134 research outputs found

    An analysis about the relationship between the cloud computing model and ITIL v3 2011

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    Cloud Computing is widely recognized as a recent computing paradigm of digital transformation in which scalable and elastic computational resources are delivered as a service through Internet technologies. Its characteristics made this business model increasingly adopted by organizations reaching business goals. Besides its benefits, some risks may impact organizations internally and, in the way they deliver their services to their clients. Therefore, it became important to understand the impacts of the Cloud model on the way companies organize their processes. The goal of this work is to investigate which are the main impacts arising from the Cloud Computing model currently impacting Information Technology Infrastructure Library framework processes. The methodology selected will be through semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable professionals to effectively collect practical information that, according to the Systematic Literature Review performed, could not be collected by the traditional literature. By analyzing the Systematic Literature Review results, several processes of this framework were affected, which may lead to a need for reframing it. Although the organization’s approach to this model must be enhanced and adapted to a new reality, the empirical insights collected from semi-structured interviews, suggest that the framework does not need to be reframed, and ITIL v3 2011 most impacted processes by the introduction of the Cloud-based model, are Change Management and Incident Management.A computação em nuvem é amplamente reconhecida como um paradigma de computação recente da transformação digital, no qual recursos computacionais escaláveis e elásticos são fornecidos como um serviço através de tecnologias na Internet. As suas características fizeram com que esse modelo de negócio fosse cada vez mais adotado por organizações que na prossecução dos seus objetivos de negócio. Além dos benefícios, também existem os riscos podem impactar as organizações internamente e na forma como entregam os seus serviços aos clientes. Portanto, tornou-se importante entender os impactos do modelo de Cloud na forma como as empresas organizam seus próprios processos e práticas. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar quais são os principais impactos decorrentes do modelo de Cloud que impactam atualmente os processos da Information Technology Infrastructure Library. A metodologia selecionada será por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas a profissionais capacitados para recolher informações decorrentes de experiências na prática que, de acordo com a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura realizada, não poderiam ser obtidas pela literatura tradicional. Ao analisar os resultados da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, diversos processos desta framework foram afetados, o que pode levar à necessidade de reformulá-la. As considerações empíricas recolhidas nas entrevistas semiestruturadas, sugerem que a framework não necessita de ser reformulada e que os processos do ITIL v3 2011 mais impactados no modelo Cloud são o de Gestão de Incidentes e de Gestão da Mudança

    Cyberloafing While Working From Home: Exploring the Conceptualisation, Drivers and Implications

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    Abstract The world has changed massively after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreaks. The situation has made a significant impact on how people work all over the world. Mandatory working from home is one kind of remote work that has become an everyday norm. In this paper, we provide an integrated cyberloafing conceptual framework based on qualitative research to identify the different aspects to better understand contemporary cyberloafing drivers and outcomes in the context of working from home. This master thesis describes cyberloafing in working from home as a multidimensional concept with external incentives and internal impulses as its drivers. We analysed 480 response statements derived from 48 participants in open-ended essays with employees from various sectors in the United Kingdom and the United States using the Gioia content analysis method. Based on our analyses, we conceptualise important aspects of cyberloafing behaviour in work from home settings. The essential element driving cyberloafing behaviour in working from home is the work tasks factors, followed by the working environment factors and monitoring and restriction factors. Psychological reasons and instant gratifications are identified as internal impulses in this study. In addition, the study proposes personal and professional implications that have both potentially negative and positive impacts. Finally, the master thesis discusses theoretical and practical implications and future research directions. Oppsummering Verden har endret seg kraftig etter utbruddet av Covid-19 pandemien. Spesielt gjelder dette hvordan mennesker over hele verden arbeider. Bruken av hjemmekontor er ikke lenger et fjernt begrep, men derimot normen for veldig mange arbeidstakere. I denne masteroppgaven, vil vi legge frem et integrert cyberloafing rammeverk basert på en kvalitativ undersøkelse. Dette for å bedre identifisere forskjellige aspekter ved cyberloafing, slik som pådrivere og utfall i konteksten av hjemmekontor. Denne oppgaven beskriver cyberloafing i konteksten av hjemmekontor som et multidimensjonelt konsept med eksterne insentiver og interne impulser som sentrale drivere for økt cyberloafing-aktivitet blant ansatte. Oppgaven analyserer 480 åpne svars-besvarelser fra 48 respondenter fra ansatte i et bredt spekter av sektorer i Storbrittania og USA. Gioa metoden blir brukttil åanalyserebesvarelsene. Basertpåvåreresultaterkonseptualisererviviktigeaspekterav cyberloafing-aktivitet. Essensielle drivere av cyberloafing er faktorer som: arbeidsoppgaver, arbeidsmiljø og overvåkning & begrensninger. Psykologiske årsaker og umiddelbar tilfredsstillelse, blir identifisert som sentrale interne impulser. I tillegg, vil oppgaven foreslå personlige og profesjonelle utfall av cyberloafing som vil ha både negative og positive og konsekvenser for både arbeider og arbeidsgiver. Avslutningsvis, vil denne masteroppgaven diskutere potensielle teoretiske og praktiske konsekvenser av resultatene lagt frem i denne oppgaven for både arbeidere og arbeidsgivere. Oppgaven avsluttes ved å legge frem forslag for fremtidige forskningsretninger

    Cyberloafing While Working From Home: Exploring the Conceptualisation, Drivers and Implications

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    Abstract The world has changed massively after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreaks. The situation has made a significant impact on how people work all over the world. Mandatory working from home is one kind of remote work that has become an everyday norm. In this paper, we provide an integrated cyberloafing conceptual framework based on qualitative research to identify the different aspects to better understand contemporary cyberloafing drivers and outcomes in the context of working from home. This master thesis describes cyberloafing in working from home as a multidimensional concept with external incentives and internal impulses as its drivers. We analysed 480 response statements derived from 48 participants in open-ended essays with employees from various sectors in the United Kingdom and the United States using the Gioia content analysis method. Based on our analyses, we conceptualise important aspects of cyberloafing behaviour in work from home settings. The essential element driving cyberloafing behaviour in working from home is the work tasks factors, followed by the working environment factors and monitoring and restriction factors. Psychological reasons and instant gratifications are identified as internal impulses in this study. In addition, the study proposes personal and professional implications that have both potentially negative and positive impacts. Finally, the master thesis discusses theoretical and practical implications and future research directions. Oppsummering Verden har endret seg kraftig etter utbruddet av Covid-19 pandemien. Spesielt gjelder dette hvordan mennesker over hele verden arbeider. Bruken av hjemmekontor er ikke lenger et fjernt begrep, men derimot normen for veldig mange arbeidstakere. I denne masteroppgaven, vil vi legge frem et integrert cyberloafing rammeverk basert på en kvalitativ undersøkelse. Dette for å bedre identifisere forskjellige aspekter ved cyberloafing, slik som pådrivere og utfall i konteksten av hjemmekontor. Denne oppgaven beskriver cyberloafing i konteksten av hjemmekontor som et multidimensjonelt konsept med eksterne insentiver og interne impulser som sentrale drivere for økt cyberloafing-aktivitet blant ansatte. Oppgaven analyserer 480 åpne svars-besvarelser fra 48 respondenter fra ansatte i et bredt spekter av sektorer i Storbrittania og USA. Gioa metoden blir brukt til å analysere besvarelsene. Basert på våre resultater konseptualiserer vi viktige aspekter av cyberloafing-aktivitet. Essensielle drivere av cyberloafing er faktorer som: arbeidsoppgaver, arbeidsmiljø og overvåkning & begrensninger. Psykologiske årsaker og umiddelbar tilfredsstillelse, blir identifisert som sentrale interne impulser. I tillegg, vil oppgaven foreslå personlige og profesjonelle utfall av cyberloafing som vil ha både negative og positive og konsekvenser for både arbeider og arbeidsgiver. Avslutningsvis, vil denne masteroppgaven diskutere potensielle teoretiske og praktiske konsekvenser av resultatene lagt frem i denne oppgaven for både arbeidere og arbeidsgivere. Oppgaven avsluttes ved å legge frem forslag for fremtidige forskningsretninger

    Strategic business models of platform providers in the video gaming industry - cloud gaming value proposition analysis

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    This Work Project examines the evolution and variation of business models within the Online Video Gaming Platform Industry. In the present paper, an in-depth analysis of the cloud gaming value proposition is provided. Accessibility, affordability, and simplicity are the strongest components of the cloud gaming value proposition and differ significantly from the value proposition of other business models within the industry. Further, specific advantages and weaknesses of the business model are outlined, and overriding recommendations are presented to strategically optimize this business model. To conclude, key insights and limitations as well as future research are discussed

    Strategic business models of platform providers in the video gaming industry - cloud gaming customer segmentation analysis

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    This work project examines the evolution and variation of business models within the online video gaming platform industry. In the present paper, an in-depth analysis of the recent business model of cloud gaming is provided. With large gaming audiences that differ in needs and preferences, segmentation should occur based on gamer type. The analysis reveals a large potential, especially within the non-gamer and casual gamer segments. Further, advantages and weaknesses of the business model are outlined, and overriding recommendations are presented to strategically optimize it. To conclude, key insights and limitations as well as future research are discussed

    Technology investment decision making: an integrated analysis in UK Internet Banking

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    The research addresses the problem of technological investment decision making (TIDM) in UK Banks. It focuses on Internet Banking technologies and uses interviews with bank executives and industry practitioners to form a coherent understanding of how technological decisions are practically made and what, in that process, is the role of evaluation techniques. The aims of the research are (1) to identify and explain the discord between formal and practical evaluations of technologies, (2) to review the roles of expert professional groups in defining the norms of evaluation, and (3) to develop a model to reflect the reality of TIDM in UK banking. The ultimate aim is to contribute to reducing the ambiguity that notoriously characterises the evaluation of new technology.According to the theoretical framework the TIDM problem is socially constructed by expert groups (actors) who either participate in decision-making or assume roles in developing methodologies for facilitating it. Its ultimate shape is the outcome of negotiations between these viewpoints, in light of expert power positions and political advocacy Three classes of such "actors" are identified: (1) Practitioners, namely experts in Financial Institutions, (2) Observers, academic researchers, consultants and government bodies, and (3) the Community of Received Wisdom, comprising the commonly understood views on what TIDM is and how it should be made.A novel methodological approach is introduced as a variant of Grounded Theory. Called Informed Grounded Theory (IGT), it proposes that viewpoints are by default informed by individuals' academic and professional training; thus, past theory should not be considered as a contaminating factor for the data and their interpretation, (as Grounded Theory proposes) but as integral part of it.The key findings of the research concern (1) the unconventional usage of financial and other formal methodologies in TIDM practice, (2) the highly political role of dominant expert groups and the resulting dynamics of their development, (3) the influence of the wider economic cycles on how technological value is perceived and (4) the changing role of the Finance function in technological investment justification. The core conclusion from these points is that TIDM in UK banks is an act of justification and advocacy, far more than it is an assessment process; valuation techniques play an ancillary role in ascertaining views often founded on purely strategic or political grounds.The research recommends an interdisciplinary approach to improving TIDM methodologies. Unlike the traditional paradigm which might be characterised as improvable measurement, where measurement precision is sought as the solution to the valuation ambiguity, it is proposed that we seek improvement by taking explicit account of the perceptions of expert groups, as these are encoded into existing formal methodologies, and thus offer only partial evaluations. By mobilising these partialities, newer approaches may provide for including socio-political as well as economic factors in technological valuation processes.The research recommends an interdisciplinary approach to improving TIDM methodologies. Unlike the traditional paradigm which might be characterised as improvable measurement, where measurement precision is sought as the solution to the valuation ambiguity, it is proposed that we seek improvement by taking explicit account of the perceptions of expert groups, as these are encoded into existing formal methodologies, and thus offer only partial evaluations. By mobilising these partialities, newer approaches may provide for including socio-political as well as economic factors in technological valuation processes

    BIPOC journalists after George Floyd and news media's racial reckoning: meeting the news industry's expectations and needs

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    Professional project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri--Columbia.Since the death of George Floyd, journalists of color have driven dramatic changes to mainstream ethical norms within the journalism industry by speaking out on social media and on other platforms. Though politicized discussions on applications of Critical Race Theory (CRT) raise questions about the conversations on systemic racism our society is able to address, the Voice of Color tenet (of CRT) asserts the value of minority voices in understanding the nature of the racial reckoning our society and media industry are currently undergoing. This study seeks to explore the range of perspectives presented by a diverse group of journalists to understand 1) the expectations placed on minority journalists in an historically white institution, 2) the scope and nature of industry-wide changes currently underway, and 3) the ways that news organizations can better support their journalists in meeting the changing needs of the public. The study's findings support common criticisms of systemic discrimination within and propagated by the journalism industry, along with a growing prioritization among journalists of social responsibility over more traditional norms of detachment and journalistic objectivity

    Digital disconnection : the impact on portuguese adolescents’ well-being

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    Digital disconnection behaviours emerge due to the overwhelming presence of digital technologies in people’s lives. The constant pressure to be online and connected has led individuals to reflect on their digital media practices and to search for healthier habits that do not include being in front of a screen. Hence, reducing or withdrawing from digital devices or social networks has become a growing trend in recent years, as well as a subject of interest for several researchers. However, studies on the potential outcomes of engaging in digital disconnection experiences are scarce. The present dissertation explores the digital disconnection journeys of Portuguese adolescents in­depth, starting by comprehending the motivations that lead to one’s urge to unplug from the digital world and then exploring the strategies implemented to conduct this new behaviour. Through this analysis, the final purpose is to assess whether digital disconnection experiences impact young individuals' well­being. This exploratory research follows a qualitative methodology, with interviews conducted to 20 Portuguese adolescents aged between 15 to 18 years old. The results have demonstrated important findings that enrich the research field of digital disconnection. According to the participants, the urge to better use their time, the harmful social pressure related to social media, as well as their toxic environment are the main motivators to withdraw from social networks and reduce screen time. Moreover, three predominant behaviours were identified regarding the digital disconnection approaches – drastic disconnection, progressive disconnection, and self­regulation. In conclusion, when analysing the outcomes of embracing this new behaviour, the results have shown that, although the immediate effect may be negative, one’s ability to overcome these challenges results in surprisingly beneficial outcomes for their well­being in the long run. Adolescents described building healthier routines, improving their friendships, surpassing personal insecurities, and sharing a feeling of self­accomplishment and discovery.Comportamentos de desconexão digital surgem como resposta à forte presença das tecnologias digitais na sociedade contemporânea. A constante pressão para estar online e conectado levou os indivíduos a refletirem sobre as suas práticas digitais e a procurar hábitos mais saudáveis, que não incluam estar demasiado tempo em frente a um ecrã. Deste modo, a redução ou abstinência de certos meios digitais ou redes sociais tem­se tornado uma tendência crescente nos últimos anos, bem como um tema de interesse para vários investigadores. No entanto, estudos sobre os potenciais efeitos de experiências de desconexão digital são escassos. A presente dissertação pretende explorar em detalhe os processos de desconexão digital dos adolescentes portugueses, começando por compreender as motivações que levam ao desejo de se desligar do mundo digital, seguido da exploração das estratégias implementadas para conduzir este novo comportamento. Através desta análise, o objectivo final consiste em avaliar se as experiências de desconexão digital têm impacto no bem­estar dos jovens. Este estudo exploratório segue uma metodologia qualitativa, com entrevistas realizadas a 20 adolescentes portugueses entre os 15 e os 18 anos. Os dados recolhidos demonstram resultados relevantes para o estudo da desconexão digital. De acordo com os participantes, a vontade de utilizar melhor o tempo, a pressão social relacionada com as redes sociais, bem como o facto de considerarem o ambiente digital tóxico, são as principais motivações para se desconectarem de redes sociais e reduzirem o tempo dedicado aos ecrãs. Foram identificados três comportamentos de desconexão digital predominantes – desconexão drástica, desconexão progressiva, e auto­regulação. Em suma, ao analisar os resultados foi concluído que, embora o efeito imediato possa ser negativo, a capacidade de superar os desafios leva a resultados surpreendentemente benéficos para o bem­estar a longo prazo. De acordo com as entrevistas, os participantes construíram rotinas diárias mais saudáveis, melhoraram amizades, superaram inseguranças e descreveram um sentimento de realização e descoberta pessoal

    Shaping the future of weather & climate services in Ireland: a public perspective

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    The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (2015) emphasised the need for a user-centric model of weather forecasts and weather warnings, including evaluating user needs and linking service development and delivery to these. Further, the WMO (2015) cautioned against assuming users will act upon weather advice once it is received and understood. If weather service users judge that the consequences of following weather warning guidelines will be worse for them, in a different way, they may engage in risky behaviour to avoid what they perceive to be a greater risk: “…given warning of a pending storm, one is far more likely to cancel or defer a non-essential weekend trip rather than a commute to work, especially if the avoided work trip leads to a lost day of wages”. Such non-weather factors are essential to understanding deviations from the behaviours expected (for example, staying off the roadways to reduce risk) for those issuing warnings and providing services.” (WMO, 2015, p. 22). To assist with the delivery of Goals 1, 2 and 4 of Met Éireann’s Strategic Plan 2017–2027: • Enhance support for impact-based decision making; • Provide climate information services which promote the safety of citizens and support economic and environmental resilience for weather events; • Continue to provide an effective authoritative voice on meteorology in Ireland this Fógra report: • Examines public and special interest groups’ interpretation of uncertainty in weather forecasting and climate projection information; • Determines the current and future weather and climate service needs of the general public, including special interest groups; • Presents evidence-based recommendations for the development of Met Éireann’s public weather and climate services, with particular emphasis on the effective communication of weather forecasts and climate protection warnings. This report is built on the outputs from eight focus groups comprising members of the general public from two large cities, two rural regions, and an island community and special interest groups of students, marine leisure users, and members of the agriculture community