1,654,805 research outputs found


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    Masalah yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana suhu dapat dideteksi, diproses dan ditampilkan hasil pengukuran tersebut pada komputer. Permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan cara menghubungkan sensor ke komputer melalui port serial dan mikrokontroler AT89C51 sebagai pengendali utama dan ADC 0804 untuk mengubah sinyal analog ke digital. Pengukur Suhu Melalui Port Serial disusun dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler AT89C51, ADC 0804, Sensor suhu LM 335 dan ditampilkan pada komputer. Adapun fungsi dari masing-masing yaitu sebagai berikut : mikrokontroler AT89C51 yaitu sebagai pengedali utama, ADC 0804 yaitu sebagai pengubah sinyal analog ke digital dan LM 335 sebagai sensor suhu, Pengukur Suhu melalui Port Serial merupakan pengukuran suhu yang menggunakan sensor LM 35. Alat ini merupakan sebuah sistem yang terdiri dari komputer, antarmuka RS232, mikrokontroler AT89C51, ADC0804 dan LM35. Secara umum diagram kotak alat ini dapat dilihat pada Gambar 3.1. Gambar 3.1. Diagram Kotak Pengukur Suhu melalui Port Serial Cara Kerja LM35 sebagai sensor suhu akan menghasilkan data analog berupa tegangan. Data tersebut oleh ADC0804 akan dibaca dan dikonversi menjadi data digital. Setelah melakukan konversi ADC0804 akan mengirimkan sinyal rendah melalui kaki INTR ke mikrokontroler untuk memberitahu bahwa ADC telah mengkonversi. Setelah menerima sinyal INTR dari ADC, mikrokontroler akan mengirimkan sinyal ren

    Back Matter 8 (3)

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    Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Minyak Atsiri Dari Bunga Kamboja Putih (Plumeria acuminata W.T.Ait.) dan Bunga Kamboja Merah (Plumeria rubra L.)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif minyak atsiri bunga kamboja putih (Plumeria acuminata W.T.Ait.) dan bunga kamboja merah (Plumeria rubra L.). Hasil uji kualitatif minyak atsiri bunga kambojaputih meliputi bentuk cair, bau khas aromatik bunga kamboja, warna kuning muda, rasa manis agak pedas, bobot jenis 0,6956 ± 0,0217, indeks bias (nD250) = 1,4788 ± 10-04 dan kadar minyak atsiri0 0,12 ± 0,02%(v/b). Minyak atsiri bunga kamboja merah memiliki bentuk cair, bau khas aromatik bunga kamboja, warna jingga kecoklatan,rasa manis agak pedas, bobot jenis 0,3844 ± 0,005, indeks bias (nD250) = 1,4197 ± 10-04 dan kadar minyak atsiri 0,09 ± 0,03%(v/b). Noda KLT masing-masing menunjukan jumlah yang sama yaitu terdapat 8 noda. Analisis KG-SM menunjukkan bahwa minyak atsiri atsiri bunga kamboja putih memiliki 19 senyawa dengan area lebih dari 1% tapi yang teranalisis didominasi oleh 5 komponen senyawa antara lain Pentakosan (5,69%), Heksakosan (4,88%), Benzil alkohol (4,35%), Tetrakosan (4,18%), dan Heptakosan (3,01%). Minyak atsiri atsiri bunga kamboja merah memiliki 17 senyawa dengan area lebih dari 1 %, 5 komponen senyawa yang mendominasi antara lain Feniletilalkohol (12,43%), Benzenasetonitril (6,30%), Pentakosan (3,48%), Tetrakosan (3,14%), dan Trikosan (2,27%). Kandungan yang sama pada kedua jenis minyak atsiri adalah Pentakosan dan Tetrakosan dalam jumlah berbeda

    Restricting SLE(8/3) to an annulus

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    We study the probability that chordal SLE8/3\text{SLE}_{8/3} in the unit disk from exp(ix)\exp(ix) to 1 avoids the disk of radius qq centered at zero. We find the initial/boundary-value problem satisfied by this probability as a function of xx and a=lnqa=\ln q, and show that asymptotically as qq tends to one this probability decays like exp(cx/(1q))\exp(-cx/(1-q)) with c=5π/8c=5\pi/8 for x[0,π]x\in[0,\pi]. We also give a representation of this probability as a functional of a Legendre process.Comment: 28 pages, corrected proof of asymptotic dependenc

    Trump Takes NH Lead 8/3/15

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    Donald Trump has taken the lead in the New Hampshire Primary race. This marks the first time that any Republican candidate has held a statistically significant lead in the Granite State. Trump is an extremely divisive candidate within the party as he is the candidate that New Hampshire Republicans say they are least likely to vote for. Election: NH Primary 201

    Composite Charge 8/3 Resonances at the LHC

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    In composite Higgs models with partial compositeness, the small value of the observed Higgs mass implies the existence of light fermionic resonances, the top partners, whose quantum numbers are determined by the symmetry (and symmetry breaking) structure of the theory. Here we study light top partners with electric charge 8/3, which are predicted, for instance, in some of the most natural composite Higgs realizations. We recast data from two same sign lepton searches and from searches for microscopic blackholes into a bound on its mass, M8/3 > 940 GeV. Furthermore, we compare potential reach of these searches with a specifically designed search for three same-sign lepton, both at 8 and 14 TeV. We provide a simplified model, suitable for collider analysis.Comment: Minor comments are added to match published versio

    Inter-Organizational Learning and Collective Memory in Small Firms Clusters: an Agent-Based Approach

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    Literature about Industrial Districts has largely emphasized the importance of both economic and social factors in determining the competitiveness of these particular firms\' clusters. For thirty years, the Industrial District productive and organizational model represented an alternative to the integrated model of fordist enterprise. Nowadays, the district model suffers from competitive gaps, largely due to the increase of competitive pressure of globalization. This work aims to analyze, through an agent-based simulation model, the influence of informal socio-cognitive coordination mechanisms on district\'s performances, in relation to different competitive scenarios. The agent-based simulation approach is particularly fit for this purpose as it is able to represent the Industrial District\'s complexity. Furthermore, it permits to develop dynamic analysis of district\'s performances according to different types of environment evolution. The results of this work question the widespread opinion that cooperative districts can answer to environmental changes more effectively that non-cooperative ones. In fact, the results of simulations show that, in the presence of turbulent scenarios, the best performer districts are those in which cooperation and competition, trust and opportunism balance out.Firm Networks, Collective Memory, Agent Based Models, Uncertainty

    Granite Staters Optimistic About Business Conditions in New Hampshire 8/3/16

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    New Hampshire residents are increasingly optimistic about state business conditions and remain optimistic about the national economy. The majority of Granite Staters say their household financial condition is better or about the same since last year and most don’t expect it to change over the next year