila dimasukan pada rumus hipotesis t hitung > t tabel sehingga H 0 ditolak dan H 1 diterima. Berdasarkan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan , terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa antara kelas X IIS yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa kelas X yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran ceramah. Dari hasil penelitian merekomendasikan metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, sebaiknya dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran akuntansi . Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual Berbasis Movie Maker , Hasil Belajar Sisw

    Acanthamoeba induces cell-cycle arrest in host cells

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    Acanthamoeba can cause fatal granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) and eye keratitis. However, the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of these emerging diseases remain unclear. In this study, the effects of Acanthamoeba on the host cell cycle using human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) and human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC) were determined. Two isolates of Acanthamoeba belonging to the T1 genotype (GAE isolate) and T4 genotype (keratitis isolate) were used, which showed severe cytotoxicity on HBMEC and HCEC, respectively. No tissue specificity was observed in their ability to exhibit binding to the host cells. To determine the effects of Acanthamoeba on the host cell cycle, a cell-cycle-specific gene array was used. This screened for 96 genes specific for host cell-cycle regulation. It was observed that Acanthamoeba inhibited expression of genes encoding cyclins F and G1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 6, which are proteins important for cell-cycle progression. Moreover, upregulation was observed of the expression of genes such as GADD45A and p130 Rb, associated with cell-cycle arrest, indicating cell-cycle inhibition. Next, the effect of Acanthamoeba on retinoblastoma protein (pRb) phosphorylation was determined. pRb is a potent inhibitor of G1-to-S cell-cycle progression; however, its function is inhibited upon phosphorylation, allowing progression into S phase. Western blotting revealed that Acanthamoeba abolished pRb phosphorylation leading to cell-cycle arrest at the G1-to-S transition. Taken together, these studies demonstrated for the first time that Acanthamoeba inhibits the host cell cycle at the transcriptional level, as well as by modulating pRb phosphorylation using host cell-signalling mechanisms. A complete understanding of Acanthamoeba–host cell interactions may help in developing novel strategies to treat Acanthamoeba infections


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    Language is important as media of communication for human being who live in certain community. If we pay attention to our surrounding there are some groups of community who used strange and funny language in communication with their fellow groups, especially to the youth. This strange and funny language occurs in Malang and the name is“ Bahasa Balikan “ ( reversed language ). Sometimes, the language is difficult to be understood by others especially for non Malangese people. Malang Post is one kind of regional newspapers that established in Malang. Malang Post also involves reversed language especially in column “ Malangan “, there we can read many words that are reversed by the writer The problems discussed were : (1). What kinds of reversed words are written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003 ?. (2). How is the percentage of reversed words written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003 ?. The objectives of this study were to know kinds of reversed words and the percentage of reversed words in each column written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003. In writing this study, the writer used descriptive quantitative method because he described Malang Reversed Language and calculated percentage of Malang Reversed Language which were written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003. All reversed words which were written in Malang Post edited on March 2003 were population of this study. And sample of this study were reversed words written in column “Malangan”. There were 24 columns “Malangan” edited on March 2003. Research instrument of this study was surveying towards documents of Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003. Next, the writer analyzed the data in several steps. After analyzing the data, the writer found that : (1). The main sources of reversion words are Indonesian and Javanese language. And the words which are put into reversion are Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs. (2). The writer found 24 reversed words of nouns or 30.76 %. 4 reversed words of pronouns or 5.12 %. 11 reversed words of adjectives or 14.10 %. 30 reversed words of verbs or 38.46 % and 9 reversed words of adverbs or 11.53 %

    Rapid turnover of hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi determined by AMS microanalysis of C-14

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    Processes in the soil remain among the least well-characterized components of the carbon cycle. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous root symbionts in many terrestrial ecosystems and account for a large fraction of photosynthate in a wide range of ecosystems; they therefore play a key role in the terrestrial carbon cycle. A large part of the fungal mycelium is outside the root ( the extraradical mycelium, ERM) and, because of the dispersed growth pattern and the small diameter of the hyphae (<5 micrometers), exceptionally difficult to study quantitatively. Critically, the longevity of these. ne hyphae has never been measured, although it is assumed to be short. To quantify carbon turnover in these hyphae, we exposed mycorrhizal plants to fossil ("carbon-14 - dead") carbon dioxide and collected samples of ERM hyphae ( up to 116 micrograms) over the following 29 days. Analyses of their carbon-14 content by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) showed that most ERM hyphae of AM fungi live, on average, 5 to 6 days. This high turnover rate reveals a large and rapid mycorrhizal pathway of carbon in the soil carbon cycle

    Demographic and Deprivation Ratios: examples of their use in understanding underlying spatial patterns in social phenomena

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    The intention of this paper is to explore the concept of standardized demographic ordeprivation Ratios ? what they are, why they might be useful, for what statisticaldistributions they can be built, how they can be constructed and which research activitiesand policy areas they might inform.Such Ratios are designed to demonstrate the extent to which the local levels of variousstatistical measures are above or below the level that would be ?expected? on the basis ofthe demographic make up of local areas. They would answer questions such as ?Isunemployment in this town high for a place of this sort??; ?Is the reason for the high levelof vodka consumption in Scotland something to do with local history or local culture orcan it be explained as a consequence of the demographics of the Scottish population?? or?Is the level of burglary in Avon and Somerset above the level that it ought to be, bearingin mind the characteristics of its population??The analysis of standardised Ratios is also relevant to the study of regionalization. Weare used to the administrative regions in terms of which government divide the countryand publish statistics. The mapping of Standardised Ratios shows the extent to whichthese administrative boundaries correspond to the boundaries of ?natural? regions, thesebeing defined as sets of adjacent areas sharing similar values on a broad range ofStandardised Ratios.Relating the actual levels of social statistics to some measure of what might be expectedon the basis of the population is clearly relevant to the evaluation of local performance,whether in the private or the public sector and Ratios of this sort, for example MortalityRatios, have been used for many years by health professional to benchmark local levelsof mortality against the level which might be expected on the basis of the gender and age.However the mapping of the difference between actual and expected rates can oftenthrow interesting light on cultural differences between regions and sub regions of thecountry which persist despite the homogenizing tendency of central government andnational or even multinational retail multiples.The paper illustrates the potential meaning and use of these Ratios by means of a set oftwelve demographic and deprivation Ratios created from the 2001 census in the UK

    McCulloch at 200

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    March 6, 2019 marked the 200th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s issuance of its decision in McCulloch v. Maryland, upholding the constitutionality of the Second Bank of the United States, the successor to Alexander Hamilton’s national bank. McCulloch v. Maryland involved a constitutional challenge by the Second Bank of the United States to a Maryland tax on the banknotes issued by the Bank’s Baltimore branch. The tax was probably designed to raise the Second Bank’s cost of issuing loans and thereby disadvantage it relative to Maryland’s own state-chartered banks. Marshall’s opinion famously rejected the Jeffersonian strict-constructionist argument that implied powers are limited to those legislative means that are indispensably necessary to the viability of the enumerated power. Instead, Marshall concluded, Congress must have discretion to choose among any means convenient or well-adapted to implementing the government’s granted powers. After concluding that Congress had the power to create the Second Bank, the McCulloch opinion turned to the question of whether Maryland could tax it. Reasoning that the essence of federal supremacy is to remove all obstacles to federal government action within its sphere, Marshall concluded that states cannot tax operations of the federal government

    WTG Energy Systems' MP1-200 200 kilowatt wind turbine generator

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    The preliminary design criteria of the MP1-200 wind turbine are given along with a brief description of the wind turbine generator. Performance and operational experience and cost factors are included. Recommendations for additional research are listed