15 research outputs found

    Pintando a passagem : acaso e pintura de si nos ensaios de Montaigne

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Luiz antônio Alves EvaDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia. Defesa: Curitiba, 17/12/2013Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: FilosofiaResumo: O presente trabalho visa analisar a ideia de acaso ao longo dos Ensaios de Montaigne a fim de melhor compreender a descrição que este filósofo faz de si, descrição esta que ficou conhecida por seus estudiosos como a "pintura de si". A partir da relação entre acaso e pintura de si, pretendemos indagar se é coerente afirmar, tal como fizeram os comentadores Villey e Auerbach, que a "pintura de si" pode ser interpretada como a representação da realidade, ou seja, uma pintura real do próprio autor.Résumé: L'étude suivante vise à analyser l'idée de hasard qui traverse les Essais de Montaigne afin de mieux comprendre la description qu'exerce ce philosophe de lui-même, description connue par les spécialistes sous l'expression "peinture de soi". À partir de la relation entre le hasard et la peinture de soi, nous souhaitons investiguer s'il est cohérent d'affirmer, comme l'ont fait les commentateurs Villey et Auerbach, que la "peinture de soi" peut être interprétée comme une représentation de la réalité, ou, plus encore, une peinture réelle du propre auteur

    'Les cent nouvelles nouvelles': A linguistic study of MS Glasgow Hunter 252

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    MS Glasgow Hunter 252 is the sole surviving manuscript copy of the 'Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles'. The present PhD thesis, funded by a Glasgow University Scholarship and supervised by James Simpson and Peter Davies, explores the language of this collection of bawdy tales, attributed to the court of Philippe III de Bourgogne (1396-1467). Most existing studies on the language of the 'Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles' have offered a literary (e.g. stylistic, narratological) perspective, and very few have considered the document within the wider context of French historical linguistics. The present thesis aims to fill this gap by: •Presenting elements of linguistic interest within the document (dialectalisms, archaisms, rare features, cultural references, etc.), through a comprehensive survey of phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. •Expanding and reassessing existing theories on orthographic standardisation and dialectal input in written and, more speculatively, spoken Middle French. •Providing scriptological evidence towards the localisation of other textual resources within the online 'Dictionnaire du moyen français (1330-1500)'. •Investigating the authenticity of the mise-en-scène of the 'Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles'; reflecting on linguistic practices and note-taking at the Court of Burgundy. •Exploring spoken language as rendered by direct speech passages, with special consideration of linguistic variation and stereotyping. •Publishing textual databases for future analysis (tables of main spelling variants, alphabetical list of words, etc.)

    Foreign correspondence with Marie de Lorraine, Queen of Scotland

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    FROM THE ORIGINALS IN THE BALCARRES PAPERS 1537-1548: The foreign correspondence of Marie de Lorraine, Queen of Scotland from 1538 till 1560, contained in the Balcarres Papers at the Advocates’ Library and in a collection at the Register House, covers a period of about twenty years, from the time of her marriage till shortly before her death. The bulk of the correspondence is due to the family and dependants of the House of Guise. This does not mean that the letters are chiefly domestic ; for, after the accession of Henri II, the Duke of Aumale and his brother the Cardinal, being among the King’s most intimate advisers, naturally have much to say on matters of State. The domestic letters are only those of her mother the Duchess of Guise, her sisters, and her son, with occasional communications, chiefly formal, from her uncles and other relations by marriage. There are fewer letters on affairs of the kingdoms before 1542, as until that date the Queen had no share in the government, although in one letter from the Duchess of Guise there is a hint of increasing influence with the King. Until 1542 we have mainly family news, news of friends, of the administration of the Queen’s estates in France, of the movements of the French court, the wars and the part her family play in them; but there is also some indication of the Queen’s interest in the development of her new country

    Lectures de Rabelais depuis la Bruyère jusqu'à la Révolution

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    L'art de l'amitié dans les Essais de Montaigne et la Recherche du temps perdu de Proust

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Édition critique de la cinquième journée du Mystère de Sainte Barbe en cinq journées

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    This thesis makes accessible an unedited and hitherto unpublished text of great value for the history of literature and theatre. It was written c. 1450-1500. and consists of about 25.000 lines. It is an unique document of its time, as there is no other hagiographic mystery play of this size or importance with a woman as the central character. The play contains numerous stage directions that make it even more compelling for a historian of theatre. Barbara is arguably the most celebrated female saint of the 15th and 16th centuries. Too often, specialists of the period choose the high-profile Saint Catherine to exemplify their work. Here I argue that Saint Barbara is central to the understanding of popular devotion of the period. Le Mystere de sainte Barbe en cinq journees helps us to shed light on that very devotion, as this text is meant for the stage : to be performed before an audience from all walks of life. The fifth day presents us with a prime example of what a Mystery play could offer. It contains diableries. the final tortures of the saint and her death, numerous miracles and a farce, and a holy war between pagans and Christians. The language of the manuscript is also very interesting. For example, the use of suvmes and quel. the many infinitives in er and ir written repectivelv ez and iz, the consistant use of ~ou where -o is found in modem French, to name but a few. I suggest also that the versification and the didascalies should be understood in such a way so as to help the reader break the text in smaller, more convenient sequences without imposing a modem structure onto the Mystery play. The body of this thesis is the edition of the fifth day. which consists of 5531 lines. It is preceded by an introduction comprising: a description of the manuscript; a section on the legend and devotion to Saint Barbara; a survey of the dramatic texts and productions related to the saint; a review of the sources used by the author; a guide to reading the mystery plays (making use of the Pausa) and more specifically the Mystere de sainte Barbe en cinq journees, together with a summary of the fifth day; a study of the farcical elements found in the text; and a reflection on the importance of Cyprus and the later Crusades. Chapters are also included on linguistics and versification. A bibliography and a few pages on editorial conventions completes the introduction. The edition is accompanied by an exhaustive glossary , a repertoire of all the proverbs and locutions, a list of characters and a list of proper names

    La représentation de la Saint-Barthélémy : "Chronique du règne de Charles IX" de Mérimée, "Sur Catherine de Médicis" de Balzac, "La Reine Margot" de Dumas

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    As soon as the day after the Saint-Barthélemy, everyone, according to his faith and political beliefs suggested an interpretation, and magnified the legend. In each epoch, the issue was reopened, giving rise to new controversies. The writers of the nineteenth century were primarily interested in the sixteenth century and the Saint-Barthélemy because the country was actually facing bloody confrontations again. Indeed, these two centuries are famous for great political turmoil, wars, threats from abroad and religions polemics. The authors interpreted the episodes and situations of this period by drawing parallels to political and social contemporary concerns. This dissertation shows that this massacre, perpetrated for religions and political reasons, was treated in different ways by miscellaneous authors in various eras.Dès le lendemain de la Saint-Barthélemy, chacun, selon sa foi et ses convictions, proposait une interprétation et enrichissait la légende. A chaque époque, le dossier était ré-ouvert donnant lieu à de nouvelles controverses. Les écrivains du XIXe siècle se sont principalement intéressés au XVe siècle et à la Saint-Barthélemy parce la nation était de nouveau en proie à des événements san­glants. En effet, ces deux siècles se caractérisent par une grande instabilité politique, des guerres intestines, des menaces venues de 1'étranger et des polémiques religieuses. Les auteurs ont inter­prété les événements et les situations de cette période en fonction de préoccupations politiques et sociales qui leur étaient contemporaines. Cette étude montre que le massacre, perpétré pour des motifs religieux et politiques, fut traité différemment selon les auteurs et les époques

    Volume 2, 1901

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