1,188 research outputs found

    An investigation of distillery losses.

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    Pinacoteca Psiquiátrica en España, 1917-1990

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    The exhibition Psychiatric Art gallery in Spain 1917-1990 presented in the University of Valencia in October, 2009 gathers more than three hundred artistic works of mental patients from particular and institutional collections who in the main have remained imprisoned in the psychiatric area and out of the cultural sphere. The psychiatrists’ interest like Gonzalo R. Lafora, Joan Obiols or Ramon Sarró have made possible the conservation of the works or of institutions as Ciempozuelos’s Hospital, that of Toen or Artists’ Plásticos Línea Parallel association between others. The look of the patients from his experience of the madness proves to be crossed by instants of beauty and suffering. They are capable of affecting with worrying, strange images and in turn familiar that they point at the sinister thing as something foreign and simultaneously daily, attractively and disturbing.La exposición Pinacoteca Psiquiátrica en España 1917-1990 presentada en la Universidad de Valencia en octubre de 2009 recoge más de trescientas obras artísticas de enfermos mentales provenientes de colecciones particulares e institucionales que en su mayoría han permanecido recluidas en el ámbito psiquiátrico y fuera de la esfera cultural. El interés de psiquiatras como Gonzalo R. Lafora, Joan Obiols o Ramón Sarró han hecho posible la conservación de las obras o de instituciones como el Hospital de Ciempozuelos, el de Toen o la asociación de Artistas Plásticos Línea Paralela entre otros. La mirada de los pacientes desde su vivencia de la locura se muestra atravesada por instantes de belleza y sufrimiento. Son capaces de conmover con imágenes inquietantes, extrañas y a su vez familiares que apuntan a lo siniestro como algo ajeno y a la vez cotidiano, atrayente y perturbador

    Дослідження історії Волині вченими української діаспори (1917-1990 р.)

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    В статті аналізуються наукові праці істориків української діаспори XX століття, які досліджували історичне минуле волинського регіону, розглядаються діяльність наукових товариств в США, Канаді, ФРН та їх періодичні наукові видання, де публікувались результати волинезнавчих студій

    Finnish and Scandinavian Communists and revolution in the inter-war years

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    Paper made as part of the project Nordic Communism 1917-1990 http://www.hf.uio.no/iakh/forskning/forskningsprosjekter/norcom

    The Lobbying Problem in the Pages of the Soviet Press (1917-1990)

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    Legal aspects of providing economic protection the ukrainian state in 1917-1990

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    The issue of ensuring the legal protection of the economy for the Ukrainian state was oneof the key issues, along with such issues as territorial integrity, sovereignty of the authorities, ensuring real defense capability, etc. It is worth agreeing with the view of L. Korchevskaya, who argues that the economic aspect of security is closely linked to trade relations that have been traced throughout human history [1, p. 38], which undoubtedly could not bypass Ukraine, given its territorial location, the availability of many tangible and intangible resources and existing trade and financial ties. At the same time, as historical experience has shown, the inability to develop a fully-fledged and comprehensive, self-interest legal system, owing to frequent changes in territorial structure and the frequent objective need to subordinate the will of certain other entities, significantly hindered the development