9 research outputs found

    A Theory of Dual Channel Constraints

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    The surprising predictability of source code has triggered a boom in tools using language models for code. Code is much more predictable than natural language, but the reasons are not well understood. We propose a dual channel view of code; code combines a formal channel for specifying execution and a natural language channel in the form of identifiers and comments that assists human comprehension. Computers ignore the natural language channel, but developers read both and, when writing code for longterm use and maintenance, consider each channel's audience: computer and human. As developers hold both channels in mind when coding, we posit that the two channels interact and constrain each other; we call these dual channel constraints. Their impact has been neglected. We describe how they can lead to humans writing code in a way more predictable than natural language, highlight pioneering research that has implicitly or explicitly used parts of this theory, and drive new research, such as systematically searching for cross-channel inconsistencies. Dual channel constraints provide an exciting opportunity as truly multi-disciplinary research; for computer scientists they promise improvements to program analysis via a more holistic approach to code, and to psycholinguists they promise a novel environment for studying linguistic processes

    Large Language Models Based Automatic Synthesis of Software Specifications

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    Software configurations play a crucial role in determining the behavior of software systems. In order to ensure safe and error-free operation, it is necessary to identify the correct configuration, along with their valid bounds and rules, which are commonly referred to as software specifications. As software systems grow in complexity and scale, the number of configurations and associated specifications required to ensure the correct operation can become large and prohibitively difficult to manipulate manually. Due to the fast pace of software development, it is often the case that correct software specifications are not thoroughly checked or validated within the software itself. Rather, they are frequently discussed and documented in a variety of external sources, including software manuals, code comments, and online discussion forums. Therefore, it is hard for the system administrator to know the correct specifications of configurations due to the lack of clarity, organization, and a centralized unified source to look at. To address this challenge, we propose SpecSyn a framework that leverages a state-of-the-art large language model to automatically synthesize software specifications from natural language sources. Our approach formulates software specification synthesis as a sequence-to-sequence learning problem and investigates the extraction of specifications from large contextual texts. This is the first work that uses a large language model for end-to-end specification synthesis from natural language texts. Empirical results demonstrate that our system outperforms prior the state-of-the-art specification synthesis tool by 21% in terms of F1 score and can find specifications from single as well as multiple sentences

    Automated Implementation of Windows-related Security-Configuration Guides

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    Hardening is the process of configuring IT systems to ensure the security of the systems' components and data they process or store. The complexity of contemporary IT infrastructures, however, renders manual security hardening and maintenance a daunting task. In many organizations, security-configuration guides expressed in the SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol) are used as a basis for hardening, but these guides by themselves provide no means for automatically implementing the required configurations. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically extract the relevant information from publicly available security-configuration guides for Windows operating systems using natural language processing. In a second step, the extracted information is verified using the information of available settings stored in the Windows Administrative Template files, in which the majority of Windows configuration settings is defined. We show that our implementation of this approach can extract and implement 83% of the rules without any manual effort and 96% with minimal manual effort. Furthermore, we conduct a study with 12 state-of-the-art guides consisting of 2014 rules with automatic checks and show that our tooling can implement at least 97% of them correctly. We have thus significantly reduced the effort of securing systems based on existing security-configuration guides

    On the Relationship Between Self-Admitted Technical Debt and Software Quality

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    Developers settle for a non-optimal solution under pressure to meet deadlines and quotas despite the potential pitfalls that might ensue at later stages in development, which has been referred to as “technical debt.” And like its financial analogue, if not carefully monitored and mediated, technical debt can compromise the very project it was intended to expedite. Several approaches have been proposed to aid developers in tracking the technical debt they incur. Traditionally, developers have relied on metric-based approaches, which use static analysis tools to identify technical debt based on thresholds defined on object-oriented metrics, e.g. code smells. Another technique, pioneered in a recent study, leverages source code comments to detect (self-admitted) technical debt. Therefore, in this thesis we use empirical studies to examine how self-admitted technical debt and code smells (God Classes) relate to software quality. Preliminarily, we examine the relationship between self-admitted technical debt and software quality for five open-source projects. To measure this, we take into account three criteria commonly associated with quality: (i) on the file level, the relationship between defects and self-admitted technical debt (SATD); (ii) on the change level, the potential of SATD to introduce future defects and (iii) the complexity SATD changes impose on the system. The results of our study indicate that: (i) SATD files tend to have less defects than non-SATD files and (ii) SATD changes make the system less susceptible to future defects than non-SATD changes do, though (iii) SATD changes are more difficult to execute. Until the advent of SATD, god classes were used to detect technical debt, and though others have studied the impact of metric-based approaches on software quality, this work has been limited to a small number of systems. Therefore, we conduct an extensive investigation that compares the relationship between both approaches and software quality on a larger number of projects. We assess how code smells—in particular, god classes (metric-based approach)—and SATD (comment-based approach) are associated with software quality by determining: (i) whether god and SATD files have more defects than non-god and non-SATD files, (ii) whether god and SATD changes induce future defects at a higher rate than non-god and non-SATD changes, (iii) whether god and SATD changes are more difficult to perform than non-god and non-SATD changes and (iv) how much the metric- and comment-based approaches to technical debt file identification overlap. Our results indicate that: (i) neither god nor SATD files are correlated with defects, (ii) introduction of future defects is higher for god- and SATD-related changes, (iii) god- and SATD-related changes are more difficult to perform and (iv) the metric-comment technical debt file overlap ranges from 11% to 34%. Overall, our study indicates that although technical debt—whether measured by the SATD or god classes—may have negative effects, these do not include file-level defects. Rather, the detriments of technical debt are its tendencies to introduce future defects at an elevated rate and to make the system more difficult to change in the future. In terms of detection methods, our work advocates implementing both the comment- and metric-based approaches to maximize the sources of technical debt identified

    Assessing Comment Quality in Object-Oriented Languages

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    Previous studies have shown that high-quality code comments support developers in software maintenance and program comprehension tasks. However, the semi-structured nature of comments, several conventions to write comments, and the lack of quality assessment tools for all aspects of comments make comment evaluation and maintenance a non-trivial problem. To understand the specification of high-quality comments to build effective assessment tools, our thesis emphasizes acquiring a multi-perspective view of the comments, which can be approached by analyzing (1) the academic support for comment quality assessment, (2) developer commenting practices across languages, and (3) developer concerns about comments. Our findings regarding the academic support for assessing comment quality showed that researchers primarily focus on Java in the last decade even though the trend of using polyglot environments in software projects is increasing. Similarly, the trend of analyzing specific types of code comments (method comments, or inline comments) is increasing, but the studies rarely analyze class comments. We found 21 quality attributes that researchers consider to assess comment quality, and manual assessment is still the most commonly used technique to assess various quality attributes. Our analysis of developer commenting practices showed that developers embed a mixed level of details in class comments, ranging from high-level class overviews to low-level implementation details across programming languages. They follow style guidelines regarding what information to write in class comments but violate the structure and syntax guidelines. They primarily face problems locating relevant guidelines to write consistent and informative comments, verifying the adherence of their comments to the guidelines, and evaluating the overall state of comment quality. To help researchers and developers in building comment quality assessment tools, we contribute: (i) a systematic literature review (SLR) of ten years (2010–2020) of research on assessing comment quality, (ii) a taxonomy of quality attributes used to assess comment quality, (iii) an empirically validated taxonomy of class comment information types from three programming languages, (iv) a multi-programming-language approach to automatically identify the comment information types, (v) an empirically validated taxonomy of comment convention-related questions and recommendation from various Q&A forums, and (vi) a tool to gather discussions from multiple developer sources, such as Stack Overflow, and mailing lists. Our contributions provide various kinds of empirical evidence of the developer’s interest in reducing efforts in the software documentation process, of the limited support developers get in automatically assessing comment quality, and of the challenges they face in writing high-quality comments. This work lays the foundation for future effective comment quality assessment tools and techniques

    Multi-Document Summarisation from Heterogeneous Software Development Artefacts

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    Software engineers create a vast number of artefacts during project development; activities, consisting of related information exchanged between developers. Sifting a large amount of information available within a project repository can be time-consuming. In this dissertation, we proposed a method for multi-document summarisation from heterogeneous software development artefacts to help software developers by automatically generating summaries to help them target their information needs. To achieve this aim, we first had our gold-standard summaries created; we then characterised them, and used them to identify the main types of software artefacts that describe developers’ activities in GitHub project repositories. This initial step was important for the present study, as we had no prior knowledge about the types of artefacts linked to developers’ activities that could be used as sources of input for our proposed multi-document summarisation techniques. In addition, we used the gold-standard summaries later to evaluate the quality of our summarisation techniques. We then developed extractive-based multi- document summarisation approaches to automatically summarise software development artefacts within a given time frame by integrating techniques from natural language processing, software repository mining, and data-driven search-based software engineering. The generated summaries were then evaluated in a user study to investigate whether experts considered that the generated summaries mentioned every important project activity that appeared in the gold-standard summaries. The results of the user study showed that generating summaries from different kinds of software artefacts is possible, and the generated summaries are useful in describing a project’s development activities over a given time frame. Finally, we investigated the potential of using source code comments for summarisation by assessing the documented information of Java primitive variables in comments against three types of knowledge. Results showed that the source code comments did contain additional information and could be useful for summarisation of developers’ development activities.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 202

    Assessing Comment Quality in Object-Oriented Languages

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    Previous studies have shown that high-quality code comments support developers in software maintenance and program comprehension tasks. However, the semi-structured nature of comments, several conventions to write comments, and the lack of quality assessment tools for all aspects of comments make comment evaluation and maintenance a non-trivial problem. To understand the specification of high-quality comments to build effective assessment tools, our thesis emphasizes acquiring a multi-perspective view of the comments, which can be approached by analyzing (1) the academic support for comment quality assessment, (2) developer commenting practices across languages, and (3) developer concerns about comments. Our findings regarding the academic support for assessing comment quality showed that researchers primarily focus on Java in the last decade even though the trend of using polyglot environments in software projects is increasing. Similarly, the trend of analyzing specific types of code comments (method comments, or inline comments) is increasing, but the studies rarely analyze class comments. We found 21 quality attributes that researchers consider to assess comment quality, and manual assessment is still the most commonly used technique to assess various quality attributes. Our analysis of developer commenting practices showed that developers embed a mixed level of details in class comments, ranging from high-level class overviews to low-level implementation details across programming languages. They follow style guidelines regarding what information to write in class comments but violate the structure and syntax guidelines. They primarily face problems locating relevant guidelines to write consistent and informative comments, verifying the adherence of their comments to the guidelines, and evaluating the overall state of comment quality. To help researchers and developers in building comment quality assessment tools, we contribute: (i) a systematic literature review (SLR) of ten years (2010–2020) of research on assessing comment quality, (ii) a taxonomy of quality attributes used to assess comment quality, (iii) an empirically validated taxonomy of class comment information types from three programming languages, (iv) a multi-programming-language approach to automatically identify the comment information types, (v) an empirically validated taxonomy of comment convention-related questions and recommendation from various Q&A forums, and (vi) a tool to gather discussions from multiple developer sources, such as Stack Overflow, and mailing lists. Our contributions provide various kinds of empirical evidence of the developer’s interest in reducing efforts in the software documentation process, of the limited support developers get in automatically assessing comment quality, and of the challenges they face in writing high-quality comments. This work lays the foundation for future effective comment quality assessment tools and techniques