1,012,142 research outputs found

    Phelan, Edward Joseph

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    Biography o Edwadrd Joseph PHELAN, British civil servant of Irish descent and fourth Director of the International Labour Office 1941-1946 (acting) and first Director-General of the International Labour Organization 1941-1948

    America\u27s De Facto Guest Workers: Lessons from Germany\u27s Gastarbeiter for U.S. Immigration Reform

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    Part I of this Note describes West Germany\u27s post-war Gastarbeiter [guest worker] program from 1961 to 1972. Part II focuses on the long-term results of the Gastarbeiter program, with special emphasis on the legal status of Turkish Gastarbeiter in Germany. This assessment concludes that guest worker programs inevitably result in the permanent settlement of foreigners in the host country. If not properly anticipated and planned for, this settlement leads to social stratification and political divisiveness. Part II also presents for comparison U.S. immigration policies and their effect on Mexican immigrant workers. The section asserts that the United States over the past two decades has implemented a de facto guest worker policy, which led to many of the same adverse consequences wrought by Germany\u27s Gastarbeiter program, including the permanent settlement and subsequent marginalization of undocumented immigrants from Mexico. Part III concludes that temporary worker programs, formal or de facto, have irreversible and adverse sociopolitical consequences for their participants and the countries that adopt these policies. Accordingly, this Note cautions against the adoption of a formal temporary worker program in the United States and argues that the permanent legalization of undocumented immigrants is the most judicious means of reversing recent trends

    The Negative Ramifications of Hate Crime Legislation: It’s Time to Reevaluate Whether Hate Crime Laws are Beneficial to Society

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    Supporters of hate crime legislation suggest that the primary reason for the codification of hate crime laws is “to send a strong message of tolerance and equality, signaling to all members of society that hatred and prejudice on the basis of identity will be punished with extra severity.” However, hate crime laws may actually be accomplishing the opposite effect of tolerance and equality because they encourage U.S. citizens to view themselves, not as members of our society, but as members of a protected group. The enactment of hate crime legislation at the federal and state levels has led to unintended consequences and unfair practices. Today, the controversy regarding the effectiveness of hate crime laws is debated, and people question whether this type of legislation is beneficial to society. This article will candidly reevaluate hate crime legislation. Part II will provide the definition of the term “hate crime” and the theoretical justification for enhanced sentencing involving discrimination-based conduct. Focus will be placed on data that disproves the theory that hate crime laws reduce or deter future hate crimes. It will also explain the underlying reasons for the enactment of hate crime laws, such as the media’s role and political influences, and it will present several of the misconceptions associated with hate crime legislation. Part III will present the unintended consequences associated with the enactment of hate crime statutes, including constitutional violations. It will also explain why hate crimes are rarely prosecuted, and will focus on the inconsistency, redundancy, and arbitrary usage/application of hate crime legislation. Part III will also present an individual’s response to the negative, unintended effects of hate crime legislation. Part IV will determine that hate crime legislation is not cost-effective. Part V sets forth a recommendation on improving community efforts to educate or reeducate citizens on respecting diversity. Finally, the article analyzes hate crime laws from supporting and opposing viewpoints and concludes that there is no need to separate hate crimes from other types of crimes as a means to promote a more tolerant, equal, and stable society

    Amalan penggunaan modul pengajaran berasaskan modul multimedia interaktif (MMI) dalam Pendidikan Teknik Dan Vokasional (PTV)

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    Kajian Amalan Penggunaan Modul Pengajaran Berasaskan Modul Multimedia Interaktif (MMI) dalam Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional (PTV) bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh faktor demografi terhadap pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam amalan penggunaan MMI. Amalan penggunaan modul pengajaran berasaskan MMI yang kurang dalam kalangan guru dalam PTV perlu dipandang serius. Kemampuan MMI sebagai Alat Bahan Bantu Mengajar (ABBM) telah terbukti keberkesanannya. Faktor demografi merupakan pembolehubah bebas kajian terdiri daripada jantina, pengkhususan akademik dan kadar penggunaan MMI guru PTV. Statistik deskriptif dan inferensi dengan ujian MANOVA digunapakai bagi menganalisis data kajian melalui perisian SPSS 16.0. Set soalan ujian yang diadaptasi daripada Teacher Technology Competencies (1998) digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wujudnya pengaruh faktor jantina dan kadar penggunaan dalam amalan penggunaan MMI manakala pengkhususan akademik pula tidak mempengaruhi tahap pengetahuan dan kemahiran. Tahap pengetahuan dan kemahiran mengikut jantina di antara lelaki dan perempuan adalah berbeza. Skor min perempuan adalah sebanyak 58.77 berbanding 55.52 pada tahap pengetahuan. Pada aspek kemahiran, lelaki mengatasi perempuan dengan skor min sebanyak 61.00 berbanding 55.73. Kadar penggunaan didapati menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam menentukan amalan penggunaan MMI. Nilai min tertinggi diperolehi pada kadar penggunaan yang paling tinggi iaitu 6 hingga 8 kali penggunaan dalam tempoh masa seminggu iaitu 67.81 pada kedua-dua aspek pengetahuan dan kemahiran manakala pada kadar penggunaan terendah adalah bersamaan 45.40. Keputusan ini menunjukkan bahawa ketiga-tiga pembolehubah bebas itu mempengaruhi pembolehubah bersandar kajian secara individu, iaitu tiada kesan interaksi antara ketiga-tiga pembolehubah bebas terhadap pembolehubah bersandar kajian


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    Poems include: The Runner by Nancy Hendricks and The Modern Atlas by Ina Marshall


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran dalam bentuk prototype modul penggunaan Mastercam sebagai media simulator pada mata pelajaran memprogram mesin NC/CNC, untuk meningkatkan keterampilan belajar siswa di SMK Negeri 2 Klaten, serta untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul Mastercam sebagai media simulator pada mata pelajaran praktik CNC di SMK Negeri 2 Klaten. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Waktu pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai tanggal 03 Juli 2009 hingga 28 Januari 2012 (selama 3 tahun), yang dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 2 Klaten. Objek penelitian ini berupa pengembangan modul simulator Mastercam yang meliputi materi dasar-dasar penggunaan Mastercam, dan komponen-komponen penggunaan mesin CNC. Tahapan yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini meliputi: (1) tahap studi pendahuluan (2) tahap pengembangan produk awal (3) tahap validasi produk (4) tahap uji coba terbatas I (5) tahap revisi I (6) tahap uji coba terbatas II (7) tahap revisi II (8) tahap uji coba III (9) revisi (10) produk akhir. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket sedangkan analisa data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif persentase yang diterjemahkan dalam distribusi skor dan dipersentase terhadap kategori skala kelayakan yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan uji kelayakan modul simulator Mastercam yang dikembangkan, menurut ahli media pembelajaran memperoleh kelayakan 95%; menurut ahli materi pihak dosen memperoleh kelayakan 93,33%, sedangkan menurut ahli materi pihak guru mendapat 93,33%; dari uji coba produk awal mendapat kelayakan 65,62%; dari uji coba terbatas I mendapat kelayakan 83,33%; dari uji coba terbatas II mendapat kelayakan 71,04%; sedangkan uji coba terbatas III mendapat kelayakan 75,30%. Berdasarkan persentase kelayakan yang didapat dari uji ahli, rekan sejawat dan siswa SMK Negeri 2 Klaten sebagai pengguna membuktikan bahwa modul simulator Mastercam yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran praktik CNC di SMK Negeri 2 Klaten

    The Law of Nations and the Judicial Branch

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    Sex-specific fundamental and formant frequency patterns in a cross-sectional study

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    An extensive developmental acoustic study of the speech patterns of children and adults was reported by Lee and colleagues [Lee et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, 1455-1468 (1999)]. This paper presents a reexamination of selected fundamental frequency and formant frequency data presented in their report for 10 monophthongs by investigating sex-specific and developmental patterns using two different approaches. The first of these includes the investigation of age- and sex-specific formant frequency patterns in the monophthongs. The second, the investigation of fundamental frequency and formant frequency data using the critical band rate (bark) scale and a number of acoustic-phonetic dimensions of the monophthongs from an age- and sex-specific perspective. These acoustic-phonetic dimensions include: vowel spaces and distances from speaker centroids; frequency differences between the formant frequencies of males and females; vowel openness/closeness and frontness/backness; the degree of vocal effort; and formant frequency ranges. Both approaches reveal both age- and sex-specific development patterns which also appear to be dependent on whether vowels are peripheral or non-peripheral. The developmental emergence of these sex-specific differences are discussed with reference to anatomical, physiological, sociophonetic and culturally determined factors. Some directions for further investigation into the age-linked sex differences in speech across the lifespan are also proposed