231,604 research outputs found


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    В настоящее время существуют разработанные и частично реализованные технологии получения ряда строительных материалов стеклобоя (тарного, бутылочного, кинескопного и др.) и кварцосодержащих минеральных отходов (песков вскрышных пород, кирпичного боя шлаков тепловых электростанций, песчаников, кварцитов и др.).Сущность ряда технологий сводится к спеканию смеси дробленых до определенной крупности минеральных отходов; помещаемой в специальные жаростойкие формы и пропускаемой через туннельную муфельную печь.По таким технологиям возможно получение весьма качественных отделочных материалов с широким набором наперед заданных свойств.В МГГУ исследования возможности получения различных стеклокристаллических материалов с использованием различных стекольных отходов и минеральных отходов различного состава и происхождения ведутся уже около 10 лет. Результаты исследований были реализованы на промышленных установках - например, в Михайловском железорудном комбинате. При этом использовалось промышленное оборудование туннельной печи типа ЛСК - 1 конструкции Ленинского стекольного завода с нихромовым плоскими нагревателями накаливания, устанавлеваемыми в своде печи, нагрев которых осуществлялся с применением систем автоматики по заданному режиму. Режим выбирался, исходя из результатов исследований конкретных сырьевых материалов данного горного предприятия, где устанавливалось оборудование дня получения стеклокристаллических материалов

    Distinguished graduates in mathematics of the Jagiellonian University in the interwar period. Part I: 1918-1926

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    In this study, we present profiles of some distinguished graduates in mathematics of the Jagiellonian University from the years 1918-1939. We discuss their professional paths and scholarly achievements, instances of scientific collaboration, connections with other academic centers in Poland and worldwide, involvement in mathematical education and teacher training, as well as their later roles in Polish scientific and academic life. We also try to understand in what way they were shaped by their studies and how much of Krak\'ow scientific traditions they continued. We find strong support for the claim that there was a distinct, diverse and deep mathematical stream in Krak\'ow between the wars, rooted in classical disciplines like differential equations and geometry, but also open to new trends in mathematics. Part I concerns the graduates before the university reform, in 1918-1926.Comment: 5 photos; minor corrections to the first versio


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    Probolinggo mempunyai daerah hinterland  yang subur sebagai salah satu penghasil komoditi perkebunan yang cukup besar di Jawa. Hal ini membawa dampak langsung pada kotanya. Jalan-jalan dirancang untuk mendukung  ekspor  hasil  perkebunan  ke  Eropa  melalui  pelabuhannya.  Hal  ini  menyebabkan  perubahan besar  dengan  ditetapkan  Probolinggo  sebagai  gemeente  tahun  1918  di  bawah  pemerintahan  kolonial Belanda, sehingga Probolinggo mengalami  masa  transisi dari kota tradisional ke kota modern. Masalah dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  mengapa  Probolinggo  ditetapkan  menjadi  gemeente  dan  perkembangan Probolinggo masa  gemeente.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan  gemeente Probolinggo didasarkan pada keistimewaan-keistimewaan Probolinggo  diantaranya (1) potensi Pelabuhan Probolinggo sebagai  sarana  ekspor  impor,  (2)  banyaknya  penduduk  asing  dan  (3)  keberadaan  pabrik  gula. Perkembangan Probolinggo sebagai  gemeente  diantaranya (1) dipertahankannya alun-alun sebagai pusat kota, (2) meningkatnya upah kuli pabrik gula serta aktifitas ekspor dan impor Pelabuhan Probolinggo, (3) pembangunan  sarana  infrastruktur  serta  (4)  pertambahan  penduduk  yang  ada  melahirkan  budaya  baru dengan terbentuknya “masyarakat pendalungan”.Kata kunci : Probolinggo, Gemeente, Perkembanga

    Festschrift anläßlich der Einweihung des neuen Küchengebäudes und des neuen medizinischen Traktes beim öffentlichen Krankenhaus der Barmh. Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul am 21. Juni 1927

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    FESTSCHRIFT ANLÄSSLICH DER EINWEIHUNG DES NEUEN KÜCHENGEBÄUDES UND DES NEUEN MEDIZINISCHEN TRAKTES BEIM ÖFFENTLICHEN KRANKENHAUS DER BARMH. SCHWESTERN VOM HL. VINZENZ VON PAUL AM 21. JUNI 1927 Festschrift anläßlich der Einweihung des neuen Küchengebäudes und des neuen medizinischen Traktes beim öffentlichen Krankenhaus der Barmh. Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul am 21. Juni 1927 ( - ) Einband ( - ) [Einladung zur Eröffnung]: ( - ) Titelseite ([1]) Aus der Geschichte des Krankenhauses. ([3]) Geschichte des Neubaues. (5) Beschreibung des Neubaues. (6) [Abb.]: 1. Kirchstetter Haus, Herrenstraße 35. ([9]) [2 Abb.]: (1)2. Altes medizinisches Spital, erbaut 1841 - 1842. (2)3. Krankensaal im alten medizinischen Spital. ([10]) [Abb.]: 4. Chirurgisches Spital, Neubau im Jahre 1900. ([11]) [Abb.]: 5. Harasinhaus, Herrenstraße 37, abgetragen im Jahre 1901. ([12]) [Abb.]: 6. Schwesterntrakt, Herrnstraße 37, erbaut im Jahre 1901 - 1902. ([13]) [2 Abb.]: (1)7. Chirurgisches Spital mit 2. Stockwerk, erbaut im Jahre 1904. (2)8. Chirurgisches Spital um die Hälfte verlängert, in den Jahren 1907 - 1908. ([14]) [2 Abb.]: 9. Krankensäle im chirurgischen Spital aus dem Jahre 1908. ([15]) [2 Abb.]: (1)10. Elektrotherapiesaal. (2)11. Röntgenzimmer. ([16]) [2 Abb.]: (1)12. Neues Küchengebäude mit Auffahrtsrampe. (2)13. Hauptraum im Küchengebäude. ([17]) [2 Abb.]: (1)14. Neuer medizinischer Trakt, von Südosten aus gesehen mit Verbindungsgang und Heliostation. (2)15. Telephonzentrale. ([18]) [Abb.]: 16. Neuer medizinischer Trakt, von Nordwest aus gesehen. ([19]) [2 Abb.]: (1)17. Neuer Sterilisationsraum. (2)neuer antiseptischer Operationssaal. ([20]) [2 Abb.]: (1)19. Heliostation nach Pirquet. (2)20. Kesselhaus im Neubau. ([21]) [2 Abb.]: (1)21. Primarzimmer. (2)22. Krankenzimmer I. Klasse im Neubau. ([22]) [Abb.]: 23. Presbyterium der Krankenhaus-Kapelle. ([23]) Jahresbericht über die Jahre 1918 bis 1926 ([25]) [Parte]: Herr Landeshauptmann Joh. Nep. Hauser. Gestorben am 8. Februar 1927. (26) [Parte]: Herr Regierungsrat Dr. Karl Denk. Gestorben am 12. März 1927. (27) [Tabelle]: Ausweis über die an der Augenabteilung in den Jahren 1918 bis 1926 ausgeführten Operationen. (29) [Tabelle]: Ausweis über die an der Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenabteilung in den Jahren 1918 bis 1926 ausgeführten Operationen. (31) [Tabelle]: Ausweis über die in den Jahren 1918 bis 1926 an der chirurgischen Abteilung ausgeführten Operationen. (33

    Between legal regulation and ideology. Citizenship in the First Years of the Second Polish Republic (1918-1926)

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyze citizenship in the first years of the Second Polish Republic (1918-1926). The time between 1918 when Poland regained its independence after 123 of the “Partitions period”, and 1926 when Józef Pilsudski led a coup d’état, was in fact the only period of parliamentary democracy until 1989. Therefore, it is particularly captivating to research the debate on the concept of citizenship that took place in Poland nearly 100 years ago, during the period of transition from the peripheral lands of Austrian, German and Russian empires into a united Polish state. In the first years of its existence the reborn Polish statehood had to face many crucial problems. One of the most important among them was: how to define a “Polish citizen”? Was he supposed to be only a member of the Polish nation in the ethnic meaning? Or maybe the Polish constitution should rather include such a definition which could include everyone living within the borders of the Polish state? The question became crucial in 1922, when it occurred that nearly 1/3 of inhabitants of the reborn state were members of ethnic minorities. The paper presents the debate on citizenship which took place in Poland between 1918 and 1926. The regulations of the bill on citizenship of 1920 and the constitution of 1921 are discussed as well as the judiciary of the Supreme Court. The paper is supplemented with a brief review of statements by leading Polish statesmen and jurists

    Subject Index (violence - World War of 1939-1945), pp. 866-931

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944

    Subject Index (dues and assessments, cont. - George, Henry), pp. 224-299

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944

    Subject Index (old age insurance, cont. - political parties), pp. 563-619

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944

    Subject Index (Gompers, Samuel - International Federation of Trade Unions), pp. 300-391

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944

    Subject Index (Commission on Industrial Relations, cont. - dues and assessments), pp. 142-223

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944