116 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Algorithm for the Scansion of Old Saxon Poetry

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    Several scholars designed tools to perform the automatic scansion of poetry in many languages, but none of these tools deal with Old Saxon or Old English. This project aims to be a first attempt to create a tool for these languages. We implemented a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) model to perform the automatic scansion of Old Saxon and Old English poems. Since this model uses supervised learning, we manually annotated the Heliand manuscript, and we used the resulting corpus as labeled dataset to train the model. The evaluation of the performance of the algorithm reached a 97% for the accuracy and a 99% of weighted average for precision, recall and F1 Score. In addition, we tested the model with some verses from the Old Saxon Genesis and some from The Battle of Brunanburh, and we observed that the model predicted almost all Old Saxon metrical patterns correctly misclassified the majority of the Old English input verses

    Saliency Map for Visual Perception

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    Human and other primates move their eyes to select visual information from the scene, psycho-visual experiments (Constantinidis, 2005) suggest that attention is directed to visually salient locations in the image. This allows human beings to bring the fovea onto the relevant parts of the image, to interpret complex scenes in real time. In visual perception, an important result was the discovery of a limited set of visual properties (called pre attentive), detected in the first 200-300 milliseconds of observation of a scene, by the low-level visual system. In last decades many progresses have been made into research of visual perception by analyzing both bottom up (stimulus driven) and top down (task dependent) processes involved in human attention. Visual Saliency deals with identifying fixation points that a human viewer would focus on the first seconds of the observation of a scene

    Hephaestus Reloaded

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    Hephaestus Reloaded / Efesto Reloaded, presented in a bilingual (English/Italian) publication, and whose five authors are from Greece, Italy, and the US, invokes as its first inspiration the myth of Hephaestus who embodied a twofold entity: both disabled and technically capacious. The myth of Hephaestus has been passed across the centuries as an ancient metaphor signifying the idea of becoming-world, in which any distinction between the natural and the artificial, or the organic and the technical, is blurred. Human beings, by virtue of their physical vulnerabilities and limits, have enhanced their technological powers to the point of transcending their own given nature. At present, a variety of critical discourses in disciplines such as philosophy, history, aesthetics, and cognitive sciences pay attention to our becoming-hybrid (organic and mechanical beings) – unleashing a space for research that probes the concept of transcendence. Each of the contributions in this book addresses – through its own peculiar perspective, method and experimental style – a new way to approach the role of transcendence in socio-cultural life.In the Occidental history of ideas, the notion of transcendence has received at least three canonical articulations that are challenged by this book: religious (Judeo-Christian traditions), philosophical (Platonic-intellectual universality of ideas), and scientific (the objective and technological turn of knowledge). Nonetheless, it is with the rise of cybernetics, with its digital and virtual modalities of systems, networks, and knowledge, that our human environment emerges as a source of knowledge in itself -- not simply as an object but rather as an immersive agency in which nature, knowledge, technique merge. The transcendence of the actual and the virtual into a “third” element is construed and analyzed in this book through conceptual schemes that rely on a post-binary or non-binary understanding of coincidences, triangulations, hybrids, or post-human combinatorics. What is ultimately explored is how transcendence is ejected from strictly theological, philosophical, or scientific groundings and emerges as a germinating point of becoming (something else)

    AIUCD2017 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract degli interventi presentati alla conferenza AIUCD 2017. AIUCD 2017 si è svolta dal 26 al 28 Gennaio 2017 a Roma, ed è stata verrà organizzata dal Digilab, Università Sapienza in cooperazione con il network ITN DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network). AIUCD 2017 ha ospitato anche la terza edizione dell’EADH Day, tenutosi il 25 Gennaio 2017. Gli abstract pubblicati in questo volume hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima sotto la responsabilità del Comitato di Programma Internazionale di AIUCD 2017
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