7 research outputs found

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development

    Beyond sight : an approach for visual semantic navigation of mobile robots in an indoor environment

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    Orientador: Eduardo TodtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 22/02/2021Inclui referências: p. 134-146Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Com o crescimento da automacao, os veiculos nao tripulados tornaram-se um tema de destaque, tanto como produtos comerciais quanto como um topico de pesquisa cientifica. Compoem um campo multidisciplinar de robotica que abrange sistemas embarcados, teoria de controle, planejamento de caminhos, localizacao e mapeamento simultaneos (SLAM), reconstrucao de cenas e reconhecimento de padroes. Apresentamos neste trabalho uma pesquisa exploratoria de como a fusao dos dados de sensores e algoritmos de aprendizagem de maquinas, que compoem o estado da arte, podem realizar a tarefa chamada Navegacao Visual Semantica que e uma navegacao autonoma utilizando observacoes visuais egocentricas para alcancar um objeto pertencente a classe semantica alvo sem conhecimento previo do ambiente. Para realizar experimentos, propomos uma encarnacao chamada VRIBot. O robo foi modelado de tal forma que pode ser facilmente simulado, e os experimentos sao reproduziveis sem a necessidade do robo fisico. Tres diferentes pipelines EXchangeable, AUTOcrat e BEyond foram propostos e avaliados. Nossa abordagem chamada BEyond alcancou a 5a posicao entre 12 no conjunto val_mini do Habitat-Challenge 2020 ObjectNav quando comparada a outros resultados relatados na tabela classificativa da competicao. O resultado da pesquisa mostra que a fusao de dados em conjunto com algoritmos de aprendizado de maquina sao uma abordagem promissora para o problema de navegacao semantica. Palavras-chave: Navegacao-visual-semantica. SLAM. Aprendizado-profundo. Navegacao- Autonoma. Segmentacao-semantica.Abstract: With the rise of automation, unmanned vehicles became a hot topic both as commercial products and as a scientific research topic. It composes a multi-disciplinary field of robotics that encompasses embedded systems, control theory, path planning, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), scene reconstruction, and pattern recognition. In this work, we present our exploratory research of how sensor data fusion and state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms can perform the Embodied Artificial Intelligence (E-AI) task called Visual Semantic Navigation, a.k.a Object-Goal Navigation (ObjectNav) that is an autonomous navigation using egocentric visual observations to reach an object belonging to the target semantic class without prior knowledge of the environment. To perform experimentation, we propose an embodiment named VRIBot. The robot was modeled in such a way that it can be easily simulated, and the experiments are reproducible without the need for the physical robot. Three different pipelines EXchangeable, AUTOcrat, and BEyond, were proposed and evaluated. Our approach, named BEyond, reached 5th rank out of 12 on the val_mini set of the Habitat-Challenge 2020 ObjectNav when compared to other reported results on the competition's leaderboard. Our results show that data fusion combined with machine learning algorithms are a promising approach to the semantic navigation problem. Keywords: Visual-semantic-navigation. Deep-Learning. SLAM. Autonomous-navigation. Semantic-segmentation

    Stereoscopic depth estimation for online vision systems

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    A lot of work has been done in the area of machine stereo vision, but a severe drawback of today's algorithms is that they either achieve high accuracy and robustness by sacrificing real-time speed or they are real-time capable but with major deficiencies in quality. In order to tackle this problem this thesis presents two new methods which exhibit a very good balance between computational effort and depth accuracy. First, the summed normalized cross-correlation is proposed which constitutes a new cost function for block-matching stereo processing. In contrast to most standard cost functions it hardly suffers from the fattening effect while being computationally very efficient. Second, the direct surface fitting, a new algorithm for fitting parametric surface models to stereo images, is introduced. This algorithm is inspired by the homography-constrained gradient descent methods but in contrast to these allows also for the estimation of non-planar surfaces. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that both newly introduced algorithms are competitive to state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy while having a much lower computational time.Die visuelle Wahrnehmung des Menschen wird in hohem Maße vom stereoskopischenSehen beeinflusst. Die dreidimensionale Wahrnehmung entsteht dabei durch dieleicht unterschiedlichen Blickwinkel der beiden Augen. Es ist eine nahe liegendeAnnahmen, dass maschinelle Sehsysteme ebenfalls von einem vergleichbaren Sinnprofitieren können. Obwohl es bereits zahlreiche Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet desmaschinellen stereoskopischen Sehen gibt, erfüllen die heutigen Algorithmenentweder nicht die Anforderungen für eine effiziente Berechnung oder aber siehaben nur eine geringe Genauigkeit und Robustheit. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Entwicklung von echtzeit- undrealweltfähigen stereoskopischen Algorithmen. Insbesondere soll die Berechnungder Algorithmen leichtgewichtig genug sein, um auf mobilen Plattformeneingesetzt werden zu können. Dazu werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zwei neueMethoden vorgestellt, welche sich durch eine gute Balance zwischenGeschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit auszeichnen. Als erstes wird die "Summed Normalized Cross-Correlation" (SNCC) vorgestellt,eine neue Kostenfunktion für blockvergleichende, stereoskopischeTiefenschätzung. Im Unterschied zu den meisten anderen Kostenfunktionen ist SNCCnicht anfällig für den qualitätsmindernden "Fattening"-Effekt, kann abertrotzdem sehr effizient berechnet werden. Die Auswertung der Genauigkeit aufStandard Benchmark-Tests zeigt, dass mit SNCC die Genauigkeit von lokaler,blockvergleichsbasierter, stereoskopischer Berechnung nahe an die Genauigkeitvon global optimierenden Methoden basierend auf "Graph Cut" oder "BeliefPropagation" heran kommt. Die zweite vorgestellte Methode ist das "Direct Surface Fitting", ein neuerAlgorithmus zum Schätzen parametrischer Oberflächenmodelle an Hand vonStereobildern. Dieser Algorithmus ist inspiriert vom Homographie-beschränktenGradientenabstieg, welcher häufig dazu benutzt wird um die Lage von planarenOberflächen im Raum zu Schätzen. Durch die Ersetzung des Gradientenabstiegs mitder direkten Suchmethodik von Hooke und Jeeves wird die planare Schätzung aufbeliebige parametrische Oberflächenmodelle und beliebige Kostenfunktionenerweitert. Ein Vergleich auf Standard Benchmark-Tests zeigt, dass "DirectSurface Fitting" eine vergleichbare Genauigkeit wie Methoden aus dem Stand derTechnik hat, im Gegensatz zu diesen aber höhere Robustheit in anspruchsvollenSituationen besitzt. Um die Realwelttauglichkeit und Effizienz der vorgestellten Methoden zuuntermauern wurden diese in ein Automobil- und in ein Robotersystemintegriert. Die mit diesen mobilen Systemen durchgeführten Experimentedemonstrieren die hohe Robustheit und Stabilität der eingeführten Methoden

    The Ethics of Affect

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    Based on ongoing fieldwork in the Akihabara neighborhood of Tokyo, specifically a targeted subproject from 2014 to 2015, this book explores how and to what effect lines are drawn by producers, players and critics of bishōjo games. Focusing on interactions with manga/anime-style characters, these adult computer games often feature explicit sex acts. Noting that the bishōjo, or “cute girl characters,” in these games can appear quite young, legal actions have been taken in a number of countries to categorize and prohibit the content as child abuse material. In response to the risk of manga/anime images encouraging underage sexualization, lawmakers are moved to regulate them in the same way as photographs or film; triggered by images, the line between fiction and reality is erased, or redrawn to collapse forms together. While Japanese politicians continue to debate a similar course, sustained engagement with bishōjo game producers, players and critics sheds light on alternative movement. Manga/anime-style characters trigger an affective response in interactions with their creators and users, who draw and negotiate lines between fiction and reality. Interacting with characters and one another, bishōjo gamers draw lines between what is fictional and what is “real,” even as the characters are real in their own right and relations with them are extended beyond games; some even see the characters as significant others and refer to them using intimate terms of commitment such as “my wife.” This book argues for understanding the everyday practice of insisting on lines, or drawing a line between humans and nonhumans and orienting oneself toward the drawn lines of the latter, as demonstrating an emergent form of ethics. Occurring individually and socially in both private and public spaces, the response to fictional characters not only discourages harming human beings, but also supports life in more-than-human worlds. For many in contemporary Japan and beyond, interactions and relations with fictional and real others are nothing short of lifelines

    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation, Ke-ge-na-thee-tum-we-in

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    The Ph.D. dissertation encompasses an interdisciplinary study exploring qualitative, holistic strategies for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in integrated areas of law, medicine, education, psychology and justice, through both inductive analysis of field research as well as through relevant documentary analysis, incorporating a global or comparative component. Compliance with Guidelines for Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples has been sustained through community partnerships with various First Nations and Métis Communities, Elders and Parents, as well as with an FASD Parental Advocacy Group, advised by a team of interdisciplinary researchers in the academy. Accordingly, emergent research protocols were co-constructed through ongoing collaboration with the various community partners. In Aboriginal research, it is essential not to parachute in and out of communities with the data, but rather to forge genuine, collaborative, long term partnerships, and to build capacity in those communities. The dissertation format approved by the Student Advisory Committee is Manuscript Style, a format approved by the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Graduate Studies and Research (formerly referred to as X-Format) similar to a self-edited book or collection of articles with introduction, sub-text, intra-text and general discussion to link the manuscripts. The various manuscripts comprising the present thesis include: 1.Framing the Research Anthology: A Vision Quest, Ékehohksimoht Ke-kiss-see Muya Section One situates the research style, process, approach, substance and rationale of the dissertation. It is largely situated within holistic Indigenous epistemologies, which may require a paradigm shift, in contrast to more bounded western world views. Interdisciplinary, holistic, community-based research on the topic of FASD, including a search for solutions, extends globally, across the lifespan, and across sectors. II. Indigenous Disadvantage and Despair, An Evaluation of Recent Strategies and Alternatives: Healing and Transformation, Pluralism and Reconciliation, Ne wah kuma ka tik Section Two explores historical and contextual factors leading to a high prevalence of FASD, as well as strategies to overcome disadvantage, including Reconciliation, Treaty Processes, and Research as Reconciliation. Local Narratives are privileged over Meta-narratives, to counter the power of global market forces usurping the sphere of family, community and culture. III. Disjunctures and Discontinuities in the Law of Mental Intent: FASD as a Site of Resistance and Transformation, Esquiskuit Section Three examines the disconnect between medical knowledge of FASD, on the one hand, and the Laws of Mental Intent, on the other, inspiring a search for a unified, integrated theory of mental disorder and criminal responsibility that takes into account modern neurocognitive conditions like FASD. Section Three further explores the present piecemeal and compartmentalized rules for fitness, responsibility, various levels of mental intent, and a resultant rationale, substance and process of law reform and systemic change. IV. FASD and Holistic Literacies: A Talking or Sharing Circle, Wa-sa-cam-e-be-ke-skue Section Four’s inductive themes comprise model practice guidelines for the gestalt of Literacy and FASD, derived from inductive analysis of qualitative data collected in the field research. The data was collected using Sharing Circles with Aboriginal Elders, Parents, and Mentors of Individuals with FASD; Conversational Interviews with Parents and Children with FASD; as well as Interviews and Focus Groups with various Professionals who support individuals with FASD and their Families. Special protocols were followed in creating and participating in the Indigenous Research, Sharing Circles and Conversational Interviews. Meta-paradigmatic analysis situates Indigenous Research Methodologies among emerging, multi-disciplinary, inductive methodologies suitable for understanding the infinite complexity of natural phenomena, such as FASD. V. Epilogue: An Honour Song, Kethou-ne-ka-mon Circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation heal wounds, reconcile differences, and transform paradigms of justice, health, education and governance, through the incorporation of models of equitable, holistic relationships with one another and with Mother Earth. Multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, dialogues between local and global, and particular and universal, become matrices to support new paradigms embodying broader reflections of reality

    Draw My Life: An analysis of the quantity and typology of emotional linguistic content in self-identified female and male YouTubers’ life narratives

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar similitudes y diferencias en la cantidad y tipología de expresiones relacionadas con la emoción – referencias tanto implícitas como explícitas a “feelings, moods and all kinds of affective experience” [sentimientos, estados de ánimo y todo tipo de experiencias afectivas] (Mackenzie y Alba-Juez, 2019, p. 15) – de 100 personas autoidentificadas como mujeres (con un corpus de 248.613 palabras en total) y 100 personas autoidentificadas como hombres (con un corpus de 227.979 palabras en total) en sus vídeos autobiográficos dentro del género Draw My Life de YouTube. El proyecto se sustenta en la noción de Lutz (1990, p. 151) de que “any discourse on emotion is also, at least implicitly, a discourse on gender” [cualquier discurso sobre la emoción es también, al menos implícitamente, un discurso sobre género], con frecuentes suposiciones en investigaciones previas sobre las expectativas sociales relacionadas con la “greater emotional expressivity” [mayor expresividad emocional] de las mujeres (Chaplin, 2015, p. 14) y la “restrictive emotionality” [emocionalidad restrictiva] de los hombres (O’Neil, Good, & Holmes, 1995, p. 176). Con el objetivo de obtener datos completos y fiables sobre las expresiones relacionadas con las emociones de los YouTubers femeninos y masculinos, el estudio combina métodos de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos que se basan en varias herramientas computerizadas, así como en procesos de anotación manual. En particular, se adopta un marco de análisis crítico del discurso basado en corpus, motivado por la suposición de Baker et al. (2008, p. 227) de que las investigaciones de Lingüística de Corpus “offer the researcher a reasonably high degree of objectivity; that is, they enable the researcher to approach the texts (or text surface) (relatively) free from any preconceived or existing notions regarding their linguistic or semantic/pragmatic content” [ofrecen al investigador un grado razonablemente alto de objetividad; es decir, permiten al investigador acercarse a los textos (o la superficie del texto) (relativamente) libre de cualquier noción preconcebida o existente sobre su contenido lingüístico o semántico/ pragmático]. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del dominio de los Estudios de Discurso Asistidos por Corpus, definido por Partington, Duguid y Taylor (2013, p. 10) como “that set of studies into the form and/or function of language which incorporate the use of computerised corpora in their analysis” [ese conjunto de estudios sobre la forma y/o la función del lenguaje que incorporan el uso de corpus informatizados en su análisis”]. Las herramientas informáticas específicas que se utilizan en el análisis de los datos de Draw My Life relacionados con sentimientos/emociones son Lingmotif, LIWC2015 (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) y Wmatrix4