644 research outputs found

    The Principle of Dong Zhongshu\u27s Omen Discourse and Wang Chong\u27s Criticism of Heaven\u27s Reprimand in the Chapter “Qian Gao”

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    Omen discourse, the investigation of aberrant natural disasters and miraculous celestial phenomena, provided a sophisticated ideological model that could be exploited to expostulate with the sovereign for his transgressions, and to denounce the misgovernment of the imperial bureaucracy. The first of this political model is the personification of the supreme Heaven and the elevation of Heaven’s status. From the perspective of ru 儒 (Confucians) scholars, the establishment of Heaven’s supreme authority upon the human realm and the restriction of the sovereign in power guarantee the rectification of political mistakes as well as an applicable way for ru scholars to actively participate in real politics at court. The rise of omen discourse in the Western Han dynasty 西漢 (202 BCE - 8 AD) unveils the development of a significant political theory that aimed at checking the absolute power of the sovereign through Heaven’s reprimand. However, its theoretical efficacy is questioned by Wang Chong 王充 (27 - 97 AD) in the chapter “Qian Gao” 譴告 in his monograph Balanced Argument (Lun Heng 論衡). The focal point of this paper is the intrinsic logic of Wang Chong’s arguments in his radical rejection of the philosophical ideas of the Han omen discourse. By indicating the false methodology of the principle of Heaven’s reprimand, not only had Wang Chong thoroughly repudiated the Confucian model for punishing, as well as admonishing, the sovereign’s misconduct in politics, but also he undermined the active nature of Heaven as an anthropomorphic deity, eventually reverting to the initiatives of the sages and worthies in the mundane world


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    “三七之厄”與兩漢之際經學思想之關係 : 以路温舒、谷永、王莽爲中心

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    トウ チュウジョ ノ テンジン ソウカン ロン ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ テン ト クンシュ ノ ソウゴ カンケイ ノ トクセイ ニツイテ

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    ショクニホンギ ジンキ 2ネン ウルウ ショウガツ ツチノエネジョウ ノ テンモン フシン キジ ニツイテ

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    キーワード:続日本紀, 天文記

    Recognition of Plague in the Great Plan-Based Theories : Focusing on "六沴" and Calamity

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    The rituals that worshiped those who have unnatural deaths were held in national rituals of East Asian countries. Among them, the note of "六厲之礼" was annotated to the oldest record. It has not been considered yet what kind of ritual it was. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the relationship between "五事", "五気" and "五行の沴", and reveals the origin of "六沴" and "六厲之礼" that it points to "六沴之礼". Also, after an examination of the disaster records and Wu-hsing Chih, the recognition of plague in the Great Planbased calamity can be seen that because of its indirectness and multiple occurrence, plague has not been regarded as much as other calamity. And its position was ambiguous. In conclusion, in the Great Plan-based theories, the possibility of using six kinds of illness as one idea, the "六厲", was low.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの歴史と動態

    Reconsidering Social Phenomena Based on Natural Disasters

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    In recent years, extreme weather has been affecting every corner of the world. The frequency of natural disasters is unbelievably high. Such disasters cause great damage to homes and property, with many people dying as well. Modern science has tried to explain the increasing frequency of extreme weather events with the theory of global warming. However, human activities impose the majority of threats to nature. Most environmental degradation results from modern political maneuverings, which ignore the necessary harmony between nature and human societies. This connection has been continuously proven. Nonetheless, world leaders still do not seem to understand the causes of nature's destructive forces. The history of natural calamities is as long as the history of human beings. In ancient China, when science was still being developed, natural disasters were called "calamities from Heaven" (天禍). People then believed that tian (天) has a will of its own and that it can send messages to the human world. If the state's politics are functioning properly, society is stable and people live comfortably, and tian sends auspicious things down to earth. On the other hand, if a state practices bad politics and causes its people to suffer, tian will reproach the leader by creating disasters and irregular natural phenomena. Ancient China believed that in addition to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and drought, other phenomena such as eclipses of the sun and moon, irregular movement of the planets, and the appearance of comets and meteors are also tian's reactions to tyrannical rulers in human society. Ancient Chinese views on nature that emphasize the interactions between nature and humans are often considered irrational and unscientific. People laugh at such views and cast them aside. However, it is also true that if human beings look at natural calamities as warnings from tian, then any changes in nature would lead us to reflect on our society and scrutinize our politics. The Zaiyi theory (災異説), based on such a view of nature, could be used to check the abuse of power and watch the leader's behavior. This theory demands serious scrutiny of the leader's political responsibilities and forces him or her to be self-critical about employing corrupt politics. The 9.0-magnitude earthquake that struck on March 11, 2011 off the Pacific coast of northern Japan, or Tohoku (東北地方太平洋沖地震 Tohoku chiho Taiheiyo oki jishin), caused not only the great tsunami but also the ongoing crisis at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Japanese people have suffered tremendously in this disaster, beyond anyone's imagination, but patience is a virtue among most people in Japan. Japanese people have learned to accept natural disasters as their fate, and feel that politicians cannot take responsibility for natural disasters. At the same time, however, we should realize that poor politics is also a fundamental cause. Instead of easily rejecting the Zaiyi theory as simply mythical ideas of two thousand years ago, Japanese people probably should take a more serious look at their situation and reconsider politics in Japan as well as elsewhere in the world.departmental bulletin pape