1,928 research outputs found

    Romantyzm w historii literatury chorwackiej

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    The paper researches the way romanticism is reconstructed and interpretated in three books on the history of Croatian literature (Ježić, Frangeš Jelčić). In the analysis of selected histories of Croatian literature, three very important methodological questions that are extracted, namely the question of periodization, the question of the evaluation of Croatian literature of romanticism, and the question of considering the Croatian literature of romanticism in the broader context of the literary world trends.The paper researches the way romanticism is reconstructed and interpretated in three books on the history of Croatian literature (Ježić, Frangeš Jelčić). In the analysis of selected histories of Croatian literature, three very important methodological questions that are extracted, namely the question of periodization, the question of the evaluation of Croatian literature of romanticism, and the question of considering the Croatian literature of romanticism in the broader context of the literary world trends

    Romantyzm w polskiej krytyce literackiej XIX wieku. Zarys zagadnienia

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    Artykuł skrótowo przedstawia: genezę pojęcia romantyzm, romantyzm w dyskursach krytycznoliterackich, spór o dziedzictwo romantyzmu, romantyzm jako światopogląd oraz jako epokę w kulturze europejskiej

    Nurt romantyczny w muzealnictwie polskim

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    Obecność romantyzmu: co i jak czyta Danny Smiřický?

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    The main purpose of the article is to identify and recognize ways of reinterpretating romantic heritage throughout a wide historical and literary context. The thesis concentrates on a novel written by Josef Škvorecký, entitled Příběh inženýra lidských duší , which deals with the themes of the history of emigration, totalitarianism and literature, which can be helpful in elucidating unexplained experiences. It is necessary to consider dependent relationships and connections between history and older literature. The main character of Škvoreský’s story, Danny Smiřický, is a Czech emigrant working as a lecturer at a Canadian university. The experience of reading proves to him just how universal and significant literature can be. The literary works of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne become the way of “translating” Czech experience with communism for Canadian students. An hour of literature range into an hour of history.The main purpose of the article is to identify and recognize ways of reinterpretating romantic heritage throughout a wide historical and literary context. The thesis concentrates on a novel written by Josef Škvorecký, entitled Příběh inženýra lidských duší , which deals with the themes of the history of emigration, totalitarianism and literature, which can be helpful in elucidating unexplained experiences. It is necessary to consider dependent relationships and connections between history and older literature. The main character of Škvoreský’s story, Danny Smiřický, is a Czech emigrant working as a lecturer at a Canadian university. The experience of reading proves to him just how universal and significant literature can be. The literary works of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne become the way of “translating” Czech experience with communism for Canadian students. An hour of literature range into an hour of history

    Julius Zeyer and Stanisław Wyspiański. A modernistic project of the critical national mythology

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    The Czech and Polish modernistic project of the critical national mythology is, in general, a form of the artist’s discussion with his own cultural tradition which was represented by the common, collective awareness. This collective awareness was, at that time, deprived of official form, due to the lack of state independence. In the works of Stanisław Wyspiański and Julius Zeyer, we can see the aspiration to achieve the recent, non-fixed look at the national tradition in its literary shape. There was the idea of tragic conflict which has been used by Wyspiański, first of all, in the cycle of his historical plays: Bolesław Śmiały and Skałka. Julius Zeyer’s most famous work, the epic poem named Vyšehrad, refers to the most important tradition of Czech romanticism, namely, to the way of the functioning of folklore in literary tradition. Zeyer also took up the discussion with the tradition of the alleged medieval manuscripts (the so-called Rukopis královédvorský and Rukopis zelenohorský) and suggested a critical using of national mythology. Critical – in this case – means: non-particular, non-provincial, opened to influence and reinterpretation

    Późny romantyk w świecie duchów. Gotycyzm w powieści Jana Bittnera Dziennik kustosza

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    Romanticism, one of the most important philosophical and artistic periods in modern European culture, was never the mainstream tradition in Czech literature. Nor did the Gothic novel influence this literature in a significant way. In his Deník kastelána (Custodian’s Diary), Jan Bittner tries to use the formulas of traditional literary horror. The main aim of this renovation seems to be to search for a narrative form which is appropriate to show the problems and priorities of the modern self. The hero of the novel, who runs away from Prague and decides to live far from the postmodern civilization with its relativity of values and lack of metaphysical horizons, finds in the haunted baroque village castle a place where he can once again define the sense of life.Romanticism, one of the most important philosophical and artistic periods in modern European culture, was never the mainstream tradition in Czech literature. Nor did the Gothic novel influence this literature in a significant way. In his Deník kastelána (Custodian’s Diary), Jan Bittner tries to use the formulas of traditional literary horror. The main aim of this renovation seems to be to search for a narrative form which is appropriate to show the problems and priorities of the modern self. The hero of the novel, who runs away from Prague and decides to live far from the postmodern civilization with its relativity of values and lack of metaphysical horizons, finds in the haunted baroque village castle a place where he can once again define the sense of life


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    Pojęcie „romantyzm” było przedmiotem dyskusji i polemik krytycznoliterackich przez prawie cały XIX w.; rozmaicie rozumiane i wartościowane weszło na stałe do repertuaru terminów krytycznoliterackich. Dyskusje te miały szeroki rezonans, przyczyniły się do popularyzacji, a zarazem pewnej symplifikacji pojęcia. W definiowaniu romantyzmu przez polską krytykę literacką są widoczne dwie przeciwstawne tendencje. Z jednej strony poszerzano treść pojęcia, zawężając jego zakres tak, by odpowiadało ono potrzebom poszczególnych epok. Drugą tendencją było ciągłe zawężanie treści, przy rozszerzaniu zakresu, co umożliwiało ujęcia ahistoryczne, uniwersalizujące

    Mroczne żądło zdegenerowanej natury. Szkic o czarnoromantycznych inspiracjach Róży Wojciecha Smarzowskiego

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    The dark sting of degenerate nature. Sketch of the dark-romantic inspirationsin Wojciech Smarzowski’s RoseThe text presents Polish dark romanticism as an important source of inspiration for the images of violence, includ- ing sexual violence, in Wojciech Smarzowskis Rose. The author reveals the mechanisms of this inspiration: visual, dramatic, intellectual, and refers to specific literary texts, from the Romantic era and later, by Antoni Malczewski, Seweryn Goszczyński, Juliusz Słowacki and Włodzimierz Odojewski.The dark sting of degenerate nature. Sketch of the dark-romantic inspirationsin Wojciech Smarzowski’s RoseThe text presents Polish dark romanticism as an important source of inspiration for the images of violence, includ- ing sexual violence, in Wojciech Smarzowskis Rose. The author reveals the mechanisms of this inspiration: visual, dramatic, intellectual, and refers to specific literary texts, from the Romantic era and later, by Antoni Malczewski, Seweryn Goszczyński, Juliusz Słowacki and Włodzimierz Odojewski