21 research outputs found

    Expansions, omitting types, and standard systems

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    Recursive saturation and resplendence are two important notions in models of arithmetic. Kaye, Kossak, and Kotlarski introduced the notion of arithmetic saturation and argued that recursive saturation might not be as rigid as first assumed. In this thesis we give further examples of variations of recursive saturation, all of which are connected with expandability properties similar to resplendence. However, the expandability properties are stronger than resplendence and implies, in one way or another, that the expansion not only satisfies a theory, but also omits a type. We conjecture that a special version of this expandability is in fact equivalent to arithmetic saturation. We prove that another of these properties is equivalent to \beta-saturation. We also introduce a variant on recursive saturation which makes sense in the context of a standard predicate, and which is equivalent to a certain amount of ordinary saturation. The theory of all models which omit a certain type p(x) is also investigated. We define a proof system, which proves a sentence if and only if it is true in all models omitting the type p(x). The complexity of such proof systems are discussed and some explicit examples of theories and types with high complexity, in a special sense, are given. We end the thesis by a small comment on Scott's problem. We prove that, under the assumption of Martin's axiom, every Scott set of cardinality <2^{\aleph_0} closed under arithmetic comprehension which has the countable chain condition is the standard system of some model of PA. However, we do not know if there exists any such uncountable Scott sets.Comment: Doctoral thesi

    Countable Short Recursively Saturated Models of Arithmetic

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    Short recursively saturated models of arithmetic are exactly the elementary initial segments of recursively saturated models of arithmetic. Since any countable recursively saturated model of arithmetic has continuum many elementary initial segments which are already recursively saturated, we turn our attention to the (countably many) initial segments which are not recursively saturated. We first look at properties of countable short recursively saturated models of arithmetic and show that although these models cannot be cofinally resplendent (an expandability property slightly weaker than resplendency), these models have non-definable expansions which are still short recursively saturated

    Mihail Eminescu, an exponent of Romanian Romanticism

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    The first chapter deals with a general view of Romanticism, its origin and contents. It shows the critics' ceaseless but unsuccessful struggle to give a more comprehensive definition of the term and the difficulty in describing this complex phenomenon emerging in opposition to Classicism in the last decades of the 18th century in the most advanced literatures of Europe. The following chapter Romanian Enlightenment - illustrates the development of the Romanian language and literature in the period leading to the appearance of Eminescu's Romantic work. At the same time it explains why Romanian Romanticism acquired a strong national character. The description of Romanian pre-Romanticism and the beginning of Romanian Romanticism emphasises that, unlike Romanticism in other European countries, Romanian Romanticism went hand in hand with Classicism, which survived and played an important role in the progress of the Romanian language and culture. After a short presentation of Eminescu's life, with biographical data, the character and formation of the poet's personality, as well as his environment and circumstances, there follows a detailed analysis of Eminescu's Romantic work, with an assessment of the - 3 - constituent elements of his poetry and prose and of his achievements. Among the Romantic themes and motifs that dominate Eminescu's works, Love and Nature are the most significant. Love and sorrow are two constant dimensions of his life which are reflected in his writings. For Eminescu, love is the triumph of feelings over reason. Fabulousness, dreams, passion, titanism and myth are the elements of Romantic style most frequently found in his works. His masterpiece 'The Evening Star' is the archetypal image of the poet which reveals the quintessence of his poetical creativity. The allegory of 'The Evening Star' is the drama of the genius who is not understood by terrestrial beings, but who is conscious of his immortalization through the force of his ideas, feelings and supreme achievements. Eminescu's art of poetry and the influences in his work form another important part of this thesis. Among them history, the beauties of the poet's motherland, everyday life, the past, folklore and works by Romanian and foreign writers are the most conspicuous. Eminescu is not only a great national poet. He is one of the great Romantic poets of the world. The art and beauty of his works establish his place among them, and 'The Evening Star' bears comparison with the best Romantic poems that exist

    Sideshadow views : narrative possibilities in Charles Dickens's late novels

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    Cet essai discute du rĂŽle de l’hypothĂ©tique (ce qui ne peut ĂȘtre proposĂ© que comme une hypothĂšse) dans les huit derniers romans de Charles Dickens et de la variĂ©tĂ© des moyens littĂ©raires utilisĂ©s pour l’invoquer. Dans toute communication fondĂ©e sur le langage, les mots sont Ă©noncĂ©s (et entendus) ou Ă©crits (et lus), l’un aprĂšs l’autre, dans l’ordre qu’exige la grammaire. La linĂ©aritĂ© et l’ordre de telles sĂ©quences semblent reflĂ©ter naturellement une temporalitĂ© et une causalitĂ© rĂ©gissant les Ă©vĂšnements reprĂ©sentĂ©s. En fait, ceci ne peut rendre compte que de leur nĂ©cessitĂ© et de leur chronologie. Je soutiens que les romans considĂ©rĂ©s recourent Ă  des actions, des idĂ©es, des Ă©vĂšnements, des perspectives, des voix, etc. hypothĂ©tiques, pour dĂ©passer les limites imposĂ©es par le dĂ©terminisme apparemment inhĂ©rent aux structures narratives. Dans les mondes fictionnels de Dickens, le prĂ©sent n’est pas la simple consĂ©quence du passĂ© et ce qui arrive n’est pas seulement la consĂ©quence nĂ©cessaire d’une cause suffisante. Ce qui se produit est souvent sans nĂ©cessitĂ© et aurait aussi bien pu ne pas se produire. Un tel Ă©vĂšnement, quand il n’était encore qu’une possibilitĂ©, a Ă©tĂ© en concurrence avec d’autres possibilitĂ©s jusqu’à ce que la chance dĂ©cide de l’actualiser. Cette rĂ©alitĂ© contingente -- avec sa « charge » Ă©thique, Ă©pistĂ©mologique et ontologique -- ne peut ĂȘtre reprĂ©sentĂ©e par le discours linĂ©aire et chronologique de la tĂ©lĂ©ologie. La reprĂ©sentation de la contingence exige l’insertion du rĂ©el et du spĂ©culatif dans un tissu narratif composĂ© de dĂ©veloppements et d’évĂšnements actuels et virtuels. C’est pourquoi, dans les romans de Dickens, l’invisible peut ĂȘtre montrĂ©, le silence peut ĂȘtre Ă©loquent et ce qui est en pleine vue peut demeurer secret. D’autres histoires possibles contribuent toujours Ă  l’intrigue. À diverses jonctions du rĂ©cit, les chemins non empruntĂ©s ii pourraient avoir menĂ© ailleurs. Des directions hypothĂ©tiques et des mises en intrigues imprĂ©cises dĂ©finissent l’histoire aussi puissamment que les dĂ©veloppements poursuivis. Pour produire un monde de possibilitĂ©s aussi complexe, Dickens, non seulement ne s’en remet pas Ă  une supposĂ©e qualitĂ© mimĂ©tique du langage, mais il envisage aussi la rĂ©alitĂ© qu’il reprĂ©sente comme un fait naturellement littĂ©raire. Il ne cache pas son art ; bien au contraire, avec une crĂ©ativitĂ© et une fertilitĂ© Ă©tonnante, il dĂ©ploie avec flamboyance son habiletĂ© Ă  jouer avec le langage, avec une rhĂ©torique luxuriante et avec une profusion d’intrigues potentielles. Tout ce qui constitue l’extravagante Ă©conomie narrative de Dickens est exposĂ© en permanence et est partie inhĂ©rente du plaisir procurĂ© Ă  ses lecteurs. En introduction, je discute du recours de Dickens Ă  l’hypothĂ©tique dans son interaction avec un important conflit idĂ©ologique de son Ă©poque, la confrontation de la tĂ©lĂ©ologie crĂ©ationniste avec l’indĂ©terminisme existentiel de la thĂ©orie de l’évolution de Darwin. Dans les trois chapitres suivants, j’adresse la fonction de l’hypothĂ©tique dans les incipit de David Copperfied, A Tale of Two Cities et The Mystery of Edwin Drood. J’examine ensuite comment, maintenant l’angoisse Ă©pistĂ©mique sur la rĂ©alitĂ© engendrĂ©e dans l’incipit, l’hypothĂ©tique se propage au travers du roman, soulevant les questions sans souvent y rĂ©pondre. Je conclus que dans les huit derniers romans de Dickens -- et je suggĂšre que cela est sans doute le cas pour le roman moderne en gĂ©nĂ©ral -- le recours Ă  l’hypothĂ©tique participe Ă  l’acquisition d’une vĂ©ritĂ© littĂ©raire, parce que, aprĂšs tout, la littĂ©rature -- comme la science et la philosophie -- est une forme d’expĂ©rimentation avec la rĂ©alitĂ©.This essay discusses the role of the hypothetical – that which can be proposed only as a hypothesis -- in Charles Dickens’s last eight novels and the variety of literary means used to invoke it. In any language-based communication, words are uttered (and heard) or written (and read), one after the other, in the order that grammar demands. The linearity and order of such sequences seem to reflect naturally a temporality and a causality governing the represented events. In fact, this can only account for their necessity and their chronology. I argue that the novels under consideration make use of hypothetical and counterfactual actions, thoughts, events, perspectives, voices, etc., in order to overcome the limits imposed by the determinism apparently inherent to narrative structures. In Dickens’s fictional worlds, the present is not the simple consequence of the past and what happens is not only the necessary consequence of a sufficient cause. What happens is often without necessity and could as well not have happened. Such an event, when it was still only a possibility, competed with other unnecessary possibilities until chance decided its actualization. This contingent reality -- with its ethical, epistemological and ontological “payload” -- cannot be represented by the linear discourse of teleology. The representation of contingency demands the insertion of the real and the speculative in a narrative fabric woven out of virtual and actual developments and events. That is why, in Dickens’s novels, the unseen can be shown, silence can be eloquent, and what is in plain view can remain secret. Other possible stories always contribute to the plot. At various forks in the narrative, paths not taken could have led elsewhere. Hypothetical directions and indistinct emplotments define the narrative as powerfully as the developments that are pursued. iv To produce such a complex world of possibilities, Dickens not only refuses to rely upon a supposed mimetic quality of language, but he also contemplates the reality that he represents as a natural literary fact. He does not conceal his art. On the contrary, with an amazing fertility and inventiveness, he makes a lavish display of his capacity to play with language, with rhetorical flourish and with potential lines of emplotment. Everything that constitutes Dickens’s wild narrative economy is always on permanent display and is an inherent part of the pleasure procured for his readership. In the introduction, I discuss Dickens’s recourse to the hypothetical in its interaction with an important ideological conflict of his time -- the confrontation of the creationist teleology with the existential indeterminism of broadly Darwinian evolution theory. In the next three chapters, I address the function of the hypothetical in the incipits of David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities and The Mystery of Edwin Drood. I then examine how, by sustaining the epistemic anxiety generated in the incipit, the hypothetical propagates across the novel, raising questions without often answering them. I conclude that in Dickens’s last eight novels -- and, I suggest that this may also be the case in the modern novel in general -- the recourse to the hypothetical participates in the acquisition of a literary truth, because, after all, literature -- like science and philosophy -- is just another way to experiment with reality

    Making Mala: Malaita in Solomon Islands, 1870s–1930s

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    Malaita is one of the major islands in the Solomons Archipelago and has the largest population in the Solomon Islands nation. Its people have an undeserved reputation for conservatism and aggression. Making Mala argues that in essence Malaitans are no different from other Solomon Islanders, and that their dominance, both in numbers and their place in the modern nation, can be explained through their recent history. A grounding theme of the book is its argument that, far than being conservative, Malaitan religions and cultures have always been adaptable and have proved remarkably flexible in accommodating change. This has been the secret of Malaitan success. Malaitans rocked the foundations of the British protectorate during the protonationalist Maasina Rule movement in the 1940s and the early 1950s, have heavily engaged in internal migration, particularly to urban areas, and were central to the ‘Tension Years’ between 1998 and 2003. Making Mala reassesses Malaita’s history, demolishes undeserved tropes and uses historical and cultural analyses to explain Malaitans’ place in the Solomon Islands nation today

    Raymond Arthur Dart : his life and work

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    Raymond Arthur Dart : his life and work

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    RelatĂłrio de EstĂĄgio em Ensino do PortuguĂȘs e de LĂ­ngua Estrangeira (FrancĂȘs) no 3.Âș Ciclo do Ensino BĂĄsico e no Ensino SecundĂĄrio apresentado Ă  Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de CoimbraNa sequĂȘncia de investigação anterior (Freitas, 2014), pretendemos com o presente relatĂłrio apresentar os resultados qualitativos de um projeto de investigação-ação inserido num curso de formação inicial de professores (Castro, 2010). O trabalho incide sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem da gramĂĄtica do FrancĂȘs LĂ­ngua Estrangeira em contexto escolar, atravĂ©s da abordagem da marcação do gĂ©nero e do nĂșmero (Franceschina, 2005; Wilmet, 2007), e assenta numa metodologia que privilegia a utilização de laboratĂłrios gramaticais com os quais se trabalharĂĄ os conteĂșdos referidos (Brito, 1997). AlĂ©m de apresentar a experiĂȘncia de estĂĄgio, analisaremos o desempenho dos alunos ao longo do ano letivo utilizando as notas da observação de aulas, os resultados de dois testes de avaliação efetuados antes e depois da aplicação do laboratĂłrio gramatical, e os resultados de um teste de diagnĂłstico realizado no final do ano letivo. Verifica-se que os alunos aprendem facilmente as regras, ainda que evidenciem maiores dificuldades nas exceçÔes, na relação entre oral e escrito e, sobretudo, nas interferĂȘncias causadas pela influĂȘncia da lĂ­ngua materna. Na parte final, apresentar-se-ĂĄ algumas consideraçÔes finais, bem como ideias de estudos futuros.Sur la base d’une recherche antĂ©rieure (Freitas, 2014), notre objectif avec ce rapport est celui de prĂ©senter les rĂ©sultats qualitatifs d'un projet de recherche-action integrĂ© dans un master de formation initiale de professeurs (Castro, 2010). Le travail se centre sur l'enseignement et l’apprentissage de la grammaire du Français comme langue Ă©trangĂšre en contexte scolaire, en abordant les marques du genre et du nombre (Franceschina, 2005; Wilmet, 2007) et se base sur une mĂ©thodologie qui favorise l'utilisation des laboratoires grammaticaux avec lesquels nous travaillerons ces contenus (Brito, 1997). En plus de prĂ©senter l'expĂ©rience de stage, nous analyserons les performances des Ă©lĂšves tout au long de l'annĂ©e scolaire, en utilisant les notes d'observation en classe, les rĂ©sultats de deux tests d'Ă©valuation effectuĂ©s avant et aprĂšs l'application du laboratoire grammatical et les rĂ©sultats d'un test diagnostic rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  la fin de l'annĂ©e scolaire. On constate que les Ă©lĂšves apprennent facilement les rĂšgles, quoiqu’ils montrent plus de difficultĂ©s dans les exceptions, dans le rapport entre l’oral et l’écrit et, surtout, dans les interfĂ©rences causĂ©es par l'influence de la langue maternelle. Dans la derniĂšre partie, nous prĂ©senterons quelques considĂ©rations finales et des idĂ©es pour de futures recherches.Following the results of previous work (Freitas, 2014), this report presents a research-and action project for grammar teaching in school within an initial teacher training experience in French as a Foreign Language (Castro, 2010). The project analyses gender and number marking learning (Franceschina, 2005; Wilmet, 2007) and is based on a methodology that favours the use of grammatical laboratories (Brito, 1997). The report describes the teacher training experience and the pupils’ progress throughout the year, according to class observation notes, the results of two tests (before and after the grammar laboratory experience), and the results of a diagnosis test at the end of the year. General rules for gender and number marking are easily learned, but pupils show some difficulties in exceptions, in the relationship between oral and written forms and especially in interferences from their mother tongue. In the final part, we will present some final considerations and future research ideas

    Merchants, 'saints' and sailors: The social production of Islamic reform in a port town in western India.

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    This thesis analyses Islamic reform as a social process interwoven with apprenticeship, work and learning in shipyards in the port of Mandvi in western India. Those owning shipyards and the ships built in them are engaged in active campaigns of Islamic reform and proselytisation in the town that are intimately related to trade routes and their experiences overseas, especially in the ports of the Gulf States. Assuming that religious reform movements are defined by what they oppose as well as by what they represent the thesis presents an analysis of rhetorical, daily and occasionally violent opposition to Hindus and other Muslims in an ethnographic exploration of David Hume's 'flux and reflux' hypothesis. These oppositions it is argued are products of the historically contextualised biographies of those who patronise the reform process, rather than a random expression of religious identity. The thesis contrasts the social organisation and economic engagements of ship owners with Hindus and other Muslims in order to demonstrate the socially meaningful nature of communal antagonism in the process of religious reform. This exercise is conducted through an exploration of varying conceptions of ethnicity, race, social segmentation, migration, nationalism and diaspora. The ethnography of shipbuilding, skill acquisition and hierarchy, in the workplace demonstrates that apprenticeship and the division of labour that surrounds it reproduce a reformed social and religious order. This involves a discussion of issues that relate local Islamic social and ideological practices to wider geographical and doctrinal perspectives. Throughout the thesis runs a concern with the role of charismatic leaders and their constituents which, it is concluded, points to the fact that Islamic reform movements more generally contain within them the potential to reproduce the same social and religious orders they oppose