145 research outputs found

    A strict reply from Osip Mandelstam for Lermontov Mikhail

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    В статье рассматривается роль поэзии и личности Лермонтова в лирике и творческом поведении Осипа Мандельштама


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    The article attempts to generalize data on such a complex pedagogical and psychological phenomenon as the deliberate frightening of children by adults. Despite an obvious or apparent harm, it is still included in the established set of methods of family education. In our study, we studied the origins of this phenomenon, the degree of its prevalence in the practice of family education at the present time, and the consequences of using threats in the process of education in the assessments of the adults who were brought up in this way.To achieve the research objectives, a number of former children who were frightened in childhood by their parents, the content of adults’ threats, the motives for frightening children and its influence on the further development of the child were studied.

    Поэтический концепт как когнитивно-дискурсивный феномен

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    Чумак-Жунь, И. И. Поэтический концепт как когнитивно-дискурсивный феномен / И. И. Чумак-Жунь // Вестник ТГУ. - 2008. - №7(63). - С. 66-72. - Библиогр.: с. 72.В статье речь идет о когнитивном феномене – поэтическом концепте. Автор рассматривает особенности формирования поэтического концепта в филогенезе, онтогенезе и этногенезе. Определяется поэтический жанр (колыбельная песня), который содержит указания на основные признаки поэтического концепт

    Musical Portrayals of Death in Mussorgsky’s Songs and Dances of Death

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    Musorgsky’s Songs and Dances of Death presents a set of unique portrayals of death in art song literature. Aside from the obvious challenge of the Russian language and Cyrillic alphabet which are unfamiliar to most Western performers, the unique musical style, historical context, and complex psychological implications of Songs and Dances of Death require a good deal of study before one can fully grasp the profundity and importance of this cycle. Musorgsky’s views on music and life, the Zeitgeist in which these songs were composed, a historical analysis of the medieval Dance of Death tradition and its influence on the poet and composer, as well as an analysis of the psychological phenomenon of death personifications are provided to engender a holistic approach to interpreting these songs. A musical analysis illustrates the musical manifestations of the aforementioned elements. A guide to the various editions and their inherent merits and/or flaws gives the performer the necessary information to find a suitable version of the cycle. A word-for-word translation, IPA transliteration, and pronunciation guide are also included to facilitate the learning of the text by non-Russian speakers

    Интертекстемы Беллы Ахмадулиной: поэтическое "ego" в диалоге с другими текстами

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    Исследуются литературные реминисценции в поэзии Б. Ахмадулино


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    In this article in the order corresponding to the biographical line of  V.I. Lenin the ditties, jokes and anecdotes, knitted with the figure of the leader are formed up and analyzed; the theses and conclusions about their structure, meaning, significance, existence in the socio-cultural environment are formulated.В настоящей статье в порядке, соответствующем биографической линии В.И. Ленина, выстроены и проанализированы частушки, шутки и анекдоты, вязанные с фигурой вождя; сформулированы тезисы и выводы об их структуре, смысле, значимости, бытовании в социально-культурной среде