16 research outputs found

    "Technoference" and Implications for Mothers' and Fathers' Couple and Coparenting Relationship Quality

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    Technology devices are widely used today, creating opportunities to connect and communicate with distant others while also potentially disrupting communication and interactions between those who are physically present (i.e., technoference or phubbing). These disruptions in couple and coparenting relationships have the potential to negatively impact relationship outcomes. In this two-part study of 182 married/cohabiting couples from the Daily Family Life Project and 239 couples from the Couple Well-Being Project, we examined the role of technoference in couple and coparenting relationship quality and potential gender differences utilizing dyadic data. We found that greater technoference related to greater conflict over technology use, and greater conflict predicted lower relationship satisfaction and poorer perceptions of coparenting quality (Study 1). Using a more diverse sample (Study 2), we again found support for the main pathways tested in our first study, suggesting that results found in Study 1 and in previous work are not artifacts of sampling. As satisfaction, support, and agreement among relationship partners and parents are often critical to relationship health and family cohesion, it is important for couples and families to evaluate, monitor, and be willing to adapt their technology usage patterns so that these patterns do not cause conflict and possibly relationship deterioration over tim

    Der Blick zum Säugling : gestört durch Smartphones?

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    Bis heute gibt es kaum Studien, die den Einfluss der elterlichen Smartphonenutzung in Bezug auf ihre Säuglinge systematisch untersucht haben. Studien mit älteren Kindern lassen jedoch vermuten, dass die elterliche Nutzung nicht spurlos an den Kindern und der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion vorbeigeht. Hebammen sind hier gefragt, Eltern frühzeitig bzgl. der Nutzung digitaler Medien zu beraten

    Pengaruh Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy terhadap Pola Asuh Coparenting Orangtua

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    Parents play an important role in the family, while the second role plays in parenting is very much needed by the child's development. Child's psychological development will be much better, if both require joint care or coparenting. The pattern of joint care or coparenting is mutual support and act as a team of mutual support, which is carried out by both parties. The main concept of coparenting care here is second, interconnected or mutually supportive in all forms of attitudes, relationships and teaching in parenting practices. This study uses a single case study design with A-B-A model in which this research method is deemed suitable for the assessment of changes in therapy and applied therapy in couples. The results of the study showed a change in coparenting scores in each pair

    Psychosocial risk factors of technological addictions in a sample of Spanish University students: The influence of Emotional (Dys)Regulation, personality traits and Fear of Missing Out on internet addiction

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    Perception of the need to be online can lead to the compulsive use of the Internet. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between Internet Addiction and Social Media Addiction and some psychological variables that could influence the onset of these disorders (FoMO, Emotional Dysre-gulation, Personality traits). The sample was composed by 598 Spanish university students aged from 18 to 35 (471 women and 118 men; average age = 21.56; standard deviation = 2.73). Participants responded to an online questionnaire regarding the use of Internet (IAT), the use of social media (BSMAS), Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), Emotional (Dys)regu-lation (DERS) and personality traits (BFI-15). Correlation analysis showed a positive relationship between FoMO, Social Media Addiction, Internet Addiction, Emotional (Dys)regulation and Neuroticism dimension of Big five. Also, we observed a negative relationship between Internet Addiction and Social Media Addiction, Conscien-tiousness dimension of Big Five, and gender. The tested mediation model highlighted that the total effect of the DERS on the IAT score was significant as well as its indirect effect via the BSMAS and FoMO scores was positive and significant. In conclusion, we proposed a new integrated model for understanding the characteristics, pre-dictors, and risk factors of IA

    Navigating technoference in the family system

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    This integrative literature review explores the increase of technology use in families, with a focus on how technology is disrupting in-person social interactions within the family system. Many studies have been conducted on how technology impacts a couple’s romantic relationship, and only a few have examined the relationship between the parent and child. This review is one of the first to examine how technology may affect the entire family unit from before children to raising adolescents. Each section of the family unit is examined, beginning with before children, followed by the early bonding and attachment associated with infant/childhood, and then the adolescent parent relationship. Research is then provided on how technology cues our ancestral adaptations making it more difficult for families to disconnect. This review finishes with clinical recommendations from the research. The recommendations are separated into two clinically relevant subcategories: 1) interventions; 2) and conversations

    Família e comunicação na era do vazio: novas patologias de uso problemático de dispositivos móveis

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    Actualmente, las familias presentan diversas modalidades de constitución y dinámica.  La comunicación y la afectividad son factores clave de regulación emocional y conductual para la construcción de personalidades saludables. La revolución tecnológica ejerce una innegable influencia en la comunicación.  El teléfono móvil es el dispositivo de mayor incidencia en la dinámica familiar, y si bien presenta ventajas, también registra el mayor índice de uso desadaptativo.  Las relaciones familiares están mediadas por la utilización del móvil.  Una mayor tecnointerferencia se relaciona con un mayor nivel de conflicto intrafamiliar, vinculado con la salud socio-psico-física, propiciando patologías tales como: adicción, nomofobia, síndrome de la vibración fantasma, FoMo, y ningufoneo.  Hoy las patologías de la civilización están signadas por la hiperexpresión y la sobre-excitación, que devienen en patologías del vacío. Se concluye que fomentar normas de uso saludable del teléfono móvil favorecería la comunicación e impediría que las interferencias dañen la calidad de vida.    Today there are diverse family structures and dynamics.  Communication and affect are key factors on emotional and behavioural regulation in order to develop a healthy personality.  The technological revolution has had an undeniable influence on communication.  Mobile phones have the highest incidence on family dynamics, and even though they offer many advantages, they are also most commonly associated with maladaptive use.  Family relationships are mediated by the use of mobile phones.  A higher level of technoference is associated with a higher level of intrafamily conflict, which has a strong impact on socio-psycho-physical health, leading to pathologies such as: addiction, nomophobia, phantom vibration syndrome, FoMo, and phubbing.  Current pathologies of civilisation are characterised by a sense of hyper-expression and over-excitement which eventually become pathologies of the void.  It is concluded that encouraging healthy mobile phone use habits would improve communication and prevent technological interference from damaging the quality of life.Atualmente, as famílias possuem diferentes modalidades de constituição e dinâmica.  A comunicação e a afetividade são fatores-chave da regulação emocional e comportamental para a construção de personalidades saudáveis.  A revolução tecnológica tem uma influência inegável na comunicação.  O celular é o dispositivo de maior incidência na dinâmica familiar, e embora tenha vantagens, também registra a maior taxa de uso desadaptativo.  As relações familiares são mediadas pelo uso de dispositivos móveis. Tecnointerferência refere-se ainda a um nível mais elevado de conflito interno ligada à saúde socio-psico-física, conduzindo a doenças tais como dependência, nomofobia, síndrome de vibração fantasma, FoMo, e ningufoneo.  Hoje as patologias da civilização são marcadas pela hiperexpressão e hiperexcitação, que se tornam patologias do vazio.  Conclui-se que o incentivo às normas de uso saudável do celular favoreceria a comunicação e evitaria que interferências prejudiquem a qualidade de vida.                 &nbsp

    Associations Between Adolescent and Parent Media Connection and Perceptions of Emotional Climate in the Home

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    An overwhelming increase in technology and media use this past decade has been found to affect family relationships in various ways. Devices such as cell phones, tablets, and computers, have been found to both be the means of bringing family members closer together by communicating from a distance, while also disrupting and straining family connection, in particular the adolescent to parent relationship. Data from the Flourishing Families Project was used to analyze the varying perceptions of adolescent and parents regarding technology communication with one another and their personal perception of the emotional climate in the home. Results from this study showed no significant relationship between primary caregiver and adolescent child reports of the frequency of communication with each other through technology and their perception of their ability to express emotions in the home. Results also imply that high amounts or frequencies of adolescent and parent technology communication with one another does not predict a negative emotional climate in one’s home. Other contextual elements such as tone of voice, warmness of the parent-adolescent relationship, and other factors should be studied to understand the impact of different motives and types of communication in the home

    Enhancing Leadership effectiveness in Virtual Teams: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on Exhaustion and Job Satisfaction

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    Fremveksten av virtuelt arbeid og bruken av virtuelle teams i organisasjoner, ble intensivert av den nylige globale COVID-19-pandemien, og derved også behovet for å forstå hvordan en leders effektivitet kan bli påvirket i virtuelle arbeids kontekster. Denne studien undersøker den potensielt modererende rollen til transformasjonsledelse på forholdet mellom virtuelle teams og leder effektivitet, gjennom linsen til de medierende rollene av utmattelse og arbeidstilfredshet. For å undersøke dette gjennomførte vi en spørreundersøkelse blant 90 ansatte som utfører arbeid i virtuelle arbeidsmiljøer. Data som ble samlet inn ble analysert gjennom Process analyser fra enkle regresjons analyser til moderert mediering. Resultatene viser at arbeidstilfredshet er positivt relatert til leder effektivitet, men studien fant ikke støtte for den modererende rollen til transformasjonelt lederskap. For bedre å forstå utfordringer ved å lede virtuelle teams, bør fremtidig forskning se på de komplekse aspektene ved virtuelle arbeidsmiljøer, med mål om å lage strategier som reduserer utmattelse, øker arbeidstilfredshet og forbedrer leder effektivitet. Nøkkelord: virtuelle teams, leder effektivitet, utmattelse, arbeidstilfredshet, transformasjonsledelse