78 research outputs found

    Naturens trøst og trøstens natur

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    This essay addresses various aspects of the phenomenon of “consolation” (trøst). The approach is phenomenological and draws on a Danish tradition of life philosophy. The aim is not to find definitions, but to approach the topic cautiously to reveal new aspects of the phenomenon. The text is an outer and inner journey through experience, art, literature and poetry.Dette essayet er en undring om å finne trøst i naturen. Fortellinger brukes for å få frem ulike aspekter ved fenomenet trøst både i og utenfor naturen, slik vi kan møte det i sorg og annen lidelse. Hensikten er ikke å slå fast hvordan noe er, men å avdekke nye aspekter ved fenomenet. Tilnærmingen er fenomenologisk og følger en dansk livsfilosofisk tradisjon. Teksten er en ytre og indre vandring gjennom livserfaring, kunst, litteratur og poesi

    En sang til (livs)motet - en undring omkring fenomenet livsmot

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    Reflections on life courage This essay addresses various aspects of the phenomenon of “life courage”. The approach is phenomenological and draws on a Danish tradition of life philosophy. The aim is not to find definitions, but to approach the topic cautiously to reveal new aspects of the phenomenon. The text is an outer and inner journey through experience, art, literature and poetry. This journey starts by dwelling on the apparent absence of courage for life in situations of extreme darkness. Later in the essay, light gradually appears, accompanied by increased life courage

    Structure and evolution of the Bellsund Graben between Forlandsundet and Bellsund (Spitsbergen) based on marine seismic data

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    Seismic interpretation of multi-channel seismic data acquired along the western shelf of Spitsbergen allowed identification of the main geological features of the area, including the Hornsund Fault Zone, and the Forlandsundet and Bellsund grabens. The Bellsund Graben is defined as a narrow, N-S trending graben structure which is approximately 20 km wide and 70 km in length. The graben represents a southern continuation of the Forlandsundet Graben in the north and in the south, it is limited by E-W trending dextral transverse faults external to Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden. Development of the graben structures was related to the formation of the West Spitsbergen Fold and Thrust Belt and opening of the Norwegian- Greenland Sea. Compressional structures observed within sedimentary strata infilling the graben may support the view that three stages can be discerned with respect to the evolution of these structures: 1) An initial stage of sediment accumulation in basins broader than those at present (probably latest Paleocene – Early Eocene); 2) graben formation, possibly as a pull-apart structures during a dextral strike-slip regime with local compression (latest Eocene); and 3) normal faulting and final graben development since the onset of sea-floor spreading between Svalbard and Greenland in early Oligocene. The lowermost reflector that underlies the Bellsund Graben has been interpreted as a detachment surface formed during the Late Eocene-Oligocene(?) extension as reactivation of a thrust plane developed during formation of the West Spitsbergen Fold and Thrust Belt.publishedVersio

    Current landscape and future perspectives in preclinical MR and PET imaging of brain metastasis

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    Brain metastasis (BM) is a major cause of cancer patient morbidity. Clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) represent important resources to assess tumor progression and treatment responses. In preclinical research, anatomical MRI and to some extent functional MRI have frequently been used to assess tumor progression. In contrast, PET has only to a limited extent been used in animal BM research. A considerable culprit is that results from most preclinical studies have shown little impact on the implementation of new treatment strategies in the clinic. This emphasizes the need for the development of robust, high-quality preclinical imaging strategies with potential for clinical translation. This review focuses on advanced preclinical MRI and PET imaging methods for BM, describing their applications in the context of what has been done in the clinic. The strengths and shortcomings of each technology are presented, and recommendations for future directions in the development of the individual imaging modalities are suggested. Finally, we highlight recent developments in quantitative MRI and PET, the use of radiomics and multimodal imaging, and the need for a standardization of imaging technologies and protocols between preclinical centers.publishedVersio

    Peak oxygen uptake and breathing pattern in COPD patients – a four-year longitudinal study

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    Background: Activities of daily living in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are limited by exertional dyspnea and reduced exercise capacity. The aims of the study were to examine longitudinal changes in peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak), peak minute ventilation (V̇Epeak) and breathing pattern over four years in a group of COPD patients, and to examine potential explanatory variables of change. Methods: This longitudinal study included 63 COPD patients, aged 44-75 years, with a mean forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) at baseline of 51 % of predicted (SD = 14). The patients performed two cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPETs) on treadmill 4.5 years apart. The relationship between changes in V̇ O2peak and V̇Epeak and possible explanatory variables, including dynamic lung volumes and inspiratory capacity (IC), were analysed by multivariate linear regression analysis. The breathing pattern in terms of the relationship between minute ventilation (V̇E) and tidal volume (VT) was described by a quadratic equation, VT = a + b∙V̇ E + c∙V̇E2, for each test. The VTmax was calculated from the individual quadratic relationships, and was the point where the first derivative of the quadratic equation was zero. The mean changes in the curve parameters (CPET2 minus CPET1) and VTmax were analysed by bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses with age, sex, height, changes in weight, lung function, IC and inspiratory reserve volume as possible explanatory variables. Results: Significant reductions in V̇ O2peak (p < 0.001) and V̇ Epeak (p < 0.001) were related to a decrease in resting IC and in FEV1. Persistent smoking contributed to the reduction in V̇O2peak. The breathing pattern changed towards a lower VT at a given V̇ E and was related to the reduction in FEV1. Conclusion: Increasing static hyperinflation and increasing airway obstruction were related to a reduction in exercise capacity. The breathing pattern changed towards more shallow breathing, and was related to increasing airway obstruction.publishedVersio

    PMEPA1 isoform a drives progression of glioblastoma by promoting protein degradation of the Hippo pathway kinase LATS1

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    The Hippo signaling pathway controls organ development and is also known, in cancer, to have a tumor suppressing role. Within the Hippo pathway, we here demonstrate, in human gliomas, a functional interaction of a transmembrane protein, prostate transmembrane protein, androgen induced 1 (PMEPA1) with large tumor suppressor kinase 1 (LATS1). We show that PMEPA1 is upregulated in primary human gliomas. The PMEPA1 isoform PMEPA1a was predominantly expressed in glioma specimens and cell lines, and ectopic expression of the protein promoted glioma growth and invasion in vitro and in an orthotopic xenograft model in nude mice. In co-immunoprecipitation experiments, PMEPA1a associated with the Hippo tumor suppressor kinase LATS1. This interaction led to a proteasomal degradation of LATS1 through recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase, neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally downregulated 4 (NEDD4), which led to silencing of Hippo signaling. Alanine substitution in PMEPA1a at PY motifs resulted in failed LATS1 degradation. Targeting of a downstream component in the Hippo signaling pathway, YAP, with shRNA, interfered with the growth promoting activities of PMEPA1a in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, the presented work shows that PMEPA1a contributes to glioma progression by a dysregulation of the Hippo signaling pathway and thus represents a promising target for the treatment of gliomas.publishedVersio

    Disentangling Within- and Between-Person Effects During Response Inhibition in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been related to worse performance, abnormal brain activity, and functional connectivity during response inhibition. Whether these findings are indications of stable traits that contribute to the development of the disorder, or whether they are a result of the state severity of obsessions and anxiety, remains unclear since previous research mainly has employed cross-sectional designs. The present study aimed to assess longitudinal between- and within-person relationships between symptoms, task performance, right inferior frontal gyrus brain activation, and connectivity between the right amygdala and the right pre-supplementary motor area in 29 OCD patients before and after concentrated exposure and response prevention treatment. Method: Patients received exposure and response prevention delivered during 4 consecutive days, following the Bergen 4-day Treatment format. Patients performed a Stop Signal Task during 3T functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging the day before treatment, as well as 1 week and 3 months after treatment completion. Multilevel models were used to analyze disaggregated within- and between-person effects over time. Independent variables were scores on the symptom severity scales for OCD, anxiety, depression, and state distress during scanning. Dependent variables were reaction time for go trials, stop signal response time, task-related brain activation and connectivity. Results: A positive between-person effect was found for obsessive-compulsive, anxiety, and depressive symptom severity on go trial reaction time, indicating that patients with higher symptom scores on average respond slower during accurate go trials. We also found no significant between- or within-person relations between symptom severity and task-related activation or fronto-limbic connectivity. Conclusions: The between-person findings may point toward a general association between slower processing speed and symptom severity in OCD. Longitudinal studies should disaggregate between- and within-person effects to better understand variation over time.publishedVersio

    Interfering with long non-coding RNA MIR22HG processing inhibits glioblastoma progression through suppression of Wnt/β-catenin signalling

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    Long non-coding RNAs play critical roles in tumour progression. Through analysis of publicly available genomic datasets, we found that MIR22HG, the host gene of microRNAs miR-22-3p and miR-22-5p, is ranked among the most dysregulated long non-coding RNAs in glioblastoma. The main purpose of this work was to determine the impact of MIR22HG on glioblastoma growth and invasion and to elucidate its mechanistic function. The MIR22HG/miR-22 axis was highly expressed in glioblastoma as well as in glioma stem-like cells compared to normal neural stem cells. In glioblastoma, increased expression of MIR22HG is associated with poor prognosis. Through a number of functional studies, we show that MIR22HG silencing inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway through loss of miR-22-3p and -5p. This leads to attenuated cell proliferation, invasion and in vivo tumour growth. We further show that two genes, SFRP2 and PCDH15, are direct targets of miR-22-3p and -5p and inhibit Wnt signalling in glioblastoma. Finally, based on the 3D structure of the pre-miR-22, we identified a specific small-molecule inhibitor, AC1L6JTK, that inhibits the enzyme Dicer to block processing of pre-miR-22 into mature miR-22. AC1L6JTK treatment caused an inhibition of tumour growth in vivo. Our findings show that MIR22HG is a critical inducer of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway, and that its targeting may represent a novel therapeutic strategy in glioblastoma patients.publishedVersio

    Therapeutic implications of altered cholesterol homeostasis mediated by loss of CYP46A1 in human glioblastoma

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    Dysregulated cholesterol metabolism is a hallmark of many cancers, including glioblastoma (GBM), but its role in disease progression is not well understood. Here, we identified cholesterol 24‐hydroxylase (CYP46A1), a brain‐specific enzyme responsible for the elimination of cholesterol through the conversion of cholesterol into 24(S)‐hydroxycholesterol (24OHC), as one of the most dramatically dysregulated cholesterol metabolism genes in GBM. CYP46A1 was significantly decreased in GBM samples compared with normal brain tissue. A reduction in CYP46A1 expression was associated with increasing tumour grade and poor prognosis in human gliomas. Ectopic expression of CYP46A1 suppressed cell proliferation and in vivo tumour growth by increasing 24OHC levels. RNA‐seq revealed that treatment of GBM cells with 24OHC suppressed tumour growth through regulation of LXR and SREBP signalling. Efavirenz, an activator of CYP46A1 that is known to penetrate the blood–brain barrier, inhibited GBM growth in vivo. Our findings demonstrate that CYP46A1 is a critical regulator of cellular cholesterol in GBM and that the CYP46A1/24OHC axis is a potential therapeutic target.publishedVersio
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