853 research outputs found

    Joanna Hone Mathews and Julia Anthon Mathews: Sisterhood and Sunday School Books

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    A number of women who authored children’s series came from writing families, with parents, siblings, cousins, or other relatives also publishing in some fashion. Another group had connections to the clergy, with fathers or husbands (or both) serving as ministers or teaching religious studies. One small subset of this population was sisters who wrote girls’ or children’s series and who had ministers as fathers. The earliest such pair were Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1815-1852) and Sarah Stuart Robbins (1817-1910), daughters of Andover theologian Moses Stuart (1780-1852). The most successful – in terms of series fiction ‑- were probably the Mathews sisters, who specialized in religiously themed series and devoted most of their writing careers to works for children

    Partir ? En Amérique !

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    Où l’auteur, s’inspirant largement d’un ouvrage de René Rémond sur « Les Etats-Unis devant l’opinion publique française, 1815-1852 » essaie d’expliquer pourquoi les Etats-Unis ont pu attirer nos polytechniciens : plein de bonnes raisons... Partir donc, mais où ? J’ai donné tout à l’heure des explications un peu « négatives », liées à un raisonnement par élimination : ni en Angleterre, ni en Russie, ni, ni...Le choix américain sera beaucoup plus que cela pour de nombreux Français, ce sera un c..

    The Life of Socrates: Plato, Xenophon, and the Untapped Potential of the Socratic Problem

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    The primary objectives of this thesis are to argue for an approach to the Socratic problem that (1) examines Xenophon’s Socratic writings along with those of Plato, and (2) analyzes the Socratic problem with a view to the ancient conception of philosophy as a way of life. To achieve these objectives, the introductory chapter provides an overview of scholarly approaches to the Socratic problem, which have tended to favor Plato as the only reliable source on the historical Socrates. This chapter argues that such approaches are flawed, and that both authors are important sources on the historical Socrates. The second chapter demonstrates Xenophon’s value when it comes to the Socratic problem by using Xenophon’s Memorabilia to elucidate Socrates’ religious worldview. Analyzing Plato and Xenophon side by side shows that Socrates’ daimonion, (i.e., Socrates’ divine sign), was an important part of the historical Socrates\u27 life, that the daimonion did not interfere with Socrates’ rationality, and that there is good reason to doubt Plato’s claim that Socrates’ daimonion was exclusively apotreptic, meaning that it only turned him away from action and never toward it. The third chapter argues that, since philosophy was conceived as a way of life by Socrates and his contemporaries, the scope of the Socratic problem should not be limited to Socrates’ theoretical philosophical views, but should include his actions, including his military and political activities

    Charles Babbage (1791-1871) and Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)

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    WOTECH: Women in Tech

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    Explores Cyberfeminism; the philosophy of thought which acknowledges that there are differences in power between women and men in the digital discourse. The first volume of WOTECH features a brief timeline of cyberfeminism, interviews with women in tech, and statistics of women working in a men dominated environment.https://digitalcommons.tacoma.uw.edu/gender_studies/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Tevis, Henry Lloyd, 1820-1853 (SC 2642)

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    Finding aid only for Mansucripts Small Collection 2642. Letter of Henry Lloyd Tevis, Fayette County, Kentucky, 11 January 1849, to Andrew Jackson Downing requesting a subscription to Downing’s magazine,The Horticulturist. Tevis praises the publication and its influence on his decision to move to a rural setting

    21st Century COE Program

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    Bringing the Public Back to the Park: Analysis of Springside Landscape’s Preservation Maintenance Plan

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    Springside is a 20-acre park in Poughkeepsie, New York. Commissioned in 1850 by Matthew Vassar, beer brewer and founder of Vassar College, the private estate was both a pleasure ground and gentleman’s farm designed by America’s first and perhaps most influential landscape architect, A. J. Downing, with buildings designed by Downing and Calvert Vaux. Springside is the only extant landscape that can definitively be attributed to Downing, and as such has been a National Historic Landmark since 1969. Subsequent subdividing of Springside has eliminated the farms and orchards of the estate, leaving only the core pleasure ground of curvilinear paths and wooded knolls; all but one of the Downing and Vaux buildings have burned, collapsed, or been demolished. This thesis documents the history of the site, focusing on its period of greatest significance (Vassar’s ownership and residency from 1852-68), and later episodes of alteration and change. I evaluate the work of Springside Landscape Restoration to maintain and restore the place. Final sections compare management plans for similar historic landscapes and explore alternative approaches to programming as practical, creative choices for preserving the site going forward

    Development of technological projects with the active participation of women in El Salvador.

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    El estudio tiene como objetivo general conocer las diferentes soluciones tecnológicas desarrolladas con una fuerte participación de mujeres; a la vez conocer una breve reseña histórica sobre la contribución de algunas mujeres a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), ya que no han sido reconocidas en su momento, si no con el paso de los años y a través de los resultados de diferentes investigaciones que se difunden a nivel mundial por la equidad de género en todas sus áreas.El estudio también apuntó a visibilizar a las mujeres latinas en su rol como desarrolladoras de soluciones tecnológicas a nivel académico y empresarial; también conocer casos de éxito de mujeres salvadoreñas que se desempeñan en empresas del sector tecnológico de El Salvador.Los resultados evidencian la integración de mujeres salvadoreñas en el área de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la empresa privada, las áreas en las que hay mayor desempeño por parte del género femenino y una comparativa entre el número mujeres y hombres que actualmente están laborando en las empresas salvadoreñas participantes en la investigación.Gracias al aporte del género femenino se han logrado las bases de muchas tecnologías que hoy en día se utilizan con una gran facilidad y permiten a la diversidad social el poder desarrollar actividades laborales, profesionales y personales.Finalmente, El Salvador está siendo parte de la transformación digital en diferentes sectores: educación, gobierno, empresa, entre otros, en donde la mujer salvadoreña tiene una fuerte e importante participación