510 research outputs found

    Brasilia: La utopía desfigurada

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    Este pequeño ensayo, algunas reflexiones sobre esta inmensa invención humana que es la capital Federal del Brasil. En verdad, Brasilia es vista aquí como el ápice experimental de un proceso de construcción de un modo de vida urbano que asusta por lo pretencioso del proyecto. Conforme ilustraremos, Brasilia no nace como forma de respuesta a cuestiones prácticas de sustentabilidad, como ocurre con el fenómeno urbano en el momento en que el irrumpe dentro de la evolución de un asentamiento. Brasilia no es el soporte de una actuación precedente. Brasilia es la materialización de una idea. Incluso más que una idea, Brasilia es la manifestación de una Utopía. La Utopía de la construcción del futuro a través del presente

    Brasilia or the Limits of Theory

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    Modernist planning theory assumed that planning, architecture, and urban design by themselves could transform society and create new forms of collective association and personal habits. Using James Holston’s The Modernist City, an Anthropological Critique of Brasilia as my starting point, I argue in this paper that Brasilia clearly exemplifies the limits of planning theory itself. Even if it provided Brasilia’s planners with a specific and explicit set of guidelines, concepts, and principles, these ended up creating a “formalistic shell for living” that did not transform the status quo but made it even more explicit. As such, Brasilia reminds us that the development of cities is mostly the consequence of personal decisions and choices that cannot be determined a priori. Therefore, planning theory can only help planners, architects, urban designers and politicians (to name a few) “create conditions that might set in motion processes” (Abu-Lughod 1993:32), but it can nonetheless never provide us with totalizing solutions that always objectify and consider people passive recipients of planning and thus fail to include the unintended, the unexpected, the subversive, the political.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120326/1/Kroll_BrasiliaOrTheLimitsOfTheory.pd

    Study of the urban evolution of Brasilia with the use of LANDSAT data

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    The urban growth of Brasilia within the last ten years is analyzed with special emphasis on the utilization of remote sensing orbital data and automatic image processing. The urban spatial structure and the monitoring of its temporal changes were focused in a whole and dynamic way by the utilization of MSS-LANDSAT images for June 1973, 1978 and 1983. In order to aid data interpretation, a registration algorithm implemented at the Interactive Multispectral Image Analysis System (IMAGE-100) was utilized aiming at the overlap of multitemporal images. The utilization of suitable digital filters, combined with the images overlap, allowed a rapid identification of areas of possible urban growth and oriented the field work. The results obtained permitted an evaluation of the urban growth of Brasilia, taking as reference the proposed stated for the construction of the city

    Brasilia: una civilización en gestación

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    Se estudia el conjunto del Plan Piloto, de la ciudad capital, Brasilia diseñada por L. Costa en marzo de 1957, inaugurada en abril de 1960, "revisitada" por él mismo en 1987 para hacer proposiciones complementarias; clasificada por la UNESCO como Patrimonio de la Humanidad el mismo año. Hoy tiene 350,000 habitantes de los 500,000 esperados, y se han construido dos tercios de los edificios previstos (instituciones del estado federal y del distrito, alojamientos. comercios. bancos. hospitales, estadios. escuelas, universidades, lugares de culto, cementerios, transportes y muy escasas industrias). Ciertamente Brasilia es signo de la sociología urbana y como todo proyecto urbano siempre en movimiento, hace manifiestas las relaciones sociales y las contradicciones de la sociedad global. He subrayado las que me parecían más graves y más urgentes. Pero Brasilia, contiene numerosos posibles que no se pueden reducir análisis social, es la primera capital de la nueva civilización que está elaborándose

    The Library System of Brazil As Observed in Brasilia, Brazil

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    My wife and I visited Brazil in December and January this past year, spending the Christmas and New Year’s holidays there. Since my wife is Brazilian, I have taken an interest in exploring Brazilian culture and history. This interest, and the fact that we were in Brazil for a month, prompted me to take a couple of days to visit various libraries and see how things are done there. I visited three basic types of libraries in the capital district of Brasilia. The Universidade de Brasilia, Biblioteca Central (the University of Brasilia Central Library), two different types of public libraries, and the government libraries of the Senado Federal (Senate) and the Camara dos Deputados (House of Deputies). I could not visit the National Library of Brazil, because it remained in Rio de Janeiro when the new capital was built in the 1960s. There has been some discussion of moving it to Brasilia, but to this day, that has not happened. I would still like to visit there anyway, but Rio was covered on our previous trip, and I don’t know when I will get there again. My main objective was to visit each of these places, talk with the librarians, and discover what things are the same and what things are different from what we do here in the States. What I discovered is that, although there are many differences, there are also many things that seem very familiar or are just virtually the same as here. While talking with the librarians, through my wife who graciously translated, I asked several questions both out of general interest and in the areas I am most familiar. Of the three types of libraries, those in the government and academic libraries were the most willing to talk with me; whereas, those in the public libraries seemed more interested in getting rid of me. More on that later

    Gender in the modernist city: shaping power relations and national identity with the construction of Brasilia

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    This study explores the period from 1956 to 1960, when Brazil officially relocated its political center from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia. It examines the complex process of defining national identity for Brazilian citizens in a frontier city, within the framework of conflicting racial, social, and gender roles and expectations. Methodologically, this work is based on an extensive research of Brasilia\u27s public records, newspapers, and oral-history interviews with some of the men and women who lived and worked in Brasilia. Most of the primary sources used are found in Brasilia\u27s Public Archives. Building on existing scholarship, this work expands into the field of gender studies and inequality, and illustrates the intricate ways that the frontier capital\u27s social expectations intersected with pre-established gender roles to create a unique new context of identities. Within this setting, men and women from different racial, social, and regional backgrounds experienced the new urban space in often contrasting ways, with levels of equality, emancipation, and integration varying according to gender, race, and class. This study also argues for the continued existence of regional racism as a reality that complicated the rhetoric of modernization and the goal of shaping a progressive Brazilian national identity, as embodied in the construction of a new capital. It also uncovers the malleability of Brazilians\u27 self-identification, and the importance of terminology in this process. In this sense, Brasilia\u27s inhabitants during the 1950s described themselves as either candangos or pioneiros. This terminology lay at the heart of disputes over inequalities, since each term carried different social and racial values. Finally, this work explores the universe of gender roles and expectations by unveiling how masculinity and femininity were exercised differently in Brasilia, and how conflicting gender manifestations both reinforced and challenged traditional patriarchy, according to social and racial categorizations

    Brasilia: images of glory, memories of exclusion

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    A comienzos de los años cincuenta, se produjo en Brasil una explosión modernista que se manifestó en un variado abanico de propuestas, proyectos e instituciones, entre ellas la construcción de Brasilia. Durante la presidencia de Kubitschek (1956-1961) su construcción se invistió como la concreción a nivel urbano del imaginario de progreso y modernización tecnológica, un proyecto de hacer crecer a Brasil cincuenta años en tan solo cinco. En el presente trabajo abordaremos producciones artísticas que se articulan como contrarelatos de la construcción mítica de Brasilia. Tomaremos como objetos de análisis la instalación de Cildo Meireles Através (1983-1989) y la película Branco sai, preto fica (2014) de Adirley Queirós. Ambas aportan una perspectiva con mayores claroscuros respecto de la experiencia de habitar Brasilia, dando lugar a una serie de discursos críticos relacionados con las existentes situaciones de exclusión social y disputa por el espacio público.In the early 1950s, a modernist explosion occurred in Brazil, which manifested in a wide range of proposals, projects and institutions, including the construction of Brasilia city. During the presidency of Kubitschek (1956- 1961) its building was vested as the concreteness, on an urban level of the imagination of technological progress and modernization, a project to make Brazil move on fifty years in only five. In this paper, we will deal with artistic productions that are articulated as counterparts of Brasilia´s mythical construction. We will analyze the installation of Cildo Meireles Através (1983-1989) and the film Branco sai, preto fica (2014) of Adirley Queirós. Both productions provide a different perspective regarding the experience of living in Brasilia, giving rise to critical discourses on situations of social exclusion and dispute over public space.Facultad de Bellas Artes (FBA)Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FAHCE

    La percepción ambiental de Brasilia. Utopía y realidad.

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    trabajo presentado en las Iº Jornadas: La Ciudad y los Otros. Miradas e Imágenes Urbanas en los Relatos de Viajeros. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2015El pensar la ciudad de Brasilia desde la mirada de los otros, nos llevó a intentar descubrir la trama que se teje y se construye entre el “tiempo”, “la ciudad” y la “naturaleza”, el tejido que se crea y se forma casi naturalmente ajeno a las ideas políticas y a las ideas de arquitectos y urbanistas que la construyeron. Todas las miradas nos permiten profundizar en el conocimiento de la realidad ambiental de Brasilia, de la interpretación desde otras dimensiones, de la dimensión de la historia, de la de relatos de viajeros, de nuestro propio relato y experiencia de viaje, desde quienes la construyeron, de los que la habitan y la visitan y reconocerla desde la mirada del poeta Vinicius de Moraes y su sinfonia. Brasília, Sinfonia da Alvorada. Esta sinfonía es nuestro periscopio que nos permite reflexionar sobre la ciudad. La lógica del periscopio, nos posibilita ver a través del tiempo las percepciones de los otros, desde que Brasilia nace como idea hasta la Brasilia de hoy, con más de 50 años de existencia. Una ciudad reconocida como símbolo del Movimiento Moderno y concreción de una utopía urbana hecha realidad, intacta y casi detenida en el tiempo y paradójicamente otra Brasilia que surge de manera paralela, que crece y se transforma rápidamente y casi sin control. La Brasilia del sueño y la Brasilia de la realidad.http://www.iaa.fadu.uba.ar/ppci/?cat=3Fil: Buguñá, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Diana María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Cometta, Catalina I. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaOtras Ciencias Sociale

    Camilo José Cela en Brasilia

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    En el verso de la foto 1: Presentación revista "CLAUDIA". Brasilia, 6 Mayo 82Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Homicides in the metropolitan area of Brasilia, DF : social representations by Police Chiefs, prosecutors and judges

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    O artigo apresenta os resultados parciais de pesquisa sobre Homicídios na Área Metropolitana de Brasília (AMB). O foco da análise são as representações sociais dos delegados de Polícia, promotores de justiça e magistrados. Se as representações sociais revelam, ainda que parcialmente, as práticas sociais, indaga-se: como os atores que integram diferentes organizações do sistema de justiça criminal descrevem suas funções? Como avaliam as condições de trabalho disponibilizadas? De que forma avaliam como são implantadas as políticas de segurança pública nas diferentes cidades que integram a Área Metropolitana de Brasília?The article discusses the results of a research concerning murders committed in the metropolitan area of Brasilia, DF, the capital of Brazil. The analysis is focused on the social representations of Police chiefs, prosecutors and judges. Conceding that social representations indicate, at least in part, the social practices, the study inquired: how do the agents within the various organizations of the criminal justice system represent their duties? How do they evaluate their working conditions in the area? How do they evaluate the policies applied in the cities of Brasilia metropolitan area of Brasilia