331 research outputs found

    Transformation Development of Higher Education in China

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    当前,高等教育的转型发展面临机遇与挑战。高等教育转型发展可以从以下三个方面探索:一是体制机制转变,可以借鉴德国建立应用型科技大学的案例。需要从投资体制、招生体制,职称、奖励、话语平台等机制的转变上下功夫;二是课程与教学的转变,应用型创新人才通过应用型专业培养,应用型专业由专业课程体系构成,课程体系中的专业链要与产业链对应;三是专业教师队伍建设,要有计划性、针对性地培养和发展双师型(双能型)专业课程教师队伍。Currently, the transformation development of higher education faces challenges. The transformation development of higher education can be explored from the following three aspects: first, the transformation of institutional mechanisms. It can take the case of the establishment of Applied Science and technology universities in Germany for reference. Make efforts in transforming the investment system, enrollment system, title system, reward, discourse platform and other mechanisms. Second, the transformation of curriculum and teaching. Practical talents have to be cultivated through the applied majors, and applied majors is made up of the professional curriculum system, in which, the the professional chain must be corresponding to the industry chain. Finally, the construction of the teaching team. Cultivate double-professionally-titled teachers and develop a professional teaching team with a clear plan and target


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    A Study on University Teachers in terms of Courses and Teaching

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    摘要本论文的研究范畴聚集在课程与教学视野中大学教师的研究领域,试图从课程与教学的视角探讨大学教师的课程能力和教学学术水平,并对我国大学教师在此方面的基本状况做一总结,据此提出提高我国大学教师课程能力与教学学术水平的途径与措施,以期望达到提高我国大学本科教学质量之目的。首先,从描述大学教师在课程领域与教学领域中的重要作用入手,引出本研究的理论意义与实践价值;在分析和总结已有文献的基础上,勾画了本研究的基本思路。其次,以文献法和历史分析方法从大学基本职能历史变迁的视角,分析了大学教师职业的变化,并根据时代的发展趋势诠释了教师职业的变化趋势;在论述大学基本职能历史变迁中描述了大学课程与教学的历史演变...With the theoretical study on university teaching in terms of courses and teaching as the focus, the dissertation covers the necessary competence of courses and academic levels of university teachers with the basic situations of internal university teachers concerned generalized. Means and measures are accordingly proposed to enhance the competence of courses and academic levels of university teac...学位:教育学博士院系专业:高等教育研究所_高等教育学学号:B20011700

    Academic plan:a new framework for undergraduate curriculum theory

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    高校课程理论框架的构建是高等教育研究中的一个难点,高等教育的自身特点是导致这一结果的重要原因。曾就职于美国"提高中学后教学与学习国家研究中心"的斯塔克(Stark,J.S.)教授在近10年研究的基础上,构建了一个较为全面、系统的高校课程理论分析框架。该框架把课程看作"学术计划",其核心包括八个构成要素,外部社会、高校组织层面及高校内部等三方面的因素则成为型塑高校课程的重要影响因素。The construction of a framework for undergraduate curriculum is a great challenge in higher education research field,the characteristics of higher education being the reason.Professor Joan S.Stark,who has worked in National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning,constructed a theory of undergraduate curriculum that provides a systematic and comprehensive framework for considering curriculum issues based on ten years research.They defined curriculum as an academic plan.The core of the academic plan theory consists of eight elements.External,internal and organizational factors turn out to be the important influences shaping undergraduate curriculum.新世纪教学研究所高等教育本科教学质量立项项目(教研所[2007]02号

    Development of College Curriculum and Teaching in Hong Kong and Its Enlightenments

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    香港高等教育受中西方文化的影响根深蒂固,在“天时”“地利”“人和”的条件下,香港高等教育快速走上国际化道路。大学教育资助委员会(UGC)作为政府、社会和高校的缓冲器,对高校进行监督、拨款和扶持,提升高校课程与教学的质量,如设立质量保证机制,促进高校在教与学质量的提升、定期拨款资助高校在教学方面的创新性、整顿高等教育的学制,推动高校与国际化接轨等。其次,文章试图探讨在高等教育国际化的引领下,香港高校的通识教育、成效为本、网络信息教学方面的发展现状,并分析如何更有效地推动香港高等教育的发展,从而得出一些启示。Deeply impacted by both Chinese and Western cultures, Hong Kong s higher education has benefited from n the good timingn n the geographical conveniencen and n the good human relationsn . All these factors can hopefully drive Hong Kongs higher education to the path of internationalization. The remarka-ble achievements of universities funded by the Hong Kong government in terms of curriculum and teaching are partially attributable to monitoring, funding and supporting the universities by the University Grants Committee (UGC) . As a buffer of the government, society and universities, the UGC plays a role by putting the quality guarantee mechanism in place, promoting improvement of teaching and learning quality in universities, peri-odically funding colleges in terms of their teaching innovation, rectifying the college educational system and gearing colleges to the international standards. Besides, this paper also focuses on discussing how Hong Kong push forward the development of its college curriculum and teaching in terms of liberal education under the guidance of internationalization, the outcome as educational base and network information teaching, and draws a conclusion and some enlightenments


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    Study on the Construction of Curriculum System in the Independent Institutions of Sino-foreign Cooperative Education

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    任何一所高等教育机构的课程体系建设都直接影响着教育对象的知识结构和能力素质,对于中外合作办学机构来说,也不例外。课程体系设置体现了相关专业的知识发展状况和市场需求情况,决定着高校的人才培养目标的实现和人才培养的质量与水平。课程体系的建设优化成为中外合作办学机构进一步提升其核心竞争力,实现可持续发展的着力点。在教育全球化的今天,中外合作办学机构立足国内需求,展望国际发展,承担着培养国际化人才的重任。那么如何设置具有前瞻性、满足学生需求、适应中外合作办学发展的系统性和针对性的课程体系,是中外合作办学机构在办学实践中面临的一个重要研究课题。 在中外合作办学实践中,研究者多强调本着引进优质教育资源的...Any of the institutions of higher education curriculum system construction directly affects the education quality, knowledge structure and ability of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school, is no exception. Course system setting reflects the relevant professional knowledge development status and market demand, and determines the goal of personnel training and talent training quality and leve...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_课程与教学论学号:2572010115175


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