98 research outputs found

    "Notjustgirls": Exploring Male-related Eating Disordered Content across Social Media Platforms

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    Eating disorders (EDs) are a worldwide public health concern that impact approximately 10% of the U.S. population. Our previous research characterized these behaviors across online spaces. These characterizations have used clinical terminology, and their lexical variants, to identify ED content online. However, previous HCI research on EDs (including our own) suffers from a lack of gender and cultural diversity. In this paper, we designed a follow-up study of online ED characterizations, extending our previous methodologies to focus specifically on male/masculine-related content. We highlight the similarities and differences found in the terminology utilized and media archetypes associated with the social media content. Finally, we discuss other considerations highlighted through our analysis of the male-related content that is missing from the previous research

    Conducting Research with Stigmatized Populations: Practices, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

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    Conducting research with communities who are at risk of being stigmatized can be a challenging endeavor. It is often difficult to reach and recruit individuals for research purposes regarding a stigmatized condition or situation. Yet, researchers in our field have recognized the importance of work in this area and have individually developed a range of strategies to reach, recruit, and work with these populations. This workshop will invite researchers and practitioners to present, discuss, and compare strategies and experiences when working with stigmatized communities in the context of the ever-evolving nature of technology. The outcomes of the workshop will include an outline for an article that will summarize the strategies and practices discussed as well as identify the approaches that have led to the best outcomes across different populations

    Sharing the Pain in Social Media: A Content Analysis of #thinspiration Images on Instagram

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    #Thinspiration is an online trend that depicts thin-ideal media content specifically found on the social medium Instagram. The images found under the #thinspiration intend to inspire weight loss while encouraging and/or glorifying dangerous behaviors that are usually attributed to eating disorders including anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). This study provides a content analysis of thinspiration imagery on the popular social networking site Instagram. A set of 300 randomly selected images was coded. Images tended to objectify women and sexualize them with a focus on bony and extremely thin women. Results seemed to point to harmful effects and users is the #thinspiration community view and contribute sexually suggestive content that objectifies females. Please be cautious when reading this paper as it includes media that could possibly be a trigger to those dealing with body image or eating disorders

    Self Harmony: Rethinking Hackathons to Design and Critique Digital Technologies for Those Affected by Self-Harm

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    In this paper we explore the opportunities, challenges and best practices around designing technologies for those affected by self-harm. Our work contributes to a growing HCI literature on mental health and wellbeing, as well as understandings of how to imbue appropriate value-sensitivity within the digital design process in these contexts. The first phase of our study was centred upon a hackathon during which teams of designers were asked to conceptualise and prototype digital products or services for those affected by self-harm. We discuss how value-sensitive actions and activities, including engagements with those with lived experiences of self-harm, were used to scaffold the conventional hackathon format in such a challenging context. Our approach was then extended through a series of critical engagements with clinicians and charity workers who provided appraisal of the prototypes and designs. Through analysis of these engagements we expose a number of design challenges for future HCI work that considers self-harm; moreover we offer insight into the role of stakeholder critiques in extending and rethinking hackathons as a design method in sensitive contexts

    How social media data are used to research experiences of mourning: a scoping review

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    Introduction: Increasingly, people are using social media (SM) to express grief, and researchers are using these data to investigate the phenomenon of mourning. As this research progresses, it is important to understand how studies are being conducted and how authors are approaching ethical challenges related to SM data. The aim of this scoping review was to explore the concept of using data from social media in research about experiences of mourning. Methods: Due to the broad nature of the review topic and the novel use of SM data, a scoping review methodology was considered appropriate. The JBI Scoping Review methodology guided this review. Eligibility criteria were determined using the PCC framework, and relevant key words and phrases derived from these criteria were used to search eight databases in September 2021 (CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, OpenGrey, ProQuest, PsycINFO, PubMed and Scopus). The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines were used to report results. Results: Database searches resulted in 3418 records, of which, 89 met eligibility criteria. Four categories of grief and mourning were identified. Most records were qualitative in nature and used natural data. Only 20% of records reported ethics approval by an Institutional Review Board, with several including measures to protect participants, for example, using pseudonyms. Conclusion: The unique review included in this thesis mapped the diverse range of mourning-related topics that have been investigated using SM data and highlighted the variability in approaches to data analysis. Ethical concerns relating to SM data collection are identified and discussed. This is an emerging and rapidly changing field of research that offers new opportunities and challenges for exploring the phenomenon of mourning.Thesis (M.Clin.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Adelaide Nursing School, 202

    Working Together in a PhamilySpace: Facilitating Collaboration on Healthy Behaviors Over Distance

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    Studies have shown that interpersonal relationships such as families and friends are an important source of support and encouragement to those who seek to engage in healthier habits. However, challenges related to geographic distance may hinder those relationships from fully collaborating and engaging in healthy living together. To explore this domain, we developed and deployed a lightweight photo-based application called PhamilySpace with a week-long intervention. Our goal is to examine family members\u27 and friends\u27 engagement and awareness on healthy behaviors while living apart. Our analysis of the semi-structured interviews, pre/post-intervention instruments, and application logs suggests three main benefits of interventions for health promotion in this context: (1) increased awareness on acts of health; (2) reciprocal sharing of health information supports social accountability over distance; and (3) positive dialogue around health enhances support on healthy living. By providing insights into distributed family/friends interactions and experiences with the application, we identify benefits, challenges, and opportunities for future design interventions that promote healthy behaviors

    Age-Based Comparison of the Motivations, Self-Efficacy, and Quality of Life in Bariatric Surgery Candidates

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    Overweight and obesity is a worldwide epidemic that is negatively impacting individuals’ health and quality of life. Much research has been conducted regarding the effects of diet and exercise for weight loss, with current research providing evidence in favor of bariatric surgery for severely obese adults and children. The purpose of this project is to understand participants motivating factors, anticipated post-surgery success and anticipated changes in physical, social and mental health. The objectives were to describe participants’ motivations for pursuing bariatric surgery, describe participants level of confidence with postsurgical diet implementation, and compare participants anticipated post-surgery changes in quality of life and compare to current expectations. Using a qualitative research approach, seventeen male and female participants between 25 and 41were individually interviewed. The motivating factors found were health and wellness, comorbidities, family and children, and physical fitness. Participants confidence in their abilities was characterized by practicing postsurgical diet changes, changing presurgical eating habits and work-life balance. Finally, quality of life themes included activities of daily living, enjoying extracurricular activities, improved physical appearance, social eating, attending special events, greater willingness to participate socially and improved anxiety and depression and positive self-perception. Many concepts were found to be overlapping throughout many of the themes which were fear and frustration and energy and stamina. Overall, the small sample size limits the generalizability of the results. The current study provides beneficial information for registered dietitians and related healthcare professionals to better understand their patient population and provide recommendations that best meets the patient’s needs


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    Childhood maltreatment has been identified as a risk factor for psychopathology, including disordered eating. The current study tested a transdiagnostic theoretical model, posited by McLaughlin and colleagues (2020), that integrates difficulties with emotions, perceived deviation in pubertal timing, and social information processing deficits to explain the relationship between childhood maltreatment exposure and the development of a range of psychopathology. Specifically, the current study incorporated the aforementioned mechanisms to explain the relationship of child maltreatment with disordered eating. While research supports associations between the aforementioned variables, it is unclear if these three mechanisms better explain the relationship between exposure to childhood maltreatment and disordered eating cognitions and behaviors, when considered simultaneously. Therefore, the current study examined if the relationship between exposure to childhood maltreatment and disordered eating cognitions and behaviors is mediated by social information processing deficits, perceived deviation in pubertal timing, and difficulties with emotions. Participants were recruited cross- sectionally and eligible for participation if they were assigned female sex at birth and between the ages of 18 and 26. Consistent with current study hypotheses, when all mediating variables were considered, child maltreatment had a significant total indirect effect on more severe disordered eating, b = 0.20, CI 95% [0.06, 0.34], p = .03, and range of disordered eating severity, b = 0.15, CI 95% [0.07, 0.23], p \u3c .01. Conclusions, limitations, and future directions are also discussed

    Kauneudeksi vai kuolemaksi? Sosiaalinen kategorisointi ja poikkeavuus YouTuben pro-anoreksia -keskusteluissa

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    Tässä sosiaalipsykologian pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkittiin pro-anorektikon kategoriasta käytyä neuvottelua YouTube-videopalvelun julkisilla kommenttipalstoilla. Pro-anoreksia (lyhennettynä pro-ana ) on Internetissä esiintyvä ilmiö, jolle on ominaista anorektisen laihuuden ihannoiminen ja laihuutta ihannoivien kuvien ja videoiden julkinen levittäminen. Vaikka pro-anorektiset ääri-ihanteet ja toimintamallit nähdään tyypillisesti poikkeavina verrattuna normaaliin hoikkuuteen ja laihduttamiseen, tätä poikkeavuuden tuottamista ja siitä neuvottelua sosiaalisen median julkisilla alustoilla ei ole tutkittu. Koska Internet ja sosiaalinen media tarjoavat nuorille keskeisen kontekstin oman identiteetin rakentamiselle ja sosiaalisille suhteille, on tärkeää tutkia myös mahdollisesti haitallisia yhteisöllisyyden muotoja ja niiden herättämiä julkisia reaktioita. YouTube-videopalvelun 25 suosituinta pro-anoreksia -aiheista profiilia kerättiin hakusanan pro-ana perusteella. Aineisto koostuu näiden profiilien videokommenteista (n=2122), jotka kerättiin verkkoryömijän (engl. web crawler) avulla. Teoreettinen viitekehys yhdisti kognitiivista ja diskursiivista lähestymistapaa identiteettien rakentumiseen ja sosiaaliseen kategorisointiin Intenet-kontekstissa. Aineisto analysoitiin jäsenkategoria-analyysin ja retorisen diskurssianalyysin välinein fokusoiden ennen kaikkea siihen poikkeavuuden ja toiseuden tuottamisen dynamiikkaan, joka vallitsee ilmiön kannattajien ja vastustajien välillä. Aineistoa lähestyttiin seuraavien tutkimuskysymysten kautta: Miten poikkeavuutta tuotetaan osana neuvottelua pro-anorektikon kategoriasta? Miten pro-anoreksia -ilmiölle tuotettua poikkavuutta vastustetaan? Millaista moraalista järjestystä pro-anoreksia -keskusteluissa tuotetaan? Tulokset osoittavat, että pro-anoreksiaan ja syömishäiriöihin liitettävistä määreistä käydään jatkuvaa neuvottelua sen suhteen, mikä nähdään kulttuurisesti norminmukaisena osana moraalista järjestystä. Pro-anorektikon kategoriaa määritellään anorektikon, naisen, kauniin, rikollisen ja epäihmisen kategorioiden ja näihin liitettävien määreiden avulla. Pro-anoreksialle tuotetaan poikkeavuutta ja epäinhimillisiä piirteitä esimerkiksi hengenvaarallisten ja kyseenalaisten kauneusihanteiden vuoksi, mutta tätä poikkeavuutta myös normalisoidaan erilaisin selonteoin, esimerkiksi kategorisoimalla anoreksia uhriuttavana sairautena. Vaikka etenkin laihuutta ihannoivan materiaalin julkinen levittäminen tuotetaan ulkopuolisten silmissä moraalisesti tuomittavana ja jopa rikollisena toimintana, näkyy keskusteluissa kuitenkin myös yhteinen maaperä esimerkiksi sen suhteen, että hoikkuus ja kauneus ovat tavoittelemisen arvoisia. Vihamielinen verkkoviestintä rakentaa ja ylläpitää poikkeavuutta syömishäiriöiden stigmatisoimia henkilöitä kohtaan, mikä edellyttää syömishäiriöisiltä aktiivista identiteettityötä ja selontekojen antamista syömishäiriöisille toimintamalleille ja ihanteille. Pro-anoreksia -ilmiölle tuotettujen moninaisten merkityksenantojen ymmärtäminen on tärkeää, jotta syömishäiriöisille nuorille voidaan kohdistaa oikeanlaista apua ja tukea niin lähipiirin kuin terveydenhuollonkin osalta

    Практика толерантної англомовної комунікації : методичні рекомендації.

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    Толерантність є запорукою побудови демократичного суспільства, тому вона повинна усвідомлено формуватись в освітніх закладах різних рівнів як модель взаємовідносин і між окремими людьми, і між народами та країнами. Педагогічна толерантність передбачає здатність та готовність педагога до успішної взаємодії у сфері професійної діяльності, його розуміння, визнання та прийняття суб’єктів освітнього процесу як носіїв інших цінностей, переконань, поглядів і форм поведінки. Навчально-методичне видання складається з 6 розділів, кожен з яких передбачає систему формування педагогічної толерантності майбутнього учителя від загального розуміння досліджуваного явища до конкретних ситуацій його імплементації у навчальному середовищі закладу освіти