41,837 research outputs found

    近25 a 银川市城市化进程中热力景观格局演变分析

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    Abstract: Based on the Landsat images and statistical data,in this paper the urbanization process and thermal landscape dynamics of Yinchuan City were analyzed. The objectives of this study were as follows: ① To analyze the spatial and dynamic characteristics of urban thermal landscapes based on the landscape pattern index; ② To assess the influence of the urbanization process on the thermal landscapes; ③ To understand the relationship between the land use pattern and the land surface temperature ( LST) based on the distribution index. The results showed that there was a significant heat-island effect in Yinchuan City,and the high temperature area was consistent with the built-up area and the unused land. LST declined from the downtown to the suburbs,and an obvious difference of the dynamic characters of the thermal landscapes could be identified at the different stages of urbanization. LST for various land use had obvious discrepancies,the mean LST for the land use types was in a descending order of unused land,construction land,green land and water body. Different land use types had different thermal distribution at different stages of urbanization. The land use pattern influenced the urban thermal environment,especially the spatial distribution of green land and unused land affected LST more significantly

    Studies of Russell’s Theory of Types

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    类型理论是罗素为了解决悖论进而实现其逻辑主义理想而提出的理论。1903年,罗素在《数学原则》中提出简单类型论,对类、关系、数等进行类型划分,希望解决了罗素悖论。但是,由于存在简单类型论无法解决的命题悖论,罗素放弃了简单类型论。1903年到1908年间,罗素的主导思想是提出一种基于无类理论的悖论解决方案,但由于替代悖论的发现,使他放弃了这种思路。1908年,罗素以其《以类型论为基础的数理逻辑》一文回到了类型论,并在1910年的《数学原理》中进行详细阐述。这一时期的类型论被学者们称为“分支类型论”。分支类型论依据恶性循环原则,对命题函项做了阶的划分。但是,阶的划分导致了一些逻辑主义的困难与哲学困难...Theory of Types is a theory put forward by Russell, for the purpose of solving paradoxes, to achieve his logicism ideal. In 1903, Russell put forward Simple Theory of Types and divided classes, relations, numbers into different types in his The Principles of Mathematics. He hoped to solve Russell Paradox by this means. However, there are a proposition paradox which Simple Theory of Types cannot so...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院_逻辑学学号:1042014115232


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    A Preliminary Study on the Baizhuduan Type

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    白主段类型是分布于福建闽江上游的富屯溪、崇阳溪、建溪、南浦溪、松溪等主要支流及其流域在内的广阔腹地的一支重要青铜时代早期考古学文化类型。白主段类型以甗形器、盆形鼎、罐类器、尊、瓮、豆、盂、钵、盆、杯等为基本陶器组合。其年代大致相当于中原地区的商代,下限或至西周初。本文在全面收集各类材料的基础上,界定了白主段类型的文化内涵,并通过对典型陶器形制的演变序列进行分析,将该文化类型划分为三段两期。第1段为白主段类型早期,年代大致相当于商代早期偏晚;第2段和第3段为其晚期前段与后段,年代大致相当于商代晚期,下限或至西周初。在分期的基础上,本文还探讨了白主段类型陶器群的文化因素构成,初步将之划分为8组因素...The Baizhuduan Type is one of the important archaeological culture types in the early period of Bronze Age,and its remains are distributed on the vast lands of the main tributaries(including Futun Stream,Chongyang Stream,Jianxi Stream,Nanpu Stream,Songxi Stream) and drainage basins in the upstream of Minjiang River,Fujian Province.Characterised by a pottery combination of Yan-shaped steamer, Ding,...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_文物与博物馆硕士学号:1032013115234