709 research outputs found

    Az antropológia kezdetei hazánkban | The Beginnings of Anthropology in Hungary

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    A XIX. század második felében világszerte megindultak az antropológiai kutatások. Hazánkban Lenhossék József (1818-1888) működött ezen a területen, és az 1875. évi kutatásaival lerakta az antropológia alapjait. Munkatársai közreműködésével 76 csontos koponyán és 265 élő ember fején végzett koponyaméréseket. Egy koponyán vagy fejen 50 hosszúsági mérést végeztek és a fontosabb viszonyszámokat (indexeket) kiszámították, meghatározták a magyar emberre jellemző koponyaindexeket. Ezek az értékek ma is irányadóak. In the second half of the 19th century anthropological researches started everywhere in the world. Cranioscopy formed an important part of the biological anthropology. József Lenhossék (1818–1888) worked also on this subject and on the basis of one of his researches in 1875 he became the founder of the anthropology in Hungary. On 76 skulls of several collections and on 265 heads together with his coworkers he performed 50 measurements on each skulls and heads and calculated the important ratios (skull-indexes). He determined the skull-indexes of the Hungarian people. These indexes are valid also today

    La marinería desertora: un ramal ''olvidado'' de la inmigración extranjera en Chile, 1818-1888.

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    "Ciência de potes quebrados": nação e região na arqueologia brasileira do século XIX

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    The paper explores distinct expectations created in different places and institutions with the archaeological discoveries taken place in Brazilian territory in the second half of 19th century. By means of a case study about the professional trajectory of Domingos Soares Ferreira Penna (1818-1888), founder of Museu Paraense in 1866 and traveling naturalist of Brazilian Museu Nacional between 1872 and 1884, the present article reconstructs the origins of scientific debates and disputes over the Amazonian archaeological heritage, in great evidence at that time, due to discoveries of pre-historic sites at Marajó Island, in the State of Pará. The intention is to demonstrate how the discourse about national identity, broadly used by the director of the Brazilian Museu Nacional, Ladislau de Souza Mello Netto (1838-1894), overshadowed political divergence and had little repercussion among Brazilian provinces that were building, at the time, their respective regional identities and historical narratives - to which archaeological evidences were equally fundamental.O artigo explora as distintas expectativas criadas em diferentes lugares e instituições com as descobertas arqueológicas que ocorreram em território brasileiro na segunda metade do século XIX. Por meio de estudo de caso sobre a trajetória profissional de Domingos Soares Ferreira Penna (1818-1888), fundador do Museu Paraense em 1866 e naturalista-viajante do Museu Nacional entre 1872 e 1884, são reconstituídas a origem dos debates científicos e a disputa pelo patrimônio arqueológico da Amazônia, então em grande evidência graças à descoberta dos sítios pré-históricos da ilha de Marajó (PA). A intenção é demonstrar como o discurso em torno de uma identidade nacional, largamente utilizado por Ladislau de Souza Mello Netto (1838-1894), diretor do Museu Nacional no período, eclipsava dissensões políticas e pouco repercutia nas províncias, que, na época, também construíam suas respectivas identidades regionais e narrativas históricas - e para as quais os vestígios arqueológicos eram, igualmente, fundamentais

    Складність фундаментального вивчення фінансового сектору економіки

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    MSS0211. Jean Shofner collection finding aid

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    This collection contains secondary source materials of articles, documents, papers, and photographs regarding the neighborhood of Binghamton and its local schools in Memphis, Tennessee. The material was collected by Jean Shofner, a local Memphian and many of the materials relate to the first half of the 20th century

    Hobson Family Papers (MSS 121)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Collection 121. Correspondence, legal papers, and news clippings about the Hobsons, a prominent family of Bowling Green, Kentucky. The correspondence and reminiscences of Civil War veteran William E. Hobson; a diary kept by Mary Elizabeth Van Meter during the evacuation of Bowling Green, 1861; and correspondence of George Anna (Hobson) Duncan, an award winning trapshooter, are of particular significance. Also includes genealogical information about the Hobson and related families