124,091 research outputs found

    Biogeographische, morphologische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zum Artstatus von Acalles temperei Péricart, 1987 und Kyklioacalles navieresi (Boheman, 1837)

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    Neben biogeographischen werden morphologische Argumente zusammengetragen, die für eine Synonymisierung der Arten Acalles parvulus Boheman, 1837 = Acalles temperei Péricart, 1987 sprechen. Entlang eines Transekts zwischen dem Mont Pilat (Dep. Loire) und dem Mont Saint-Martin nördlich von Grenoble (Dep. Isère) wird über den Vergleich der Aedoeagi eine Cline sichtbar, die am Artstatus von Acalles temperei zweifeln lässt. Bestätigung finden diese vergleichenden, phänotypischen Untersuchungen durch erste molekulargenetische Untersuchungen. Danach scheint entweder eine Hybridisierungszone wahrscheinlich oder der Verdacht liegt nahe, dass Acalles parvulus und Acalles temperei eine einzige, geographisch strukturierte Art darstellen. Völlig anders liegen die molekularbiologischen Ergebnisse bei Kyklioacalles roboris (Curtis, 1834) und der erst kürzlich resynonymisierten Art Kyklioacalles navieresi (Boheman, 1837): Die DNA-Sequenzanalysen der mitochondrialen CO1- und 16S-Gene sowie des nukleären 28S-Gens zeigen, dass Kyklioacalles navieresi und Kyklioacalles roboris zwei eigenständige, wenn auch eng verwandte Arten darstellen.New insights from biogeography, morphology and molecular biology: the species status of Acalles temperei Péricart, 1987 and Kyklioacalles navieresi (Boheman, 1837) (Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae); including 14 colored photographies, 2 plates, 1 diagram and 8 distribution maps. Biogeographical and morphological arguments are presented that suggest the following synonymization: Acalles parvulus Boheman, 1837 = Acalles temperei Péricart, 1987. Comparing the aedeagi along a transect from Mont Pilat (Dep. Loire) to Mont Saint-Martin North of Grenoble (Dep. Isère), a cline becomes apparent that raises doubts about the species status of Acalles temperei. These results, obtained by comparative phenotypic examination, are corroborated in a preliminary set of molecular genetic analyses. The latter either hint the existence of a hybrid zone or indicate that Acalles parvulus and Acalles temperei constitute a single, geographically structured species. The molecular results for Kyklioacalles roboris (Curtis, 1834) and the recently resynonymized species Kyklioacalles navieresi (Boheman, 1837) are very different. DNA sequence analysis of the mitochondrial CO1 and 16S genes and of the nuclear 28S gene showed that Kyklioacalles navieresi and Kyklioacalles roboris likely represent two individual, but closely related species

    Emmanuel Catholic Church, Dayton, Ohio: Sesquicentennial History, 1837-1987

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    A booklet commemorating the sesquicentennial of Emmanuel Catholic Church in Dayton, Ohio. Emmanuel was Dayton\u27s first Catholic parish, and the booklet reviews the parish\u27s history from 1837 to 1987.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/uscc_parish_histories/1003/thumbnail.jp

    20160712: President\u27s Papers, Branch from Original Marshall Beech Tree, 1837-1987

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    These items include materials from the Office of the University President at Marshall University from 1837-1987. Items were received in 2016 and the item in this collection is literally just a branch from the original Marshall Beech Tree that was originally on campus when this institution began its existence

    19911025: President\u27s Papers, 1972-1992

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    These items include materials from the Office of the University President at Marshall University from 1837-1987. Items were received in 2016 and the item in this collection is literally just a branch from the original Marshall Beech Tree that was originally on campus when this institution began its existence

    Instalación del ciclo de conferencias con motivo del sesquicentenario de la legislación penal colombiano (1837-1987)

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    Instalación del ciclo de conferencias con motivo del sesquicentenario de la legislación penal colombiano (1837-1987

    El viaje botánico de Edmond Boissier al sur de España (1837-1987)

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    PIERRE EDMUND BOISSIER nace el 25 de Mayo de 1810 en Ginebra, en el seno de una acomodada familia de origen francés. Su pasión por los viajes le lleva desde muy joven a interesarse cada vez más por el estudio botánico de las regiones que visita. A finales de 1831 conoce en París a varios botánicos, entre ellos al suizo J. Gay y más tarde a B. Webb, explorador de las islas Canarias y de España. Entre 1834 y 1835 comienza a preparar el viaje a España. Aprende español y consulta toda la bibliografía necesaria. Parte por primera vez para España en 1836, debiendo regresar rápidamente por la muerte de su madre. Pero su obsesión por el Sur de nuestra país es tan grande, que no tarda en reiniciar su viaje. Este viaje, en un principio odiséico, se convierte al llegar al Sur en un goce casi permanente donde los incesantes descubrimientos se combinan con otros placeres. De regreso a Ginebra comienza a preparar su obra "le voyage botanique dans le Midi de l'Espagne", que aparece en dos volúmenes fechados en 1839-45. El primero incluye la descripción del viaje, un capitulo importante sobre fitogeografía, así como la colección iconográfica constituida por 206 láminas de los táxones nuevos interesantes. Dichas láminas fueron realizadas por Heyland, siendo de un gran valor artístico y científico. El segundo trata exclusivamente de la flora de la región. Una dolorosa enfermedad estomacal le lleva a morir el 25 de septiembre de 1885, mientras ejercía aún con entusiasmo sus investigaciones botánicas

    The Future of District of Columbia Home Rule

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    This article begins by briefly reviewing the recent historical development of home rule. Next, it explores the ways in which the people of the District might obtain a greater voice in the national legislature and more genuine home rule. Finally, it suggests that the District\u27s citizens may have to make a political choice, which they have until now avoided, between seeking gradual improvements in their political rights and pressing strongly for statehood

    An Annotated Checklist of Wisconsin Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

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    A survey of Carabidae in the state of Wisconsin, U.S.A. yielded 87 species new to the state and incorporated 34 species previously reported from the state but that were not included in an earlier catalogue, bringing the total number of species to 489 in an annotated checklist. Collection data are provided in full for the 87 species new to Wisconsin but are limited to county occurrences for 187 rare species previously known in the state. Recent changes in nomenclature pertinent to the Wisconsin fauna are cited

    Check list of the Hungarian Salticidae with biogeographical notes

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    An updated check list of the Hungarian jumping spider fauna is presented. 70, species are recorded from Hungary so far. Four species are new to the Hungarian fauna: Hasarius adansoni, Neon valentulus, Sitticus caricis, Synageles subcingulatus. With 12 original drawings

    Taxonomy and palaeoecology of continental Gastropoda (Mollusca) from the Late Pleistocene mammoth-bearing site of Bullendorf in NE Austria

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    We present a taxonomic and palaeoecological analysis of a continental mollusc fauna from a mammoth-bearing succession near Bullendorf in Lower Austria. The taxonomic analysis comprises morphological descriptions and SEM documentation of 15 Pleistocene gastropod species. A Principal Component Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the investigated samples reveals a stratigraphic succession of four mollusc assemblages defined herein as Galba truncatula assemblage, Succinella oblonga assemblage, Pupilla muscorum/loessica and Pupilla alpicola/sterrii assemblages. The autecological requirements of the species of each assemblage allow a reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental history of the section with alternating dry and humid conditions within a general cooling trend. Despite generally low mollusc density and species richness, the Bullendorf site allows important insight into latest Quaternary regional environmental conditions and climate. Based on the comparison with similar mollusc sites across Europe, a biostratigraphic correlation with the Late Pleistocene (~110\u201312 ka) is propose