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    Social media has become an important part of the daily lives of many individuals, especially among early adulthood. One of the popular social media platforms is TikTok. Majority TikTok users in Indonesia come from early adulthood, in age range from 18 to 25 years. One of the negative impacts of TikTok is the emergence of fear of missing out on information. Self-regulation is one of the important things in reducing the negative impact of Fear of Missing out (FoMo), this is because self-regulation has an important role in controlling an individual's ability to use social media This research aims to determine the relationship between self-regulation and FoMO among early adult users of the TikTok application. This research used quantitative methods with non-probability sampling, and accidental sampling technique and using a self-regulation scale and a FoMO scale which were then distributed via Google from involving a total of 139 respondents with the criteria for active early adult TikTok users and the age range of 18 to 25 years. The research results showed that there was a relationship between self-regulation ability and the level of FoMo in individuals(r = -0438 ; p = 0,00),, where the higher the level of self-regulation, the lower the level of FoMo felt by early adult individuals

    PERSONAL BRANDING INFLUENCER PADA MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK (Analisis isi Pesan Personal Branding pada Akun @shaturday)

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    Shadira Firdausi is one of the influencers on TikTok social media who uses TikTok social media as a place to build personal branding. Shadira's TikTok account presents DIY and a day in my life content that is uniquely packaged in her style. The @shaturday account has been followed by 4.1 million followers. This research aims to describe the personal branding carried out by Shadira Firdausi through her TikTok social media account. Researchers use the theory of The Eight Laws of Personal Branding by Peter Montoya, where there are 8 concepts in building personal branding. Researchers also use the basic characteristics that must be built when forming personal branding according to Montoya & Vandehey, namely you, promise, and relationship as well as video elements in describing Shadira's personal branding on TikTok social media. Peter Montoya defines personal branding as a process that requires unique skills, personality and characteristics packaged in a strong identity, so that it can be remembered by the public. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type and a qualitative content analysis research basis. This research uses documentation techniques in the form of screenshots from the @shaturday account with DIY themed videos. This data was then analyzed using interactive data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman. The research results show that the personal branding built by Shadira Firdausi through her TikTok social media account @shaturday prioritizes Shadira, who is seen as an aesthetic and candid influencer. In the content presented, Shadira uses 3 video elements, namely text, images and sound. Shadira has also met the basic criteria for building personal branding, namely you, promise, and relation

    TINGKAT BRAND AWARENESS MELALUI KONTEN MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK (Analisis Isi Kualitatif Produk Micellar Water di Akun TikTok @theoriginote)

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    In the era of globalization, technology is developing very quickly. Social media plays an important role in the development of technology. One example of this emergence is TikTok social media with 106.52 million active users in 2023. One of the brands that uses the TikTok application as an intermediary to introduce its products is The Originote. Through TikTok introducing its newest product hyalurose micellar water using brand awareness theory for product launching. Therefore, this research is based on the aim of knowing how the level of brand awareness through TikTok social media content, considering that knowing the level of product brand awareness is very important. In this study, researchers used a content analysis research method with a qualitative research approach and descriptive research type. The analysis was carried out using Aaker's Brand Awareness theory. The data collection techniques used are documentation and literature study. And the data analysis technique that researchers use is the interactive model. To test the validity of the data, this research uses source or data triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the level of brand awareness of The Originote's hyalurose micellar water product in launching products on the TikTok @theoriginote account is at the brand recognition level, because the content about hyalurose micellar water products and data from informants shows the ability to recognize products from visual markers. This is reinforced by the product life cycle or brand life cycle, The Originote hyalurose micellar water product is in the introduction stage which is still starting to introduce its products to the target audience

    Dancing to the Partisan Beat: A First Analysis of Political Communication on TikTok

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    TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service, whose popularity is increasing rapidly. It was the world's second-most downloaded app in 2019. Although the platform is known for having users posting videos of themselves dancing, lip-syncing, or showcasing other talents, user-videos expressing political views have seen a recent spurt. This study aims to perform a primary evaluation of political communication on TikTok. We collect a set of US partisan Republican and Democratic videos to investigate how users communicated with each other about political issues. With the help of computer vision, natural language processing, and statistical tools, we illustrate that political communication on TikTok is much more interactive in comparison to other social media platforms, with users combining multiple information channels to spread their messages. We show that political communication takes place in the form of communication trees since users generate branches of responses to existing content. In terms of user demographics, we find that users belonging to both the US parties are young and behave similarly on the platform. However, Republican users generated more political content and their videos received more responses; on the other hand, Democratic users engaged significantly more in cross-partisan discussions.Comment: Accepted as a full paper at the 12th International ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2020). Please cite the WebSci version; Second version includes corrected typo

    Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Fitur TikTok Shop pada Aplikasi TikTok Menggunakan Metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) dan DeLone and McLean

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    Abstrak— TikTok merupakan platform video pendek yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk bebas berpikir dan mengekspresikan pikiran mereka dalam bentuk video pendek. Kemudian, video tersebut dapat dibagikan ke semua pengguna TikTok di seluruh dunia. Namun seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, TikTok menawarkan banyak fitur menarik. Salah satu fiturnya yang menonjol adalah aplikasi belanja bernama TikTok Shop. TikTok Shop adalah platform belanja sosial online yang memungkinkan pengguna dan pembuat konten untuk mempromosikan dan menjual produk serta melakukan pembelian. Kepuasan pengguna terhadap suatu aplikasi sangat penting. Guna mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengguna, maka perlu dilakukan pengukuran kepuasan pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna fitur TikTok Shop pada aplikasi TikTok menggunakan metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) dan DeLone and McLean. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pengguna fitur TikTok Shop pada aplikasi TikTok. Dengan menggunakan rumus Lemeshow terpilih sebanyak 100 responden untuk menjadi sampel penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan PLS-SEM dengan tools SmartPLS. hasil pengukuran tingkat kepuasan pengguna fitur TikTok Shop pada aplikasi TikTok, didapatkan hasil bahwa secara keseluruhan pengguna merasa PUAS menggunakan fitur TikTok Shop pada aplikasi TikTok. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada nilai mean sebesar 3.358. hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa 7 hipotesis tidak diterima dan 1 hipotesis diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna fitur TikTok Shop pada aplikasi TikTok menggunakan metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) dan DeLone and McLean yaitu Content

    Aplikasi Tiktok Menjadi Media Hiburan Bagi Masyarakat Dan Memunculkan Dampak Ditengah Pandemi Covid-19

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul, “FENOMENA APLIKASI TIKTOK MENJADI MEDIA HIBURAN BAGI MASYARAKAT DAN MEMUNCULKAN DAMPAK DITENGAH PANDEMI COVID-19” Tujuan dari kegunaan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fenomena pengguna aplikasi Tiktok ditengah pandemi Covid-19, bagaimana motif pengguna aplikasi Tiktok, tindakan pengguna aplikasi Tiktok serta bagaimana makna penggunaan aplikasi Tiktok ditengah pandemi Covid-19. Mentode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Fenomenologi, dengan tipe penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara secara online. Wawancara melibatkan beberapa pengguna Tiktok. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara secara online. Wawancara melibatkan beberapa pengguna Tiktok. Berdasarkan hasil penelitain, diperoleh gambaran bahwa motif pengguna aplikasi Tiktok ditengah pandemi Covid-19 ialah sebagai media hiburan. Selanjutnya, tindakan pengguna aplikasi Tiktok untuk mengekspresikan kreativitasnya. Kemudian, makna penggunaan aplikasi Tiktok ditengah pandemi Covid-19 sebagai aplikasi media sosial edit video special effects yang digunakan sebagai hiburan. Saran-saran yang dapat peneliti sampaikan kepada pengguna aplikasi Tiktok sebaiknya jangan menjadikan aplikasi Tiktok sebagai gaya hidup tapi jadikanlah aplikasi ini sebagai suatu kebutuhan sekunder sebagai alat mengekspresikan diri dengan cara membuat video unik dan kreatif. Hendaknya pergunakan teknologi yang ada tapi jangan sampai terbawa oleh efek buruk yang dapat ditimbulkan

    Parodi Sindrom Tiktok Sebuah Pengendalian Sosial Terhadap Kaum Milenial Pengguna Aplikasi Tiktok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pengendalian sosial menggunakan media video parodi sindrom TikTok bagi kaum milenial pengguna aplikasi TikTok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu kaum milenial pengguna TikTok secara khusus yang sedang menempuh pendidikan sebagai mahasiswa. Teori pengendalian sosial yang digunakan adalah Teori pengendalian sosial Joseph S. Roucek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengendalian sosial dengan menggunakan video parodi TikTok Sindrom dapat mengurangi intensitas kaum milenial pengguna aplikasi TikTok. Meskipun penggunaan video parodi TikTok Sindrom masih belum efektif terjadi pada kaum melinial. Hasil penemuan penulis didukung oleh hasil wawancara yang menyatakan bahwa setengah jumlah narasumber termotivasi untuk mengurangi jam menonton video TikTok Sindrom. Dengan hasil wawancara tersebut maka jelas bahwa video parodi TikTok sindrom memiliki daya sebagai salah satu alat pengendalian sosial bagi kaum milenial. Dalam hal intensitas menonton video TikTok sehingga resiko terjadi penyimpangan sosial dalam masyarakat menjadi menurun

    Personal Knowledge Management Kreator Konten Akun Tiktok @buiramira

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi proses personal knowledge management kreator konten akun Tiktok @buiramira. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan tiga cara meliputi, observasi, wawancara semi terstruktur, dan studi dokumen. Proses wawancara menggunakan informan tunggal yaitu kreator Tiktok Ira Mirawati. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan thematic analysis. Hasil thematic analysis menunjukkan terdapat tiga tema besar yaitu personal knowledge kreator Tiktok Ira Mirawati untuk pembuatan konten Tiktok, topik pembahasan konten Tiktok Ira Mirawati, dan personal knowledge management kreator Tiktok Ira Mirawati dalam pembuatan konten Tiktok. Proses personal knowledge management kreator Tiktok Ira Mirawati pada penelitian ini menggunakan teori Harold Jarche yang dikenal dengan istilah 3S yaitu seek, sense, dan share. Dalam pembuatan konten, kreator Tiktok Ira Mirawati menggunaka pengetahuannya yang diperoleh dari pengalaman hidupnya seperti, latar belakang pendidikan dalam menyelesaikan studi, pengalaman dalam membimbing dan menguji mahasiswa skripsi, serta pengalaman sebagai konsultan layanan online sobatmu. Adapun dalam proses personal knowledge management kreator Tiktok Ira Mirawati telah melakukan semua tahapan mulai dari mencari sumber informasi hingga membagikan informasi melalui konten Tiktok ke berbagai media sosial


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    With its disruptive development as the biggest social media worldwide, TikTok poses numerous threats to the society. With 99 million users in Indonesia, TikTok has potential to propagate hate speech on its platform. Having rich history of antisemitism in Indonesia, researcher seek to identify whether TikTok propagate antisemitism in Indonesia. In order to conduct the research, quantitative methods are utilized. This research focused on antisemitism on TikTok in Indonesia, which can be perceived as cyberbullying and online hate speech, and aimed to explain how TikTok used in Indonesia, forms of antisemitism on TikTok in Indonesia (if any), and how antisemitism proliferate through TikTok. Hence, the research would attempt to verify whether TikTok propagate antisemitism in Indonesia. In order to analyze and get a better view of the theme, researcher will discuss the rise of TikTok and the phenomena of Antisemitism in Indonesia in the next sections. With 400 samples, it is found that TikTok is having a great screen time (more than 60 minutes per day) and enjoyed by most of their users in Indonesia and it is indicated that TikTok able to convey political messages/social campaign efficiently in Indonesia. This research concludes that TikTok does propagate antisemitism in Indonesia, despite its sprawling are limited.Abstrak. Dengan perkembangannya yang disruptif sebagai sosial media terbesar di dunia, TikTok memiliki sejumlah ancaman terhadap kehidupan sosial. Memiliki 99 juta pengguna di Indonesia, TikTok memiliki potensi untuk menyebarkan ujaran kebencian dalam platformnya. Dengan sejarah panjang antisemitisme di Indonesia, riset ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi peran TikTok dalam menyebarkan antisemitisme di Indonesia. Untuk melakukan riset, metode penelitian kuantiatif dimanfaatkan dalam riset ini. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari 400 sampel, riset ini menemukan bahwa TikTok memiliki waktu layar lebih dari 60 menit per hari yang dinikmati oleh para penggunanya di Indonesia, selain itu riset ini juga menemukan bahwa pesan politik dan kampanye social dapat berjalan dengan efisien di Indonesia. Riset ini menyimpulkan bahwa meski memiliki penyebaran yang terbatas, TikTok secara tidak langsung telah menyebarkan antisemitisme di Indonesia. Kata kunci: TikTok, Indonesia, antisemitisme   Abstract. With its disruptive development as the biggest social media worldwide, TikTok poses numerous threats to the society. With more than 99 million users in Indonesia, TikTok has potential to propagate hate speech on its platform. Having rich history of antisemitism in Indonesia, researcher seek to identify whether TikTok propagate antisemitism in Indonesia. In order to conduct the research, the qualitative methods are utilized. Analyzing data from 400 samples, it is found that TikTok is having a more than 60 minutes per day of screen time and enjoyed by most of their users in Indonesia and it is indicated that TikTok able to convey political messages/social campaign efficiently in Indonesia. This research concludes that TikTok does propagate antisemitism in Indonesia, despite its sprawling are limited. Keywords: TikTok, Indonesia, antisemitis


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    This study aims to determine the application of digital tax on the TikTok platform. This research is qualitative research involving several informants, such as TikTok content creators, TikTok agencies, and tax consultants. This study uses data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that content creators are subject to income tax by being treated as freelancers. TikTok content creators can use a calculation norm of 50% to calculate their net income. Their income has been deducted by TikTok, but does not include taxes. The agency also does not collect income tax on TikTok content creators, so there has been no implementation of digital taxes on the TikTok platform. Therefore, content creators on the TikTok platform must carry out their own tax. While carrying out their own tax, content creators experience several difficulties, such as difficulty in understanding complex tax regulations
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