21 research outputs found

    Social shaping of digital publishing: exploring the interplay between culture and technology

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    The processes and forms of electronic publishing have been changing since the advent of the Web. In recent years, the open access movement has been a major driver of scholarly communication, and change is also evident in other fields such as e-government and e-learning. Whilst many changes are driven by technological advances, an altered social reality is also pushing the boundaries of digital publishing. With 23 articles and 10 posters, Elpub 2012 focuses on the social shaping of digital publishing and explores the interplay between culture and technology. This book contains the proceedings of the conference, consisting of 11 accepted full articles and 12 articles accepted as extended abstracts. The articles are presented in groups, and cover the topics: digital scholarship and publishing; special archives; libraries and repositories; digital texts and readings; and future solutions and innovations. Offering an overview of the current situation and exploring the trends of the future, this book will be of interest to all those whose work involves digital publishing

    As novas tecnologias e o turismo criativo : estudo de caso da cidade do Porto

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    This research work attempts to extend the existing literature on development strategies for creative tourism supply and on the use of new technology in tourism, specifically creative tourism, which cannot be found in most of the existing literature. Hence, this work proposes a strategy to develop creative tourism in the city of Porto, paying special attention to the role played by new technology. This study comprises an analysis of the current state of creative tourism in Porto and the use of technology in the current tourism strategy. A case study method for the city of Porto is undertaken and qualitative approach is conducted interpretatively. A seven-steps model is proposed for developing creative tourism in the city of Porto, in which new technology plays an important role. Networking is also considered as a continued input of this model. In this work, the supply ecosystem was analysed and potential service providers were taken into account. Future research could focus on tourist motivations to participate in creative activities. This study encourages key creative and/or cultural agents to take the opportunity to acknowledge their potential to develop a creative tourism offer and to be aware that this kind of tourism could be an opportunity to improve the sustainability of their businesses. It also draws attention of city leaders to this topic as a new way of enhancing the tourism experience and improving economic growth. It may also encourage these agents to develop new offers within the range of their activities, maximizing the potential of technology that they may already use. Furthermore, it provides knowledge about new ways in which to develop creative tourism innovation and to take advantage of the benefits that new technology may bring. The originality of this work is based on developing a new model for creative tourism in Porto, paying special attention to the implementation and integration of new technology. The model intends to be a guide to promoting a creative tourism policy for Porto, but it could also be used as a basis for other cities to foster this kind of tourism

    Cultural Heritage in a Changing World

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    Cultural Heritage; Cultural Economics; Cultural Studies; Archaeology; Information Storage and Retrieval; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet

    Exploring the artistic and cultural expression in architecture: towards an art and performance center in Durban.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Artistic and cultural expression roots itself in the existence of human beings. Expression and Memories, experiences and culture define the way space and architecture is perceived. In a complex society with historical disparagement, expression is crucial in Durban’s search for an authentic city image. Inhabitants do not feel connected or apart of the city in which they belong. Art expression is evident throughout the city and is strongly connected to cultures and how meaning is derived. Unfortunately, cultural and artistic promotion within the city is lacking and the few spaces which facilitate expression are not celebrated and accommodated within the city. The urban fabric has been affected by past regimes. These have imposed architectural and spatial responses which has resulted in a depersonalised and unfamiliar city with an image which is being developed with a globalised criterion. Architecture is a crucial factor in the image of the city, arguably it is the main contribution to the image encapsulating culture and identity. Additionally, architecture houses and provides shelter for inhabitants, thus architecture responds to the needs and desires of society which inevitably considers the complexity of culture. Symbolism and artistic and cultural expression are essential notions which contribute to the design of contextually relevant and inclusive architecture. These concepts are discussed further within the dissertation due to its significance in identity and connection through the association of signifiers. This dissertation explores artistic and cultural expression through architecture in Durban which generates a contextual image. The study will explore research involving concepts and discourse around culture, symbolism and expressionism. Furthermore, precedented architectural responses will be identified to portray the conceptual and theoretical capabilities of form and space. Literature, precedent studies and case studies are analysed to identify criteria, approaches, principles and recommendations for the outcome of the study, which is a proposed Art and Performance Center in the city of Durban

    Natural Sciences in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

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    A Special Issue of the international journal Sustainability under the section Sustainability of Culture & Heritage has been made, entitled Natural Sciences in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. The bridge between science/technology and the humanities (archaeology, anthropology, history of art, and cultural heritage) has formed a well-established interdisciplinary subject with several sub-disciplines; it is growing exponentially, spurred by the fast development of technology in other fields (space exploration, medical, military, and industrial applications). On the other hand, art and culture struggle to survive due to neglect, lack of funding, or the dangers of events such as natural disasters and war. This volume strengthens and exerts the documentation of the sustainability of the issue that arises from the outcome of resulting research and the application of such a duality link. The sustainable dimension emerges from society, education, and economics through the impact of cultural growth, all of which produce a balanced society, in which prosperity, harmony, and development are merged at a sustainable local/regional/national/social level. A wide range of subjects linking the applied natural sciences with archaeology and the cultural heritage of innovative research and applications are presented in this volume

    Tangible Culture - Designing virtual Exhibitions on Multi-Touch Devices

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    Cultural heritage institutions such as galleries, museums and libraries increasingly use digital media to present artifacts to their audience and enable them to immerse themselves in a cultural virtual world. With the application eXhibition:editor3D, museum curators and editors have a software tool at hand to interactively plan and visualize exhibitions. The software is running on standard PCs as well as multi-touch devices, which allow a user to utilize intuitive gestures for positioning exhibition objects. Furthermore, multi-touch technology offers the integration of collaborative work into a decision making process


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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the motivations and the personality traits that characterize tourists who choose religious travels versus cruises. Participating in the research were 683 Italian tourists (345 males and 338 females, age range 18–63 years); 483 who went to a pilgrimage travel and 200 who chose a cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Both groups of tourists completed the Travel Motivation Scale and the Big Five Questionnaire. Results show that different motivations and personality traits characterize the different types of tourists and, further, that motivations for traveling are predicted by specific —some similar, other divergent— personality trait

    7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21)

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    Information and communication technologies together with new teaching paradigms are reshaping the learning environment.The International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd) aims to become a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences,opinions and research results relating to the preparation of students and the organization of educational systems.Doménech I De Soria, J.; Merello Giménez, P.; Poza Plaza, EDL. (2021). 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD21.2021.13621EDITORIA

    Storytelling Experiences by Millennial Tourists in UNESCO Heritage Centers

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    Viajar é um modo efêmero de viver noutra cultura e aprender sobre os seus costumes e tradições. Os turistas cada vez mais procuram tornar as suas viagens autênticas e inesquecíveis e estão cada vez mais abertos a outros contextos socioculturais. Eles não são mais um mero espectador, mas um participante ativo na experiência turística (Otto & Ritchie, 1996). O turismo é de facto um conjunto de momentos, depois retratado em memórias que mantêm os turistas conectados aos destinos. A economia da experiência é, sem dúvida, uma tendência crescente, justificada pela globalização da informação, pela democratização da cultura, pela busca de desafios e pela urgência em viver momentos únicos (Pine & Gilmore, 1998; Jelinˇcic & Mansfeld, 2019). Os turistas querem saber mais sobre os destinos, tradições e património, procurando fontes fiáveis de informação. A aprendizagem e o turismo tornaram-se dois elementos indissociáveis, resultando num aumento exponencial de turistas culturais com diferentes motivações: espirituais, intelectuais e emocionais, que definem o seu perfil enquanto turistas. As principais atrações culturais dos destinos situam-se nos centros históricos. Aqui, monumentos, património e partilha de estórias estão concentrados. Contar histórias é um produto do turismo cultural, um meio de comunicação, um mecanismo para promover o potencial turístico dos destinos fomentando a conservação dos espaços, a consciência social, a partilha de conhecimento e a preservação da tradição (Gonçalves, Seabra, & Silva, 2017). As experiências turísticas memoráveis fomentam fortes ligações com destinos, fazendo com que os turistas queiram voltar, reviver momentos passados e paralelamente se tornem contadores de estórias compartilhando a sua própria experiência. O storytelling não se limita a relatar eventos. Ajuda os turistas a se conectarem com o destino visitado de forma sensorial, possibilitando um relacionamento mais próximo com a comunidade, os seus residentes e a cultura local. Os turistas culturais são um segmento bastante heterógeno, com personalidades e padrões comportamentais diversificados. Considerando este fator, relevou-se pertinente adotar uma abordagem geracional, focando exclusivamente a geração millennial. Este grupo, revela um surpreendente interesse em visitar património, e conhecer a cultura dos destinos. Nas suas viagens os millennials optam por experiências autênticas, que lhes permitam conhecer a comunidade local, a história, e património (EdgeResearch, 2017). O estudo empírico foi elaborado através da realização de inquéritos nos Centros Históricos reconhecidos pela UNESCO em Portugal continental: Évora, Guimarães e Porto. Os resultados confirmam as dimensões da experiência: (1) sense, (2) feel, (3) think, (4) act e (5) relate, do modelo de Schmitt (1999). A dimensão think não demonstrou relevância perante os resultados obtidos, justificando-se pelo facto da geração millennial ser mais experimental e preferir viver cada momento de forma plena através de seus sentidos e sensações (Veiga, Santos, Águas, & Santos, 2017). A discussão centra-se nos resultados e nas implicações para o turismo cultural e para a gestão turística, podendo auxiliar na criação de novas estratégias de marketing e comunicação que otimizem as dimensões da experiência turística. São também apresentadas limitações e futuras linhas de investigação.ABSTRACT: Traveling is an ephemeral way of living in another culture and learning about its customs and traditions. Tourists increasingly seek to make their travels more authentic and unforgettable and are more open to other socio-cultural contexts. They are no longer a mere spectator, but an active participant in the tourism experience (Otto & Ritchie, 1996). Tourism is indeed a set of moments, then portrayed in memories that keep tourists connected to the destinations. The economy of experience is undoubtedly a growing trend, justified by the globalization of information, by the democratization of culture, by and by the urgency of living unique moments (Pine & Gilmore, 1998; Jelincic & Mansfeld, 2019). Tourists want to know more about destinations, traditions and heritage by looking for reliable sources of information. Learning and tourism have become in dissociated elements, resulting in an exponential increase of cultural tourists with different motivations: spiritual, intellectual and emotional, that define their profile as tourists. The main cultural attractions of the destinations are located in the historical centers. Here, monuments, heritage and story sharing are concentrated. Telling stories is a product of cultural tourism, a means of communication, a mechanism to promote the tourism potential of the destinations by fostering space conservation, social awareness, knowledge sharing and the preservation of local traditions (Gonçalves, Seabra, & Silva, 2017). Memorable tourist experiences foster strong connections with destinations, making tourists want to return, relive past moments and in parallel, become storytellers sharing their own experience. Storytelling is not limited to reporting events. It helps tourists to connect with the visited places in a sensorial way, enabling a closer relationship with the community, its residents and the local culture. Cultural tourists are a very heterogenous segment, with diverse personalities and behavioral patterns. Considering this factor, it was pertinent to adopt a generational approach, focusing exclusively on the millennial generation. This group reveals a surprising interest in visiting heritage and knowing the culture of the destinations. In their travels the millennials opt for authentic experiences that enable them to get to know the local community, history, and heritage (EdgeResearch, 2017). The empirical study was carried out by conducting surveys in Historical Centers recognized by UNESCO in Portugal mainland: Évora, Guimarães and Porto. The results confirm the dimensions of experience: (1) sense, (2) feel, (3) think, (4) act, and (5) relate, regarding the model of Schmitt (1999). However, the dimension think was not relevant in the generation studied. This is understandable because millennials are more experimental and prefer to live the moment to the fullest, through their senses and sensations (Veiga, Santos, Águas, & Santos, 2017). Discussion centers on the study findings and implications for cultural tourism, and tourism management that can help in the creation of new marketing and communication strategies that enhance the dimensions of the tourism experience. Lastly limitations and guidelines for future research are presented