22 research outputs found

    Capturing and Analyzing the Execution Control Flow of OpenMP Applications

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    An important aspect of understanding the behavior of applications with respect to their performance, overhead, and scalability characteristics is knowledge of their execution control flow. High level knowledge of which functions or constructs were executed after which other constructs allows reasoning about temporal application characteristics such as cache reuse. This paper describes an approach to capture and visualize the execution control flow of OpenMP applications in a compact way. Our approach does not require a full trace of program execution events but is instead based on a straightforward extension to the summary data already collected by an existing profiling tool. In multithreaded applications each thread may define its own independent flow of control, complicating both the recording as well as the visualization of the execution dynamics. Our approach allows for the full flexibility with respect to independent threads. However, the most common usage models of OpenMP have threads operate in a largely uniform way, synchronizing frequently at sequence points and diverging only to operate on different data items in worksharing constructs. Our approach accounts for this by offering a simplified representation of the execution control flow for threads with similar behavior

    Proactive bottleneck performance analysis in parallel computing using openMP

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    The aim of parallel computing is to increase an application performance by executing the application on multiple processors. OpenMP is an API that supports multi platform shared memory programming model and shared-memory programs are typically executed by multiple threads. The use of multi threading can enhance the performance of application but its excessive use can degrade the performance. This paper describes a novel approach to avoid bottlenecks in application and provide some techniques to improve performance in OpenMP application. This paper analyzes bottleneck performance as bottleneck inhibits performance. Performance of multi threaded applications is limited by a variety of bottlenecks, e.g. critical sections, barriers and so on. This paper provides some tips how to avoid performance bottleneck problems. This paper focuses on how to reduce overheads and overall execution time to get better performance of application.Comment: 8 Pages,6 figur

    Measuring Thread Timing to Assess the Feasibility of Early-bird Message Delivery

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    Early-bird communication is a communication/computation overlap technique that combines fine-grained communication with partitioned communication to improve application run-time. Communication is divided among the compute threads such that each individual thread can initiate transmission of its portion of the data as soon as it is complete rather than waiting for all of the threads. However, the benefit of early-bird communication depends on the completion timing of the individual threads. In this paper, we measure and evaluate the potential overlap, the idle time each thread experiences between finishing their computation and the final thread finishing. These measurements help us understand whether a given application could benefit from early-bird communication. We present our technique for gathering this data and evaluate data collected from three proxy applications: MiniFE, MiniMD, and MiniQMC. To characterize the behavior of these workloads, we study the thread timings at both a macro level, i.e., across all threads across all runs of an application, and a micro level, i.e., within a single process of a single run. We observe that these applications exhibit significantly different behavior. While MiniFE and MiniQMC appear to be well-suited for early-bird communication because of their wider thread distribution and more frequent laggard threads, the behavior of MiniMD may limit its ability to leverage early-bird communication

    Scalability and Performance Analysis of OpenMP Codes Using the Periscope Toolkit

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    In this paper, we present two new approaches while rendering necessary extensions to Periscope to perform scalability and performance analysis on OpenMP codes. Periscope is an online-based performance analysis toolkit which consists of a user defined number of analysis agents that automatically search for the performance properties while the application is running. In order to detect the scalability and performance bottlenecks of OpenMP codes using Periscope, a few newly defined performance properties and meta properties are formalized. We manifest our implementation by evaluating NAS OpenMP benchmarks. As shown in our results, our approach identifies the code regions which do not scale well and other performance problems, e.g. load imbalance in NAS parallel benchmarks

    A Survey of Phase Classification Techniques for Characterizing Variable Application Behavior

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    Adaptable computing is an increasingly important paradigm that specializes system resources to variable application requirements, environmental conditions, or user requirements. Adapting computing resources to variable application requirements (or application phases) is otherwise known as phase-based optimization. Phase-based optimization takes advantage of application phases, or execution intervals of an application, that behave similarly, to enable effective and beneficial adaptability. In order for phase-based optimization to be effective, the phases must first be classified to determine when application phases begin and end, and ensure that system resources are accurately specialized. In this paper, we present a survey of phase classification techniques that have been proposed to exploit the advantages of adaptable computing through phase-based optimization. We focus on recent techniques and classify these techniques with respect to several factors in order to highlight their similarities and differences. We divide the techniques by their major defining characteristics---online/offline and serial/parallel. In addition, we discuss other characteristics such as prediction and detection techniques, the characteristics used for prediction, interval type, etc. We also identify gaps in the state-of-the-art and discuss future research directions to enable and fully exploit the benefits of adaptable computing.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS

    Towards A Quasi High Level Compiler Comparative and Attributive Model for OpenMP Programs

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    In order to understand the behavior of OpenMP programs, special tools and adaptive techniques are needed for performance analysis. However, these tools provide low level profile information at the assembly and functions boundaries via instrumentation at the binary or code level, which are very hard to interpret. Hence, this thesis proposes a new model for OpenMP enabled compilers that assesses the performance differences in well defined formulations by dividing OpenMP program conditions into four distinct states which account for all the possible cases that an OpenMP program can take. An improved version of the standard performance metrics is proposed: speedup, overhead and efficiency based on the model categorization that is state\u27s aware. Moreover, an algorithmic approach to find patterns between OpenMP compilers is proposed which is verified along with the model formulations experimentally. Finally, the thesis reveals the mathematical model behind the optimum performance for any OpenMP program

    Performance analysis and tuning in multicore environments

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    Performance analysis is the task of monitor the behavior of a program execution. The main goal is to find out the possible adjustments that might be done in order improve the performance. To be able to get that improvement it is necessary to find the different causes of overhead. Nowadays we are already in the multicore era, but there is a gap between the level of development of the two main divisions of multicore technology (hardware and software). When we talk about multicore we are also speaking of shared memory systems, on this master thesis we talk about the issues involved on the performance analysis and tuning of applications running specifically in a shared Memory system. We move one step ahead to take the performance analysis to another level by analyzing the applications structure and patterns. We also present some tools specifically addressed to the performance analysis of OpenMP multithread application. At the end we present the results of some experiments performed with a set of OpenMP scientific application.Análisis de rendimiento es el área de estudio encargada de monitorizar el comportamiento de la ejecución de programas informáticos. El principal objetivo es encontrar los posibles ajustes que serán necesarios para mejorar el rendimiento. Para poder obtener esa mejora es necesario encontrar las principales causas de overhead. Actualmente estamos sumergidos en la era multicore, pero existe una brecha entre el nivel de desarrollo de sus dos principales divisiones (hardware y software). Cuando hablamos de multicore también estamos hablando de sistemas de memoria compartida. Nosotros damos un paso más al abordar el análisis de rendimiento a otro nivel por medio del estudio de la estructura de las aplicaciones y sus patrones. También presentamos herramientas de análisis de aplicaciones que son específicas para el análisis de rendimiento de aplicaciones paralelas desarrolladas con OpenMP. Al final presentamos los resultados de algunos experimentos realizados con un grupo de aplicaciones científicas desarrolladas bajo este modelo de programación.L'Anàlisi de rendiment és l'àrea d'estudi encarregada de monitorar el comportament de l'execució de programes informàtics. El principal objectiu és trobar els possibles ajustaments que seran necessaris per a millorar el rendiment. Per a poder obtenir aquesta millora és necessari trobar les principals causes de l'overhead (excessos de computació no productiva). Actualment estem immersos en l'era multicore, però existeix una rasa entre el nivell de desenvolupament de les seves dues principals divisions (maquinari i programari). Quan parlam de multicore, també estem parlant de sistemes de memòria compartida. Nosaltres donem un pas més per a abordar l'anàlisi de rendiment en un altre nivell per mitjà de l'estudi de l'estructura de les aplicacions i els seus patrons. També presentem eines d'anàlisis d'aplicacions que són específiques per a l'anàlisi de rendiment d'aplicacions paral·leles desenvolupades amb OpenMP. Al final, presentem els resultats d'alguns experiments realitzats amb un grup d'aplicacions científiques desenvolupades sota aquest model de programació

    Factores de rendimiento en aplicaciones híbridas

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    En el entorno actual, diversas ramas de las ciencias, tienen la necesidad de auxiliarse de la computación de altas prestaciones para la obtención de resultados a relativamente corto plazo. Ello es debido fundamentalmente, al alto volumen de información que necesita ser procesada y también al costo computacional que demandan dichos cálculos. El beneficio al realizar este procesamiento de manera distribuida y paralela, logra acortar los tiempos de espera en la obtención de los resultados y de esta forma posibilita una toma decisiones con mayor anticipación. Para soportar ello, existen fundamentalmente dos modelos de programación ampliamente extendidos: el modelo de paso de mensajes a través de librerías basadas en el estándar MPI, y el de memoria compartida con la utilización de OpenMP. Las aplicaciones híbridas son aquellas que combinan ambos modelos con el fin de aprovechar en cada caso, las potencialidades específicas del paralelismo en cada uno. Lamentablemente, la práctica ha demostrado que la utilización de esta combinación de modelos, no garantiza necesariamente una mejoría en el comportamiento de las aplicaciones. Por lo tanto, un análisis de los factores que influyen en el rendimiento de las mismas, nos beneficiaría a la hora de implementarlas pero también, sería un primer paso con el fin de llegar a predecir su comportamiento. Adicionalmente, supondría una vía para determinar que parámetros de la aplicación modificar con el fin de mejorar su rendimiento. En el trabajo actual nos proponemos definir una metodología para la identificación de factores de rendimiento en aplicaciones híbridas y en congruencia, la identificación de algunos factores que influyen en el rendimiento de las mismas.En l'entorn actual, diverses branques de les ciències, tenen la necessitat de recolzar-se en la computació d'altes prestacions per a l'obtenció de resultats en un relatiu curt temps. Això és degut bàsicament, a l'alt volum d'informació que necessita ser processada i també al cost computacional que demanen aquests càlculs. El benefici al realitzar aquests processaments de forma distribuïda i paral·lela, és que s'aconsegueix escurçar els temps d'espera en l'obtenció de resultats i d'aquest forma possibilita una presa de decisions amb major anticipació. Per aconseguir això, existeixen fundamentalment dos models de programació àmpliament estesos: el model de pas de missatges mitjançant llibreries basades en l'estàndar MPI, i el model de memòria compartida amb la utilització de OpenMP. Les aplicacions híbrides són aquelles que combinen d'ambdós models amb la finalitat d'aprofitar en cada cas, les potencialitats específiques de paral·lelisme. Lamentablement, la pràctica ha demostrat que la utilització d'aquesta combinació de models, no garantitza necessàriament un millor comportament de les aplicacions. Per tant, un anàlisi dels factors que influeixen en el rendiment, pot beneficiar a l'hora d'implementarles, però també, pot ser un primer pas per aconseguir predir el comportament. Adicionalment, pot suposar una via per a determinar els paràmetres de l'aplicació a modificar amb la finalitat de millor el rendiment. En el treball actual es proposa definir una metodologia per a la identificació de factors de rendiment en aplicacions híbrides, i en congruència, la identificació de factors que influeixen en el rendiment.In the current environment, various branches of science are in need of auxiliary high-performance computing to obtain relatively short-term results. This is due mainly to the high volume of information that needs to be processed and the computational cost demanded by these calculations. The benefit to perform this processing using distributed and parallel programming mechanism achieves shorter waiting times in obtaining the results and thus allows making decisions sooner. To support this, there are basically two widely spread programming models: the model of message passing, through based on the standard libraries MPI, and shared memory model with the use of OpenMP. Hybrid applications are those that combine both models in order to take in each case, the specific potential of parallelism of each one. Unfortunately, experience has shown that using this combination of models, does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in the behavior of applications. Therefore, an analysis of the factors that influence the performance of hybrid applications will help us to improve his performance base on modifying the original code. Besides, it will be the first step in the long way to predict their behavior. Additionally, it would be a way to determine which parameters of the application have to be modified to improve the performance. In the current work, we propose a methodology to identify performance factors in hybrid applications and in consequence, the identification of factors that influence the performance of them

    Factores de rendimiento en entornos multicore

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    Este documento refleja el estudio de investigación para la detección de factores que afectan al rendimiento en entornos multicore. Debido a la gran diversidad de arquitecturas multicore se ha definido un marco de trabajo, que consiste en la adopción de una arquitectura específica, un modelo de programación basado en paralelismo de datos, y aplicaciones del tipo Single Program Multiple Data. Una vez definido el marco de trabajo, se han evaluado los factores de rendimiento con especial atención al modelo de programación. Por este motivo, se ha analizado la librería de threads y la API OpenMP para detectar aquellas funciones sensibles de ser sintonizadas al permitir un comportamiento adaptativo de la aplicación al entorno, y que dependiendo de su adecuada utilización han de mejorar el rendimiento de la aplicación.Aquest document reflexa l'estudi d'investigació per a la detecció de factors que afecten al rendiment en entorns multicore. Degut a la gran quantitat d'arquitectures multicore s'ha definit un marc de treball acotat, que consisteix en la adopció d'una arquitectura específica, un model de programació basat en paral·lelisme de dates, i aplicacions del tipus Single Program Multiple Data. Una vegada definit el marc de treball, s'han avaluat els factors de rendiment amb especial atenció al model de programació. Per aquest motiu, s'ha analitzat la llibreria de thread i la API OpenMP per a detectar aquelles funcions sensibles de ser sintonitzades, al permetre un comportament adaptatiu de l'aplicació a l'entorn, i que, depenent de la seva adequada utilització s'aconsegueix una millora en el rendiment de la aplicació.This work reflects research studies for the detection of factors that affect performance in multicore environments. Due to the wide variety of multicore architectures we have defined a framework, consisting of a specific architecture, a programming model based on data parallelism, and Single Program Multiple Data applications. Having defined the framework, we evaluate the performance factors with special attention to programming model. For this reason, we have analyzed threaad libreary and OpenMP API to detect thos candidates functions to be tuned, allowin applications to beave adaptively to the computing environment, and based on their propper use will improve performance

    SnuMAP: 매니코어 시스템을 위한 어플리케이션 추적 프로파일러

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2018. 8. Bernhard Egger.이 논문에서는 매니코어 시스템을 위한 모듈 방식의 공개 소스 추적 프로파일러인 SnuMAP를 제안한다. SnuMAP은 응용 프로그램마다 코어 분배, 파워, CPU, 그리고 메모리 이용률과 같은 관심있는 다양한 데이터에 관한 전반적인 시스템 관점을 제공한다. 게다가, SnuMAP은 가볍고 해당 응용 프로그램의 소스 코드의 수정이 필요 없으며, 또한 병렬 처리 응용 프로그램의 성능도 감소시키지 않는다. 대신, 응용 프로그램 개발자와 매니코어 자원 관리자로부터 가치 있는 정보 및 이해를 필요로 한다. 이러한 종류의 도구는 시스템 이용률을 증가시키는 데 목적을 둔 현대의 매니코어 시스템의 많은 병렬적 워크로드의 동시 스케줄링처럼 점점 더 중요해지고 있다. 우리는 SnuMAP을 다양한 연구 과제에 사용할 수 있도록 하며 이 논 에서 SnuMAP에서 제공하는 시각 자료와 데이터로 찾을 수 있는 중요한 결과 예시를 보여준다. 이 과제는 원래 간단한 공개 소스 프로파일러에서 출발하였고 점점 복잡한 분석 도구로 발전하였다. 더 많은 정보는 http://csap.snu.ac.kr/software/snumap 에서 확인할 수 있다.In this thesis, we propose SnuMAP, an open-source modular trace profiler for many-core systems. SnuMAP provides per-application and whole-system views of multiple data points of interest: core allocation, power, CPU and memory utilization. Additionally, SnuMAP is light-weight, requires no source-code instrumentation and does not degrade the performance of the target parallel application. It alternatively gathers valuable information and insights for application developers and many-core resource managers. This type of tools continues to gain importance as todays many-core systems co-schedule multiple parallel workloads to increase system utilization. We have put SnuMAP to use in numerous research projects and present in this paper a snapshot of essential findings enabled by the visualization and data SnuMAP can provide. This project started originally as a simple open-source profiler, then it grew and evolved into the complex analysis tool it is today. More information is available at http://csap.snu.ac.kr/software/snumap.Abstract Contents List of Figures List of Tables Introduction and Motivation 2 Background 2.1 TimingMechanisms 2.2 ManycoreProcessorsCharacteristics 2.3 Intel RAPL 2.3.1 Power Measurement 2.3.2 Power Capping 2.3.3 UserInterfaces 2.3.4 Power Measurements in Other Architectures 3 Related Work 4 Overview and Design 5 Implementation 5.1 CoreAllocation 5.1.1 Kernel Patch: context-switch Tracker 5.1.2 Kernel Module 5.2 Performance and Energy Monitoring Unit 5.2.1 CPU Performance Monitoring 5.2.2 Memory Performance Monitoring 5.2.3 Energy/Power Monitoring 5.3 User-level Interfaces 5.3.1 Dynamic Interface: Library Interpositionining 5.3.2 Static Interface: Shared Library 5.4 Visualizations 5.4.1 Core vs.Time 6 Overhead 6.1 Context-switchTracker 6.2 PMU Monitor 6.2.1 Reading Performance Counters 6.2.2 Discussion 7 Use Cases and Evaluation 7.1 Target Architectures 7.2 Target Applications 7.3 Space-sharedSchedulingScenario 7.4 MultipleApplicationsScenarios 7.4.1 TwoApplicationsonAMD32 7.4.2 TwoApplicationsonTilera 7.5 PythonScenario 8 Conclusion and Future Work 8.1 Conclusion 8.2 FutureWork Bibliography 요약Maste