11 research outputs found

    Persistent Homology of Attractors For Action Recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a novel framework for dynamical analysis of human actions from 3D motion capture data using topological data analysis. We model human actions using the topological features of the attractor of the dynamical system. We reconstruct the phase-space of time series corresponding to actions using time-delay embedding, and compute the persistent homology of the phase-space reconstruction. In order to better represent the topological properties of the phase-space, we incorporate the temporal adjacency information when computing the homology groups. The persistence of these homology groups encoded using persistence diagrams are used as features for the actions. Our experiments with action recognition using these features demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms other baseline methods.Comment: 5 pages, Under review in International Conference on Image Processin

    Learning multi-modal densities on discriminative temporal interaction manifold for group activity recognition

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    While video-based activity analysis and recognition has received much attention, existing body of work mostly deals with single object/person case. Coordinated multi-object activities, or group activities, present in a variety of applications such as surveillance, sports, and biological monitoring records, etc., are the main focus of this paper. Unlike earlier attempts which model the complex spatial temporal constraints among multiple objects with a parametric Bayesian network, we propose a Discriminative Temporal Interaction Manifold (DTIM) framework as a data-driven strategy to characterize the group motion pattern without employing specific domain knowledge. In particular, we establish probability densities on the DTIM, whose element, the discriminative temporal interaction matrix, compactly describes the coordination and interaction among multiple objects in a group activity. For each class of group activity we learn a multi-modal density function on the DTIM. A Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) classifier on the manifold is then designed for recognizing new activities. Experiments on football play recognition demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Markov Chain analysis of packet sequence for intrusion detection

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    Intrusion Detection is a broad and complex field in cybersecurity. There are varieties of existing methods with varying degrees of success, which attempt to classify various types of traffic as benign, or attacking. A tool that can do this consistently and reliably, and with minimal overhead is ideal, benefiting with respect to analysis overhead, as well as level of information privilege. This paper attempts to provide such a tool through packet sequence analysis. Packet sequence, as referred to in this paper, is the order and number of the exchange of packets. Sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) analysis is done on the sequence history of each pair of IP addresses in attempt to determine if the flow can be classified as an attack based solely on this. SPRT is performed for single class, two class, and with more specialized attack classes. Through manipulation of a large variety of parameters and analysis of results indicated that packet sequence can, under the right circumstances provide an indication of an attack. While this is true most of the attacks seen in the data tested, there is a high level of parameter tuning process involved. While likely not all attacks will be identifiable by this method, for those attacks which do not appear readily and obviously useful, there are several which show promise with different configurations of parameters, and could potentially be useful with a higher degree of tuning

    Efficient duration and hierarchical modeling for human activity recognition

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    A challenge in building pervasive and smart spaces is to learn and recognize human activities of daily living (ADLs). In this paper, we address this problem and argue that in dealing with ADLs, it is beneficial to exploit both their typical duration patterns and inherent hierarchical structures. We exploit efficient duration modeling using the novel Coxian distribution to form the Coxian hidden semi-Markov model (CxHSMM) and apply it to the problem of learning and recognizing ADLs with complex temporal dependencies.The Coxian duration model has several advantages over existing duration parameterization using multinomial or exponential family distributions, including its denseness in the space of non negative distributions, low number of parameters, computational efficiency and the existence of closed-form estimation solutions. Further we combine both hierarchical and duration extensions of the hidden Markov model (HMM) to form the novel switching hidden semi-Markov model (SHSMM), and empirically compare its performance with existing models. The model can learn what an occupant normally does during the day from unsegmented training data and then perform online activity classification, segmentation and abnormality detection. Experimental results show that Coxian modeling outperforms a range of baseline models for the task of activity segmentation. We also achieve arecognition accuracy competitive to the current state-of-the-art multinomial duration model, while gaining a significant reduction in computation. Furthermore, cross-validation model selection on the number of phases K in the Coxian indicates that only a small Kis required to achieve the optimal performance. Finally, our models are further tested in a more challenging setting in which the tracking is often lost and the activities considerably overlap. With a small amount of labels supplied during training in a partially supervised learning mode, our models are again able to deliver reliable performance, again with a small number of phases, making our proposed framework an attractive choice for activity modeling

    Recherche par le contenu adaptée à la surveillance vidéo

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    Les systèmes de surveillance vidéo sont omniprésents dans les lieux publics achalandés et leur présence dans les lieux privés s'accroît sans cesse. Si un aéroport ou une gare de trains peut se permettre d'employer une équipe de surveillance pour surveiller des flux vidéo en temps réel, il est improbable qu'un particulier effectue une telle dépense pour un système de surveillance à domicile. Qui plus est, l'utilisation de vidéos de surveillance pour l'analyse criminalistique requiert souvent une analyse a posteriori des événements observés. L'historique d'enregistrement correspond souvent à plusieurs jours, voire des semaines de vidéo. Si le moment où s'est produit un événement d'intérêt est inconnu, un outil de recherche vidéo est essentiel. Un tel outil a pour objectif d'identifier les segments de vidéo dont le contenu correspond à une description approximative de l'événement (ou de l'objet) recherché. Ce mémoire présente une structure de données pour l'indexation du contenu de longues vidéos de surveillance, ainsi qu'un algorithme de recherche par le contenu basé sur cette structure. À partir de la description d'un objet basée sur des attributs tels sa taille, sa couleur et la direction de son mouvement, le système identifie en temps réel les segments de vidéo contenant des objets correspondant à cette description. Nous avons démontré empiriquement que notre système fonctionne dans plusieurs cas d'utilisation tels le comptage d'objets en mouvement, la reconnaissance de trajectoires, la détection d'objets abandonnés et la détection de véhicules stationnés. Ce mémoire comporte également une section sur l'attestation de qualité d'images. La méthode présentée permet de déterminer qualitativement le type et la quantité de distortion appliquée à l'image par un système d'acquisition. Cette technique peut être utilisée pour estimer les paramètres du système d'acquisition afin de corriger les images, ou encore pour aider au développement de nouveaux systèmes d'acquisition

    Particle filtering on large dimensional state spaces and applications in computer vision

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    Tracking of spatio-temporal events is a fundamental problem in computer vision and signal processing in general. For example, keeping track of motion activities from video sequences for abnormality detection or spotting neuronal activity patterns inside the brain from fMRI data. To that end, our research has two main aspects with equal emphasis - first, development of efficient Bayesian filtering frameworks for solving real-world tracking problems and second, understanding the temporal evolution dynamics of physical systems/phenomenon and build statistical models for them. These models facilitate prior information to the trackers as well as lead to intelligent signal processing for computer vision and image understanding. The first part of the dissertation deals with the key signal processing aspects of tracking and the challenges involved. In simple terms, tracking basically is the problem of estimating the hidden state of a system from noisy observed data(from sensors). As frequently encountered in real-life, due to the non-linear and non-Gaussian nature of the state spaces involved, Particle Filters (PF) give an approximate Bayesian inference under such problem setup. However, quite often we are faced with large dimensional state spaces together with multimodal observation likelihood due to occlusion and clutter. This makes the existing particle filters very inefficient for practical purposes. In order to tackle these issues, we have developed and implemented efficient particle filters on large dimensional state spaces with applications to various visual tracking problems in computer vision. In the second part of the dissertation, we develop dynamical models for motion activities inspired by human visual cognitive ability of characterizing temporal evolution pattern of shapes. We take a landmark shape based approach for the representation and tracking of motion activities. Basically, we have developed statistical models for the shape change of a configuration of ``landmark points (key points of interest) over time and to use these models for automatic landmark extraction and tracking, filtering and change detection from video sequences. In this regard, we demonstrate superior performance of our Non-Stationary Shape Activity(NSSA) model in comparison to other existing works. Also, owing to the large dimensional state space of this problem, we have utilized efficient particle filters(PF) for motion activity tracking. In the third part of the dissertation, we develop a visual tracking algorithm that is able to track in presence of illumination variations in the scene. In order to do that we build and learn a dynamical model for 2D illumination patterns based on Legendre basis functions. Under our problem formulation, we pose the visual tracking task as a large dimensional tracking problem in a joint motion-illumination space and thus use an efficient PF algorithm called PF-MT(PF with Mode Tracker) for tracking. In addition, we also demonstrate the use of change/abnormality detection framework for tracking across drastic illumination changes. Experiments with real-life video sequences demonstrate the usefulness of the algorithm while many other existing approaches fail. The last part of the dissertation explores the upcoming field of compressive sensing and looks into the possibilities of leveraging from particle filtering ideas to do better sequential reconstruction (i.e. tracking) of sparse signals from a small number of random linear measurements. Our preliminary results show several promising aspects to such an approach and it is an interesting direction of future research with many potential computer vision applications