9 research outputs found

    "Fool me once, shame on you... then, I learn." An examination of information disclosure in social networking sites

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    This study investigates factors that affect user decisions on which information to share, and specifically whether and how to disclose sensitive personal information, when using social networking sites (SNSs). The determinants of personal information disclosure (self-disclosure) are identified using a framework that combines communication privacy management and social penetration theories. Communication privacy management theory is applied to identify which rules guide users' sharing of personal information. Social penetration theory is used to understand personal information disclosure approaches—deep and shallow—that people employ on SNSs. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze data from 315 Facebook users who were also undergraduate students. Results show that individuals self-disclose more on SNSs when they know how to coordinate disclosure boundaries, and particularly when they have learned from prior privacy infringements. While types of relationships are important in determining self-disclosure approaches, SNSs users who have experienced a privacy breach follow different privacy coordination rules compared with those who have not experienced such an incident. Our results present an interesting twist in which the "fooled once" users show higher levels of information sharing at all levels. These users have learned their lessons and their way through privacy management options, eventually leading to a higher self-disclosure

    Conceptualization and operationalization: utility of communication privacy management theory

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    Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory explains one of the most important, yet challenging social processes in everyday life, that is, managing disclosing and protecting private information. The CPM privacy management system offers researchers, students, and the public a comprehensive approach to the complex and fluid character of privacy management in action. Following an overview of Communication Privacy Management framework, this review focuses on recent research utilizing CPM concepts that cross a growing number of contexts and illustrates the way people navigate privacy in action. Researchers operationalize the use of privacy rules and other core concepts that help describe and explain the ups and downs of privacy management people encounter

    The Design of Personal Privacy and Security Risk Scores for Minimizing Consumers' Cognitive Gaps in IoT Settings

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    The advent of Internet of Things (IoT) technology exponentially increases the collection of new information types in consumers’ lives from various sensors. However, many consumers do not fully recognize the potential privacy and security risks (PSR) associated with IoT. Those who are aware rarely take action to protect their personal information because of a cognitive gap between PSR and its impact. To address this problem, we propose a design framework for evaluating and quantifying IoT PSRs related to IoT adoption. Grounded in the cognitive dissonance theory (CDT) and information processing theory (IPT), the proposed framework defines IoT PSR scores and proposes a visual representation for improving consumers’ awareness of PSRs. Furthermore, we suggest a PSR control balance theory (PSR-CBT) to explicate the consumers’ two internal power conflicts. The proposed PSR scores can reduce consumers’ cognitive gaps, and thus, help them make informed purchase decisions toward IoT devices and services

    The Design of Personal Privacy and Security Risk Scores for Minimizing Consumers\u27 Cognitive Gaps in IoT Settings

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    The advent of Internet of Things (IoT) technology exponentially increases the collection of new information types in consumers’ lives from various sensors. However, many consumers do not fully recognize the potential privacy and security risks (PSR) associated with IoT. Those who are aware rarely take action to protect their personal information because of a cognitive gap between PSR and its impact. To address this problem, we propose a design framework for evaluating and quantifying IoT PSRs related to IoT adoption. Grounded in the cognitive dissonance theory (CDT) and information processing theory (IPT), the proposed framework defines IoT PSR scores and proposes a visual representation for improving consumers’ awareness of PSRs. Furthermore, we suggest a PSR control balance theory (PSR-CBT) to explicate the consumers’ two internal power conflicts. The proposed PSR scores can reduce consumers’ cognitive gaps, and thus, help them make informed purchase decisions toward IoT devices and services

    Dimensions of the University Digital Ecosystem: Validation of the Instrument «University Digital Ecosystem» (UN-DIGECO)

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    El presente estudio presenta el diseño y validación del instrumento UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem), orientado a conocer el Ecosistema Digital Universitario, identificando las dimensiones asociadas al uso que hacen los estudiantes de los medios sociales (MMSS) y/o aplicaciones digitales. La validación de contenido y comprensión se efectuó en tres fases: construcción, refinado y validación psicométrica, mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, apoyado en el constructo teórico inicial. Se diseñaron ítems –recabando información de instrumentos similares-, acordes a indicadores adscritos a seis dimensiones: aprendizaje, interacción social, creación de contenidos, consumo online, ocio y prácticas lúdicas. La versión preliminar del cuestionario se testó con 25 estudiantes para depurar y redefinir algunos ítems para facilitar su comprensión. Finalmente, el cuestionario constó de 44 ítems y se aplicó a 484 universitarios españoles y colombianos. Se analizó la estructura latente de los ítems mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio y tras analizar la estructura factorial de los indicadores se excluyeron los no pertinentes. Los resultados confirmaron la existencia de seis dimensiones definidas teóricamente a partir de 37 ítems, obteniendo un alfa de Cronbach mayor de 0,8. Concluyendo, se puede afirmar que el instrumento y los indicadores de sus dimensiones presentan adecuadas propiedades psicométricas de validez y confiabilidad para aplicarse en otros contextos. La originalidad de UN-DIGECO radica en la estructuración de la información, al contemplar las seis dimensiones de uso de los MMSS que hacen los universitarios.The purpose of the study was to design and validate the UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem) instrument, aimed at learning about the use that undergraduates make of social media and/or digital applications. The content and comprehension validation was carried out in three phases: construction, refining and psychometric validation, based on confirmatory factor analysis, supported by the initial theoretical construct. The items, designed by experts, are in line with indicators assigned to six theoretically defined dimensions: Learning, Social Interaction, Content Creation, Online Consumption, Leisure, and Recreational. Own indicators were integrated together with others adapted from similar published instruments. The preliminary version of the questionnaire was tested by a group of 25 students, some items were refined and redefined to facilitate their understanding. The pilot version included 44 items and involved 484 students from Spanish and Colombian universities. The authors analysed the latent structure of the items by applying exploratory factor analysis and, after examining the composition of the factor structure of the indicators, excluded the non-relevant ones. The results confirmed the existence of these six dimensions, which include 37 items, with a Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.8. The instrument and its components show appropriate psychometric properties of validity and reliability, being applicable to other contexts. The originality of the designed questionnaire lies in the structuring of the information, establishing and integrating six dimensions related to the use university students make of SM.peerReviewe

    YouTube as a Cyber-Classroom. Critical Review of its Pedagogical Use at Ibero-American University

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    Las universidades han adaptado algunos de sus procedimientos de acuerdo con el abordaje del currículo, la educación y el conocimiento en la era digital. La apropiación de entornos de redes sociales con el propósito de la innovación en la práctica pedagógica es uno de estos escenarios. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar posturas investigativas sobre los usos de YouTube como herramienta pedagógica en la educación superior iberoamericana, a través de una revisión crítica de literatura. El análisis se ha llevado a cabo considerando la información bibliográfica de los artículos, las poblaciones consideradas en los estudios, la información teórico-metodológica y del uso educativo de la plataforma. Los resultados muestran un incremento de los trabajos a raíz de la Pandemia, siendo predominantes las experiencias en estudios de grado. Destacan como finalidades de uso, la generación de catálogos de vídeos de YouTube como parte de las prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje, junto a la propia producción de contenidos, el refuerzo, y la evaluación de aprendizajes, esta última, trabajada con modelos tecnológicos predictivos y softwares de seguimiento artificial. El uso de YouTube como herramienta innovadora requiere superar las autopercepciones y considerar críticamente sus potencialidades, la necesaria alfabetización, la formación del profesorado y aspectos vinculados a la brecha en la capacidad de utilización didáctica. Queda patente la validez de esta plataforma como herramienta metodológica de innovación, y el camino por recorrer de universidades y educadores para aumentar la eficacia y relevancia en el desarrollo y estímulo de prácticas innovadoras.Universities have adapted some of their procedures according to the approach to curriculum, education and knowledge in the digital era. The appropriation of social media environments for the purpose of innovation in pedagogical practice is one of these scenarios. This study aims to determine research positions on the uses of YouTube as a pedagogical tool in Ibero-American higher education, through a critical literature review. The analysis has been carried out considering the bibliographic information of the articles, the populations considered in the studies, the theoretical-methodological information and the educational use of the platform. The results show an increase in the number of studies carried out as a result of the Pandemic, with a predominance of experiences in undergraduate studies. The generation of YouTube video catalogues as part of teaching-learning practices, together with content production, reinforcement, and learning assessment, the latter worked with predictive technology models and artificial tracking software, stand out as purposes of use. The use of YouTube as an innovative tool requires overcoming self-perceptions and critically considering its potential, the necessary literacy, teacher training and aspects related to the gap in the capacity for didactic use. The value of this platform as a methodological tool for innovation is evident, as well as the road ahead for universities and educators to increase its effectiveness and relevance in the development and stimulation of innovative practices.Este trabajo se ha elaborado en el marco de Alfamed (Red Interuniversitaria Euroamericana de Investigación en Competencias Mediáticas para la Ciudadanía), con el apoyo del Proyecto I+D+I (2019-2021), titulado “Youtubers e Instagramers: La competencia mediática en los prosumidores emergentes” con clave RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financiado por Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y por el Proyecto I+D-i (2020-2022), titulado “Instagramers y youtubers para el empoderamiento transmedia de la ciudadanía andaluza. La competencia mediática de los instatubers”, con clave P18-RT-756, financiado por la Junta de Andalucía, en la convocatoria 2018 (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, 2020) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

    Comunicación profesor-alumno a través de las redes sociales. Percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la credibilidad docente en Twitter

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    Las percepciones del alumnado sobre la credibilidad del profesorado son uno de los componentes más importantes en la relación profesor-alumno y en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Estas percepciones no solo suceden en las interacciones que se producen dentro del aula sino también en contextos de comunicación mediada por ordenador. En este sentido, los docentes universitarios están empezando a utilizar paulatinamente las redes sociales con los alumnos como medio de comunicación, de forma que lo que los profesores publican y comparten en sus perfiles online afecta a las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre su credibilidad. De este modo, el principal objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral consistió en determinar las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la credibilidad del profesorado universitario a través de Twitter. En concreto, se realizaron dos estudios: en la primero se realizó una adaptación y validación al español de la Escala de Credibilidad (McCroskey y Teven, 1999) en la que se evaluaron sus propiedades psicométricas y en la segundo se estableció qué cuenta de Twitter de un docente universitario es más creíble según las percepciones de los estudiantes; se determinaron diferencias por sexo entre profesores y profesoras universitarias en la credibilidad percibida por los estudiantes y se analizaron la correlación entre la credibilidad docente percibida por los alumnos y su motivación académica. En la primera investigación participaron 352 estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla pertenecientes a diversas carreras del área de las Ciencias Sociales. Los resultados de la evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Credibilidad destacan que tanto el modelo original como el modelo alternativo obtenido del análisis factorial exploratorio constituyen escalas válidas y fiables para medir la credibilidad de los docentes universitarios, adecuados para ser empleados en castellano. En el segundo estudio participaron 333 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla pertenecientes al primer, segundo y tercer curso de las titulaciones de Grado en Educación Primaria, Grado en Educación Infantil y Grado en Pedagogía. Para la recopilación de datos se aplicaron un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos, la versión en español de la Escala de Credibilidad (Froment, García, Bohórquez y García-Jiménez, 2019) y la versión española del Cuestionario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Motivación (Martinez y Galán, 2000). El estudio se llevó a cabo mediante metodología cuasiexperimental, para lo que se crearon tres cuentas de Twitter de un profesor universitario con contenido profesional, social y mixto y tres cuentas de Twitter de una profesora universitaria con contenido profesional, social y mixto. Los resultados indican que los perfiles profesionales fueron percibidos por los estudiantes como los más creíbles, seguidos de los perfiles mixtos y de los perfiles sociales tanto en los perfiles del profesor como de la profesora universitaria así como en las comparaciones realizadas entre ambos; que no existen diferencias en las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la credibilidad docente en función del sexo de los profesores entre el perfil profesional de la profesora universitaria y el perfil profesional del profesor universitario y entre el perfil mixto de la profesora universitaria y el perfil mixto del profesor universitario aunque se encuentra una diferencia significativa en la dimensión de confianza del docente entre los perfiles sociales, estableciendo que la profesora universitaria del perfil social fue percibida por los estudiantes como más confiable que el profesor universitario del perfil social y que existen correlaciones positivas en la credibilidad docente percibida por los estudiantes que observaron el perfil profesional de la profesora universitaria y del profesor universitario y el perfil mixto de la profesora universitaria y del profesor universitario con su motivación académica. Por último, se discuten los hallazgos logrados, se proponen líneas de investigaciones futuras y se mencionan las principales contribuciones de esta Tesis Doctoral.Students' perceptions of teacher credibility are considered as one of the most important elements in teacher-student relationship and in teaching-learning processes. These perceptions occur not just in interactions within the classroom but also in contexts of computer-mediated communication. In this sense, university instructors are gradually starting to use social networks with students as a medium of communication, so that what teachers publish and share in their online profiles has an impact on students' perceptions of their credibility. Thus, the main goal of this Doctoral Thesis was to determine students´ perceptions of university instructors´ credibility through Twitter. Specifically, two pieces of research were carried out: in the first one, an adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Source Credibility Measure (McCroskey & Teven, 1999) was performed in which their psychometric properties were evaluated, and in the second one, students´ perceptions of instructor credibility on Twitter were analyzed and the matter of which Twitter profile of an university instructor is more credible was established; differences by gender were determined between male and female university instructors and the correlation between teacher credibility and students´ academic motivation was analyzed. The first study involved 352 students from the University of Seville from different degree subjects in the field of Social Sciences. The results of the evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Source Credibility Measure emphasize that both the original model and the alternative model obtained from the exploratory factor analysis are valid and reliable scales for measuring the credibility of university instructors, suitable for use in Spanish. In the second piece of research 333 students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville participated, from the first, second and third year of the Degree in Primary Education, the Degree in Early Childhood Education and the Degree in Pedagogy. For the collection of data, a sociodemographic data questionnaire, the Spanish version of the Source Credibility Measure (Froment, García, Bohórquez & García-Jiménez, 2019) and the Spanish version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Martinez & Galán, 2000) were applied. The research was conducted using quasi-experimental methodology, for which three Twitter accounts of a male university instructor were created with professional, social and mixed tweets and three Twitter accounts of a female university instructor with professional, social and mixed tweets. The results indicate that the professional profiles were perceived by the students as the most credible, followed by the mixed profiles and the social profiles, in the profiles of both the male and female university instructors as well as in the comparisons made between the two; that there are no differences in students´ perceptions of teacher credibility between the professional profile of the female university instructor and the professional profile of the male university instructor and between the mixed profile of the female university instructor and the mixed profile of the male university instructor although there is a significant difference in the dimension of teacher trustworthiness in the social profiles, and it was established that the female university instructor of the social profile was perceived by students as more trustworthy than the male university instructor of the social profile and that positive relationships were found in the credibility of teachers as perceived by the students who observed the professional profile of the female university instructor and the male university professor and the mixed profile of the female university instructor and the male university instructor with their academic motivation. Finally, the obtained findings are discussed, future research lines are proposed and the main contributions of this Doctoral Thesis are mentioned


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    With technological advancement, privacy has become a concept that is difficult to define, understand, and research. Social networking sites, as an example of technological advancements, have blurred the lines between physical and virtual spaces. Sharing and self-disclosure with our networks of people, or with strangers at times, is becoming a socially acceptable norm. However, the vast sharing of personal data with others on social networking sites engenders concern over data loss, concern for unintended audience, and an opportunity for mass surveillance. Through a dialectical pluralism lens and following the comprehensive literature methodological framework, the purpose of this study was to map and define what it means to be a privacy literate citizen. The goal was to inform privacy research and educational practices. The findings of this study revealed that placing the sole responsibility on the individual user to manage their privacy is an inefficient model. Users are guided by unmasked and hidden software practices, which they do not fully comprehend. Another finding was the noticeable increase of citizen targeting and liquified surveillance, which are accepted practices in society. Liquified surveillance takes any shape; is both concreate and discrete; and it happens through complete profile data collection as well as raw data aggregation. Privacy management, as a research model or management approach, does not prevent data from leaking nor does it stop surveillance. For privacy to be successful, privacy engineering should include citizens’ opinions and require high levels of data transparency prior to any data collection software design. The implications of this study showed that privacy literacy 2.0 is a combination of several inter-connected skills, such as knowledge about the law, software, platform architecture, and the psychology of self-disclosure

    Differences in Perceived Information Sensitivity During Smartphones Use Among UK University Graduates

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    The level of sensitivity with which smartphone users perceive information influences their privacy decisions. Information sensitivity is complex to understand due to the multiple factors influencing it. Adding to this complexity is the intimate nature of smartphone usage that produces personal information about various aspects of users’ lives. Users’ perceive information differently and this plays an important role in determining responses to privacy risk. The different levels of perceived sensitivity in turn point out how users could be uniquely supported through information cues that will enhance their privacy. However, several studies have tried to explain information sensitivity and privacy decisions by focusing on single-factor analysis. The current research adopts a different approach by exploring the influences of the disclosure context (smartphone ecosystem), three critical factors (economic status, location tracking, apps permission requests) and privacy attributes (privacy guardian, pragmatist, and privacy unconcerned) for a more encompassing understanding of how smartphone user-categories in the UK perceive information. The analysis of multiple factors unearths deep complexities and provides nuanced understanding of how information sensitivity varies across categories of smartphone users. Understanding how user-categories perceive information enables tailored privacy. Tailored privacy moves from “one-size-fits-all” to tailoring support to users and their context. The present research applied the Struassian grounded theory to analyse the qualitative interview data collected from 47 UK university graduates who are smartphone users. The empirical research findings show that smartphone users can be characterised into eight categories. However, the category a user belongs depends on the influencing factor or the information (identity or financial) involved and the privacy concern category of the user. This study proposes a middle-range theory for understanding smartphone users’ perception of information sensitivity. Middle-range theories are testable propositions resulting from in-depth focus on a specific subject matter by looking at the attributes of individuals. The propositions shows that an effective privacy support model for smartphone users should consider the varying levels of information sensitivity. Therefore, the study argues that users who perceive information as highly sensitive require privacy assurance to strengthen privacy, whereas users who perceive information as less sensitive require appropriate risk awareness to mitigate privacy risks. The proposition provides the insight that could support tailored privacy for smartphone users