50,994 research outputs found

    The effects of subcurative praziquantel treatment on life-history traits and trade-offs in drug-resistant Schistosoma mansoni

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    Natural selection acts on all organisms, including parasites, to maximise reproductive fitness. Drug resistance traits are often associated with life-history costs in the absence of treatment. Schistosomiasis control programmes rely on mass drug administration to reduce human morbidity and mortality. Although hotspots of reduced drug efficacy have been reported, resistance is not widespread. Using Bayesian State-Space Models (SSMs) fitted to data from an in vivo laboratory system, we tested the hypothesis that the spread of resistant Schistosoma may be limited by life-history costs not present in susceptible counterparts. Schistosoma mansoni parasites from a praziquantel–susceptible (S), a praziquantel–resistant (R) or a mixed line of originally resistant and susceptible parasites (RS) were exposed to a range of praziquantel doses. Parasite numbers at each life stage were quantified in their molluscan intermediate and murine definitive hosts across four generations, and SSMs were used to estimate key life-history parameters for each experimental group over time. Model outputs illustrated that parasite adult survival and fecundity in the murine host decreased across all lines, including R, with increasing drug pressure. Trade-offs between adult survival and fecundity were observed in all untreated lines, and these remained strong in S with praziquantel pressure. In contrast, trade-offs between adult survival and fecundity were lost under praziquantel pressure in R. As expected, parasite life-history traits within the molluscan host were complex, but trade-offs were demonstrated between parasite establishment and cercarial output. The observed trade-offs between generations within hosts, which were modified by praziquantel treatment in the R line, could limit the spread of R parasites under praziquantel pressure. Whilst such complex life-history costs may be difficult to detect using standard empirical methods, we demonstrate that SSMs provide robust estimates of life history parameters, aiding our understanding of costs and trade-offs of resistant parasites within this system and beyond

    The Basic Structure as Object: Institutions and Humanitarian Concern (draft)

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    [FIRST PARAGRAPHS] One third of the human species is infested with worms. The World Health Organization estimates that worms account for 40 percent of the global disease burden from tropical diseases excluding malaria. Worms cause a lot of misery. In this article I will focus on one particular type of infestation, which is hookworm. Approximately 740 million people suffer from hookworm infection in areas of rural poverty: more than one human in ten, a total greater than 23 times the population of Canada or twice the population of the United States. The greatest numbers of cases occur in China, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa—that is, mostly in the places in the world where poverty is most severe

    In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of plant cysteine proteinases against the rodent gastrointestinal nematode, Trichuris muris

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    We examined the mechanism of action and compared the anthelmintic efficacy of cysteine proteinases from papaya, pineapple, fig, kiwi fruit and Egyptian milkweed in vitro using the rodent gastrointestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus. Within a 2 h incubation period, all the cysteine proteinases, with the exception of the kiwi fruit extract, caused marked damage to the cuticle of H. polygyrus adult male and female worms, reflected in the loss of surface cuticular layers. Efficacy was comparable for both sexes of worms, was dependent on the presence of cysteine and was completely inhibited by the cysteine proteinase inhibitor, E-64. LD50 values indicated that the purified proteinases were more efficacious than the proteinases in the crude latex, with purified ficin, papain, chymopapain, Egyptian milkweed latex extract and pineapple fruit extract, containing fruit bromelain, having the most potent effect. The mechanism of action of these plant enzymes (i.e. an attack on the protective cuticle of the worm) suggests that resistance would be slow to develop in the field. The efficacy and mode of action make plant cysteine proteinases potential candidates for a novel class of anthelmintics urgently required for the treatment of humans and domestic livestock

    Characterization, cloning and immunogenicity of antigens released by lung-stage larvae of Schistosoma mansoni

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    Lung-stage schistosomula are the target of protective immunity in mice vaccinated with attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. Therefore, proteins present at this developmental stage, and in particular those which are secreted, are a potential source of novel vaccine candidates. However, little information is available about such molecules. Here we describe the cDNA clones identified by screening expression libraries with serum raised against proteins released by lung-stage schistosomula. In total, 11 different cDNA species were identified, 6 of which have been described previously in S. mansoni; these included fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase and Sm21.7 which together accounted for two-thirds of all positive clones. Of the 5 newly described schistosome genes, 1 cDNA had a high degree of homology to the s5a subunit of 26S proteasomes, most significant being with the human protein. The remaining 4 clones showed no significant homologies to any genes sequenced previously. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, Sm21.7, the proteasome homologue and 1 unknown clone (A26) have been expressed in a bacterial expression system and serum produced against each recombinant protein. Immunolocalization showed fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, Sm21.7 and the proteasome homologue to be most abundant in muscle cells whilst clone A26 was distributed throughout many tissues, but was most abundant in the tegument. Analysis of the cellular immune responses of vaccinated mice showed 3 of the 4 expressed clones to be highly immunogenic, inducing the secretion of large quantities of the Th1-type cytokine interferon gamma

    Helminth parasites in pigs: New challenges in pig production and current research highlights

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    Helminths in pigs have generally received little attention from veterinary parasitologists, despite Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, and Oesophagostomum sp. being common worldwide. The present paper presents challenges and current research highlights connected with these parasites. In Danish swine herds, new indoor production systems may favour helminth transmission and growing knowledge on pasture survival and infectivity of A. suum and T. suis eggs indicates that they may constitute a serious threat to outdoor pig production. Furthermore, it is now evident that A. suum is zoonotic and the same may be true for T. suis. With these ‘new’ challenges and the economic impact of the infections, further research is warranted. Better understanding of host–parasite relationships and A. suum and T. suis egg ecology may also improve the understanding and control of human A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infections. The population dynamics of the three parasites are well documented and may be used to study phenomena, such as predisposition and worm aggregation. Furthermore, better methods to recover larvae have provided tools for quantifying parasite transmission. Thus, an on-going study using helminth naïve tracer pigs has surprisingly demonstrated that soil infectivity with A. suum and T. suis increases during the first 2–3 years after pasture contamination. Though all three helminth species stimulate the Th2 arm of the immune system, Oesophagostomum seems weakly immunogenic, perhaps via specific modulation of the host immune system. A. suum and T. suis potently modulate the host immune response, up-regulating Th2 and down-regulating Th1. As a consequence, A. suum may compromise the efficacy of certain bacterial vaccines, whereas T. suis, which establish only short-term in humans, is a favourite candidate for down-regulating autoimmune Th1-related diseases in man. Some basic research findings have offered new possibilities for future sustainable control measures. For example, the heredity of host resistance to A. suum and T. suis is so high that breeding for resistant pigs may be a possibility. Experimental studies have demonstrated that fermentable dietary carbohydrates have an antagonistic effect on Oesophagostomum and to a lesser extent on T. suis and A. suum, whereas egg-destroying microfungi may be used to inactivate the hard-shelled A. suum and T. suis eggs in the environment. Helminth control in Denmark has previously relied solely on anthelmintic treatment in herds with low helminth transmission. When indoor transmission rates increase, or in outdoor herds with high pasture contamination levels, medication may advantageously be combined with sustainable control measures, such as selected pig genomes, bioactive forages, and egg-destroying microfungi. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The common and uncommon cestodal infestation encountered in routine histopathological practice from a semi-urban population in south India and their public health importance.

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    Parasites are encountered uncommonly in routine histopathologic practice. Among them, cestodes form a major bulk. Cysticercosis heads the list forming the bulk of cases followed by Hydatidosis and Sparganosis. Microscopic identification of inflammation with surrounding reactions along with other morphological features forms the mainstay of diagnosis of parasitic diseases on histopathology. Identification of the parasites on histopathological examination would reduce the cost-diagnosis ratio avoiding expensive serological investigation

    AIDS Review

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    Securing library information system: Vulnerabilities and threats

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    Threats and vulnerabilities in computers and networks are common nowadays since computers are widely used by the public. The risks of computer threats and vulnerabilities are high since most computers are connected to the internet. Library Information Systems is also vulnerable to attack since it is a public access institution. Majority of users are naive when it comes to computer and network securities. Some breaches in Library Information System are intentional and some are unintentional. Risks analysis should be done to find the threats and risks in designing the Library Information System. Threats are made possible due to lack of proper procedures, software flaws and policies. The administrators should anticipate all the possible attacks and their mitigation techniques. In this paper, we will try to address various issues arise from this vulnerabilities and threats. We will also describe how we can reduce and overcome this vulnerabilities and threats

    Why Health-Related Inequalities Matter and Which Ones Do

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    I outline and defend two egalitarian theories, which yield distinctive and, I argue, complementary answers to why health-related inequalities matter: a brute luck egalitarian view, according to which inequalities due to unchosen, differential luck are bad because unfair, and a social egalitarian view, according to which inequalities are bad when and because they undermine people’s status as equal citizens. These views identify different objects of egalitarian concern: the brute luck egalitarian view directs attention to health-related well-being, while social egalitarianism focuses on health-related capabilities that are central to a person’s status as a citizen. I argue that both views are correct and should jointly guide priority-setting in health

    Probiotic<i> Bacillus subtilis</i> protects against α-synuclein aggregation in <i>C. elegans</i>

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    How the gut microbiome affects Parkinson's disease remains unclear. Goya et al. show that the probiotic B. subtilis strain PXN21 inhibits and clears α-synuclein aggregation in a C. elegans model. The bacterium acts via metabolites and biofilm formation to activate protective pathways in the host, including DAF-16/FOXO and sphingolipid metabolism.Fil: Goya, María Eugenia. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Xue, Feng. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Sampedro Torres Quevedo, Cristina. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Arnaouteli, Sofia. University Of Dundee; Reino UnidoFil: Riquelme Dominguez, Lourdes. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Romanowski, Andrés. University of Edinburgh; Reino Unido. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Brydon, Jack. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Ball, Kathryn L.. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Stanley-Wall, Nicola R.. University Of Dundee; Reino UnidoFil: Doitsidou, Maria. University of Edinburgh; Reino Unid
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